The Devils Sister (The Devils Soldiers mc series)

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The Devils Sister (The Devils Soldiers mc series) Page 21

by Cilla Lee

  “What do you want to do today?” he asks me

  “Don’t we have to get back?” I ask him, but he shakes his head

  “Not today baby,” he says, and I smile sitting up and jumping on the bed

  “Can we go to the mob museum and the Titanic exhibition oh and the Voodoo Zipline and the X Scream ride or the inverter and the Slingshot oh oh what about the indoor skydiving. I’ve always wanted to do that, but I’m sort of scared the parachute won’t open, and I’d plummet to earth and go splat” I clap my hands together as Blaze laughs pulling me to him again

  “Splat,” he says, and I laugh

  “Yeah, well in my head, it’s way more dangerous,” he laughs, and I love it

  “Baby if you wanna do all of that we will.”

  “Really! All of it” Blaze nods his head

  “Yep, all of it.”

  “Can we invite Julia and Scarlet?”

  “You want the guys with us” I nod

  “They were so nice to do all of this for us,” I tell him, and he smiles

  “Whatever you want baby it’s yours,” he tells me, and I lay my head on his chest

  “Thank you,” I tell him, and he holds me tighter

  “Your welcome Mrs. Thomas now move your ass I’m hungry,” he slaps me on the butt, and I run into the bathroom as Blaze picks his phone up.


  “I can’t believe you talked me into this,” Julia screams as the ride starts every jolt of the ride has me screaming, and I look in front of us feeling like I’m going to pass out as Black Jack and Blaze behind won't shut up laughing

  “Oh, baby we’re gonna fall,” Black Jack says, and Julia screams, I look over at her trying not to laugh, but feel exactly the same the X Scream ride the pavement below making me nauseous the ride moves and we both scream and I grab Julia’s hand

  “I fucking hate this!” she screams as the ride goes back then forward and I scream just as loud. The rides over in two minutes, but it feels like a lifetime, the thought of falling off of the building so heart stopping I thought I was going to pass out. As we both scramble off the ride as fast as we can the feel of terra firma feels so good even though we're still in the air

  “Ok, no more rides like that please,” Julia says, and I nod

  “Totally agree,” I tell her as Scarlet comes over

  “How was that?” she asks, and we both look up at her from the ground

  “Can we go?” I ask Blaze, and all the guys laugh

  “Yeah baby, let's go,” he takes my hand, and we all make our way down. “What do you want to do next?” he asks me, and I pull my list out of everything that I’ve ever wanted to see in Vegas

  “Well, this was the last thing so I guess a nice beer would be good.”

  “Oh god it’s the most sensible thing you’ve said all day,” Julia says, and we all laugh

  “I can’t believe you’ve lived in Vegas your whole life and you’ve never been to any of these places.”

  “Honey, all of those places are for the tourists.”

  “Well, I had fun and come on you totally enjoyed the indoor skydiving,” I say, and she smiles

  “Yeah, I’ll give you that one.”

  “And the Zipline”

  “That was ok” I laugh

  “It was nice hanging out with you guys,” I tell them all and Blaze kisses my neck

  “I can’t believe you even came out of the room, I would be laying around in luxury totally naked enjoying the spa bath,” Julia says

  “Oh, I plan on doing that later,” I tell her, and we both laugh

  Chapter Forty-Three


  Watching Ella today with the brothers and their Old Ladies was great, I thought she might feel uncomfortable around them, but she’s been amazing.

  “That one’s a real keeper man,” Black Jack says as we watch both our women laughing with a few other women

  “What about you man, Julia, she’s one hell of a woman, why the fuck, haven’t you married her?” I ask him, and he looks over at her

  “The thought of being tied down to one woman scares the shit out me,” he says, and I turn and look at him

  “What’s scarier man, you being with one woman forever or coming home one day and her being gone,” he looks at me then back at her

  “I couldn’t live without her,” he tells me, and I can see the honesty

  “Then, what the fuck man?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Tell me the chick you fucked at the wake, was she worth it” he shakes his head

  “Nah, she wasn’t”

  “Then stop being a fuckin’ pussy and marry the women.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Did you see how fuckin’ hot my women looked in your women’s dress.”

  “Yeah man, damn she’s got nice tits” I punch him in the arm, and he laughs

  “Don’t be a dick, the second Ella said the word marriage man I rushed her here so fuckin fast, the thought of loosening her scared the fuck out of me. I needed to tie her ass to me quick as fuck before she woke up and changed he mind man, cause women like ours are fuckin’ rare.”

  “You right” he stands up and walks over to Julia and picks her up makin’ her cry out and he walks past me

  “Where the fuck, are you goin’?” I ask, and he smiles

  “To get married” I laugh as Ella comes over and I whistle for Scarlet, she comes running over “Go and get a dress and shit ready, we got another wedding,” I tell them and they both look at me than at Black Jack and Julia, and they both start jumping up and down


  I don’t know how the fuck these women get shit done so fast, but we're all standing back at the same chapel that Ella and I got married in.

  As the music starts, Julia walks in a tight-fitting dress that’s all lacey and shit, her hair down in waves and the biggest smile on her face. I pull Ella to me more as Julia walks down the aisle and I look at Black Jack, and I know that feeling of seeing the most beautiful women in the world walking towards you choosing to be your women. The little sundress that Ella has on has my dick so hard, and I grab her hand, placing it on my crotch, and she looks up at me, and I smile. We're at the end of the aisle, and all eyes are on the couple at the altar, and I lean in and whisper in Ella’s ear. “Rub my dick” she bulges her eyes looking around shaking her head a little, I smile, moving her hand into my jeans and she wraps her hand around my dick. I hold my moan in as she gives me a hand job right there in the chapel. “Damn, I love you baby” I whisper, and her hand tightens (damn, I’m gonna eat her pussy all night) I feel my balls tighten and my spine tingle. “I’m gonna come,” I tell her, and she leans down and takes my dick into her mouth, swallowing my load, and I almost groan out loud but hold it in. As she tucks my dick back into my jeans, smiling up at me and I shake my head, I was totally ready to blow my load in my jeans but fuck if my wife isn’t perfect. Whistles and yells erupt into the chapel, and I realize the ceremony is over, and we all stand up as Black Jack and Julia walk down the aisle all the brothers and women congratulating them. As we make our way outside as those two sign all the paperwork, I pull Ella over to my borrowed bike. “I’m gonna lick your pussy all night baby,” I tell her licking and sucking on her neck

  “All night?” she asks blushing

  “All night,” I tell her, and she laughs as Black Jack and Julia come out of the chapel, and I help Ella on the bike. Black Jack passes through all of the bikes, and we follow him down the street back to the clubhouse. The party rages on for hours when I grab Ella “You ready to go, baby?” she nods yawning

  “Yeah, I’m so tired.”

  “Not too tired I hope,” she smiles, but I can see she’s just about to fall asleep “Come on.” We say goodnight to everyone, and I help her on the back of the bike and make our way to the hotel. As we pull up I can feel, Ella is fast asleep, I tap her leg, and she stirs “Baby where here” I tell her, and she opens her eyes looking up

Oh, right” she hops off and stands next to me, I hand the valet the key and take her hand walking to the elevators, she leans on me the whole time.

  “You tired baby?” I ask her, and she nods

  “I feel so drained.”

  “Then let’s get up and go to bed.”

  “But we're on our honeymoon,” she says, and I laugh as she pouts

  “And we’ll still be on it tomorrow, come on, bed.”


  My phone ringing has me moaning as Ella lays half on top of me, the second her head hit the pillow last night she was out. I move her gently grabbing my phone and heading into the living area and take the call.

  “When are you comin’ back?” Nash asks over the phone

  “Good morning to you too fuckhead” he grumbles

  “When the fuck, are you coming back?”

  “Why? You need me?”

  “Sort of”

  “Why?” I ask

  “Got the man pretending to be a Devil” I stand up straighter




  “We got a problem,” he says

  “And, what’s the problem?”

  “I think you should get back here.”


  “Just get back here.”

  “Fine, I’ll try and get the next flight,” he hangs up not saying anything else, and I ring the airline for the next flight home.


  As we say our goodbyes to all the guys and Ella says goodbye to all the girls, we walk arm in arm through the terminal. People give us a wide birth, and I love that, no one touches my wife but me.

  As we sit and wait, Ella leans her head on my shoulder “So, how come we have to go back so soon?” she asks

  “Club business baby,” I tell her, and she looks up at me

  “It’s nothing serious is it” I shake my head not really sure why the fuck Nash didn’t tell me more on the phone

  “I don’t know baby until we get home.”

  The flight is long, and Ella sleeps most of the time, we land back at home and Nash Tank, and Stryker are there to greet us, and I frown when I see Steven in the van

  “Congratulation man” Stryker and Tank say, Nash, standing there and Ella smiles

  “We need to go,” Nash tells us, and I look at Ella

  “Who she going with?” I ask him, and he motions to Steven. I walk her over to the van and help her in “I’ll see you back at the clubhouse baby,” she nods leaning down and kissing me “I love you” I tell her, and she smiles

  “Be safe,” she tells me, and I nod, looking at Steven

  “You take care of my wife,” I tell him and he nods

  “Like she’s my own man,” I growl, and he holds his hands up. I close the door and walk back over to the others and get on my bike. I watch as Steven drives off with her and my heart skips a beat (that little fucker better watch himself) I turn, and the others are all watching me


  “Just never seen you so… that” Tank says, and I give him the finger, and he smiles “Nice ring” I look down at my new ring and smile

  “Let’s fuckin’ move!” Nash scowls, and we all get on our bikes.


  We get to the barn, and I know it's game time, as I go to walk in Nash stops me and I look at him

  “What?” I ask him, and he lets me pass, I walk in, and I see all of the guys standing in a semi-circle. They all turn and look at us, and we make our way through the crowd, and I stop and look at the guy strapped to the chair, he looks so familiar as Razor steps up next to me

  “Good to have you home brother” I look at him, then back at the kid his dark eyes looking right at me, and it clicks

  “Chase!” I say, and the kid laughs

  “Well big brother, I didn’t think you’d recognized me” I look at Razor

  “What the fuck is going on?” I ask him looking around

  “This here is our pretend Devil,” Razor tells me

  “What?” he nods his head and Colt throws him a jacket, and he hands it to me, and I look at it, and I look at Chase

  “How the fuck did you get this?” I ask him, and he shrugs his shoulders, my anger spikes, and I walk over to him and punch him hard in his face

  “MOTHERFUCKER!” he yells spitting blood on the ground

  “HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET THIS?” I yell at him again, but he doesn’t say anything, and I punch him again

  “FUCKIN’ TELL ME! I’ll keep fuckin’ hittin’ ya” I go to hit him again

  “Mom stole it out of Dads coffin alright” I look at him

  “Cindy stole it,” he nods

  “Yeah, I found it two years ago when I was clearing out her shit, I found it in a box with photos and other shit ok.”

  “Why the fuck, have you been pretending to be a Devil,” I ask him fucked off my stupid fuckin’ stepmom stole his Cut

  “I needed the money,” he says

  “What the fuck for?” he shrugs, and I go to punch him, and he cowers away

  “To pay for mom’s treatment” I look down at him

  “What treatment?” he doesn’t say anything, and I lift my hand again

  “CANCER! Ok cancer,” he says, and I look at Razor takin’ a deep breath

  “Chase, why the fuck didn’t you come to me?” I tell him, and he laughs

  “When dad died, none of you gave a fuck about mom, she worked two jobs just to make ends meet. I never even saw her, so, don’t fuckin’ ask me why” Razor steps forward and Chase looks at him

  “You don’t think we cared, you’re fuckin’ wrong boy, we offered your mom money for years, and she always threw it back at us. Tellin’ us it was because of us that Tin-Man was dead that we killed him, so she packed her life up and left” Chase looks at him shaking his head

  “You're lying” Razor shakes his head

  “Dover show him” Dover steps forward with a folder in his hand and I untie Chase’s hand so he can look at it. He opens it up, and checks fall to the floor letters unopened with fuck off in big read letter written all over them and return to sender

  “UNTIE ME!” Chase yells, and I unite his other hand as he goes through all of the papers checks and letters “She always told me you never gave a shit, that you blamed her for Dad's death, why would she lie?” he says looking up at me, and I shake my head but Razor speaks up

  “Your mom was grieving son, and she blamed us, and in a way, it was the clubs fault. But this is the life your Dad choose, like your bother we all know the risks of bein’ in a club, but we’ve changed son. The club were out of all that illegal shit, and we don’t fuckin’ extort money from the townsfolk.”

  “I’m sorry,” he whispers still holdin’ the returned checks

  “Brothers, we have a problem here, and we need to send a message, but this one is not as simple as putting a bullet in the fucker and burying him in an unmarked grave. This is a legacy, family so this is a full vote decision” everyone turns and looks at each other and Tiny steps forward

  “I say an old-time fashion ass kickin’ is in order.”

  “Anyone else,” Razor asks, and no one else says anything, and I look at my little brother

  “How’s your mom?” I ask him

  “She died last year,” he says

  “Sorry man,” he looks up at me

  “Didn’t you ever want to know about me?” he asks, and I look down at him then around the room

  “Chase, I sent you a card every year man” he frowns

  “Every year,” he asks, and I nod

  “We may not have had the same mom, but we were still brothers,” I tell him

  “I’ll take the old-time ass-kickin'” he says, and I laugh

  “You sure,” I ask him, and he smiles

  “Yeah, I’m sure.”

  “You remember little brother if you die it’s an unmarked grave.”

  “And if I die like Dad.”

  “Then every single Bro
ther here will dig your grave with their own hands,” he looks around, and I see tears in his eyes, but he looks up holding them back

  “I’m ready.”

  Chapter Forty-Four


  As we get back to the clubhouse I see most of the girls sitting there, they all rush up to me, and I smile

  “It’s true then,” Abbey says, holding up my hand, my new diamond wedding band for all to see

  “Yep,” I tell them smiling

  “Oh my god, you have to tell us everything” As we walk into the clubhouse we all walk out into the Old Ladies section

  “So,” Abbey says as we all settle in

  “Well, I ask him to marry me.”

  “Wait, you asked him?” Niya says, and I nod

  ‘Yep, he put a chair at Brayden’s grave for me, so when I go to visit him I have somewhere nice to sit and talk to him” Niya frowns at me

  “Do you go there a lot,” she asks me

  “I like to go there every week and just sit there, it’s so peaceful. I tell him about my week it makes me feel better” I tell them and Lilly squeezes my hand

  “You tell the boys hi next time you go from all of us ok,” she says, and I smile

  “I will.”

  “So, what happened after that?”

  “Well, he drove straight to the airport, and we flew to Vegas and got married.”

  “Oh god that is so romantic” I laugh, she’s got this thing about romance, but never happy when it comes to guys

  “It was amazing, and Julia and Scarlet are the best, oh and they said next time we all want a holiday to head to Vegas and they’d look after us.”


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