Drop of Hope

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Drop of Hope Page 14

by Jamie A. Waters

He wrapped his hand around the back of her neck, causing her to look upward at him. “You should not pretend, Ariana. I told you I am not a good man.” Before she could object, he shook his head. “It is true, solnyshka. I should not be here with you like this, but you offer redemption I do not deserve. I would be a fool not to take it. You are truly an angel, and a gift from God.”

  Ariana searched his expression, her heart aching from the pain in his eyes. She reached up to cup his face, wishing she could ease the rest of his hurts. “I don't believe that, Sergei. I see the good in you. Our past doesn't define us. Our choices in the future shape our destiny.”

  He gave her a small smile and brushed his thumb across her lower lip. “Tell me, Ariana, what do you see in your future? What do you want?”

  She blinked up at him and blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “Alec asked to court me.”

  Sergei threw back his head and laughed. “Of course he did. He would be a fool not to pursue you.”

  She bit her lip, wondering if she was misreading the entire situation. “Are you pursuing me?”

  His grin widened. “Would you object if I were?”

  Ariana frowned. She'd never considered being with someone who wasn't one of her own kind. Her brow furrowed at the thought, and she sputtered, “But… but I'm not like you. I don't… I don't even understand how you communicate without energy.”

  He chuckled. “Explain it to me. Help me understand our differences.”

  She bit her lip, trying to find the words to explain. “I'm not always good with words. They seem to come secondary. We rely on our energy to show how we feel. Maybe that's wrong, but it's just a part of how we communicate. Sometimes, when I talk to outsiders, I feel like I'm speaking a different language.” She looked up at him and tilted her head. “It's like there's an entire layer of communication that's missing. I'm only speaking in black and white, but when I communicate with other Drac'Kin, there are thousands of shades of color.”

  Sergei nodded. “I believe I understand. But there is an adjustment when learning a new language or culture. It takes time to understand all the nuances.”

  “I don't even hear the nuances,” she muttered in frustration.

  He chuckled. “You must learn communication is not only words.” He gave her a long, slow smile and took a step closer. Lowering his head, he pressed a small kiss against her neck. He inhaled deeply as though smelling her skin, and the sensation of his warm breath against her neck sent a small shiver through her. Wrapping his arm around her, he drew her closer against him. “Thousands of nerve endings are in your body, Ariana. That is thousands of ways to communicate without words or energy.”

  She swallowed. She pressed her hands against his chest, and the heat of his skin beneath his shirt radiated against her palms. “What are you trying to tell me?”

  He leaned back slightly but didn't release her, and a knowing smile crept over his face. “It is what you are telling me.”


  He leaned forward, hovering just a hairsbreadth away from her. “You, your eyes, your body… everything tells me you want me to kiss you. Is that what you want?”

  Was it? By the gods, she was a mess. She licked her lips and wondered what the heck she was doing. “I don't know. I agreed to allow Alec to court me. I shouldn't want to kiss you. Should I?”

  “Do you have a permanent bond?”

  When she shook her head, he moved the rest of her hair off her neck and nuzzled her once more. “Mmhmm. I have looked into your courtship ways. Have you made any promises?”

  “No,” she whispered, feeling his heated words against her neck.

  No promises were supposed to be made for at least a month. Their ways were somewhat archaic, but it was designed to prevent challenges between bondholders. Sergei had obviously done his research, but even so, they weren't the same. He wasn't a Drac'Kin. He could never give her what she needed. They were too different.

  He leaned back, cupping her face and searching her expression. “Then tell me, Ariana,” he demanded. “If there are no promises between you and nothing holding you to him, what do you want from me?”

  “I…” she floundered and blinked up at him. Gods help her, but she was curious. Was this what Kayla had seen in Carl? She needed to understand the differences between them. “I want you to kiss me.”

  The moment she uttered the words, Sergei lowered his head and took possession of her mouth. That was the only way to describe the sensory explosion. She could taste the berry on his lips. The accompanying sweetness was a sharp contrast to the heated edge of his kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck, giving herself over to the sensations coursing through her.

  He took his time tasting and exploring her. It wasn't just his lips either. His hands moved over her body, alighting her senses and caressing her with their teasing exploration. She leaned into him further, wanting to know more. He was an expert teacher, sweeping in and taking control of the kiss, showing her by example and demanding a response.

  As his hand slipped beneath her shirt, brushing against her heated skin, the door pinged loudly. Sergei froze and slowly drew back, as though surprised he'd lost control and forgotten himself for a moment. Ariana looked up at him with the same sense of wonder she'd seen in his expression earlier.

  He hesitated for a moment and then cupped her cheek. “I was right about you. You are far more dangerous than you appear, solnyshka.”

  As she pondered the meaning of his words, he pressed another kiss against her lips and turned away to answer the door. She leaned against the table for support, pressing her fingers against her swollen lips, and tried to figure out what had just happened. There was no doubt she was attracted to Sergei, but her feelings for Alec ran much deeper. She had the suspicion that no matter who courted her, she'd given her heart to Alec long ago.

  “Good, you're here,” Lars greeted Sergei and stepped inside, oblivious to her presence. “I need to speak with you about this nonsense with…” His voice trailed off as he spotted the raspberry plant, and then his eyes widened at the sight of Ariana.

  Lars's expression grew alarmed, and his entire body stiffened. His gaze darted back and forth between her and Sergei. “I apologize. I wasn't aware you had company.”

  Ariana's face flushed, fully aware he had probably guessed what had transpired between them. She gave Lars a small smile and walked over to him. Pressing a kiss against his cheek, she sent a wave of her cool water energy over him in greeting. “It's good to see you, Lars. I just stopped by to bring Sergei a gift. I owe you a thank you for helping Jason yesterday as well.”

  Lars's jaw clenched for a moment, and he shot a dark look at Sergei before softening his gaze and looking back at her. He reached down for her hands and gave them a small squeeze, trailing his gentle air energy over her. “You owe me nothing, Ari. I can never repay you for your healing gift.” Lars looked over at the plant. “You never fail to amaze me. Your talents have exceeded all expectations.”

  “Thank you,” she murmured and glanced over at Sergei. He was still watching her thoughtfully but hadn't said anything since Lars arrived. There was a tension between the two men, and she guessed she was partly the cause, but she didn't want to invade their privacy by probing their emotions. “I should probably get going. I need to stop by the medical ward and check on Jason.”

  “Of course,” Lars replied.

  Sergei stepped forward, taking her hand and drawing her way from Lars. He wrapped his arm around her and pressed a kiss against her forehead. “I will see you soon, solnyshka. Thank you for the precious gift.”

  She nodded and gave him a small smile before leaving the two men alone.

  “What the fuck was that?” Lars demanded, switching to Sergei's native tongue the moment Ariana left. “What were you thinking?”

  Sergei's gaze grew cold as he regarded his former companion. “You question me, Lars?”

  Lars fell silent, and he began pacing the small length of the room. Sergei ignored
him and reached into the cooling cabinet to pull out a bottle of vodka. After kissing Ariana, he needed that and a whole lot more. She'd stirred up more memories and emotions than he'd anticipated.


  Taking a seat at the table, he poured the cold liquid into a glass and downed it. Leaning back, he watched as Lars ran his hands through his hair. In truth, he hadn't seen Lars this agitated since the entire debacle with Kayla. It mirrored how he felt at the moment, even if he outwardly appeared composed.

  Sergei poured more vodka into his glass and stared at the plant. He was still having trouble getting his head around it. And her. God, she was potent.

  “You need to stay away from Ariana,” Lars said with a sigh and slumped into one of the opposite chairs. He grabbed an empty glass and pulled the bottle away from Sergei.

  “I do not recall asking for your opinion,” Sergei replied, keeping his tone neutral.

  Even if he agreed with the former exile, he had no intention of admitting it. Lars, like the rest of these Omnis, had a tendency to ask too many questions, and there were some things he wasn't willing to discuss.

  Lars finished pouring his drink and brought the bottle down onto the table with a clank. “No, you damn well didn't, but you need to listen in this case. Ariana needs the protection only one of our kind can offer. Not only does her natural resistance weaken when she's around others, but after that display yesterday, she's going to have just about every power-hungry Drac'Kin male in the towers after her.”

  Sergei took a drink and swirled the liquid in his glass, using the motion to test out the old injury in his hand. He'd been right. She'd done something to him when she touched him. His hand felt better than it had in years, but he couldn't help but wonder what it had cost her. “I am aware of the dangers.”

  “Then what the hell are you doing with her?” Lars demanded. “Fuck, Sergei, if Alec wasn't already trying to court her, I'd be doing the same just to protect her. I understand the whole game thing with Kayla. Hell, I played it too. But Ari's different.”

  Sergei drummed his fingertips on the edge of the table, growing annoyed at Lars's continued warnings. “She was here for some time today, Lars. I spent time with her yesterday too, and the day before. She hasn't given me any indication she was suffering from any ill effects.”

  Lars froze, his eyes narrowing on Sergei. “What are you saying?”

  Sergei shrugged. “Ariana was the one who sought me out. She is curious about me, and I do not believe I am a danger to her. She may suffer effects from being around others, but she has not given me the same impression.”

  Lars took a large swallow of vodka and winced. “I still don’t know how you drink this stuff. After all these years, I've still not gotten used to it.” He stared at the half-empty glass for a long moment before pushing it aside. “Let's say you're right. Let's say you're safe for her to be around. But then what? Fuck, Sergei, she's a complete innocent.”

  “There is that,” Sergei agreed and refilled his glass. He thought back to the softness of her skin and the way she'd felt pressed up against him. Even her scent was intoxicating. It was all just another reminder of what he'd lost. “It is difficult to be faced with such heart-wrenching beauty and remain impassive. Could you do any less?”

  Lars scowled at him. “I damn well could. You can't sit here and tell me you didn't put your hands on her. I could see it in her face.”

  Sergei stood from the table, leaning over it to glare at the former exile. “You overstep yourself, Lars. I will not warn you again.”

  “You're wrong, Sergei. In this, I'm not overstepping anything,” Lars retorted and pushed away from the table. “I just got word that Hayden, the asshole from yesterday, asked Ariana's father for permission to court her. Her father agreed. Alec wanted me to look into Hayden's activities, and I don't like what I see. I came here to tell you that I think you're right about him being dangerous to Ari, but I need help proving it. Alec can't get involved without jeopardizing his chances with her.”

  Lars paused at the door and gestured to the blooming plant. “Think long and hard about what you're doing with her, Sergei. Ariana needs a future, and unless I'm mistaken, that's not something you're prepared to offer. If you toy with her, you could end up destroying her and all she represents.”

  Chapter Eight

  Ariana dipped her hand into the reflecting pool, letting the water trail between her fingers. She'd felt more lost in the past few days than she had in years. Her emotions were a jumbled mix, and she wasn't sure how to begin sorting them out. She was so used to being at the other end of the spectrum—offering a calming touch to ease other's burdens—it was strange she couldn't do it for herself.


  She turned at the sound of Alec's voice. His footsteps were quiet as he breeched the solitude of the meditation room.

  “I didn't mean to interrupt your reflection. Do you want me to come back later?”

  She shook her head and returned her gaze to the water. “No. I was just trying to make sense of everything, but it doesn't seem to be working.”

  He frowned and sat beside her. Ariana lifted her hand from the water, sending hundreds of droplets up into a pattern and giving them the appearance of dancing in midair. She froze them in place for a moment before letting them fall back into the pool.

  Alec placed his hand on top of hers. “Would you like to talk about what's bothering you?”

  Ariana lifted her eyes to meet his. She offered him a small smile and wrapped a band of soothing energy around him, not wanting to worry him. “Jason's coming home in a few hours.”

  “I heard,” he replied, studying her carefully. “I don't believe that's what brought you here though.”

  “No,” she murmured and looked out at the water again. “Alec, do you believe we rely too much on our abilities?”

  He frowned. “No. I'm surprised you would ask. You're a Drac'Kin, Ari. This is who and what you are. Manipulating energy is part of that.”

  She nodded and raised her hand, sending another wave of droplets dancing in midair. It was as natural as breathing, but no one outside this tower would agree. “I know, but do you think we've stifled our other senses by relying too much on our energy?”

  His brow furrowed, and he lifted her chin so he could study her face. “What happened today? These aren't idle questions.”

  “I took a plant to Sergei.” She frowned, placing her hand back in her lap. “I tried to explain how it was sometimes difficult to communicate with outsiders. There's so much emotion in energy. It's hard to remember to not use it when I'm dealing with them.”

  Alec rubbed his thumb over her hand and wrapped his energy around her, offering a comforting embrace. “There's nothing wrong with that. It's our nature.”

  She gave him a sad smile. “That's just it. We do it instinctively. It's like trying to speak to them using a handful of words instead of the full scope we can access. It's flat and one-dimensional.”

  “You were raised primarily knowing your own kind,” Alec pointed out. “It's easier for some who regularly spend time in both worlds because they've already learned this other 'language.' You don't have the same experiences.”

  “I know,” she admitted and sighed. “I told Sergei I wanted him to kiss me.”

  Alec froze for a long moment, and she felt a myriad of emotions rush through him. As he struggled to dampen their connection, she stood to distance herself from his emotional turmoil. It was hard enough to manage her own emotions right now.

  “I want to understand, Alec. They communicate on a level we don't. I don't know if it's because we've become so dependent on our abilities that we don't pay attention to our other senses, or if it's because they've learned to compensate for not having energy. I want to understand why Kayla was drawn to Carl. Why would she willingly choose one of these outsiders over our kind? I don't understand.”

  Alec's eyes widened, and his mouth curved upward in a smile. “Wait a minute. Are you telling me you condu
cted a test on Sergei to see if he had the ability to… erm, arouse you as well as one of our kind?”

  Ariana flushed bright-red. She covered her face with her hands and sank back down on the edge of the pool. “Gods, you're right. That's exactly what I did. What's wrong with me?”

  Alec threw his head back and laughed. “And how did that experiment go?”

  She leaned over and smacked him lightly. “Stop it. I'll have you know I enjoyed it a great deal. I'm attracted to Sergei.”

  Alec's expression quickly sobered. “I'm aware of your interest in him, Ari.”

  She looked at him. “Don't get snippy, Alec. I like him, but I've only known him a handful of days. I've been half in love with you for almost two years.”

  Alec's gaze softened, and he reached over to take her hand again. “Only half?”

  She laughed. “Aren't you greedy?” Her smile faded. “It's only half because I was trying to talk myself out of loving someone who could never belong to me.”

  Alec entwined his fingers with hers and sent a soft caress of energy through their connection. “And now that you know it's possible?”

  She looked up at him, allowing him to see everything she felt. Her feelings for him ran deep, but she was afraid of losing everything he promised. “It's still too new to trust, Alec.”

  He nodded and leaned forward to kiss her. As he pressed his lips against hers in a silent acknowledgement of her words, their energy wove together in an intricate dance.

  “I won't push you,” Alec murmured as he pulled back. He paused for a moment, his eyes filled with determination. “But I won't back away either. I intend for you to be mine, Ari. I've wanted that since I met you, and I've always regretted the need to back away.”

  Ariana swallowed at the jumbled mix of emotions his words evoked. Their kind could be fiercely possessive, but it usually took some time for the feelings to form. Then again, they'd been dancing around each other for a long time. Reaching up, she touched his face, and the trace of his energy responded to hers.


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