Bad Boy’s Secret Baby

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Bad Boy’s Secret Baby Page 17

by Black, Natasha L.

  “I felt the same way.”

  “I want it to be clear I never, ever had any creepy sexual thoughts about you when you were fifteen, sixteen, and whatever. I know your brother thinks that is what it was, but I swear, it wasn’t a sexual attraction. It was just… I don’t know. It was like I loved you with my heart and nothing more,” I explained, feeling like I was completely making a mess of things.

  She giggled softly, turning her face up to look at me. “You loved me. You loved me like a friend. You cared about me. I think that’s why what we have is special. We knew each other before there was any of the feelings. It was a love fueled by our friendly feelings. I do get it. I don’t care if Philip gets it. It was like my heart recognized you as my other half before I even knew your name. I was drawn to you as well.”

  I laughed, rubbing my hand over her arm. “You know, I would have been okay being friends with you for a lot longer. I just loved hanging out with you, but damn if you didn’t start putting thoughts in my head with all the flirting and those stolen kisses. A man only has so much self-control.”

  Her laughter filled the room. “You were a much bigger person than I was, literally and figuratively. I developed a crush on you almost instantly. You were the bad boy, the brother’s best friend, and the boy I was not supposed to like. I was not as strong as you were and was not inclined to fight my feelings for you. I wanted you and I was determined to have you.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You were a feisty thing. No matter how many times I told you no, you kept coming back. I remember that time you told me you needed help taking out the trash. It was a setup! You pushed me up against the fence and kissed me.”

  “You kissed me back,” she pointed out.

  “Yes, only because I had no choice. I was afraid you would maul me!”

  She slapped at my chest. “Liar. You wanted me.”

  “I wanted you, but you were the forbidden fruit. I wasn’t supposed to want you. I cannot tell you how many nights I would leave your house after some of those sneaked kisses and have such a hard-on it would hurt,” I complained.

  She burst into a fit of giggles. “Honestly, back then, I never really understood any of that. It wasn’t like my dad and brother had the birds and the bees talk with me. I just knew I liked the way you made me feel, and I really loved kissing you and touching your body.”

  “You nearly killed me,” I complained. “There was no way I could resist you forever. Part of me knew I either had to give in to it or leave town. I didn’t want to leave. Ironic that giving in to what I felt for you was exactly the thing that had me leaving town.”

  “I’m sorry for the way all that happened. Again, I was so naïve. I think I had this idea in my head that nothing could possibly go wrong if we were together. That first time, I went home and felt like I was the luckiest woman on the planet. It was always supposed to be you,” she said, her voice soft.

  “I did feel very lucky to be with you. I had thought about how I was going to tell Philip I wanted to be with you. The night they came to me, I had finally worked up the courage to tell him I was in love with you. He didn’t give me a chance. They came at me with guns blazing, so to speak. They didn’t care what I had to say. They treated me like I had snatched a little girl from their house. It was one of the worst days of my life,” I told her, closing my eyes and thinking back to the moment I knew I wouldn’t see her again. It had damn near killed me.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I should have been more careful. They heard me talking on the phone to Marianne. It was not a good scene at my house either.”

  “You know I would have fought to my death if I had known about the baby, right?”

  She nodded, her cheek sliding up and down my chest. “I do know that.”


  “You were always the man I saw in my future. You know when you close your eyes and you think about where you’ll be in ten years or whatever? You. You were always there. I would dream about meeting, falling in love, getting married, and raising a family. It was always you, me, and our family living happily and peacefully,” she said on a sigh. “Never once was I able to think of myself with anyone else. I did try, don’t get me wrong. I never thought I would see you again, but no matter how hard I tried, it was always your face I saw.”

  “I’m here. You will see my face every damn day whether you like it or not. Our little fantasy might be done a bit out of order, but I’m determined to start fresh, from square one. We already have the kid, and now we need to make us a family with the big house and the white picket fence,” I promised her.

  She groaned. “You’re a fool. A white picket fence?”

  “I’m a fool in love with you, baby, and I will paint the damn fence blue if it suits you. I want the total package. I want the dream. You know what I’m talking about. We spent hours planning our future. That’s the future I want. Those weren’t just fantasies. We can make them realities,” I vowed.

  “Jacob Miner, you are such a romantic!”

  “Damn straight, and it’s all because of you. You make me feel cheesy and like I can have all those things. I wouldn’t even dare to dream about any of it if you weren’t the one by my side. I wouldn’t want any of it. You’re all that I want. You and Ellie are all I need in this life. If Western Energies falls apart, I’ll get a job bucking hay. I don’t care what I have to do, but I will do it to keep you happy. I will do anything for you and our daughter,” I told her vehemently.

  She was quiet—too quiet. I looked down at her and saw a tear slide down her face. I wiped it away again and held her close. I knew exactly how she felt. I wasn’t one for tears, but I knew the overwhelming emotions she was feeling. I had felt them too when I realized I had always known what I wanted. I’d been a little waylaid by the blow I had a child, but as soon as the shock wore off, I knew.

  I held her close, both of us quiet for several minutes. I heard her let out a long sigh. “Thank you.”


  “For accepting me and my many flaws. I’d like to promise I’ll never screw up, but I have a feeling I will. I just need you to know I will always love you and you are my north star. I will always follow you and know I’m going the right way. You’re all I will ever need.”

  I continued stroking her arm. “When do you have to pick up the kids?” I asked.

  “Two hours.”

  I pulled away from her, leaning my head on my elbow as I looked down at her. “Good. Because what I’m going to do to you over the next ninety minutes or so requires complete privacy,” I said, gazing into her eyes.

  I saw her shudder. “What you’re going to do to me?” she whispered.

  I slowly nodded. “I’m going to make you scream my name. You’re going to be a limp noodle by the time I finished with you. I have eight years to make up for. Eight fucking years of cold, lonely nights with nothing but my hand for company. I want to bury myself so deep inside your body you can’t think straight. I want you writhing and whimpering as I fuck you into complete oblivion.”

  She moaned, licking her lips. “You’re going to make me come with your words alone.”

  “Good. I’m going to give you so many orgasms you lose count.”


  Erin - One Month Later

  I slid the lightweight dress over my head, letting the fabric fall over my body. My skin felt electric, a side effect I had been dealing with quite a bit over the last few weeks. Jacob had been very serious when he said he wanted to make up for lost time. I wasn’t sure if it was possible to have too much pleasure, but I was beginning to feel like I was always aroused. He was always pulling me away for quickies during the middle of the day. I would stop by his office after dropping the kids off at school, and it always ended up with us in his private bathroom or on his desk. We were planning on moving in together next week, but in the meantime, we had stealthy sleepovers. I suspected Larry and Ivy knew, but I wasn’t quite ready to explain any of that to Ellie and the Welsh kids.

bsp; “Want any help?” Jacob asked, letting himself into my room.

  I turned and looked at him, shaking my head. “No. Don’t you dare. I just got dressed.”

  He grinned, walking to me and putting his hands on my hips, rubbing his pelvis against me. “Ellie is downstairs with the Welsh’s. We don’t have to be there for another hour. We’ve got time.”

  “Jacob!” I gasped when he lifted the fabric of my sundress and rubbed between my legs.

  “Look at that, you’re already wet,” he said with that sexy grin of his that always made me want him.

  I groaned. “I’m always like that. I feel like a nymphomaniac.”

  “I don’t mind it one bit. One quickie. All it will take is a quick in and out.” His voice was husky as he kissed along my neck, his fingers working magic between my legs.

  We both knew I wasn’t going to deny him. He was right: it had taken less than five minutes for us to reach fulfillment. I quickly dressed and fixed my makeup, and together we headed into the mansion, finding the family in the living room. I blushed when Ivy looked my way, grinning from ear to ear with that knowing look on her face.

  “Are we ready to go?” Larry asked, getting to his feet.

  “Let’s do this,” Jacob agreed.

  Ellie and I rode with Jacob, following behind the Welsh family as we headed out to one of the community churches that had let us use their facility for the ice cream social.

  “Look!” Ellie exclaimed, pointing out the window at the assortment of bounce houses set up in the lawn.

  I winked at him. “I guess you were right,” he said.

  “You know it. This will keep the kids occupied while the adults talk. Plus, with all the ice cream those kids are going to be consuming, they’re going to need to bounce off some of that energy,” I told him.

  He parked the truck in the gravel parking lot alongside the church, leaving the paved parking lot for the townspeople we were hoping would show up to the ice cream social. There was so much riding on this one event. It was a lot of pressure, and I knew I could be out of a job if it wasn’t a success. Not just me, but Jacob. We’d already agreed we would consider moving away from Burning Butte in order for him to get a good job. I wouldn’t mind a change in scenery. I wasn’t leaving him, and he wasn’t leaving me; that one simple fact made it a little easier to think about our future.

  We went inside, leaving Ellie with Ivy at the bounce houses while I checked on the ice cream situation. Larry and Jacob were huddled together, I assumed talking about their plan of attack. I was confident Jacob would be accepted back in the fold. My dad had made it clear he was a part of the family, and Philip was slowly coming around. Jacob was a likeable guy, and if people gave him a chance, they would love him.

  “It looks amazing. Thank you for all your hard work on this,” Larry said, coming to stand in front of the table that had every kind of ice cream topper imaginable set out in pretty crystal bowls.

  “You’re welcome. I have a vested interest in you guys sticking around,” I said with a laugh.

  He smiled, nodding his head. “I appreciate all you’ve done for me and my family. You know our door is always open if you need anything.”

  I smiled at him. “You’ve done a lot for me as well. Ellie and I are going to miss living upstairs, but I’m so happy you and Ivy are starting a new chapter in your life together.”

  “This will be good for her. She is ready to take a step back and focus on being a mom. She’ll still be plenty busy with her other charities, and I thank you for agreeing to stay on part-time. If you need more work, you just holler and I’ll make sure to get you something,” he assured me.

  I smiled, my eyes drifting to where Jacob was talking to a group of people that had come in. “I think I’m going to be okay. Jacob and I are going to start house shopping. Lord knows you pay him enough money to keep us comfortable,” I said with a wink.

  “Good. He’s a good man, and I know he’ll do right by you. You two are one of those couples that’s going to last.”

  “You and Ivy are too,” I assured him.

  “We are now, thanks to your help. We found our way back together. I’m taking a step back at the company and letting Jacob put that fancy degree to work. I’ve missed too much time with my family. It’s time to make them the center of my world instead of trying to make more money.”

  “That’s good to hear. Now, don’t look now, but you have some people approaching. I’ll make the introductions, and then you’re on your own. Ready?” I asked him.

  He put on his most charming smile and gave me a wink. “Ready.”

  I quickly introduced him to some of the oldest citizens in Burning Butte and then left him to work his magic. I drifted outside to check on the kids, happy to see them playing and having fun. Ivy was surrounded by several women, all of whom seemed very happy to be talking to her. She looked like a queen, the attention all on her as she gushed on about her most recent charity event.

  I made my way around the social, talking to people and doing my best to answer questions they had about Larry Welsh and the company, referring most of the questions about the company’s plans to Jacob. I didn’t want to screw up and say the wrong thing.

  “Can I have everyone’s attention please?” I heard Larry’s voice come over the PA system. “Can everyone find a seat? I’d like to say a few words,” Larry announced.

  It took a few minutes, but the crowd found seats or huddled together along the outskirts of the community room of the church, their attention on Larry. I had butterflies in my stomach, knowing our futures in Burning Butte all depended on what he said next and how well it was received.

  A warm arm wrapped around my shoulders. I looked up to see Jacob staring straight ahead, watching Larry with rapt interest. “It’s going to be okay,” I assured him.

  “I hope so.”

  Larry held up his hand. “I’m Larry Welsh. If I haven’t personally met you yet, please find me and let’s shake hands. I want to thank all of you here in Burning Butte for showing up today. I know you all have a lot of questions and concerns, and I tell you what, that tickles my heart,” he said, earning a chuckle from the crowd. “I don’t know if you’ve all had a chance to meet my wife and kids, but if you haven’t, I hope you’ll find them as well. I’m a family man, and when I first visited Burning Butte, I knew it was the kind of place I wanted to raise my kids. I like the small-town feel and the laid-back, easy way the folks around here have. I went home and I told Ivy, we’re moving. Now, it wasn’t an easy move, and I will admit we are city slickers, but we fell in love with this place. We want to stay, and we join you in your concerns for the health and future of not only the town, but our families. Get with me or Jacob and we’d love to talk to you about our plans. You all have my word: I have only good intentions for Burning Butte.”

  I scanned the crowd, gauging their reactions to Larry’s speech, and could see people liked him. They were receptive to what he was saying, which was a huge relief. I leaned up, putting my mouth close to Jacob’s ear. “I think we better start looking for that house real soon, because your boss just secured your job.”

  He turned and grinned at me. “I think you’re right. Why don’t we celebrate with some ice cream? I’ve seen you eyeing those sundaes.”

  I giggled. “I think I would very much like some ice cream. I’m not nearly as nervous as I was.”

  “Good. Find a seat and I’ll be right back. I’ll grab Ellie too,” he said, walking away from me.

  I couldn’t stop smiling as I watched him take Ellie’s hand and head up to the tables where the ice cream was spread out. I found a seat at the end of one of the long tables and sighed with relief. Everything was going to be okay.

  It wasn’t long before Jacob and Ellie returned, carrying three ice cream sundaes complete with cherries on top. Ellie had a look on her face that told me she was up to something. I looked from Ellie to Jacob, who had a very similar expression, and knew for sure they were up to something.
br />   “What’d you do?” I asked.

  “Nothing!” Ellie squealed. “We brought you ice cream!”

  I reached out to take one when Jacob pulled it away and gave me a different one. “This one is for you.”

  “Thank you,” I said, putting it on the table and still watching them. “Are you going to sit down? You guys are making me nervous.”

  Ellie was still grinning like a fool. I looked down at the ice cream, wondering if it was covered with salt or something, and gasped. My mouth fell open, and tears filled my eyes as I looked up at Jacob. Ellie started giddily clapping her hands, attracting the attention of the others in the area.

  Jacob, seeing me unable to move or speak, reached down and grabbed the diamond ring from its bed on of whip cream with a cherry in the center of it. He popped it in his mouth, sucked off the whip cream, and held it out to me. “I was hoping we could make this official. Will you marry me?” he asked, dropping to his knees in front of me.

  “Oh yes! You know I will!” I exclaimed.

  Ellie was bouncing and clapping. “I have a mommy and a daddy!” she squealed.

  “You’ve always had a mommy and a daddy,” I told her, tears streaming down my face.

  “But now I have you both, together,” she said, throwing her arms around me and hugging me before moving to hug Jacob.

  “This is amazing. It’s everything I always wanted. You did it. You made our dreams come true,” I told him.

  “You did it. You and I are partners for life. You dream it, I’ll make it happen. I will give you the moon if you want it,” he said, leaning in to give me a kiss.

  An eruption of applause, cheers, and wolf whistles exploded around us. I felt my cheeks turn red. Jacob pulled me to a standing position and wrapped one arm around me and his other around Ellie as we all smiled at the crowd. We were a family—one very happy, whole family—and nothing would tear us apart.

  My Ex’s Secret Baby (Sample)


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