Bound to Break: Books one in the Bound to series

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Bound to Break: Books one in the Bound to series Page 16

by Tonks, Rachael

  “You’re right. I just don’t want this to blow up and her to go to the cops. She knows the truth and will use it to destroy me. I’ll end up losing you, and that’s not something I’m prepared for.”

  My eyes flicker across Cassie’s beautiful face. I almost gasp at the realization that she is fucking perfect, and she doesn’t even know it. A smirk tugs at my lips, and I know she sees it.

  “What? What is this?” she asks lifting up and kissing the corner of my mouth tenderly.

  “Despite all of the bullshit, the one thing I cling onto is you. If I wasn’t running from my past, I wouldn’t have found you. For as fucked up as this chain of events is, I still believe in fate.”

  “Quite philosophical, aren’t you?” And now she’s the one smirking.

  “Something like that,” I say, pulling her until our chests meet. “I needed you to believe me today. Thank you. I wasn’t sure you would, since my track record says I’m a liar.”

  “You being here only highlighted what I already knew and hated about Liza. She’s a nasty piece of work and I’m just sorry you got caught up in her bullshit.”

  “Me too.”

  “Oh,” she says suddenly as if just remembering something. “Did you take care of your class schedule?”

  I nod. “Start on Monday.”

  She lets out a controlled squeal. “This is going to make going to school a little more bearable.”

  “For now,” I remark.

  “I’ll be leaving, but I won’t go far. There are a few great dance schools within driving distance. I have too much here for me now.”

  My heart’s pace picks up at the thought of me being the reason for her to stay.

  Only, I don’t know how long I’ll be here for. Before I have to face what happened with Jeff.

  I dip my head, kissing her forehead. Her hands come to rest on my chest.

  “I should go get ready.”

  Groaning, I don’t want to let go of the hold I have on her. Breaking our connection, she looks up at me, offering a smile.

  “You may have turned my world upside down, Leo, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  Jesus, she’s fucking amazing. I grab her hand, pulling her forcefully back into my chest. I grab her face with my hands kissing her hard. She melts into me as I let the kiss show her how much I want and need her. She presses her hips against me, my growing erection digging into her as our bodies intertwine, becoming one.

  Cassie smiles against my lips. “I. Must. Go,” she whispers between our lips’ connection. Finally pulling back, I can’t help but groan at the loss.

  “Later,” she breathes, a small giggle escapes her. I watch as I let her walk out this time, my heart thumping in my chest as I realize that happiness is possible, even in the darkest of times.


  Anger bubbles at the surface as flashes of what Liza has done to Leo and my father play over in my mind. How dare she? She’s ripped my world apart and hurt the ones I love the most. I’m going to make her pay. She will suffer for what she’s done.

  With an aching chest, I pull on my gym clothes, ready to head out to the studio. I have to try and push thoughts of Liza out of my mind. I have to focus on my meeting with Erika today.

  Today is going to be the start of exciting things to come. Despite all of the shit that has happened, I’m looking forward to taking the very first steps toward the career I’ve dreamed about all of my life. I throw myself forward, tipping my head upside down, scraping my hair to the top of my head.

  A knock on the door thuds through the silence of my bedroom. I skip over, expecting it to be Leo, only to see my father when I open the door.

  “Oh, hey, Dad,” I say, surprise in my tone, my heart in my mouth.

  “Hi, honey.” He steps forward, placing a kiss on my cheek. “Glad I caught you.” He holds out a piece of paper he has clutched in his hand. “Here’s the number of someone who can help Sasha’s mom. Please make sure she gets it. The therapy is all in place, they just need to make the appointment.”

  Taking the paper, I smile widely before throwing my arms around my father’s neck. “Thank you. You don’t know how much this means to me. And to Sasha.”

  His hand grazes back and forth against my back.

  “Just glad I can help.” He pulls away, a smile appearing, causing the wrinkles to deepen around his eyes. I can’t help but feel that Dad and I have grown apart over the years. His job has always been his main priority, with me coming a close second. “Now, your mother and I are going to be out of town this weekend. I’m at a conference and your mom is coming along to keep me company. So I need to know you’re going to behave yourself.”

  My stomach flips at the thought of being alone for a whole weekend with Leo, but I can’t help but grit my teeth together at the mention of Liza.

  “You bet,” I say enthusiastically.

  “I mean it, Cassie. No parties. I like this place just the way it is.” His brow lifts as the smirk dresses his lips. “I was young once, you know.”

  “Dad, you have my word.”

  “Good, and when we get back, we need to talk about Vinny and Aunt Lorraine.”

  My arms cross over my chest and my head drops at the sound of his name.

  “Why? I thought you and Aunt Lorraine didn’t talk after what happened.”

  “She stole money from me, Cassie, but I think it’s time that I forgave her for what she did.”

  “Why?” I blurt out as the panic rises within me. “Why now?”

  He lets out a huge sigh, his shoulders slumping. “She has cancer. She’s dying, honey. And Vinny needs us more than ever now.”

  “We are not the only family he has,” I throw back. “I don’t want him here, or anywhere near me for that fact.”

  “What, why?” His forehead creases as he frowns, clearly confused. “You two always got along so well.”

  I let out an unsteady breath. I’m not ready to do this now.

  “No, we didn’t,” I say correcting him calmly. “You do whatever you need to help them, but I don’t want to be a part of it.”

  “Is there something going on that I should know about?” He tilts his head, his eyes hard and focused on me.

  “No, Dad.”

  “Are you sure?” he presses and I know I need to change the subject.

  “There’s something I need to tell you.” I turn making my way over to my dresser, pulling out a brochure. Heading back over to him, I extend my arm to him, offering him the brochure.

  “I know we spoke and you explicitly said that you didn’t want me pursuing my dance career, but, Dad, I have to. There are colleges where I can gain a degree in choreography. You know this is my dream, and I need to chase it.”

  “No,” he says handing the brochure back to me.

  “But you haven’t looked inside.” I take it from his grasp and start to turn the pages, ready to show him what is involved. He turns his back on me and I’m shocked.

  “I said no once and I meant it, Cassie. No one ever supported themselves from a dance career.”

  With a scoff, I shake my head. “You’re wrong.”

  “I cannot, and will not support you on this. You’re making a huge mistake taking this path in life.”

  “So you’d rather me be miserable, earning a degree that leads me to nothing? It makes no sense, Dad.” I put my hand on his shoulder, turning him until he faces me. “Dad, please,” I plead with him, but his cold expression never lifts. “I’m doing this, with or without your support,” I tell him.

  His eyes widen a little and he looks at me as though he doesn’t believe me.

  “You really believe you can do this without my support?”

  “By support you mean money?” I challenge and I can see by the look on his face that he’s getting pissed with me.

  “Cassie,” he sighs. “You know that’s not what I mean. Of course the money is part of it, but there’s also all of the emotional support we provide you. You know your mother does a
lot for you. She gave up and sacrificed her own life to help you grow and mature into the woman you are today.”

  Jesus, he needs a wake-up call.

  “Please don’t call her my mother. She isn’t.” There’s so much more I want to say about the poisonous witch, but I know I can’t get into this right now. Reluctantly, I bite my tongue.

  “Not by blood, no. But she raised you, Cassie.”

  Pressing my lips together, I refuse to get into an argument over that unscrupulous bitch. “You know we haven’t always seen eye to eye, Dad. That hasn’t changed.”

  “Hmmm,” he replies, as though I’m the problem.

  “If I have to work, leave home in order to fulfil my dreams, then I will—”

  “But you’re just a child,” he cuts me off mid-sentence. “You don’t have the first clue…”

  “Maybe you’re right,” I say, lifting my shoulders. “But I can’t live the life you want me to live. I need to be happy, and unless I follow my dream, I won’t ever be truly happy.”

  “Nonsense.” He scoffs. “You’ve always been such a happy little girl.”

  That’s what you think, I say internally.

  “Look at what this dream did to you. You were injured, badly. What’s to say that won’t happen again?”

  “I can’t deny myself something I love based on what-ifs,” I throw back.

  He lifts his wrist, checking the time on his watch. “I have to go. We will talk about this some more when I return.”

  “There really isn’t anything more to say. I’m doing this, Dad. I have to.” I cringe a little at the harshness of my tone, but I can’t back out just to please him. This is me. It’s a part of who I am.

  Without any response, he pushes his hands into his suit pockets and walks out of the bedroom. I watch as he leaves, his head low and shaking from side to side. His disappointment is obvious, but I can’t let it affect me.

  I finish getting ready, grab my gym bag and head down to the office. I’m excited about our impending Liza-free weekend together and can’t wait to tell Leo. My feet move as fast as they can without running, only slowing when I see Liza walking toward me as I make my way through the kitchen.

  “You’re looking for Leo?” she asks with narrowed eyes. I freeze on the spot, putting space between us as I glare at her. It takes every ounce of self-control not to lose my shit with her.

  “That’s none of your business,” I reply coldly.

  She takes a huge step forward, blocking my path. She lowers her head. “You’re fucking him, aren’t you? You little whore.” Her voice is barely a whisper and I do a double take wondering whether I heard right.

  “What did you just say?” I snarl.

  “You’re. Fucking. Him. Aren’t you?”

  Dropping my eyes, I focus on the ground for a split second as I think about my next move. My hand holding my gym bag over my shoulder tightens its grip, and I flex my free hand. My heart pounds as anger washes over me in a way I’ve never felt before.

  I swing my hand, only stopping when it connects forcefully against her cheek.

  She cries out, her head whipping to the side, and her hand covering where mine made contact.

  “Don’t you dare,” I snap, my breaths labored. I want to scream and shout that I know what she did, but I hold it all in. I know this could all blow up in our faces, and I fear that I’ll lose Leo forever.

  “You hit me,” she gasps, removing her hand, glancing at her palm, then placing it back against her cheek.

  “And I’ll do it again if I need to. Believe me, it’s nothing close to what I’d like to do.”

  “Are you threatening me?” she asks with a cock of her head.

  “Stay away from me, Liza. Keep your poison to yourself.”

  “Poison?” She narrows her eyes, her brows drawing together. “I’ve spent the last eighteen years caring for you. Being the mother you never had, and this is how you repay me?”

  Nothing I can do stops the scoff from escaping.

  “You became a pampered housewife and I was your perfect excuse. Don’t act like you did me a favor, Liza. You’re nothing more than a gold-digging bitch. I’m just sad Dad hasn’t wised up yet.”

  Her eyes pool with tears, but I just shake my head. “The tears won’t work on me.” I take a step closer, pointing my finger against her chest. “You might be able to put on a pretense for my father, but I see straight through it. I see you for who you really are.”

  “It’s that boy. He’s changed you, Cassie. And you can’t see through his charade. You have no idea who he is, or what you’re dealing with. Maybe once your father knows about the two of you, he’ll put a stop to this whole thing.”

  With a shake of my head, I refuse to get into this with her now. I know who he is, and what he told me.

  “Enjoy your weekend away, Liza.” Stepping past her, I rush through the dining room and out the door as fast as I can. Biting my lip, I make my way to the office, never once looking back at her. I’m not letting the bitch get under my skin. All that matters right now is making the most of the time we have together.

  Knocking on his door, I wait impatiently, shaking my leg.

  The door slowly opens and Leo stands in the gap, his smile wide.

  “You ready?” I ask, not mentioning the run-in with Liza. I don’t want anything to ruin tonight.

  “Let’s go,” he replies, grabbing his keys and locking the door behind him.

  * * *

  Leo drops me at the studio and I head inside to find Erika. I’m so nervous that my stomach flips. I know, without any doubt, I’m making the right decision. I just never had the strength to do it before. Not without my father’s approval.

  I head to the top studio and cross the room until I get to the office in the corner. I softly knock my knuckles against the wooden door.

  “Come in,” Erika calls back. I grab the handle, my hand shaking the whole time.

  “Hi, Erika,” I say with a smile as I enter.

  “Cassie, dear. Come in, take a seat.” She points to the small office chair opposite and I slide down, letting my gym bag drop to the floor with a thud.

  “So…we’re doing this?” she asks excitedly, her shoulders lifting as she lets out a little squeal.

  “Yes.” I smile from ear to ear.

  “I know so many dance schools that are itching to work with you, Cassie. I’ve called a few of them and spoken to them on your behalf.”

  “I want to stay as local as possible,” I blurt out, eager for her to know that moving out of state isn’t an option.

  “If you were willing to travel, you could be at one of the most prestigious, well-thought-of schools for dance and choreography. I mean, of course Westhaven University will take you, that’s without question. But you need to aim high. You’re the best dancer I’ve ever taught, Cassie. You have a seriously good career ahead of you, should you wish to take it. Cassie, I’m talking Juilliard. They want you, honey.”

  “No,” I gasp.

  “Yes.” She beams. “I reached out to them. I showed them videos of you and your work. They were blown away and called me right away. They want you to meet with the program administrator.”

  Swallowing down the emotion that has grown thick in my throat, I gawk at Erika.

  “I can’t leave. I can’t live in New York.”

  She nods. “The fees are pretty steep. Is your father on board with helping you?”

  She places her elbows on the desk, her hands clasped together in front of her.

  “Not exactly.” I all but wince. “I’m doing this alone. I’ll work and pay the fees, and although Juilliard is the best of the best, I’m just not ready to uproot my entire life.”

  “Go big or go home, Cassie.”

  “I know, I know.” I let out a huge controlled sigh. “But I just want to fulfill my dream.”

  “Here is a list of all the schools that offer choreography diplomas. They’re all willing to take you in, but we have to work fast. You’ve alread
y missed a huge chunk of the first semester and will be playing catch-up. Tell me who, what, and where and I’ll make the call. We’ll go together, Cassie. Whatever I can do to see you soar, that’s all I want. I’ve watched you for years become the dancer you are today, and no one is more thrilled than I am to see you finally fulfilling your destiny. You were born for this, honey.”

  I feel myself choking up at her kind words.

  “I’m doing this,” I say, my adrenaline spiking. “I’m really doing this.”

  Stepping up from behind the desk, she walks to me, her arms open. I stand, leaning into her embrace.

  “I will help you every step of the way.”

  “I can’t thank you enough,” I mumble into her shoulder as she holds me tightly.

  * * *

  After an hour of dance practice, I exit the studio, my eyes searching in the dark for Leo’s car. I see him parked in the far corner of the car park, the window down and a guy leaning into the widow. My eyes search the parking lot as confusion swims in my mind. Cautiously, I walk toward the Mustang, clinging onto my bag. As I close the space between myself and the vehicle, the face leaning against the car comes into sight. Relaxing, I smile at the face now looking at me.

  “Hey, Cass,” he greets and I give him a tip of my head.

  “Hey, Jase. You here for Sasha?”

  “Yeah, is she not with you?”

  “She’s in the next class. Does she know you’re here?”

  “No, I thought I’d surprise her. I don’t mind waiting,” he says with a smile. Pausing for a second, I can’t help but notice how different Jase seems. He’s Alison’s twin and there’s definitely no love lost between me and her. He’s always had the nickname, Jase the Ace, because he’s the kind of guy that is good at everything. Good at sports, good academically, there wasn’t anything he wasn’t good at. And he knew it. He was cocky as hell with his ridiculous talent and his family name. The Farnhams are well known. His mom is a small-time actress while his father is a property tycoon. Money is no object for them and the pair have used it to their advantage. Alison was your typical mean girl in school, whereas Jase was the stereotypical jock. But that’s not what I see in the boy standing in front of me.


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