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Adam Page 14

by Katie Dowe

  “You are a wily bastard,” his son said mildly as he pulled up one of the elaborately carved chairs with the ruby red covering at the side of the bed and stared at his father. “Even I was convinced that you were actually having a heart attack.”

  His father smiled in satisfaction. “The element of surprise always works. You had to believe it as well and Banberry had been apprised of the situation beforehand,” he added, referring to the physician. “But I am surprised he did not stay to make sure I was okay.’

  “He had to take the woman home,” his son said with a distasteful look on his face as he mentioned Amber. “What if he still continues to see her?”

  “Then we offer her some money,” his father said firmly as he sat up against the pillows. “It was very clever of you to have guessed that it was her he was bringing to meet us.”

  “Not clever at all, I had some help from Bianca. She was the one who told me that he was in love with that woman.”

  “Or we could wait until he gets tired of her like the rest.”

  “I have a feeling that that will not happen. This woman has been the only constant one in is life and that is saying something for my son. I will not have him throwing his life away on a woman who would never fit into our lifestyle.”

  “Not to mention she is a Gardner,” his father said bitterly.

  “Not to mention that.” His son got to his feet. “He is coming by in the morning, I am depending on you to make him feel very guilty.”

  “Absolutely,” he said with a nod as he watched his son exit the room and close the doors behind him. He reached for the remote and switched the television on, searching until he found CNN which he liked to watch when he was alone in bed. His mind wandered briefly over the girl’s reaction when she had seen him clutch his arm and realized that there was something about her that had obviously drawn his grandson to her. She was not only beautiful, but she was fiercely independent and was not afraid or intimidated by them. He felt the grudging admiration for her courage and a fleeting regret that she would have to go!

  Chapter 14

  “You are going to wear a hole in the very expensive carpet, boy.” His grandfather’s gruff voice ended his pacing abruptly and Adam turned to face the man propped up against the mound of pillows on his bed. For the first time since their relationship had taken a turn, he had not made love to Amber but had just held her in his arms, tightly as if he was telling her goodbye. They had not said anything about her needing some time, but Adam knew that if he did not fix things with his family, he was going to lose her and the thought of that crippled him so much that he could not think!

  “How are you feeling?” he asked absently, forgetting that he had asked the question twice since he had come into the room. His father had left for the office, telling Adam that he could come by in the afternoon and that he would go ahead with the meeting without the two of them.

  “I am fine as I have told you twice before.” Abe waved a hand to indicate the chair next to the bed. “Sit.”

  Adam did so abruptly, moving forward on the chair, his hands loose between his legs. “I wanted to wait until you were well enough to say this to you and to maybe explain to you why I cannot stop seeing Amber.” Adam held up a hand to stop him as he started to say something. “Just hear me out, please. Maybe you and Father think you know what is best for me, maybe this feud you have going on for generations is something that you think is justified in carrying on even though it is not fair to Amber and I. Now you are too rigid to know what it is like to fall in love and to be in love so much so that it envelops you! I love Amber and Father did his best to make me question what I feel, but I know without a shadow of a doubt that I love her and I want you to realize that even though family means the world to me, this woman – this wonderful, inexplicably amazing woman is one that I am so fortunate to find that I will never stand the chance of losing her. I also want to ask you the favor of being my family that you extend a welcome to her and end this foolish feud and allow us to make a fresh start. Assure her that there will never be another episode like last night to make her think that she being with me is going to affect your health.” He met his grandfather’s eyes that were so much like his in color and shape. “If you love me, I am asking you to do this for me.”

  His grandfather stared at him for so long that Adam wondered if he was going to respond. He got to his feet slowly in defeat when he responded. “I do love you.” His voice was gruff and caused Adam to sit back down. “I love you and because I do, I want what is best for you.”

  “I love Amber and I know she is the woman for me.”

  His grandfather folded his hands and looked at him. “I will talk with your father.”

  Adam closed his eyes in a relief so great that he felt the air sag out of his body. “Thank you.”

  “Stay a while,” his grandfather told him. “Tell me about this young lady of yours.”


  “I have wonderful news!” His voice sounded buoyant and cheerful that it served to lift her mood as well.

  “Please share.” She had been so jumpy and afraid after he had left her this morning that she had wondered if she would ever see him again! He told her what had transpired when he had gone to look for his grandfather. “He asked me to tell him about you, darling, and said he would talk to Father, and he wants to get to know you.”

  “That doctor must have given him some sort of mind-altering miracle pill,” Amber muttered.

  “Darling, this is a good thing,” he reprimanded her. “I was thinking we could go out to dinner to celebrate the liberation of us not having to hide our relationship anymore.”

  “There is still your dad.”

  “Where Grandfather leads, my father follows.’


  “Yes, really, darling. So how about dinner tonight?”


  “Dress formal, darling. I am going to wine and dine you in style.”

  Amber hung up the phone slowly and sat back against the sofa, her thoughts troubled. It had been an about face and one that she did not trust for one single minute. She had seen their reactions to Adam’s announcement last night at dinner and before that she had seen the distinct dislike that they had quickly masked underneath the guise of civility, a veneer that had been stripped away the moment Adam made his intention of asking her to be his wife known! She had no doubt that she was still the last person they wanted to see him with and wagered a bet that they were not going to welcome her with open arms! But Adam was so eager to make everything okay between them that he would take anything on the surface and never question it. She would play along with it, but she would be cautious and would be looking for signs!


  Adam knotted the tie around his neck twice before he could get it right! His hands were trembling, not only from the fact that he was finally going to be with Amber in public but also from the persistent wariness that pervaded his body and his mind. He had told Amber that everything was fine now and that his father and grandfather had conceded defeat, but in his experience and to his knowledge, that was not them – they never gave up so it was peculiar that they had just given up now! His mind went back to the conversation he had had with his father two hours ago at the office.

  “Your grandfather has agreed for us to call a truce and not to stand in your way.”

  Adam had given him a steady look. “So this was Grandfather’s doing and not yours? You are going ahead with this because of him?”

  His father had returned his look before looking away. They had been in his office and he walked over to the built-in cabinet to pour himself a glass of bourbon and offered a glass to Adam, but he had declined. “You probably do not believe me, but I have your best interest at heart.”

  “I believe that you believe that.”

  His father had smiled at him slightly. “I was brought up to assume responsibilities at a very young age. There was no running around the place for me, no going off and taking anyth
ing that my heart desire.”

  “Like me you mean.”

  His father had nodded. “You were given a freedom that I never had and you abused it time and again. I actually admire you for not allowing yourself to be shackled by anyone. I guess you went out of your way to make sure that did not happen. So you are in love with this girl?”

  “Head over heels,” Adam had told him sardonically.

  He had inclined his head. “And you want to be with her.”

  “More than anything in the world.”

  “Then I guess we cannot stand in your way.”

  Adam had stared at him quizzically. “What’s the catch?”

  “No catch.”

  Adam finished knotting the tie and stared at his reflection in the mirror. He had come straight from meetings to his apartment where his maid had left something in the warmer for him to eat because he had neglected to tell her that he was actually going out. He studied the effect of the slate grey suit and the dusky pink shirt he had on. He had taken his wealth for granted, how could he not? He had been born with a golden spoon in his mouth. His mother had spoiled him and by the time he was five years old, he knew the effect he had on the fairer sex. He knew that he could get them to do pretty much anything he wanted them to do! Power like that corrupted a person and over the years it had corrupted him. He never had to pursue a woman, they would fall at his feet and would be the ones pursuing him. He had thrown lavish parties on his private yacht, mingled with celebrities and the rich and famous. Everywhere he went, people recognized him and bowed to him as if he was royalty and in some way he was royalty because of the bloodline of his family and the vast amount of money they had at their disposal. He shook off the troublesome thoughts, determined to show the woman he loved an awesome time, and with that in mind, he went to get his outer coat and his keys to go and pick her up.


  The restaurant was uptown in the height of the thriving metropolitan, located between a towering pharmaceutical company and one of the biggest banks in the country. Lennie’s had been a small Irish bar several years ago, but with the help of the Whitmores, it was now one of the most successful restaurants in the country with valet running to park the cars that drove up to the entrance and doormen to let you in. The owner himself, a tall, slim, red-haired man with sea green eyes hurried to meet them, greeting Adam like a long-lost friend! “This is such an honor, my friend!” he said enthusiastically. “I have everything ready for you as you requested.” He turned toward Amber, both hands held out to take hers, a smile wreathing his lined face. “Ah, the lovely Amber, welcome to my humble place of business.”

  “Not very humble as far as I can see.” Amber took his hands in hers, liking him immediately.

  “Yes, you are right!” he agreed with a gruff laugh. “Come with me.”

  He led them to a privacy alcove where they could see the other diners but not be seen themselves. “Some soda bread to start off.” He bowed and then departed leaving them alone.

  “So? What do you think?” Adam asked her as soon as they were alone.

  Amanda looked around the green and orange décor and the carving of leprechauns placed at strategic places and was impressed. “I heard about this place sometime ago.” She looked back at Adam. “I take it that your family has shares in it?”

  He waited until the waiter placed the basket of bread next to them as well as the sparkling glasses of water. “Lennie is a friend of ours, rather a friend of my mother’s from way back. She used to come into his bar, before she married my father. My mother was a socialite who did not like the shackles of wealth so she accumulated as many ‘normal’ friends as she could, embraced them, maybe in defiance to her own strict and ordered upbringing. She would never have a say in who she married, but as for her friends, she was determined to have that under her control. She and Lennie took to each other and became fast friends. She was the one who talked Lennie into turning this place into a restaurant and offered to put up the money as an investment which paid off magnificently. Lennie was able to pay back his share of the money, but we still have a thirty percent share in the in it. Suffice it to say that we are never kept waiting whenever we decide that we want to have a meal here.”

  “Your mother sounded like someone I would have loved to meet.”

  “You would have and she would have liked you very much,” Adam agreed. He looped a hand around her shoulder and pulled her closer to him. “Have I told you how stunning you look in that –” His grey eyes studied the black romper she had on, his body stirring as he stared at the cleavage showing beneath the almost translucent material. “This totally almost transparent material? Darling, are you trying to get me to take you right here at this table?’

  “I figured for a man like you it would be easy for you to control your urges,” she said with fake innocence.

  “A man like me?” His thick brows rose as he waited for her response.

  “A man who is used to seeing women naked – seeing me naked,” she clarified.

  “And it is because I am used to seeing you naked. That is the very reason I am uncomfortable right now.” He took one of her hands and placed it over his crotch. Amber felt the jolt straight through her body and could not stop the moan from escaping her lips. He was just bending his head to take her lips with his when the waiter materialized with their meal. “To be continued,” he whispered huskily.

  She enjoyed the dinner and was happy to see that in spite of the change in their relationship that the friendly camaraderie they shared had not been obliterated. He regaled her with gossip about the occupants at the tables in their view. He nodded a head to the couple several tables in front of them. “Sybil Archibald and her latest lover.”

  “Isn’t that some sort of senator?”

  Adam looked at her in amusement. “You don’t follow society pages, do you?”

  “Nor politics,” she averred with a laugh.

  “Senator Dane Walker, of the Walker real estate fortune, a hopeful contender for the White House in the very near future. He is charismatic enough to pull it off, but he has a tendency to be attracted to other men’s wives which is not one of the requirements for a hopeful presidential candidate, but he is weak and easily led which really does not make him a very good candidate either.”

  “He asked you to back his campaign?” she asked him curiously.

  “He did.” Adam settled back, one arm over the back of her seat as he sipped his wine. “But my father and grandfather are not inclined to do so and I agree with them.” His eyes flickered in amusement as he stared at the blond haired man who was leaning close to the very beautiful dark haired Sybil. He had almost been her lover at one point but had decided against it much to her dismay. Now he was very happy he had turned her down. He turned his head to look at the women he was dining with and a smile lit his face. “Now I really want to enjoy my date with you, darling.”


  They spent every free moment together! Now that they no longer had to be discreet, Adam was determined to show her what it meant to be courted by him. He went above and beyond with her because she was not only the woman he was currently seeing, his new love interest, but she was his best friend and the only woman he ever loved. He took her aboard his yacht and impressed her with the magnitude of his wealth. He planned trips to Europe for the weekend and she had to cry off a few times because her designs had been more than accepted by Romano’s, the demands were pouring in for the Amberesque Clothing Line, which meant that she was hard at work coming up with the various designs. He took her out to functions and delighted her senses by taking her to modern art museums where he would reveal his expertise on the subject. They were photographed everywhere they went and she had even been invited to dinner at the manor again so that his father and grandfather could prove to her that they were in approval of their relationship. Amber relaxed her guard and let herself start to imagine a life with him after all. She was overwhelmed by his wealth and had stopped trying to stop him from
buying her gifts. The only thing she drew the line at was when he wanted to buy her an apartment and a Corvette all at the same time. “No,” she had told him resolutely. “And if you buy them, Adam, I am going to return the vehicle and refuse to live in the apartment.” She was already staying at his place more than at hers and that was fine with her. So he had reluctantly agreed not to but that did not stop him from buying her things from jewelry to clothes, no matter what she told him. He would call and tell her that they were going out to dinner or to a function and she would open the door to see someone with a package. When she opened it, it was to discover an entire outfit complete with shoes and undies to go with it. She had given up trying to put an end to it and had just embraced it. They had fun together, in and out of bed, and she was on the verge of telling him yes to his marriage proposal but something kept holding her back.

  It was in the middle of December, two weeks before the launch of her designs, that her world was turned upside down! She got the call from Adam’s father just as she left his apartment and was on her way home when he called.

  “Amber, my dear, how are you?” His deep voice sounding so much like Adam’s sent a jolt through her system.

  “I am fine,” Amber said cautiously. Even though he had made his acceptance known to her, she still could not forget that he and his father did not really like her and were putting on a show just for Adam’s sake.

  “I was hoping we could have lunch today.” His authoritative voice told her that it was not a request and she felt the quiver of apprehension going through her.

  “Where? ”

  “Lennie’s. I will make the reservations and I would appreciate you not saying anything to Adam.”

  “Why not?” Now her suspicions were heightened.

  “Because, my dear, it has to do with him and the fact that he has now decided to settle down. I want to talk to you about the arrangements.”

  “We have not decided-”


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