Bound to Break: Books one in the Bound to series

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Bound to Break: Books one in the Bound to series Page 7

by Tonks, Rachael

  Heading toward the house, I make my way around the side to check if her car is parked out front. My stomach does a flip when I realize she’s here. I head inside and straight up to her room, gently stopping outside and lifting my clenched fist.

  I hesitate for a moment, guilt making my throat tight. Why do I feel this way? Back home I had no problem being with girls—using them even. But somehow Cassie is different. She’s warm and God is she beautiful. But sad at the same time. And I have no idea why, and I’m scared of getting too close. Not because I don’t want to, but because I don’t want to hurt her.

  And I’m scared I will. I’m a waste of space. A homeless loser with absolutely nothing to offer her.

  She doesn’t know me, not the real me, and it’s best it stays that way…so why can’t I stay away?

  Dropping my clenched fist, I shake my head from side to side.

  The door suddenly opens and a shocked Cassie stands in front of me.

  “Oh, hey.” Her eyes travel downward, stopping at the band of my shorts. “Did you lose your clothes or something?”

  She smiles, like she’s fighting back a laugh.

  Fuck, that smile.

  I lean forward, resting my hand on the wall beside the door. She eyes me nervously, but I can’t help leaning into her.

  “Something like that,” I murmur. “I, uh, kinda need your help.” My eyes graze over her body. In a tank top and shorts, her fine-toned body is all on show.


  “Yeah. I have zero clean clothes. Correction…I have zero clothes.”

  “Well that would explain why you’re standing in front of me half naked.”

  She’s grinning. Holy shit, she’s cute when she grins.

  “Can you show me where the laundry room is?”

  “Oh, sure.”

  “And the nearest mall?” I contort my face, wondering whether I was asking a little too much from her. “I need some things, but I’m not familiar with the area.”

  “Oh…uh…sure. What…like now?” she stutters. Her hand slides over her hair and I can tell she’s nervous.

  “Today, tomorrow, whenever you have time really.”

  “Tomorrow, I can do tomorrow,” she blurts out excitedly. Stepping closer, she places her hands on my waist.

  I freeze, not knowing what is happening. Gently, she guides me to the side and practically bounces out of her room. “Follow me.”

  I grin hard. A total Cassie side effect.

  She strolls down the hall and I take a huge breath before following her lead. My dull heart roars to life as I follow her, watching her ass sway from side to side almost hypnotically.

  “The laundry room is just through the door to the left of the kitchen.”

  She turns and glances at me over her shoulder.

  “Okay,” I answer, continuing to follow her. We stroll through the kitchen and by now I’ve finally caught up. We walk side by side, neither one of us saying anything. She leads me inside the room and reaches for the light switch positioned just beside the door.

  The laundry room is as big as my old bedroom.

  “Here it is. Washer, dryer, clothes press. Not that I’ve ever had to do any of this. Our maid, Lynette, usually takes care of the laundry. I could get her to come collect yours too, if you like?”

  “No…no, it’s fine. I can work this I’m sure.” I lean forward, resting my hand on my bended knee as I try to understand the buttons and dials on the front of the machine. Truth be told, I’ve never used one before, Mom always took care of the laundry.

  Cassie comes to stand behind me, her body pressed against mine and her hands resting on my shoulders. She leans over, reading out to me, and trying to explain the dials. But her voice is nothing more than a blur. Just a sound that my brain cannot process. Not while her body is pressed against mine. Not while her scent invades my senses.

  “Easy, right?” Her face comes in line with mine and I’m snapped from my thoughts.

  “Got it,” I reply, my voice croaking a little. She backs away from me and I hold in a groan from the loss of contact. Fuck. I need her body near mine again.

  I have to have her.

  Desire burns in my stomach and I’m fast on my feet, my eyes trying to locate her. I try to breathe but it’s almost like she’s stolen my breath. As I step toward her, she steps back.

  “So, err, I guess we are done here.” She fidgets nervously, her tongue darting out to wet her dry lips. She spins on the spot, grabs the handle of the door, opening it a little before hitting the light switch.

  We are suddenly in darkness, with just a little natural light streaming in through the partially open door.

  I’m not sure what I’m thinking, or whether I’ll regret what I’m about to do, but I have to do it. Desire driving my every thought and emotion, I place my hand on the door, and my other on her hip. Pulling her into me, I close the door until we are in complete darkness.

  “Leo,” she gasps. The sound of her rapid breathing fills the silence in the room. I don’t respond. I let my actions do the talking. I gently work her backwards until we are against the wall.

  My hand snakes up from her waist and slowly caresses her neck. She doesn’t stop me and she doesn’t say a word. My other hand clenches her hip as I replace my hand with my lips. Soft, gentle kisses sweep across her neck and it’s more than I could ever have imagined. Her pulse against my lips, her hands resting on my lower back.

  She wants this.

  And I want her.

  She opens her mouth and a tiny moan escapes her. I move my kisses across her cheekbone, needing to satisfy my need. Her arms tighten as she pulls me closer. When my lips meet hers, I almost melt into her. My dick springs to life and I can’t help but press against her tiny frame. Her lips are soft against mine, but this kiss is demanding. It’s need. It’s lust.

  My tongue presses inside her mouth and strokes against hers. Her fingers press into my back as she clings onto me. She tastes divine and my mind wanders, thinking of how sweet her pussy would taste. I want to kiss her in places she’s never even been touched before. My hand falls from her hip to her ass and I squeeze it, pulling her closer to me. My erection presses against her stomach.

  “Stop…stop.” Her hands are suddenly on my chest and pushing me away. I do as she says, stepping back with my hands in the air.


  “I…I…I can’t do this, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

  The next thing I see is the light appear through the open door and Cassie races out of the laundry room.

  Shit! What have I done?

  Chapter Nine


  All I can hear is the thud of my feet against the tiled floor. My legs work like they have a mind of their own as I rush to my room. Once I’m inside, I close the door, and fall back against it.

  The anxiety is just too much.

  My head feels dizzy and my breathing is all over the place.

  How can the single most perfect moment of my life be ruined by a memory of my past.

  The kiss, the passion between me and Leo was amazing. But the second his hand grabbed my butt, I freaked out. Memories that had faded became prominent and flooded my mind. Clasping my hands together, I press them to my mouth as I fight back the tears.

  I can’t let that asshole win. I can’t let him ruin the one good thing I have right now.


  Thud, thud, thud.

  I jerk in surprise, clutching my hand to my chest as my heart pounds against my chest.

  “Shit,” I grumble, staggering away from the door.

  “Cassie,” Leo calls quietly.

  I don’t respond. Because what do I say? Sorry I freaked out but it’s because I was molested by my cousin when I was just a little girl? Yeah, that won’t work.

  Think, Cassie, think!

  “Cassie…please, I’m sorry.”

  Jesus. He sounds so sad. A pang of guilt hits me in the pit of my stomach. I yank open the door to see Leo,
slumped forward, resting on the frame of the door.

  “I’m so sorry,” he whispers, looking up at me through his lashes.

  With a sigh, I reach for his hand and pull him inside my room. His eyes widen and his mouth hangs opens in surprise. I don’t know what I’m going to do, I have no idea what to say, but I need him to know this wasn’t him. This was the messed-up me. The fearful, insecure person I try to hide from the world.

  “Please don’t apologize,” I murmur, closing the door behind him. “I freaked out.”

  “I should never have forced myself on you like that. I’m sorry.”

  “Stop! Stop apologizing. I wanted you to kiss me.”

  His head tilts to the side, his eyes narrowing on me. “Really?”

  “Yeah.” My breathing picks up and I want him to kiss me again. “I shouldn’t have run away like that.”

  “I don’t blame you for running away. It was a mistake. That kiss should never have happened.”

  “What?” I choke out, almost struggling to force out the word.

  “You should forget it happened. Forget about me.” I watch as he swallows down hard, his head falling forward as he makes his way out of my bedroom.

  I don’t get it. One minute he wants me, the next he’s telling me it’s a mistake.

  I’m nobody’s mistake.

  My blood pumps faster as anger rises inside of me. My feet move fast and before I know it I’m chasing after him. Skipping down the stairs, I race through the house and out of the door toward the old office. My feet slow the minute I spot him sitting on the step. Legs open wide, elbows resting on his knees, his shoulder muscles bunch as he squeezes his hands together.

  Damn those muscles.

  “Hey,” I shout. His head lifts and the look on his face tells me he wasn’t expecting to see me. Stopping just in front of him, he barely lifts his head to look at me.

  “Don’t do this, Cass.”

  Cass? Did this beautiful asshole of a man just call me Cass?

  “It’s Cassie to you, jerk.”

  He scoffs, his head shaking loosely from side to side.

  “And let me just tell you something, ‘Mr. I’m Too Good For You.’ No one, I repeat, no one calls me a mistake. I’m nobody’s mistake. Got it?”

  My voice is shaky and I’m torn between the way I feel about him and the way he’s made me feel.

  Standing up from his position on the step, he looks at me. His eyes are hollow and there is a pain there I don’t think I’ve ever seen in anyone before.

  “Best fucking mistake ever.”

  Turning, he walks inside the office leaving me gawking and more confused than before.

  “Wait…” I yell, once again chasing after him. Jesus, what have I become?

  “Stop,” he demands. “I’m no good for you. I’m messed up and no matter how much I’m attracted to you, how much I think I want you, I know there can never be anything between us.”

  “This back-and-forth bullshit isn’t fair to either of us. We have something. Something I don’t even understand myself,” I say.

  “Nothing,” he grates out. His teeth are clenched together and his nostrils splay. “We. Have. Nothing.”

  My heart sinks. More than it’s ever sunk before.

  “You’re an asshole, you know that?”

  “What I’ve been trying to tell you, darlin’.”

  I don’t wait for him to hurt me more than he already has. I spin on the spot and head out of the office. My arms crossed and my heart dull, I know what I need to do. I need to drown myself in the music. I need to push him out of my mind.

  * * *

  My hair is scraped up and on the top of my head. I pull on my yoga pants over my leotard and throw my gym bag over my shoulder.

  Making my way down the hall and to the top of the stairs, I freeze at the unexpected sound of distant voices.

  “Wait here. I will tell Cassie to drop you on her way out. Saves me a trip out.” Liza’s finger strokes under his chin before she twirls on the spot and starts to take the stairs. Exaggerating her hip sway, she looks over her shoulder at Leo.


  I hate her more than ever. Her blatant flirting and over-the-top affection toward Leo is sickening. Knowing that she’s coming for me, I start to descend the steps.

  “Ah, ahh, here she is.” Her tone is full of sarcasm.

  “She’s on her way out.”

  “Yes, I know. But I need you to take Leo and drop him at the car dealership.”

  “Drop him yourself. I’m busy.”

  Liza leans back against the bannister, glaring at me in disgust.

  “I don’t see the need for me to do it. It’s a few blocks from that dance studio of yours.”

  “He’s your employee, you deal with him.” I shoot a hateful glare at Leo and instantly feel guilty. He’s looking away and clearly uncomfortable.

  Liza’s arm comes to stop in front of me and I’m halted.

  “Move out of my way,” I snarl.

  “No, young lady. I’ve asked you to do something for me and quite frankly I don’t appreciate your tone or your attitude.”

  I let out a quick, disgusted snort. With a turn of my head, I glare at Liza, the pulse in my neck suddenly becoming noticeable.

  “Quite frankly, Liza, I don’t appreciate the way you leer all over Leo, and I’m pretty sure my father won’t be very happy about it either. When I tell him, that is.”

  “You trouble-causing little witch,” she spits back, sidestepping until she’s standing on the step in front of me.

  “Get out of my way. I swear to God—”

  “Don’t you dare use the Lord’s name in vain.”

  “Just move.” I place my arm on her shoulder, trying to guide her to the side so I can get past. But she doesn’t budge. Her feet are standing firm on the step.

  “Ugh,” I growl, moving to the side to try and sneak past, but once again it’s a waste of time. She moves to block my exit.

  “You aren’t leaving until you agree to take Leo with you. I’m not backing down on this, Cassie.”

  “Listen,” I shout, the force scratching the back of my throat. “I’ve had enough bullshit from you two to last me a lifetime so I suggest you move out of my way.”

  “Liza, it’s fine. Honestly. I’ll call a cab. Just leave her.” Leo stands at the bottom of the staircase, looking up at us.

  The more my mind wanders, the more it imagines what’s going on here.

  The gentle touches.

  The looks exchanged between them.

  Then it dawns on me. I know what is happening here. Jesus, I’ve been a complete fool. No wonder he pushed me away.

  “You two?” I gasp. “You’re actually having a thing, aren’t you?” I place my hand on my forehead before pushing it back over my head. “It all makes perfect sense.”

  “No,” Leo blurts out.

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” Liza adds. “You stupid girl.” Shaking her head, I tense as the anger inside me rises to an uncontrollable level.

  Jerking my head forward, I get in Liza’s face. “Do not call me stupid,” I warn. “You know, I’ll be glad when my father realizes what a whore you really are—”

  My tirade of abuse is cut short as her hand connects with my cheek.

  The bitch has slapped me.

  Using my tongue to wet my lip, I don’t let it phase me.

  “Move out of the fucking way!” I demand.

  “Cassie, I’m so sorry,” she sniffles. Making my way down the steps, she places a gentle hand on my shoulder as I brush past.

  Snapping my shoulder from her hold, I glare at her. “Oh, you will be.”

  * * *

  “Jesus, it all sounds a little fucked up,” Sasha sighs. “I’m sorry, honey.

  “Do you really believe he’s having a fling with her?”

  “I’m not sure, but it sure would make sense.”

  Sitting on the cold floor of the studio, I stretch my legs apart, leaning forward and grabbin
g my toes. I bend my head, looking at Sasha who is doing the exact same thing.

  “Totally sucks that the one guy you’ve ever had a thing for is fucking your stepmom.”

  I can’t help but cringe at the abrasiveness of her words. God, I hope it’s not true. Not only because of how I feel about him, but because of my father. He would be truly devastated. He lost the love of his life once, I’d hate for it to happen again.

  “Ugh, I hope I’m wrong about this.”

  My face flames as I think back to that kiss. It was unexpected and unlike any kiss I’ve ever had before. Sure, I can count on one hand how many boys I’ve kissed, but there was something about this that made it different. An intensity, a guttural need.

  Chapter Ten


  “We really have to be more careful,” Liza says, her eyes flicking between me and the road.

  “Nothing has happened.” My voice is monotone and I glare out of the window, unable to look at the woman who has my balls nailed to the wall. It really dawned on me today that I’m trapped. I could walk away but then I’d have nothing. I’d be on the streets and in even more danger of being found. Despite how much I have grown to despise this woman, I have to go along with whatever Liza says.

  But it doesn’t change the attraction I have to Cassie, it only puts it in perspective.

  Because, if I lose my place in this house, the job, and the opportunity to get back into school, then I lose Cassie. And I’m not sure that’s something I’m prepared for. I can tell myself to stay away, but I’ll be sure to watch over her from afar.

  One taste of Cassie and all reasoning has gone out of the window.

  “You know what you mean to me, right?” Her hand lands softly on my knee and she squeezes gently.

  “Of course,” I answer simply.

  “What has happened between you and Cassie? I get the impression you two don’t get along.”

  Holding back the scoff, all I can think of is how she tasted and how I want more of Cassie. How good she looked in her dance gear. Jesus, she looked so fine. Whereas Liza makes my skin crawl. Her hand on my knee, the smile on her face. I couldn’t want someone less if I tried.


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