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Einstein's Unfinished Revolution

Page 32

by Lee Smolin

  relationalism, 237, 253, 265, 302

  relational model, of universe, 242

  relational quantum theory, 193, 197, 302

  relational spacetime geometry, special relativity and, 235

  relationships, 231–32, 236

  relativistic field theory, pilot wave theory and, 213

  relativity, general, 9, 93, 227, 229

  Einstein and, 230

  nads and, 254

  as nonlinear, 138

  Penrose and, 134–39

  planets and, 75

  quantum theory and, 136–38

  solution to, 255n

  spacetime and, 256

  superposition and, 138

  relativity, special, 9, 47, 133, 230, 303

  collapse and, 141

  Einstein and, 226

  energy and, 261

  momentum and, 261

  nonlocality and, 212

  pilot wave theory and, 212

  quantum equilibrium and, 121

  realism and, 215

  relational spacetime geometry and, 235

  relativity, theory of, xx, 8, 16, 303

  collapses and, 133

  collapse theory and, 133

  of Einstein, 137, 227

  equation, 72

  pilot wave theory and, 211

  spacetime and, 226

  speed of light and, 47

  wave function and, 142

  religion, xxiv

  restriction, 45, 46, 55, 184, 215, 298

  retrocausality, 216–17, 217, 303

  reversibility, 158, 214, 268, 268n

  Roger, Gérard, 45

  rolled-up dimensions, 233

  Rosen, Nathan, 43, 44. See also Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen state

  Rosenfeld, Léon, 113–14

  rotations, 263–64, 263n

  Rovelli, Carlo, 193–94, 196, 197

  Rule 0, 203, 303

  Rule 1, 31–36, 35n, 54, 54, 63–64, 99, 121

  Born’s rule and, 171

  decoherence and, 158, 159–60

  definition, 303

  lack of, 148n

  measurement and, 33–34

  pilot wave theory and, 101, 116

  quantum information theory and, 188

  quantum theory and, 154

  realism and, 145, 149

  reversibility of, 158

  Rule 2 and, 64, 129–31, 141, 158

  as universal, 148n

  wave function and, 116, 118

  Rule 2, 35–36, 35n, 41–42, 50, 51, 53–54, 63–64, 99

  definition, 303

  Everett and, 164–65

  invention of, 128

  irreversibility of, 158

  measurement and, 144

  outcomes and, 172

  pilot wave theory and, 101

  probabilities and, 150

  quantum theory and, 172

  Rule 1 and, 64, 129–31, 141, 158

  wave-function collapse and, 215

  Rutherford, Erenst, 74

  Saunders, Simon, 171

  Schrödinger, Erwin

  background of, 82

  de Broglie, L., and, 82

  equation of, 31, 239, 241, 247, 303

  Nobel Prize of, 83

  Schrödinger’s cat, 49–54, 54, 121–24, 145–48, 152, 156–57, 201

  wave-particle duality and, 83–84

  Schrödinger-Newton law, 141

  science, xix, xxiii–xxiv, xxiv–xxv, xxvi, 27, 85, 90–91

  scientific method, 273

  scientific mind, xiv

  second law of thermodynamics, 159, 303

  self- reference, 28

  semantics, information and, 189–90

  senses, xiv

  shadow theory, xvii

  Shannon, Claude, 189, 191n

  Shimony, Abner, 158, 198

  Shore, Peter, 185

  similar systems, 251

  solar system, xv, 74, 75, 244

  Solvay Conference, 98, 101–2, 117

  Sorkin, Rafael, 218, 257–58

  sound waves, 98


  configuration, 122–24, 123, 217–18

  dimensions of, 233

  as emergent, 236–37, 238, 264, 269

  entanglement and, 238

  as fundamental, 263

  geometry of, 229–30

  as illusion, 204

  locality and, 245

  networks and, 240

  relationships within, 236

  spacetime, xxvi, 4

  adding together, 138

  atoms, 257–59

  backgrounds and, 269

  causality and, 134

  causal relations and, 257

  Einstein and, 226

  as emergent, 269

  entanglement and, 135

  general relativity and, 256

  geometry of, 130, 134, 257

  information and, 259–60

  inverse problem and, 258

  quantum, 256

  quantum mechanics and, 228

  relational principle of, 232

  theory of relativity and, 226

  wave function and, 140

  Specker, Ernst, 56

  spectrograph, measurements of photons, 87

  spectrum, 59–61, 78, 83, 89

  speed, 303

  speed of light, 43, 46–47, 57, 121. See also locality

  spin, 303

  spin networks, 135–36, 238n, 303


  Bohr and, 193–94

  problem, 152–54, 157, 174

  process in Many Worlds Interpretation, 149–50, 150n, 152, 153–54

  spontaneous collapses, 131–33, 141, 143, 213, 214

  standard deviation, 62

  standard model of particle physics, 304

  stars, 4

  starvation, 178

  states. See also quantum states

  of atoms, 49–51, 60–61, 77–78, 146–47

  classical, 30

  contrary, 38–43, 45, 123, 298

  correlated, 51, 145–47, 146n, 149

  definition, 15, 304

  of electrons, 78

  superposing, 32–33

  stationary states, 77, 87, 92

  stochastic quantum mechanics, 223

  Stoppard, Tom, 15

  string theory, 189, 234n, 278, 304

  subjective probabilities, 162, 163n, 170, 172, 174, 193, 208

  subjectivity, entropy and, 191n

  subsystem principle, 26, 27

  superdeterminism, 220–22

  superposition, 4–5

  of atoms, 6–7, 50, 139–40, 146, 152, 156–57

  of electrons, 152

  entanglement and, 195

  general relativity and, 138

  gravity and, 140

  measurement and, 64

  of molecules, 6

  of objects, 139

  of particles, 4–5

  of photons, 50

  pilot wave theory and, 214

  quantum, 6

  quantum mechanics and, 37, 138–39

  quantum states and, 32–33

  of quantum systems, 37, 137–38

  reality and, 147

  Schrödinger’s cat, 49–53

  of states, 32–33, 196–97

  wave function and, 139–40, 213

  superposition principle, 33, 137–39

  symmetry, 104n, 255n, 263, 263–64

  ’t Hooft, Gerard, 221–22

  technology, entanglement, 48

  temperature, 29, 30

emporal relationalism, 237, 253, 265

  thermodynamics, 120, 159, 177, 191n, 214, 303


  capsules, 203

  causality and, 204, 236

  as emergent, 237

  events and, 266

  gravity and, 137, 140

  as illusion, 202–4

  irreversibility of, 236, 236n

  laws of, 265

  laws of nature and, 265

  moments and, 201–3

  momentum and, 262

  nature and, 265

  quantum mechanics and, 63, 137

  quantum state and, 31

  retrocausality, 216–17, 217

  topological field theories, 193–94

  transactional interpretation, 216–17

  truth, xx, xxvi, 276–77

  Tumulka, Roderich, 107

  Turing machine, 185

  twistor theory, 136

  tyranny, 178

  uncertainty principle, 18–22, 32, 58, 61, 90, 92–93, 117, 145, 304

  Unger, Roberto Mangabeira, 265

  unification, 216, 229

  unification of forces, xvii

  unitary law, 31

  universal quantum computer, 185


  as causal set, 260

  chosen aspect of, 221

  expansion of, 4

  information and, 189

  living mirror of, 245

  nadic, 242–43, 243

  observation and, 166–67, 231

  parallel, 145, 148, 247

  physics in early, 175–76

  pilot wave theory and, 121

  quantum mechanics and, 28, 159n, 231

  quantum states and, 193, 197, 231

  quantum theory and, 27–28

  relational model of, 242

  theory of, 27

  wave function and, 231

  Valentini, Antony, 120, 121, 210

  variety, 244, 247

  velocity, 20–21, 21, 23, 81, 262n, 304

  views, causal theory of, 269–71

  Vigier, Jean-Pierre, 114

  von Neumann, John, 93–94, 104–5, 110

  water, xv

  wave function, 31n, 32, 99n, 176

  atomic systems and, 141, 213

  beables and, 224

  definition of, 304

  information and, 193, 249n

  particles and, 99–100, 109, 118–20, 209, 210

  phases of, 214n

  pilot wave theory and, 125–26, 210

  probabilities and, 124, 128, 151, 165

  Rule 1 and, 116, 118

  spacetime and, 140

  spontaneous collapses and, 143

  squaring, 99–100, 100, 151

  superposition and, 139–40, 213

  theory of relativity and, 142

  universe and, 231

  wave-function collapse, 35–36, 129–30, 139, 186

  definition, 298

  drawbacks of, 214–15

  ghost branches and, 213

  lessons from, 213–16

  measurement problem and, 213

  Rule 2 and, 215

  wavelength, xxviii, 22

  wave mechanics, 304

  wave-particle duality, 86, 97–98

  de Broglie, L., and, 83–84, 103

  decoherence and, 156

  definition of, 304

  double slit experiment and, 98, 199–200, 210–11

  Einstein and, 83–84

  electrons and, 98–99

  light and, 84

  measurement problem and, 223

  pilot wave theory and, 142, 208–10, 222

  realism and, 89

  Schrödinger and, 83–84


  in electric field, 40

  electrons as, 79–80, 82, 83

  frequency of, 22, 61

  height of, 34

  light as, 68, 68, 72, 80

  matter as, 5, 23, 84

  particles and, 21–24, 34, 60, 66, 79–80, 81, 83–84, 99–100, 213

  photons as, 69

  sum of, 124

  wave theory, 67

  Weinberg, Steven, 179

  Weyl, Hermann, 82–83

  Wheeler, John Archibald, xxvii, 37, 145, 187–88

  Wheeler-DeWitt equation, 203

  Wigner, Eugene, 195–96

  Wigner’s friend, 196n

  Witten, Edward, 136

  Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 72n

  World War I, 12

  wormholes, 240, 240n

  X-rays, 79–80

  Young, Thomas, 67–68



  Lee Smolin has made influential contributions to the search for a unification of physics. He is a founding faculty member of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. His previous books include Time Reborn, The Trouble with Physics, and Three Roads to Quantum Gravity.

  * A note to my expert readers: Quantum foundations is presently a very lively subject, with many exciting developments both experimental and theoretical. Many proposals compete to resolve the puzzles we will meet here. I should warn the reader that our path through these frontiers will be a narrow one, and there are many exciting ideas and results that I do not mention here. Had I tried to review the whole field, or include all the latest supremely clever advances, the result would have been a less accessible book. My first aim is to introduce the world of quantum phenomena, not the full spectrum of competing interpretations of those phenomena. I apologize in advance to those experts who don’t find their preferred version of quantum physics here, and encourage them to write their own books. I also apologize to the historians. I am not a scholar, and the stories I tell are creation myths, handed down from teacher to student, originating, in some cases, with the founders themselves.

  * The metaphor of the universe as a computer is helpful for illustrating determinism, but is on the whole misleading, as I will argue below.

  * Momentum will be defined shortly, but roughly, a body’s momentum is proportional to both its speed and mass.

  * > means “is larger than.”

  * When a wave represents a quantum state, we sometimes call it a wave function.

  * But you knew as soon as I mentioned Rule 1 that there had to be a second one. I should point out that in some textbooks, Rules 1 and 2 are switched.

  * For more on how Planck misappropriated Boltzmann’s methods, see Thomas Kuhn’s Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity, 1894–1912, or a wonderful biography of Paul Ehrenfest by Martin Klein, both listed in the Further Reading section.

  * Unfortunately, this came too late for Boltzmann, who, depressed at his failure to convince his colleagues of the reality of atoms, committed suicide the next year. And as a footnote to a footnote: a young Viennese physics student called Ludwig Wittgenstein was so dismayed by news of Boltzmann’s suicide that he switched to philosophy.

  * I am oversimplifying a bit. The particle follows a part of the wave function called its phase.

  * Antony Valentini gave me a copy of that paper of Einstein’s during a speech at my wedding, which I promptly lost.

  * Noether is one of the greatest twentieth-century mathematicians; among her many discoveries was a seminal theorem on symmetry in physics, which we will come to.

  * If I can be permitted a purely personal remark, I am a grandchild of a Marxist who remained a lifelong member of the American Communist Party long after the dream had died, and I am also the son of seekers who spent many years in the Gurdjieff work. To a large extent, the errors of my parents and grandparents inoculated me against falling in love with organized seekers, running after visions of transcendence. It is
easy for me to criticize Bohm and others of his generation for the astounding naiveté they showed in the face of the peculiar combination of genuine compassion for human suffering and extraordinary dishonesty and narcissism that gurus like Gurdjieff and Krishnamurti shared with the “revolutionary” leaders on the vanguard of the left. But at the same time, there is, I believe, the shadow of something real behind the teachings of the likes of Gurdjieff and Krishnamurti, who brought distillations of Eastern spiritual practices to westerners.

  * Which was completed in a PhD thesis of a student of Penrose’s called John Moussouris, which also remained unpublished, and was also passed hand to hand.

  * Notice that the two contingent statements, which together express the content of the correlated state IN-BETWEEN, do not require or imply that the atom has decayed, releasing a photon that passes through and triggers the detector. At each time, it may have decayed or it may have yet to decay. This is why I refer to “the photon’s possible passage through the detector.”

  * We can think of Everettian quantum mechanics as pilot wave theory without the particles. In both cases, there is no Rule 2; both make Rule 1 universal. So in both cases, the wave function continually branches, creating alternative histories, such as the ones where I stayed in London or perished off Peggy’s Cove with the Swissair flight. The difference is that pilot wave theory has particles, which take only one of the alternate branches.

  * There is an operational reading of Everett that sees the theory purely as a method for producing sets of contingent statements such as I described above, but makes no claims to what is real beyond that. This seems to me a consistent way to read Everett’s thesis. (Lee Smolin, “On Quantum Gravity and the Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics,” in Quantum Theory of Gravity: Essays in Honor of the Sixtieth Birthday of Bryce S. DeWitt, eds. Steven Christensen and Bryce S. DeWitt [Bristol, UK: Adam Hilger, 1984].)

  * In the next chapter, we will see that some experts argue that splitting requires a macroscopic process called decoherence. This happens far less often; this has the effect of decreasing “vast” in this sentence to merely very large.

  * That is, wave functions with small amplitudes.

  * To put it more precisely, while the measure of all those branches with statistics not obeying the Born rule goes to zero, in the limit of an infinite number of trials, the number of those branches does not.


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