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Adam Page 12

by Katie Dowe

  “Is there anyone you really approve of?” He posed the question to both men who were determined to have a say in his personal life, no matter what!

  “The Whitmores are from impeccable bloodlines-”

  “And you are determined to do anything in your power to maintain that,” Adam said sardonically. He finished the wine and pushing back his chair, he got to his feet. “We live in the twenty-first century, Father, where none of that matters one bit, but neither you nor Grandfather are willing to acknowledge that, are you? You are determined to maintain that so-called impeccable bloodline, even if it means that we are not happy. It does not matter as long as the traditions of the Whitmores are upheld. Frankly, I am getting sick of all of it and I honestly do not give a damn about any of it!”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” his father asked him coldly.

  Adam sent him a grim smile. “Figure it out.” With that, he turned on his heels and left!

  Chapter 12

  “I have the most exciting news!” She flung herself into his arms the minute he opened the door a week later. He had been gone for several days and she had missed him like crazy! Not even the phone calls in the middle of the night and he crazy hours because of the time differences had quelled the emptiness inside her heart at his absence! She had tried to bury herself in work so she could stop thinking about him, but it had been useless and now he was back!

  He seized the back of her head and buried his lips on hers, his body straining against hers, the heat pouring through his body like lava! He did not give her a chance to say anything, he could not! He had been away from for seven days and he had burned with the fever of wanting her so badly that he had been unable to sleep at nights! He backed her towards the door and reaching between them, he fumbled with his zipper and released his engorged penis, pulling aside her panties and entering her swiftly, pushing deep into her, his fingers biting into her hips, his mouth still buried on hers, hungry and frantic, his thrusts gathering speed with each movement she made against him! He was ravenous, his hunger fueled by her own hunger! It was short, too short, and over just when it had begun because it had been too long since they had been together, and the coupling was just something to take the edge off the heat that existed between them for now! They both exploded simultaneously, the sounds of their release sounding inside the room. He held her weak and trembling body against his and could not find the strength to move out of her yet. His heart was pounding inside his chest so hard that he swore that it had been magnified. He closed his eyes and placed his forehead against hers, breathing through his clenched teeth. It took several minutes before he could let her go and ease himself out of her. She stood there on trembling legs, watching as he stuffed himself back inside his dark grey dress pants and pull up the zipper. “Hello, love.” His crooked grin had her heart racing and for a minute she could not say anything.

  “That was quite a greeting,” she said shakily as she stared at him. She could still feel him inside her and her knees buckled as she realized that she wanted to feel him inside her again. She shook her head and backed away, turning around and heading towards the kitchen. She went straight to the small liquor cabinet and poured them both some brandy, handing him the glass as he came into the kitchen. He took the glass from her, shoving one hand into his pocket as he watched her sit at the counter and sip the drink. He watched her and realized that he wanted her all over again. That quick and brutal coupling at the door was not enough! It would never be enough, and he realized that. Later, he would take her again, in bed, over and over again. He had also brought her a gift which he knew she was going to have a problem with. It was a ruby and diamond bracelet that he had picked up in a quaint and exclusive jewelry store in Sorbonne. He had seen it and the fire in the stones had reminded him of her!

  “It was.” He walked over and stood in front of her. “What’s the news?”

  “You came in here and took me like a-” She gestured with her free hand as she looked up at him.

  “A savage beast?” he asked her wryly. He put his drink on the counter and tilted her chin up. Her lips were still swollen from the kisses he had plundered her mouth with his.

  “Something like that.” She closed her hand around his wrist as she looked up at him. “I can still feel you inside me,” she whispered.

  “Talk like that will end up with me inside you again, darling,” he told her hoarsely. Amber gasped as he released her chin and pulled her between his legs. “What’s the news?” he repeated.

  “You expect me to concentrate on anything else?” she asked as she wound her hands around his neck.

  “Good point.” His head descended, but she managed to push him away.

  “Behave.” She picked up his drink and shoved it into his hand. “My designs have been picked up by Romano’s.” She looked at him suspiciously. “You don’t by any chance have anything to do with that, do you?”

  “No,” he told her with a laugh. “That’s great news.”

  “It will mean that I have to work much harder to get my designs done and to meet deadlines-”

  “Does that mean you won’t have time for me?”

  “Maybe.” she grinned at him mischievously.

  “I am not sure that is good news then.” He put away the glass again and reached for her. “I am happy for you, darling.”

  “Thank you.” She wrapped her hands around his neck. “But I will always have time for you and God, I missed you! So much that it was impossible for me to sleep without you! Damn you!” She tugged at the hairs at the nape of his neck and caused him to wince.

  “I felt the same way,” he told her with a grin as he bent his head to kiss her forehead. “Can we go to bed now?”

  “You are impossible!” she told him with a laugh but went anyway!


  He watched as she twisted her left wrist around to get a better look at the bracelet she had on. “Do you like it?” They had yet to get out of the bed and he had made love to her twice already.

  “I love it!”

  “Really?” He tilted his head and stared down at her. “I was expecting an argument.”

  “What woman would resist something like this?” She looked at the bracelet again and then back at him. “Only do not make it as a habit to buy me trinkets like these, Adam. I am not the women you are used to being with in the past. I want you to know that.”

  “I already know that.” He lifted a hand and brushed back her untidy hair. “I would appreciate you not reminding me about it.” His fingers tangled in her hair and he pulled hard enough to cause a little pain. “I love you-” He stopped when she jerked in surprise and rushed on before she could say anything. “I have wanted to say it to you for weeks now, but I was afraid you would not believe me. I am not the guy who felt the need to seek happiness with whoever is available. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I would like you to believe that.” His fingers twisted into the strands of her hair and brought her face up to his. “Do you?”

  Amber felt the breath catch inside her throat as she stared at his handsome face intense with passion and the love he spoke of, but she could not say it to him yet, not just yet. “I want to,” she whispered.

  “But you are not quite there yet.” He nodded in understanding. “I can wait.”

  “You are not exactly a patient man, Adam.”

  “For this – for us, I will wait forever,” he told her huskily.

  “Who are you and what have you done with my friend?” she demanded.

  “I would like to believe that I am much more than that,” he said wryly.

  “Friend, lover, pain in the ass?” One tapered brow arched as she stared at him.

  “Pain in the ass?” He brought her down to him and kissed her lips lingeringly.

  “Pain in the ass but an exceptional lover who can makes me cry out in intense need and ache for more,” she whispered. “Give me more, Adam.”

  “Gladly,” he whispered back, and bending his
head, he took her lips with his, negating speech altogether for a long time!


  Adam called Monique the next day. “Thank you for agreeing to see her designs, Monique.”

  “You are welcome, Adam, but I absolutely love her designs, so I get something in return. I am having lunch with her tomorrow.”

  “She is pretty excited.”

  There was a pause before she answered. “Are you really interested in her?”

  “You know I am.”

  “Your reputation-”

  “Is my business, Monique. Your husband was not exactly a saint and yet he fell in love with you and that love is for keeps. Surely, I am capable of falling in love as well?”

  “Of course,” she agreed.

  “I love her, and I am going to do my best to prove it to her.”


  For the first time in her life, Amber was nervous and intimidated about meeting someone. She had read up on Romano’s and had been staggered by their immense success as one of the premiere clothing brand in the world! She had scrolled through the pictures of the family and had studied the photos of Alexander and Monique Romano at length. She had also read their story and how they had met. The man reminded her of Adam with his dark coloring and incredibly attractive face. Monique Romano was a beautiful woman who ran the design section of the clothing brand and had traveled all over the world with her husband. Amber could not believe that she was actually going to be meeting with her and it was brought home to her that the world that the Romanos belonged to was the same world where Adam had spent all of his life and was very comfortable with. The thought did not bring her comfort; it just made her realize how different they were!

  Amber dressed carefully for the lunch meeting. Monique Romano was flying in to see her and when Amber had protested about her going through that amount of trouble, the woman had told her that she had business in town as well. The weather had gotten decidedly colder as it approached the end of November so she selected a cerulean blue wool wraparound blouse, dressing up the faded blue jeans that she had decided to wear with it. Chic black knee-length boots completed the outfit and she had pulled on a jeweled blue hat she had designed herself on top of her head. A minimum amount of makeup was added and then she was ready. She stood in front of the full-length mirror and stared at the effect. She was into clothes that were unusual and she always made sure that she was noticed whenever she wore one of her creations. She also had the distinct feeling that Monique Romano, with her eye for fashion, would notice as well. Putting her designs in her portfolio, she grabbed her coat and headed out. Adam called her when she was on her way.

  “Break a leg, darling,” he told her teasingly. He had left the house early that morning and as usual she had not gotten much sleep because of his insatiable appetite!

  “You already told me that this morning.” Amber pressed the left indicator to merge into traffic. The restaurant was one that she was familiar with but had never been to. It got rave reviews in the papers several times and walk-ins were never accepted. Reservations were very hard to come by and you had to book three months in advance. “Have you ever been to Melanie’s?”

  “Several times. We own shares in the place.”

  “Of course you do,” Amber said dryly.

  “It is one of the places I want to take you as soon as you dispense with this ridiculous nonsense of not going out with me.”

  “It’s not ridiculous and you know it.”

  “If you say so. I just called to tell you that you are going to do great and not to be nervous.”

  “I don’t know the meaning of the word,” she said airily.

  “Liar,” he said with a laugh. “See you later, love.”

  Amber was still smiling when she pulled up at the sprawling white building and stepped out of the vehicle. A valet rushed over to take her keys. She was directed inside by a doorman in uniform and a young girl hurried over to take her coat. Another person directed her to a privacy booth where the slender stylish woman in a chic rose-colored dress was already seated. “I am late.”

  Monique Romano laughed and stretched out a slender hand. “You are not. My husband tells me I have the annoying habit of always being early.” They both sat down and a waiter materialized immediately. “A Perrier for me.” She looked at Amber.

  “I will have the same, thanks.”

  “I came a little bit earlier because I have some things to catch up on and decided to do so before you came.” Monique’s dark brown eyes assessed the woman in front of her in frank admiration. “And I can see why Adam is so taken. Girl, you are absolutely beautiful!’

  “Thank you.” Amber frowned as she stared at Monique and waited until the waiter had departed before she said anything. “You know about Adam and I?”

  “He belongs to the same club as my husband and they are friends,” Monique explained.

  “Our relationship is supposed to be a secret.” Amber felt uncomfortable somehow, wondering if more people knew.

  “Why on earth would you want that?”

  “Adam has a certain reputation and his family would not exactly welcome me with open arms.” Amber told her the history of both families.

  “I see.” Monique stared at the girl quizzically. “I met Alexander in Italy after I had used up my savings to take a trip. I was always a hopeless romantic and I was determined to find some sort of vacation romance. I met him in a little eatery when I was trying to order something to eat. Suffice it to say that I was butchering the beautiful language and he came to my rescue. I had no idea that he was ‘the Alexander Romano’ and I fell for him hard.” She smiled whimsically and paused as the waiter came to take their order. “When I came back to the states and found out who he was, I almost died of mortification! I had fallen in love with one of the richest and most eligible bachelors in the world who had been paired with some of the most beautiful women in the world and I felt like a total jackass!”

  “But then you two hooked up again and he fell in love with you.” Amber leaned forward, fascinated by the story.

  “Not likely!” Monique said with a laugh. “We met again at some party and I was furious with him for not telling me who he was. We were caught on camera in an intimate embrace and his family demanded that we get married. He was a hard man to get along with and he did everything to push me away, but I was in love with him and was determined that he would fall in love with me too.”

  “And you succeeded.”

  “I did. I went from being a school teacher to being the wife of one of the most powerful men in the world and it frightened me. I have been with him for years now and it still overwhelms me somewhat. But my husband makes it easy for me. He is used to all of the glamour and the social life because he was born into it and makes sure that I am not uncomfortable no matter what. If I don’t feel comfortable going somewhere, he understands. We travel a lot and being in the fashion industry means that there are a lot of functions we have to attend and be a part of, but I am getting there.” She reached forward and patted Amber’s hand. “If you love Adam and I am sure you do, don’t let the family drama dictate what you should do about the relationship.”


  “I have made my decision,” she told him quietly. The lunch with Monique had gone remarkably well and before they had finished eating, she had become fast friends with the woman who made her feel at ease. Her designs had been accepted and she had been asked for more as soon as she was able. Monique had been genuinely delighted with the sketches and had raved over them, telling Amber that she was thinking of giving her an exclusive line dedicated to her designs. She had even suggested that they call it Amberesque Clothing Line. Amber had stared at the woman in shock! “You really like them?”

  “I really love them, Amber,” she had told her with a smile. “Now then, if you accept our offer, I am afraid you are going to have to stop selling your clothes online. We are looking for exclusivity.”

  “It depends on what you are offering,” Amb
er had said warily. Monique had taken out a contract and handed it to her to read and the sum of money had caused Amber to look over at her in shock. “This cannot be right.”

  Monique had smiled at her. “Have a lawyer read over the contract and get back to us in no less than a week. We need to get moving.”

  “I will have creative freedom?”

  “I am going to insist on that, honey.”

  Amber had left the restaurant in a daze.

  Now, sitting on the faded sofa in the living room after dinner, she was telling Adam what she had decided.

  “Go on,” he urged, his heart tripping inside his chest. She had told him of the successful meeting and had shown him the contract. He had offered to let their attorney read it over and make sure everything was okay and she had told him thanks.

  She took a deep breath. “Let’s do this.”

  “You are going to have to be specific, love.”

  “I want us to stop hiding our relationship.”

  He waited a beat before pulling her onto his lap. “I am going to have to find Monique and give her a very big kiss.”

  “Not that big,” she told him as she wrapped her hands around his neck. “Maybe a small one on the cheek, but nothing else. And I happen to know that Alexander would certainly not approve of you giving his wife a big kiss.”

  “I think you are right,” he said thoughtfully, with a glint of amusement in his silvery eyes. “He is quite impartial to other men kissing her. I know the feeling.” He twisted a lock of her hair around his finger and studied the blonde highlight before looking into her eyes. “The first thing we need to do is to have dinner with my family.”


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