Dress Blues

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by Dannie Marsden

  “For months now. I’ve asked her if her feelings have changed, if she wants out and it’s always no, I don’t and they haven’t, you’re imaging things. We’re in serious trouble and she refuses to even acknowledge it. You know, I have asked her if she thinks all of this is because of the accident and all I get is I’m fine. I’ve dealt with it and moved on. Then she changes the subject. So, my question to you is, if I’m stood up again tonight, can I crash at your place until I get a place of my own set up? It shouldn’t be long. I have some money set aside hoping I would never use it for this. But what else am I supposed to do? It’s been like this for months and I’m miserable.”

  “Of course, you can. You know both Dannie and I love having you around.”

  “Thanks. You guys are super.”

  “Hey, things will be alright,” Susie said as she watched her childhood friend. She could see that Yvette was worried and upset and that worried her. Of the two, Yvette was the one that usually lent a shoulder to cry on, not the one crying on shoulders.

  “I hope so. I’m sorry. Thanks for listening, Susie. Lunch was great.”

  “Always is when we get together. Don’t worry about the bill…I got it this time.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Of course, I am. You got it last time,” Susie replied as she placed enough money on the table to cover the bill and tip.

  The two women stood and walked out of the diner then hugged as they said their goodbyes.

  “You know where the extra key is. I’ll have the guest room ready just in case.”

  “Thank you, Susie. You’re a lifesaver.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I know you’d do the same for me. I’ll see you tomorrow morning, if you’re there. Hopefully, things will go well.”

  “I hope so, too. Love ya, sweetie,” Yvette said as she gave her friend one last hug.

  “Love you, too.”


  Dinner was ready, the table set, the candles cast a nice romantic glow, soft music was playing―Luce was missing. Yvette looked at the clock on the wall and with each passing minute grew all the more upset. Another dinner ruined, another night spent hoping her partner would give her some consideration.

  Her concern was that Luce had been a completely dedicated person in everything she did. She held herself to a standard that most didn’t. Not once in the entire two years they had been together had Luce ever treated her as she had in the last six months. It had been in the months following the accident that Luce had changed. Yvette had given her chance after chance to realize what was happening to them and she refused to see―Yvette was done.

  She blew out the candles, walked to the bedroom, grabbed her bag, and then walked out of the apartment.


  Hours later, Luce stumbled in, more than a little tipsy. Realizing the apartment was quiet; she flipped on the light and saw a dried, ruined dinner on the table. A tinge of guilt flashed through her as she flipped off the light again. She walked to the bedroom. Not noticing that her partner was not in the bed, she collapsed and fell asleep immediately.

  The next morning when she woke and noticed Yvette wasn’t there, she thought Yvette had gone into work early. She walked into the bath, stripped and got into the shower. It was only when she walked back out that she realized Yvette’s side of the bed hadn’t been slept in.

  Luce dressed, went to the kitchen looking for a note or something to tell her where Yvette was but found nothing. With a panicked feeling, she picked up her cell phone and tried calling her partner. When she was directed to voice mail, she hung up and dialed Yvette’s office.


  “Yvette, it’s me. Look …”

  “No, Luce, don’t bother. I’m done with listening to your excuses.”

  “But …”

  “No. There is no but. I tried telling you time and time again I can’t do this anymore. You want to spend time with me but it has to be on your schedule. If I can’t, you throw it back at me and it’s my fault. I plan dinners for the two of us and you blow them and me off. I try to initiate intimacy between us and you either turn me down flat or you just go through the motions. It’s been like that for months and I just can’t do it anymore.”

  “Do you want out?”


  “No, don’t! I’ll change. I’ll work on things. I’ll start spending more time with you and not work. I’ll stop drinking.”

  “Luce, you have to do all that because you want to, not because I want you to. Something happened to you after that accident; it’s like you stopped caring about anything when you came to and you won’t tell me why. That’s when you became cold and distant to me. Do you blame me for distracting you? If so, then damn it, you should have talked to me about it.”

  “Look, meet me for lunch and we’ll talk about it. Please?”

  “I don’t think there’s anything left to say, Luce.”

  “Please. If you ever loved me, please meet me.”

  “Damn it, Luce! So, help me, you had better be there. Where do you want to meet?”

  “Let’s meet at the Tea House. I know you love that place. I’ll be there at noon. Can you make it then?”

  “Yes, that shouldn’t be a problem.”

  “Thank you. I … I love you, Yvette,” Luce said before she hung up.

  “God, this is a bad idea,” Yvette said to herself.


  Luce went to work and immediately walked up to her boss’s office, knocking on the door. When she was acknowledged, she walked in.

  Mark Tyler looked up from the desk when he heard the knock on his door, and when he saw Luce standing there he immediately invited her in. He watched the tall woman walk in and sit down and remembered the young strong, determined woman he interviewed almost a year before for the opening in his team. As he had spoken to her in that interview, he had gotten a glimpse of her personality and gotten to know her fairly well. She had been full of life and the light in her eyes had shown bright. She was indeed on the way up the ladder. ‘What a change from the woman that sits in front of me now,’ he thought.

  “What can I do for you, Luce?” he asked.

  “I was wondering if I could take the rest of the day off. I’ve been busting my ass on this case and I don’t feel anything will happen today, but I can have Simmons cover me, and you can reach me if you need to at any time.”

  “Luce, take a breath will ya? I agree with you. I don’t think there is gonna be a break in this case today, so yeah, take the day off.” The man with the dark brown eyes said.

  “Thanks!” Luce said as she jumped up ready to leave.

  “Velasquez, slowdown. Don’t kill yourself between my door and wherever you’re headed,” the deep voice of the man said as he stood up to his full 6’3” height. His big hands rested on his narrow hips, and a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

  Chapter Three

  Luce made it to the Tea House right at noon. She had stopped off at home and changed into her faded 501’s and favorite black tee. Her black boots finished off her attire, along with corded necklace that sported a howling wolf medallion in silver.

  As soon as the dark-haired woman with mirrored sunglasses walked in the diner, she commanded attention. The hostess led her to a table, all the while trying hard to keep from looking back at Luce. While the hostess was straight, she did find it hard to keep her eyes off of the woman in the black tee and jeans. She found it a bit confusing when she found herself flirting with the tall woman. Hell, at one point she would have sworn she was even coming on to the dark-haired beauty.

  Luce walked confidently to the table the hostess led her to and sat down to wait for Yvette. She was both a little amused and irritated that the hostess seemed to be falling over herself to make sure Luce had whatever she wanted.

  When Yvette walked in and spotted Luce, she saw the smile that had won her heart. She had to remind herself of where they were in this relationship. It wasn’t that she didn’t love Luce. She coul
dn’t and wouldn’t feel as she had the last half year. Luce stood as Yvette approached the table and when the long-haired woman caught sight of the tight-fitting Levis, her heart flipped and her mouth watered. She loved seeing Luce in her Levis and tee almost as much as her uniform.

  “Hi, glad you could make it,” Luce said as she waited for Yvette to slide into the booth.

  “You had a long night, didn’t you?”

  “Unfortunately, yeah, I did. We had some surveillance to do. Hopefully, we can make the bust soon.”

  “I hope so. You need sleep, although I’m sure the drinking has a little to do with that too.”

  “Where are you staying, if you leave?” Luce asked, ignoring the comment.

  “I’ll be with Susie and Dannie until I line up an apartment. And it’s not if, Luce…I am leaving.”

  “You’re not even going to try to talk this out? You’ve already made the decision?”

  “Luce, baby, I’ve tried talking to you about this. You never want to acknowledge anything I say.”

  “Okay, well, I’m listening now. We can work this out.”

  “Luce, I don’t think so. You’ve changed. You’re not the same person you were a year ago.”

  “Yvette, I’ve been through a lot in the last year; the promotion, the accident, not to mention this damn case. You think it’s easy trying to get evidence on drug dealers, who know there are people looking for it? I’ve been a little busy ya know.”

  “This has nothing to do with how busy you’ve been. You’ve grown distant.”

  “Yvette, I’m under a lot of pressure lately. The powers that be want this case wrapped up, and I…”

  “I wouldn’t know that because you won’t share it with me. You used to turn to me and share that with me. We would find comfort in each other’s arms. That’s not there anymore. Anytime I even try, it’s like you turn into an iceberg. God, you have definitely earned the title of Ice Queen.”

  “Oh, come on. I’m not that bad.”

  “You know what? I can’t do this. I’m sorry I agreed to meet you. I knew it was a mistake,” Yvette said as she stood up to leave.

  Luce stood up as well and tossed a couple of dollars on the table for the waitress as an apology for taking up space she could use for a paying customer who was eating. She followed Yvette out the door. “Let me at least walk you to your car.”

  “You don’t have to,” Yvette said as she looked straight ahead with unshed tears in her eyes.

  Once they reached Yvette’s car, Luce reached for her keys, unlocked her door, and then opened it.

  As Yvette stepped to slide in, she made the mistake of looking at the tan woman who held the door for her. Luce brought her hand up and brushed away the single stray tear that Yvette couldn’t control with such tenderness and caring that the woman lost it.

  Luce took Yvette in her arms and held her, whispering that everything would be all right, placing soft kisses on the top of her head and then moved to her ear, then soft kisses to her neck.

  Yvette, who had missed such tenderness from the woman, responded and without thinking slid into the car and allowed Luce to follow her. Before she knew it, the kisses became more passionate and demanding from not only Luce, but from herself as well.

  Luce started the car and with Yvette’s blessing, drove home where they continued. Luce was again the confident and demanding lover that Yvette remembered. Once behind the door of their apartment, Luce’s hands undid the other woman’s hair and wrapped her hand in it. She pulled and tugged as her kisses became more forceful, her lips crushing Yvette’s as her tongue pushed its way in.

  Yvette’s hands pulled the tee shirt out of the waistband of the Levi’s and worked their way up the strong back, her fingernails digging in.

  Before long, Luce was grinding into Yvette and they were both breathing fast and hard. Luce got hold of her control long enough to move them to the sofa where she pushed Yvette down.

  Yvette’s fingers were working on the buttons of the tight jeans while Luce crossed arms and reached for the hem of her tee shirt and yanked it off. The muscles of her toned stomach tightened then jumped as Yvette’s tongue and lips made contact. Luce pulled Yvette’s head into her as she let a deep groan of pleasure escape.

  “Oh, god, that feels good,” Luce moaned. All too soon the strands of control that Luce had managed to gain were shattered and without a second thought she pushed Yvette down and with Yvette’s skirt hiked up she pushed her hips between Yvette’s thighs.

  Yvette’s hips rose as Luce ground into her. With each push, the buttons of the Levi’s rubbed against Yvette’s hard throbbing clit and quickly pushed her over the edge. With her back arched into Luce, she shook with the strength of her orgasm.

  Feeling Yvette’s wetness soaking her jeans and hearing Yvette’s climax, Luce let herself go as well. She reeled with the strength of their combined orgasms. She collapsed on Yvette. Luce regained her strength and stood up. With a smile, she reached down and picked her lover up in her arms and carried her to the bedroom. She kissed and teased Yvette slowly as she undressed her. With soft, sweet words and the gravelly voice that Yvette told her repeatedly rocked Yvette to her core, Luce gently brushed her fingers over Yvette’s body.

  Each word Luce murmured rekindled the fire burning deep inside Yvette.

  Luce shed her clothes and as she whispered, reached into her bedside table and grabbed her favorite strap on.

  Yvette was letting her hands do some roaming as well and as soon as Luce had the strap securely on she pulled Yvette down on the bed.

  With her mouth and teeth kissing and nipping at Luce’s neck, Yvette worked her way over and was soon straddling her. Slowly Yvette slid the hard thick, butch cock inside with a loud groan as it filled her.

  Luce, without thought, began thrusting up as the woman on top lowered herself and soon the two had a perfect rhythm. Going faster, the two were soon panting as hands groped and sweat dripped.

  Yvette rocked and ground into Luce.

  Luce pushed harder, going as deep as she could and soon the two were hurled back into another quaking orgasm, with wave after wave crashing into them.

  After a while, with their breathing back under control and brain function having returned, Yvette tried not to feel uncomfortable. Losing the battle, Yvette got up and reached for her clothes.

  “Hey, where are you going?” Luce asked.

  “I need to clean up. I have to get back to work. I should have been back an hour and a half ago.”

  “Ok, I’ll take you back if you want, or I can catch a cab to go get my car.”

  “Would you mind doing that? Like I said, I should have been back a while ago,” Yvette said from the bathroom.

  “Not at all. I took the rest of the day off. Should I get some steaks for dinner tonight?” Luce asked.

  Yvette walked out of the bathroom buttoning her blouse. She looked at Luce and with tears in her eyes said, “Luce, this didn’t change anything. I’m leaving. It has nothing to do with whether I love you or not but everything to do with self-preservation. I cannot keep doing this with you. One minute you’re here with me and you’re fine and the next you’re off in your own world and angry and cold as hell and you take it out on me.”

  “I said I’d work on that. It’s not like I’m that way all the damn time.”

  “No? Note the tone you just used with me. Think back on the last time you actually showed as much tenderness or emotion or actually followed through on making love to me.”


  “I’ll tell you when it was. It was the night of the promotion and awards ceremony. The accident and that boy’s death were not your fault and they sure as hell weren’t mine. Yet you hold it against both of us and I can’t take it anymore. Luce, I’m sorry, but you just go through the motions now and it’s not enough. Good-bye, Luce.”

  Before Luce could react, Yvette had walked out of the bedroom, grabbed her keys, and was gone. For the first time in months, Luce broke do
wn and cried. She finally felt something and unfortunately, it was the feeling of her world crashing around her.

  The End.

  The story continues in Desert Heat

  The story continues in Desert Blooms

  About the Author

  Let me introduce myself, I am Dannie, a butch-identified writer. I am committed to a beautiful woman, have three wonderful children and one adorable granddaughter.

  I started writing about ten years ago and of course, my stories are centered on, what else...beautiful lesbian women. I try to write about strong women with vulnerabilities and soft caring who compliment, understand and support them. I hope I convey the many levels women have and the beauty of each level.

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