Raven's Diary: Book Two

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Raven's Diary: Book Two Page 8

by Anastasia Vitsky

  How does this paradox play out in a relationship specifically designed to emphasize obedience? After all, Alena’s relationship with Raven is built on an equal inequality. Both profit, but Raven is in charge.

  Would a series of spankings, no matter how painful, truly overcome someone’s inherent need to resolve the cognitive dissonance inherent in submission?

  We may shake our head at Alena’s stubbornness, but how many of us refuse to do what is best for us? Whether it’s eating healthy food, exercising, not procrastinating, we struggle with our better and worse natures.

  In Alena’s case, she is lucky enough to have Raven help her sort these issues out. For those of you who asked for a sequel to Raven’s Girl, I hope you have enjoyed getting to know this couple a bit more. You’ll learn more about Raven herself in the third book, tentatively titled Raven’s Love.

  If you enjoyed this book, would you please consider leaving a review and/or telling a friend? You can also check out my Patreon site for early news and exclusive bonus stories. Patrons can vote each month to get new mini-story about your favorite couple.

  Thank you, as always, for your love and support. It takes a village to raise an author, and you have been the most wonderful village I could have asked for.

  Anastasia Vitsky

  September 20, 2016

  About the Author

  Cookie queen, wooden spoon lady, and champion of carbs, Anastasia Vitsky specializes in F/F erotic fiction. She hates shoes and is allergic to leather. When not writing about women who live spankily ever after, she coordinates reader and author events such as Spank or Treat, Love Spanks, and Sci Spanks. Her favorite event is Ana’s Advent Calendar, a month-long celebration of books, community, and making a difference.

  She is too afraid to watch Doctor Who , but she adores The Good Wife, Madam Secretary, and anything with Audrey Hepburn. In her next life, she will learn how to make the perfect pie crust.

  Join the Kinky Cookies!

  Exclusive Anastasia Vitsky Content Available on Patreon!

  Did you enjoy this book? There are more stories where this came from! If you’ve waited impatiently to hear the latest news about Kat and Natalie, the couple who started it all, wait no more! “Wooden Spoon Chronicles” will have new episodes from your favorite, original Anastasia Vitsky pair.

  If you would like early access plus exclusive chats with Ana Vitsky, find her on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/anastasiavitsky . Look for behind-the-scenes interviews, bonus scenes from favorite books, and members-only voting for cover art, character arcs, and more!

  Plus, Ana’s Patreon page will feature the exclusive debut of “Little Pests,” a delightful comic about the joys and trials of sibling rivalry. Animal and vegetable sibling rivalry, if you can picture that. Can’t? Come and visit Patreon for a sneak peek!

  Why is Anastasia Vitsky on Patreon?

  No one will read stories about people like you.

  That’s what I was told, back when I first wrote stories about sweet, kinky love between women.

  I could write graphic, sex-filled erotica that would sell to a voyeuristic, predominantly heterosexual audience. Or I could write vanilla lesfic, lesbian fiction catering strictly to a lesbian audience.

  But what about real, live women who existed in their own right? What about later-in-life women who discovered their sexuality after society told them they should be married (to men, of course!) with children? What about young women, finding their place in a society dominated by men?

  What about a young woman who thrives in her first year at college, only to lose her identity for the next ten years after being raped?

  What about a young woman, just out of college, who struggles to choose between protecting her homophobic family and yielding to her live-in girlfriend’s demand to come out?

  Most of all, what about the women and girls who contemplate suicide rather than face a world in which they are condemned as sinful?

  Is this the world we want to live in?

  I say no.

  Some people fight with legal action. The Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage was a huge step toward equality. So is the fight for trans women and men to use the bathrooms matching their identities.

  Others fight with scholarly articles, fundraising, shelters for LGBT teens, and public speaking.

  Me, I’m an author.

  So I write.

  I write of a world where a girl may love a girl, and the world stays intact.

  Where a girl may love a girl and perhaps play with some kinky toys, and still their world remains standing.

  Where a girl may love a girl, use kinky toys, and be welcomed by their chosen faith community.

  Where LGBT, kinky, and faith can stand united.

  Do you believe in this world of love? Join my Patreon, and help me create it.

  To create a world of justice, we must first believe it can exist.

  Anastasia Vitsky, 2016


  Wooden Spoon Chronicles

  Many years ago, I wrote about a beautiful, broken woman named Kat. She’d made the ultimate in self-negating decisions—to swallow pills that would take her away from a world she’d grown to hate.

  But another woman named Natalie, someone strong and confident and who brought Kat out from the worst times of her life…she wouldn’t give up. She broke down the door, literally, and brought Kat back to life.

  I wrote the Kat and Natalie stories many years ago, back when publishers told me kindly but firmly, “our readers won’t read F/F.” I put away the stories, dreams of authorship, and hope for these two women who skirted the line between friends and lovers. As long as there was no romance, I reasoned, I could find a few heterosexual readers who wouldn’t mind the “girl-on-girl stuff” that they found “squicky” and “makes my stomach squirmy.”

  I was grateful for the “compliments,” and I reciprocated by taking the romance out of Kat and Natalie’s lives. They were soul sisters, friends, and family. They were Bette Midler and Barbara Hershey, listening to “Wind Beneath My Wings.” They were Anne of Green Gables and Diana Barry, kissing while pledging friendship forever—and marrying men.

  Then I discovered the world of lesbian fiction, and my life changed forever.

  For the first time, I proudly present to you the stories of Kat and Natalie as they truly are. As they should have been. As they were, from the beginning of time.

  Kat and Natalie, forever. Women unconquered by homophobia, unafraid to love.

  As part of the Patreon special opening, I offer to you part of Natalie’s origin story. I’ve always wanted to write Kat and Natalie as young girls, but the kink content of their books precluded that. Here, I have no such restrictions. Have you wondered what Natalie was like before she had Kat to spank? Me, too. Let’s take a peek.

  If you are new to the Kat and Natalie storyverse, you can find their life chronicles at The Way Home and Lighting the Way in published book version. Additional free stories are available at Kat-Sitting, the free blog.

  Wooden Spoon Chronicles

  (Patreon exclusive series available at https://www.patreon.com/anastasiavitsky )

  “Lee, honey, you promised you’d attend church camp. What’s this about summer school?”

  Mom’s elbow-deep in cornbread dough, mixing in the strong rhythm that somehow never leaves messes on her clothes. I’d snitch a taste, but she’s got gravy simmering on the stove. Sniffing, I pick up a clean spoon and dip it into the rich brown liquid.

  “Needs a bit more salt,” I pronounce.

  Mom gives me the sort of look she usually reserves for Jason when he’s spilled grape juice on her favorite white tablecloth or left toy tractors in the stairs. “I’ll salt you, bratty child of mine. Answer my question.”

  Other high school students have parents who buy them pretty dresses, congratulate them for passing classes, and count their blessings. My parents are never satisfied.

I take junior English in the summer,” I explain while licking the rest of the spoon, “I can take senior English in the fall. That means next year, when I am a senior, I’ll have room to take a correspondence English class. I can get college credit.”

  “And how much does this fancy class cost?” Mom’s no fool.

  I run the spoon under the sink faucet and remember my plan. “I’ve got birthday and Christmas money saved, and you said you’d help me if I baby-sat for Jason while you did church work during the week. Summer school doesn’t cost anything, and the class next year is a lot cheaper than actual college tuition.”

  Mom narrows her eyes. “Not cheaper than Hensley.”

  I understand Mom doesn’t work outside the home, but Dad owns his own bank. Mom’s got family money invested, and they’ve saved for Jason’s and my college from the moment we were conceived. I shouldn’t pick the fight Mom hates, but I can’t let her kill my dream.

  “Cheaper than Harvard.”

  I say the words under my breath, but Mom must have known what was coming.

  “Natalie Mestecom, your father was educated at Hensley College.”

  “I know.”

  “I was educated at Hensley.”

  “I know , Mom!”

  “So, what? You’re too good for the state school?” It’s Mom’s pet peeve, school snobbery. I can say the entire lecture before it comes out of her mouth. “You think the fancy, expensive schools will give you a better education? You’re paying for the name. The prestige. The honor of attending, not the quality of the professors there. Will they care who your dad is, or who taught your second grade Sunday School class?”

  Without your dad and me around, will you lose your way? We’ve taught you right and wrong all these years. We’ll pay for four years at Hensley and Dad’ll even consider some professional training after that, but we won’t pay for snobbery.

  We’ve had this fight at least once a month for the past year, but they won’t listen. Or, rather, Mom won’t listen. “You could let me get a part-time job,” I point out.

  “And we said no. You’ll work the rest of your life. For now, your job is to be a child.”

  “I’m fifteen!” Not five.

  Mom works the cornbread batter into the pan. “That’s a child.” When I protest, she holds up her hand. “A child who’s going to church camp.”

  “Mom!” I could kick the cupboard, except then I would look five. “Roasting marshmallows and hiking? How will that look on my college applications? I want to take physics next year. AP bio and chem. AP government too, maybe. Think of all the money you and Dad’ll save if I pass the tests.”

  “The very expensive tests that aren’t guaranteed, and that will cause you untold stress. Life’s about more than school, Lee-lee. It’s about learning to be a good person.” Mom sets the cornbread in the oven and closes the door, dusting her hands into the sink.

  “I won’t go,” I mutter. They can make me, but I will hate them for it. Dad will relent if I push him hard enough. At least I think he will, but not if Mom gets stubborn.

  Mom reaches over and touches my cheek. It’s a gesture both startling and ordinary, and I pause. She used to touch me like that all the time. Before…before she got sad. Since Jason was born she’s learned to laugh again, but she’s never let down her guard the way she used to. She used to dream up crazy tea parties and treasure hunts, clapping whenever I shouted with glee.

  After Dad buried my baby sister Rachel, not even healthy baby Jason could bring back the Mama who filled our house with laughter. She became Mom, responsible and stern.

  I miss having a mama who made everyone laugh.

  “Why does this summer class mean so much to you?” she asks, and I turn away.

  She doesn’t want to know. Not really.


  “I’ll go.” My voice comes out too loud, and my heart thumps. Maybe the mama of my carefree childhood could have understood, but not Mom who calculates the economic returns of a college’s prestige and dictates my daily schedule.

  “Not unless we discuss it.” She misunderstands.

  “I’ll go to the church camp,” I say, and my eyes fill with tears.

  Surprised, she brings me close for a hug. It’s another unexpected gesture of normalcy. Treasure-hunt Mama hugged as easily as breathing. “What’s wrong?” she asks, only this time she means it.

  “Sally’s going to summer school,” I explain, but Mom doesn’t understand. How can she, when I don’t understand, either?

  “You’re afraid she’ll get ahead of you? Dad and I don’t need you to win valedictorian. We just want—”

  “I like her.” But do I say the words out loud? I’m not sure. I like her. The way she swings her hair out of the way when she sits down, the brilliant coral nail polish she applies during homeroom, her loud trumpet solos in marching band…everything.

  Years later, I’ll meet a girl who makes me understand these responses. I’ll be brave and assertive, and I’ll be the confidence to her shyness. But today, I stand in my mother’s kitchen swimming in unspent tears. Aching to explain what can’t be true. Wishing, despite the odds, that Mom could understand feelings for Sally Meredith that have nothing to do with academic rivalry.

  For now, Mom holds me the way she hasn’t done in years. Not since before the born-dead baby sister and noisy Jason who turned our lives upside down. As if it’s just Mom and I, and she holds the secrets of my heart safe from the world.

  I like her , I say, but this time I keep the words in my heart.

  Coming Soon!

  Bastia: The Early Years

  What if heterosexuality were a crime?

  In the world of Bastia, like must marry like. Basti, the supreme deity, has decreed so. Any deviation results in sanctions, imprisonment, torture, or even death. But how did this society come to be? How can a religion be based on hatred?

  In these early chronicles of Bastia, we discover good intentions behind the benevolent theocracy gone wrong. Meet the founder of modern day Bastia, Altrea. Placed in a polygamous marriage to enrich her father, she finds love with one of her sister wives. Their husband's reaction is swift and brutal. As Altrea struggles to make sense of the violence, she dreams of a world in which one woman can love another.

  In this new perfect society called Bastia, justice reigns supreme. No one is above the law. The state will provide for all equally. But as Altrea quickly finds out, nothing is simple. Basti is love. Bastia is founded on love. So what went wrong? How did a land of idyllic happiness turn into the dystopian regime that persecutes a young woman for loving a boy?

  Come and meet Karielle and Soris before they reeducate the criminal who dared to love the wrong gender, and ask yourself one question.

  Why is love a crime?

  Other Anastasia Vitsky books available

  Raven’s Girl: Promise

  A sugar mama can buy anything, even love. Right?

  When stay-at-home author Alena struggles to make ends meet, she receives an odd but intriguing proposition.

  Raven lost her entire family in a car accident years ago, and her inherited wealth can’t assuage her loneliness. She wants a girl to discipline, and she will pay a generous stipend to do so.

  The catch?

  Alena must spend 24 hours each week at Raven’s house and do whatever she says.

  No safeword.

  No negotiations.

  Can Alena give up her freedom in exchange for financial security and the possibility of more?

  Or will her stubbornness drive Raven away?

  Buy Link : http://amzn.to/2aqigN0


  Can lies build a foundation for love?

  Gemma Parquin has a secret. By day, she’s the center of her church’s social life. By night, she’s Mistress Lorelei on Kinklife, online disciplinarian of babygirls and all who need spanking, whipping, and her personal favorite—figging. Nothing satisfies her more than bringing a girl to her knees.

  No one su
spects, until neighbor Celine Daniels comes across Gemma’s computer with the Kinklife profile still up. Stunned and nursing a secret crush, Celine creates an account under the name of starrygirl793. She befriends the Mistress…and gets more than she bargained for. Celine has never admitted to anyone her feelings for women, but Mistress Lorelei coaxes her to accept herself, her sexuality, and her desire for kink. Before she knows it, Celine is leading a double life of fellow church member to Gemma offline and potential submissive to Mistress Lorelei online.

  At the same time, Gemma’s best friend decides she needs some love in her life. She sets Gemma up with an online dating service that produces Stella, a non-profit executive from Seattle. Stella is everything Celine is not—sophisticated, successful, and straightforward. She does not, however, understand the kink Gemma holds dear.

  How can Gemma trust Celine, who has lied to her? But how can she give up Mistress Lorelei in order to be with Stella? Should Gemma give up on love altogether, or can she still find happiness?

  Buy Link http://amzn.to/2bct8QJ

  Freiya’s Stand

  When should love take a stand?

  Freiya’s life is perfect. She’s got doting parents, a classroom of adorable kindergarteners, and the love of her life. Even if Sabrina insists on discretion in their private Catholic school, they share happiness in private.

  That is, until the bombshell hits. Their principal demands a “Fight for Families” covenant to refrain from “sexual perversion.” All teachers must sign. No exceptions.

  Sign, Sabrina says. Otherwise, they’ll lose their job, privacy, and home.

  Freiya doesn’t want to betray the woman she loves, but how can she sign a document that denounces their love? Is standing up for love worth losing her livelihood?

  If she speaks the truth, she’ll lose everything.


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