Rescued by a Mobster

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Rescued by a Mobster Page 1

by Raven Rivers

  rescued by a mobster

  Published by Raven Rivers, 2019

  Book four of the Russian Mobster Series

  © 2019 Raven Rivers

  All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are all productions of the author’s imagination.

  Please note that this work is intended only for adults over the age of 18 and all characters represented as 18 or over.

  Kindle Edition

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Also from Raven Rivers:

  About the Author

  Chapter 1

  Righting Wrongs


  Yuri woke up the morning after prom, head pounding from drinking too much, to an incessant knocking on his front door. He gently moved the escort off of him, pulled on his pants, and groggily shuffled to answer it since he was the only one home, as usual. His mother was rarely around these days, choosing to spend her time with whatever guy had taken her home from the bar the night before.

  “I’m coming, I’m coming,” he groaned in his heavy Russian accent as he stumbled to the door. He opened it to find two police officers who wasted no time pummeling him with questions. They were looking for Jade Reinhold. Apparently she hadn’t come home from the dance the previous night, and her parents didn’t know where she was.

  His mind reeled as he tried to piece together the past few days into something that made sense. Jade’s parents had forced her to break things off with him. Though Yuri knew her wealthy parents had high expectations for her, he didn’t think she’d roll over like a second-rate whore and just hook up with whatever rich boy they threw her way. Unfortunately, that’s just what happened, leaving him heartbroken and angry.

  Now she was missing and, of course, he was the prime suspect by virtue of being the only dubious person she hung around with. He didn’t like the way the police eyed his tattoos. It wasn’t their business to judge him. Half asleep, and perhaps half drunk still, Yuri was barely aware of what he was saying as he answered their questions. He was so lost in his muddled thoughts that he didn’t pay much attention when the officers began questioning the woman who’d spent the night riding his cock. They smelled so strongly of sex, it was clear how they’d spent the night anyhow.

  Yuri clumsily broke into their conversation. “What about her date last night?” he blurted. “Calvin… something. What does he have to say?”

  “Calvin McMillan reports he dropped her off at her home at about two in the morning,” one of the officers answered, shifting his attention back to Yuri.

  That was about two hours after everyone had left the dance, Yuri noted. “If he dropped her off at her home, why isn’t she there?” he asked. The officer said nothing and only stared at him, blinking. “Are you even a cop?” Yuri added with more than a hint of annoyance. “Are you so grossly incompetent that you let the last person who saw her throw you off his trail so easily?” Running his fingers through his disheveled hair, he muttered, “Look, I’ve got to get out of here and find her. Are we finished?”

  Having nothing to charge him with, the officers promised to return for further questioning and continued to eye him suspiciously as they made their way out the door. His head beginning to clear, Yuri immediately called his friends Mikael, Karl, and Luka, three fellow classmates he had bonded with over their Russian heritage, and paid a visit to the guy who’d escorted Jade to the dance the previous night. Calvin McMillan, a good-looking, preppy kid who gave off an arrogant vibe, lived in an upscale neighborhood where the homes were mostly owned by socially elite Americans. Conversely, Yuri’s neighborhood was populated by Russian immigrants who had come to the country with nothing and worked hard for the very little they had.

  If anybody was home at Calvin’s, they weren’t answering and his house was locked up tight. Rubbing his chin, Yuri wasted no time paying a visit to Calvin’s best friend, Jeff. Normally, you couldn’t see a ray of sunlight between Jeff and Calvin as the two were inseparable. Jeff would know what was going on better than anyone. Arriving at his house in the same upscale neighborhood, they found Jeff in his open garage with another of his friends, both with their heads stuck under of the hood of a muscle car. If they hadn’t been so preoccupied looking at the motor, they might have seen Yuri and his three friends before they were on top of them. Yuri, Mikael, and Karl pressed them back against the wall before any real protest could be made.

  Yuri jerked his chin to Luka, who replied, “The house is clear. We’re the only ones here.”

  Yuri held Jeff against the wall by his neck. “I think you know why I’m here,” he growled. Yuri felt no pain as Jeff began clawing at the powerful hand clenched tightly around his throat. It made no impact; Yuri had always been naturally strong and his grip didn’t waver. Mikael slammed a chair down near them and Yuri threw Jeff into it.

  “I want Jade back. You were the last one to see her. Are you are going to tell me where to find her, or do I have to beat it out of you?” Of course, he wasn’t sure if it was Jeff or Calvin who’d really seen Jade last, but he knew Jeff wasn’t about to call his bluff.

  “I… I can’t tell you what I don’t know,” Jeff stammered in obvious fear. “You’ll have to talk to Calvin.”

  “He told the police he dropped her off at her place,” Yuri replied. “Clearly that never happened since she’s not there, and he’s conveniently not home. Tell me where she is,” Yuri continued with a scowl, leaning in closer, “or I’m going to break your goddamn hand. First one, then the other.”

  “You… you can’t make me tell you what I don’t know!”

  Yuri was losing patience with the kid. “Look, maybe you don’t know who I am, so allow me to explain. I’m a guy who gets what he wants. Right now, I want information. You have it. We can do this the easy way,” he said, pausing to crack his knuckles, “or we can do this the hard way.”

  Jeff’s lips formed a grim line and he whimpered, “I’m telling you, man! I… I don’t know anything!”

  Yuri snapped his fingers and Mikael tossed him a very large wrench. Without instruction, Luka reached over and grabbed Jeff’s hand while Karl continued to hold his friend, confused and panicked, against the wall. Luka carefully spread Jeff’s hand over the wooden armrest of the chair and, with no warning, Yuri brought the wrench down hard. There was a sickening crushing noise, one that was all too familiar to Yuri. It announced the breaking of several bones in Jeff’s oil-stained hand.

  Jeff screamed in pain and insisted through clenched teeth, “I’m not telling you anything.”

  “Ah, so you do know something,” Yuri
grinned. Jeff had slipped up and Yuri knew it. Now he just had to find the weak link in the chain. “I’m going to take turns playing with the two of you until someone tells me exactly what I want to know. Next up, please,” he said, motioning to Karl, who quickly traded Jeff out for his friend. Before Yuri could raise the wrench, the frightened kid began to squeak.

  “If I tell you what you want to know, will you let me go?”

  “Probably,” Yuri shrugged. “It depends on what kind of shape I find Jade in. I promise you won’t survive the hour if you don’t cooperate with me. I also promise that your death will be very painful.”

  Shaking, the boy immediately began babbling. “My name is Tony. I didn’t have anything to do with any of this. You can ask Jade when we get to her. I begged them to stop, but they wouldn’t listen.”

  Yuri leaned over him and asked sharply, “Where is she?”

  “Keep your mouth shut!” Jeff hissed, only to receive a hard slap across the face from Karl.

  “They have her tied up in a cave near the old mill,” Tony answered. “I can show you.”

  Yuri looked at Jeff, who blanched and swallowed hard. Mikael tossed him a set of keys he’d seen hanging from a pegboard on the garage wall. Sure enough, they were to the old Mustang Jeff and Tony had been working on. Yuri opened the trunk, tied Jeff’s hands, and shoved him inside. He put Tony behind the wheel and they headed out, with Karl and Luka following in the vehicle they’d arrived in.

  Yuri looked at Tony and menacingly instructed, “If you want to actually survive the day, tell me everything you know right fucking now.”

  Tony couldn’t get the words out fast enough. “Calvin has had the hots for Jade since they were in grade school, man. He’s always been tight with her family. She would never give him the time of day, even before she met you. Seeing her with you drove him crazy. He kept talking to her father about you. You know, complaining that you were… street trash.” He paused and looked at Yuri apologetically. “His words, not mine.”

  “Go on,” Yuri nodded.

  “Her father told him to be persistent, especially after things fell apart between the two of you this week. Her father finally told her that, since she lacked the judgment to choose a husband for herself, he was taking matters into his own hands. He forced her to go out with Calvin. I think she went just to keep the peace since she’ll be leaving for college soon and won’t have to look at either of them.”

  Yuri cursed under his breath. “Jade knows Calvin isn’t stable, but for some reason, her father just can’t see it.”

  “Anyway,” Tony went on, “he was really excited when you came to prom with that hooker. He was going on and on about how you probably left the dance early to fuck her. Jade totally blew a gasket. She said you weren’t like that. She insisted that he didn’t even know you and that you were a good person. They argued and she demanded he take her home. Calvin agreed.”

  Yuri’s jaw clenched. If they harmed one hair on her pretty little head, they were all dead men. He knew with certainty he would kill them and sleep like a baby at night.

  Tony continued, “On the way, she got really pissed at him. He insisted that she’d want him if he was her first. She told him that wasn’t even possible since you were her first, and that’s when he lost it. That’s when he drove us all out to the cave.”

  Yuri froze as his mind ran through the reasons why Calvin would take her there. Everyone knew where the cave was. It was on the outskirts of town and served as the entrance to an old, long-abandoned mineshaft. Kids would sometimes party there since cops didn’t patrol the area.

  Meanwhile, Tony was blabbering on without a care for how much he had just provoked Yuri. “Calvin tied her up, ripped the back of her dress off, and beat her with a piece of rubber hose he found there. We begged him to stop, but he wouldn’t. She finally passed out. Calvin wanted to have his way with her, but we convinced him to save it until she woke up. Well, she didn’t, and he kept drinking until he passed out. Soon as he did, we grabbed him and brought him home. We were hoping to talk some sense into him.”

  Yuri looked at him coldly and asked, “Let me understand. You left her tied up in a cold, dark cave, and brought Calvin home to put him to bed?”

  Tony nodded and answered nervously, “We had all been drinking, man. We weren’t thinking straight.”

  “Where is Calvin now?”

  “I don’t know. Probably still passed out. He was really, really drunk.”

  “So this morning when you woke up, you had a nice, warm shower, ate breakfast, then you and your friend decided to work on your fucking car? Whatever was going on under the hood of this car was somehow more important than Jade being left tied up in that cave? It never once occurred to you to even call the police?”

  Realizing he was in too deep to get out, Tony just kept driving without talking. It was obvious to Yuri that they had conspired to keep her alive so they could return later to finish up with her. Letting her go wasn’t an option since she knew who they all were. It didn’t take a genius to figure that out.

  Yuri’s blood ran cold as he realized how close he was to losing her, and it was all because of his own selfish pride and stupidity. He should have been there to protect her instead of nursing his emotional wounds. He was raised tougher than that.

  “If I were you,” he growled at Tony, “I’d pray she’s alive.”



  Jade’s heart immediately began to race when she woke up and realized she was surrounded by total darkness. Something smelled putrid… dead… rotting. She thought there must have been a dead rat or something nearby because it smelled like she always imagined decomposing flesh would smell. Mixed with it, the faint smell of beer. Not a good combination.

  Her hands were bound together above her head and she could feel something crawling on her back… maybe a spider. She never should have let her father pressure her into going to the dance with Calvin, of all people. God, she knew that was a bad idea when she’d agreed to it but she’d desperately wanted to shut him up. She suspected Calvin was a bit unhinged, and her current situation proved her correct. Her father had invited him over for dinner and arranged for him to escort her to the end of year formal, insisting that she had proven herself incapable of making appropriate decisions.

  “I’m eighteen now. I can go out with whoever, I want,” she’d argued.

  “You’re not eighteen yet,” he fired back, then reminded her that her birthday was still six days away.

  “Close enough,” she’d replied. “I should still be able to see whoever I want.”

  “Pfft. Like that Russian thug you hang around?” he’d scoffed. “You need yourself a decent man, like Calvin here.”

  Calvin’s face had lit up at that comment, a smug look on his face as he winked at her from across the table, making her cringe.

  Her parents seemed to be of the opinion that if she spent enough time around “decent” men, she would learn to appreciate their finer qualities. They also assumed they had her over a barrel knowing she couldn’t afford college without their financial support. The things they didn’t know about her could fill a book.

  Her father had promised to loosen the reins on the restriction he'd placed her under if she agreed to attend the formal with Calvin. Had even offered to throw her a lavish birthday party. She was planning to disappear into the night after the formal anyhow, this just wasn’t how she planned on doing it. She’d been hoping to run away and, with any luck, bring Yuri with her. They were total opposites, with her being a black girl from a well-to-do family and him being a poor Russian immigrant with tattoos and a wild side, yet it somehow worked. They had an immense attraction to each other that neither of them could deny. He understood her on some weird level, and her him.

  As the futility of her circumstance threatened to overcome her, a sudden determination sprang forth. She wasn’t going to die in this cave. It wasn’t her time. She pulled at her restraints again, but they didn’t budge. She pull
ed harder and stopped abruptly at the sound of voices. They were approaching quickly, and one of the voices was easily identifiable as Jeff’s. If he was coming, that meant Calvin was also coming since the two were attached at the hip. She steeled herself for the assault that was to come. They had talked about taking turns raping her last night, but she wasn’t sure if it was just drunk talk. It certainly didn’t seem it. The only thing that saved her from that fate had been Calvin’s inability to stop beating her senseless. Though the man had some genuine rage built up, she didn’t think they had gotten around to the raping. She’d be able to tell, right? She wasn’t entirely sure. Her body was cold and numb, but she was still clothed from the waist down. She couldn’t imagine them taking the time to put her panties and heels back on.

  Suddenly there were flashlights, and someone fell forward onto the ground right in front of her. She was shocked to see that it was Tony. His face was swollen, and he was trembling in fear.

  “She’s fine… just a little scared, that’s all,” he said over his shoulder.

  She realized he was within kicking distance and didn’t think twice about driving her heel into his face. He yelped and rolled over, but he was still within striking distance. She was attempting another kick when she felt someone working the ropes around her hands. She couldn’t see much, but she knew it was Yuri. She could tell by the scent of his aftershave. He also smelled like sex. Seeing Yuri with an escort on his arm at prom was simply more than she could handle. What was his concept of love if he could replace her with a woman like that? She had watched them together and couldn’t get her mind around it. He’d said he loved her, but clearly had no real idea of what love was. It looked an awful lot like love was sex to him.

  Her stomach churned and soon as her arms were free, allowing her to fall to the ground, she threw up. She could feel a sharp pain inside of her but couldn’t place what it was. Something was broken, that much she knew. Yuri was beside her, looking at her bruised and battered back with a flashlight. He took off his button-up shirt and tried to wrap it around her since her dress was nowhere to be found. She didn’t want any part of any man at that moment, especially one who smelled like his whore lover. She shoved his hands away and tried staggering to her feet. Unable to do so, she didn’t protest when Yuri picked her up and carried her, his shirt draped over her exposed chest.


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