by Lee Smolin
hidden variables and, 184
restriction theorem, 184, 215, 235, 298
Bernstein, Herbert, xxviii, 25, 27
big bang, 221
biochemistry, 177
biology, quantum mechanics and, 3
black-body radiation, 79
black holes, 75, 134
Bohm, David, xxix, 105, 107–8
Bohr and, 113
communism and, 114–15
Einstein and, 108–11
guidance equation and, 109
measurement process, 117
Oppenheimer and, 112
pilot wave theory and, 109, 110, 116, 118
Princeton and, 113
theory of, 109–12
von Neumann and, 110
Bohmian mechanics. See pilot wave theory
Bohr, Niels, xxi–xxii, xxvii, xxix, 75
anti-realism of, 106
on atoms, 93
Bohm and, 113
complementarity and, 85–86, 90
education of, 77
Einstein and, 8, 78, 102
electrons and, 84
EPR and, 47–48
family and background of, 76
Heisenberg and, 90–91
leadership and inspiration of, 117–18
pilot wave theory and, 102–3
quantum theories and, xxii, 7–8, 9
splitting and, 193–94
Boltzmann, Ludwig, 71, 71n, 72n
Born, Max, 8, 34, 81–83, 86, 88–91, 100
Born’s rule, 34, 61, 83, 99–100, 109, 150, 151n, 177
decision theory and, 167–69
definition, 206
probabilities and, 164, 200, 218
Rule 1 and, 171
boundary splits, 197
Brownian motion of molecules, 73
Bub, Jeffrey, 130
buckyballs, 24
causal completeness principle, 232, 247
causal future, 254–55, 266–67
causality, 134, 204, 216–17, 217, 236, 298
causal links, 255
causal loops, 255, 255n
causal past, 254, 261, 266–67, 301
causal relations, 254–57, 260–61, 270
causal sets, 260–61, 264–69
causal set theory, 257–58, 298
causal structure, 256, 260, 298
causal theory of views, 269–71
circular motion, 77
classical mechanics, 111, 193–95, 196
classical physics, xx, 30, 298
classical state, 30
classical worlds, 219–20
climate change, xxiv, 178
codes, 48, 185, 186
collapses. See also wave-function collapse
gravity and, 139–40
models, beyond, 222–24
special relativity and, 141
spontaneous, 131
of wave function, 139, 186
collapse theory
dynamical, 299
measurement problem and, 131–32, 133, 142, 144–45
noise and, 133
pilot wave theory and, 131
theory of relativity and, 133
collisions, 20, 73
communication, 46–47, 189
communism, 114–15, 115n
commutativity, 18–20
complementarity, 84, 101, 114
Bohr and, 85–86, 90
consistency of, 90
definition of, 298
pilot wave theory and, 101
uncertainty principle and, 92–93
complex systems, 248
computation, definition of, 192
computers, 191–92
computer science, quantum physics and, 185
configuration space, 122–24, 123, 217–18
consciousness, xv
conservation of momentum, 263
consistent histories approach, 218, 298
constitutive theories, 227
contextuality, 55–57
continuous spontaneous localization (CSL), 130–31
contrary states, 38–43, 45, 123, 298
Copenhagen interpretation, 94, 97, 107, 112, 113, 117, 184, 274
correlated states, 51, 145–47, 146n, 149
Cortês, Marina, 265–67
cosmic microwave background, 121
cosmology, 201, 207, 230–31, 253, 302
Crane, Louis, 193–94
creation rule of events, 267
critical realism, 154
CSL. See continuous spontaneous localization
cycles, 268n
Dalibard, Jean, 45
Davisson, Clinton, 81–82
de Broglie, Louis, xxviii, 12, 78–81
Einstein and, 81, 103
PhD thesis of, 81, 145
pilot wave theory of, 98–101, 100
Schrödinger and, 82
students of, 118
wave-particle duality and, 83–84, 103
de Broglie, Maurice, 79
de Broglie–Bohm theory. See pilot wave theory
Debye, Peter, 82
decay, 53, 54
decision theory, 167–69, 174
decoherence, 150n, 154, 175, 208
definition, 155–56, 299
detectors and, 155
histories and, 218
Many Worlds Interpretation, 157n
measurement and, 159
observation and, 155, 157
quantum theory and, 155
randomness and, 155–56, 159
realism and, 157
Rule 1 and, 158, 159–60
Schrödinger’s cat and, 156–57
splitting problem and, 157
wave-particle duality and, 156
defects of locality, 240
degree of freedom, 299
density, 29, 30
detectors, decoherence and, 155
determinism, 14–16, 220–22, 299
deterministic dynamical systems, 268n
Deutsch, David, 154, 166–68, 175, 185
Dewitt, Bryce, 143
diffraction, 67, 81–82, 210
dimensions, 233, 234n
Dirac, Paul, 91, 108
discreteness, 299
disorder locality, 241
distinction, 243
double slit experiment, 67–68, 68, 72, 98, 199–200, 210–11
duality, of reality, 23–24
dynamical collapse theory, 299
early universe, 4
earth, xiv
Einstein, Albert, xxvii, xxix
autobiographical notes of, 12, 225
Bohm and, 108–11
Bohr and, 8, 78, 102
contrary states and, 43
de Broglie, L., and, 81, 103
general relativity and, 230
letter to Born, 8
light and, 67
locality and, 44
Maxwell and, 69, 70
Nobel Prize of, 8, 72
papers of, 72–73
pilot wave theory and, 101–3, 111
quantum mechanics and, 8–9
quantum revolution of, 8
quantum theories of, 8
realism and, 84
on reality, 3
relativity, theory of, 8, 137, 227
spacetime and, 226
special relativity and, 226
wave-particle duality and, 83–84
Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) state, 45, 47–49
Einstein-Rosen bridge, 240n
electric field, 40, 68, 262
ricity, 234
electromagnetic field, 189
electromagnetic radiation, 40
electromagnetism, 227
electrons, xv
anti-realism and, 85
atoms and, 78, 83
Bohr and, 84
chemical properties of, 75
defining, xvi, 74
diffraction and, 81–82
experimental devices and, 84–85
Heisenberg on, 87
of matter, 73–74
momentum of, 35
orbits, 74, 77, 83, 92
as particles, 79–80, 82
perception of, 84
photons and, 69–70
pilot wave theory, 98–101, 100
position of, 100
properties of, xvi, xxviii, 84
quantum mechanics and, 62
states of, 78
superposition of, 152
wave-particle duality and, 98–99
as waves, 79–80, 82, 83
Elsasser, Walter, 81
energy, 20
atoms and, 77–78
causal relations and, 261
causal sets and, 264–65, 267, 269
definition of, 299
frequency and, 22, 60, 77–78
information and, 260
law of conservation of, 261
of light, 74, 183–84
momentum and, 21, 261, 262, 264, 267, 270
photons and, 69–70, 77–78
position and, 61
special relativity and, 261
spectrum of, 60–61
ensemble of atoms, 59
ensemble of similar systems, 247
entanglement, 38–39, 43, 57, 188, 221
of atoms, 252
for codes, 48
definition of, 299
elementary particles and, 5
locality and, 47
Mach’s principle and, 135
nonlocal, xxviii, 235
of photons, 45
pilot wave theory and, 214
quantum computer and, 248–49
in quantum systems, 196
retrocausality and, 216
space and, 238
spacetime and, 135
spin networks and, 135
superposition and, 195
technology, 48
entropy, 120, 159, 177, 191n, 299
epistemology, 11
Epperson, Michael, 198
EPR. See Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen state
eternalist relationalism, 237
ethical quandaries, raised by Everett, 176–77
Euclid, 229
events, 266, 267, 269–70, 299
Everett, Hugh, xxvii, 145
ethical quandaries raised by, 176–77
hypothesis of, 165–71, 175, 176, 178–80
particles and, 148
pilot wave theory and, 148
proofs of, 151–52, 151n
quantum mechanics of, 148n
reality and, 165
Rule 2 and, 164–65
evolution, 250
exclusion principle, 299
existing frameworks, 278
experimental devices, electrons and, 84–85
experimental investigation, 252
experimental physics, 252
experimental techniques, 274
facts, xiv
fantasy, reality and, xiii, xix, xxiv, xxv
Feyerabend, Paul, 113, 173
Feynman, Richard, xxvii, 184–85, 217, 241, 279
field, 299
field theory, 300
Finkelstein, David, 116
first law of motion, 80–81
force, 300
Forman, Paul, 12
freedom, atoms and, 246
energy and, 22, 60, 77–78
light and, 69–71
probabilities, 161–64, 165–66
quantum states and, 60
resonant, 60–61
of waves, 22, 61
Fuchs, Chris, 66
fundamental laws, 252, 265–66, 274
fundamental physics, principles for, 229–37
fundamental simultaneity, 237
future, 200–201, 266, 300
causal, 254–55
predicting, 16–17, 21, 25, 30, 90, 198
Gambini, Rodolfo, 141
gases, properties of, 71
Geiger counter, 50–52, 121, 146, 195
geometry, 136, 229–30, 234n, 257
Germer, Lester, 81
Ghirardi, Rimini, and Weber (GRW), 130, 139
ghost branches
of pilot wave theory, 207–10
wave-function collapse and, 213
God, 234, 238
Gomes, Henrique, 201
Grangier, Philippe, 45
gravity, xvii, xxvi, 74, 134, 137, 139–40
Gross, David, 273
GRW. See Ghirardi, Rimini, and Weber
guidance equation, 99, 109, 210–11
Gurdjieff, 115, 115n
Hardy, Lucien, 183, 186, 187
Heisenberg, Werner, xxii, xxix, 18, 85–92
Hermann, Grete, 104, 106
hidden variables, xxi, 113, 139, 141, 184, 215, 221, 237–49, 300
histories, 217–19, 266, 298
holographic hypothesis, 260, 278
holographic principle, 300
House Un-American Activities Committee, 108
humanist academics, xxiv
hydrogen atoms, 77, 78, 83, 89
hydrogen bomb, xxvii
identity of indiscernibles principle, 233–37, 242, 245, 263, 268–69
illusion, time as, 202–4
indeterminism, 248
inertia, 80–81, 275
causal structure and, 260
as communication, 189
computers and, 191–92
context of, 190
definition of, 189, 191, 191n, 192, 300
energy and, 260
entropy and, 191n
flow of, 259–60
language and, 189–90
meaning, 190–91
measurement of, 190
particles and, 249n
physics and, 189, 192–93
relational quantum theory and, 193
semantics and, 189–90
spacetime and, 259–60
speed of light and, 46, 121
universe and, 189
wave function and, 193, 249n
instrumentalism, 300
interference, 19, 68, 68, 81–82, 126, 131
inverse problem, 258
irrationality, 117
irreversibility, 158, 214, 236, 236n, 268
Jacobson, Ted, 259
Jordan, Pascual, 88–89
Kabbalah, 86
Károlyházy, F., 130
Kastner, Ruth, 198
Kauffman, Stuart, 198
Khrushchev, Nikita, 114
knowledge, xiii, 9–12, 271–72
Kochen, Simon, 56
Kochen-Specker theorem, 56, 300
Krishnamurti, 115, 115n, 116
Kuhn, Thomas, 279
Lakatos, Imre, 174–75
language, information and, 189–90
laws. See also Rule 0; Rule 1; Rule 2; thermodynamics
of atoms, 251–52
of conservation of energy, 261
of excluded middle, 199–201
of fundamental particles, 14
of nature, xix, 92, 226, 243, 250, 265, 276
r /> to physical systems, application of, 28–30
of physics, 15–16, 25, 273
of precedents, 251–52
probabilities and, 250
unitary, 31
Leibniz, 241–42, 268
Lewis, David, 163
light, 56, 234. See also photons
atoms and, 77–78
color of, 70–71
double slit experiment, 67–68, 68, 72
Einstein and, 67
energy of, 74, 183–84
frequency and, 69–71
interference pattern of, 68
nature of, 67, 75
Newton and, 67, 80
as particles, 69, 72, 80
properties of, 70–71
realism and, 75
traveling in straight lines, 67–68, 68
as wave, 68, 68, 72, 80
wave-particle duality and, 84
locality, 10, 41, 55, 269
assumptions about physics and, 44–45
defects of, 240
definition of, 300
disordered, 241
Einstein and, 44
as emergent, 236, 271
entanglement and, 47
nature and, 45, 46, 57, 220
photons and, 44–45
of physical systems, 43
physics and, 47, 48
quantum mechanics and, 45, 46
space and, 245
loop quantum gravity, 136, 137, 194, 240, 278, 300
luck, science and, 90–91
Mach’s principle, 135
macroscopic objects, 128
macroscopic systems, 248
magical realism, xxiii, xxv–xxvi, 8, 201
magnetic fields, 68, 262
magnetism, 234
many interacting worlds theory, 220
many moments theory, 202–4, 300
Many Worlds Interpretation, xxiii, 145, 148, 172
decoherence, 150n, 154, 157n
definition of, 300
Deutsch and, 175
many interacting worlds theory, 219–20
measurement and, 149
morality and, 176–78
multiverse and, xxv–xxvi
outcomes of experiments in, 150–52
pilot wave theory and, 208
probabilities and, 160
problems with, 175
quantum states and, 152
realism and, 150, 174
splitting process in, 149–50, 150n, 152, 153–54
Markopoulou, Fotini, 240
mass, 300
mathematical laws, 9
mathematics, 227, 274
matrix, 91, 239, 239, 240, 300, 301
matter, xiv, 71, 79–80, 226
atoms and, 72
behavior of, 259
defining, xv, xvi
electrons of, 73–74
forms of, xv
as waves, 5, 23, 84
Maxwell, James Clerk, 68, 69, 70, 74, 77
measurement, 17, 250
of atoms, 195
contextuality and, 55–56
correlated states and, 149
decoherence and, 159