Dirty Royals

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Dirty Royals Page 7

by Michelle A. Valentine


  When I agreed to meet with Yamada tonight, I didn’t picture myself heading to a bar near Times Square. Leave it to Yamada to know someone who would allow him to use this small conference room for a late-night meeting.

  The music blaring downstairs vibrates the floor beneath my feet as I sit at the small round table alone. It’s nearly ten minutes after eleven, according to my cell, which means Yamada is late. I hope that doesn’t mean he’s forgotten about me.

  Ten more minutes and then I’m out of here if he doesn’t show.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I observe the door opening. Relief rolls through me, but it only lasts for a brief moment before every muscle in my body tenses up.

  It’s not Yamada as I was expecting. Instead, Alexander King struts through the door and pins me with what I can only describe as determination in his eyes.

  I pop up from my chair, ready to make a hasty getaway if necessary, as he shuts the door behind him. When he approaches me cautiously, I study every inch of him. Dark circles under his eyes make it appear as if he hasn’t slept in weeks. The crisp, white dress shirt he’s wearing has a little more room in it than I’m used to seeing. Typically, his clothes are tailored perfectly to his deliciously toned body, but the way they’re hanging off him, it’s as though he’s lost a bit of weight. He doesn’t look like the cocky, in control Alexander I’m used to seeing. He looks broken and defeated. I didn’t expect to see this version of him the next time I laid eyes on him. Something is really affecting him. It appears Diem was being sincere when she came to visit me tonight.

  I bite my lip. “What are you doing here, Alexander?”

  He holds his hands up in surrender. “I know you don’t want to see me right now, and I’m sorry for deceiving you by showing up here, but it was the only way I could get you to hear me out.”

  “I’m not interested in listening to any more of your lies. You don’t love me. Our relationship was purely business. I get it.”

  “But you see…that’s the thing. You’re not just business to me. You never were. From the moment I first saw you, yes, I wanted you in my bed, but once I had you, it was over for me. I was addicted. Not only to your body, but also to your soul. You are my queen, Margo—the woman who is meant to be by my side for always and eternity. As I said before, that scene between Jack and me that you witnessed—I was trying to save face and get my way. I told Jack you didn’t mean anything to me to make him believe that love really didn’t exist. It was my attempt to get him to leave my sister alone. It was a stupid, childish thing to do, I know. I could apologize to you a million times for it and it would never be enough. I should’ve never denied how I feel about you. It was wrong. I was wrong, and I’m so sorry.”

  My chest squeezes as my head wages a battle with my heart. I want to believe what he’s saying is true. I’ve missed him so much, but I’ve not allowed myself to show it for fear of appearing weak. Love has no place in business, so I have to learn to guard my heart and not allow it to be used as leverage. “How can you use me if you love me so much?”

  “I’m not using you; this isn’t some act.”

  “What about the deal you want to make with Yamada?”

  He shakes his head. “I never made a deal with him. Any talks about Buchanan Industries ended after we had our weekend in Vegas. Everything changed for me at that point. I couldn’t bring myself to screw you over, no matter how much I knew it was in my best interest. My fucking heart wouldn’t let me. I came here with Yamada to be the mediator as the two of you negotiated a deal. I want you to know King Corporation will back your company in any way you need. I’m here to support you and make sure you succeed.”

  I blink, shocked at his admission. “What about all the money you stand to lose?”

  He takes a step closer to me, effectively closing the gap between us. His gaze lingers on my face as he slowly brings his hand up to cup my cheek. “I don’t give a damn about the money. It means nothing without you. You’re my heart, Margo, and if there’s one thing I’ve discovered over the past month, it’s that without my heart, I can’t exist.”

  “Alexander…” His words leave me speechless as the pad of his thumb traces over my lower lip.

  Of all the times I pictured confronting Alexander about the way he screwed me over, this scenario never entered my thoughts. I didn’t think he was capable of such selflessness. It seems that I was right to follow my heart and fall in love with this man, after all.

  “Margo—” Alexander takes a deep breath and then drops down to one knee, causing me to instantly cover my mouth in shock. His gaze holds so much admiration as he stares up at me. “I’m sorry for all the pain I’ve caused you since we met. I’ve been a downright dirty bastard to you. I’m not exactly sure why, but you were able to look past that. You gave me the chance to be with you—a chance to love you—and I fucked that up. But I swear to you, from here on out, I will be a different man. I’ll make you proud to call me your husband, and I promise to love you harder than anyone on the planet, if you’ll let me. All I’m asking for is a chance to be by your side, no matter how much we may fight.”

  That last part makes me grin. “You are the best arguing adversary I’ve ever had.”

  The cocky grin I’ve come to know and love spreads across his face in full force. “I’m the best everything you’ve ever had.”

  I smack his shoulder and shake my head. “Don’t ruin it with your crassness. You were doing so well at being romantic.”

  He chuckles and I smile, forgiveness flowing all through my heart. He’s apologized and is trying to prove to me that I mean more than money to him by stepping back and encouraging a deal between Yamada and me. I’m getting everything I want—Alexander and saving my legacy.

  Alexander fishes the engagement ring I once sported proudly on my finger from his pocket. His face grows serious again as he presents the ring to me. “Margo Buchanan, I want to do this the right way this time. I want to be the romantic schmuck I swore I’d never be—do all those damn cliché things that people in love are supposed to do. Hell, I’m even willing to hold your hair back when you drink too much if you need me to. I love you, Margo. Will you marry me…again?”

  I drop to my knees so I’m level with him and cradle his face in my hands. My fingers trace the beard on his cheeks as I lock eyes with him. “I love you so much, and you’ll never know how hard it was to walk away from you. It broke my heart when I thought you didn’t love me because I loved you with every inch of me. I forgive you for what you said to Jack. It’s clear now that you didn’t mean it, and I’m sorry I pushed you away for so long without giving you a chance to explain yourself. I want nothing more than to be with you forever, so yes, Alexander King, I’ll marry you—for real this time.”

  “Yeah?” he asks with a twinkle in his eye.

  “Yes,” I confirm.

  The most genuine smile I’ve ever seen lights up his face as he slides the ring back on my finger. “It looks good on your finger.”

  “It’s perfect.”

  “You’re perfect.” He wraps his arms around me and pulls my body flush against his, just before his lips crash into mine.

  My fingers thread into his dark hair and my lips part, welcoming his tongue inside while his hands slip up my shirt. “I’ve missed this. I’ve missed you.”

  “I’m never letting go of you again,” he replies between kisses.

  “Awwe, yeah! Yamada knew this would work. Looks like King about to get his fuck on. Can Yamada video it? Make lots of money with sex tape on Internet.” I laugh instantly and lean my head against Alexander’s shoulder as we both turn to see Yamada poking his head through the open door.

  “Hell, no!” Alexander shouts as he wraps his arm around my shoulder. “This girl is all mine.”

  Yamada grins and then shrugs. “Worth a shot. Yamada give you your hide the noodle time alone then.”

  “Goodbye, Yamada,” Alexander says in a stern voice.

  “Later, madafakas!” Yamada ste
ps back and then closes the door.

  When we’re alone again, Alexander shakes his head. “He’s so crazy.”

  “He is,” I agree, “but he’s a good friend. Look at what he did for us. He pushed us together even before we realized that we’re a great team.”

  He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “Let’s never tell him that, though. God knows the little shit’s ego is big enough already. We don’t need to make it any worse.”

  I laugh. “I’m really looking forward to having him as a business partner. I’m sure he’ll have some creative ideas on how to make Buchanan Industries profitable again. Thank you for supporting my business ventures with Yamada.”

  “Anything for you. Whatever you need, I’m here.”

  I bite my lower lip. “I love you, Alexander.”

  “And I you, Mrs. King.”

  “Close your eyes,” Alexander orders.

  I do as my husband commands and then smile. “Alexander, I’ve seen the view from the Empire State building before.”

  “But you’ve never seen it from this view,” he whispers. “We’re going to the elite 103rd floor.”

  He holds on to me tightly as he guides me up a flight of narrow stairs. A door creaks and a gust of wind hits my face as he leads me out into the open air. My grip tightens as he leads me into the spot that he wants. “Now, open them.”

  My eyes fly open, and the first thing I see is Alexander standing in front of me holding seven red roses. Then, I notice the only thing that’s holding us back from falling off this mammoth of a building is a small concrete wall. “Oh, my God. We’re so high up. Something tells me they don’t just allow anyone up here.”

  “I have connections. Here. These are for you.” He extends his hand holding the bouquet and I take it from him. I bring the flowers up to my nose and inhale their beautiful scent.

  “Seven? That’s an odd number, isn’t it?” I ask.

  He grins as he reaches down and grabs a bottle of champagne and two glass flutes. “One for every month since our Vegas wedding and we’re also going to toast to Buchanan Industries future success. Now, the papers have inked, sealing the deal with Yamada, I think it’s time to celebrate.” He leans in and presses his lips to mine for a chaste kiss. “Happy anniversary, babe.”

  “Is that what this secret trip to the top of this building has been about?”

  “Part of it, but I have a couple more surprises up my sleeve.”

  “What’s next?” The excitement in my voice is evident.

  I love surprises.

  “After I kiss you beneath this starry sky, I’m whisking you off to our second destination.”

  “And that is…” I prod.

  His lips twist. “That’s a secret, but I’ll give you a hint. We won’t be going far.”

  I lift my eyebrows. “My. My. Aren’t you sneaky.”

  He wraps his arms around my waist. “No, I’m romantic. There’s a difference between sneaky and romantic. I’m sorry I didn’t do all this before we got married. Every woman deserves to be romanced by the man she loves. I’m trying to make up for lost time.”

  I throw my arms around his neck. “We have our entire lives for romance and surprises. No need to rush it.”

  “Ah, but rushing into things is our style.”

  Both of us laugh. We certainly didn’t take our time when we said ‘I do,’ but I wouldn’t have done it any other way. It led us here by pushing us together and breaking down the walls we both had up to protect ourselves. Without that Vegas wedding, we would still be mortal enemies.

  Alexander threads his fingers through my hair and crushes his lips to mine. He pulls away before I’m ready and grins. “Let’s not get too worked up. We still have the grand finale to get through. Come on.”

  Alexander stretches his hand out. He helps me down the steps and then escorts me into the heart of the building.

  I lean my head onto my husband’s shoulder as we head toward the elevators. “You’re better at this being romantic thing than you give yourself credit for.”

  “I’m trying to be the man I should’ve always been for you. If we’d started this relationship off right, this is how it would’ve been from the beginning.”

  I shake my head. “There’s no way that would’ve happened. We were different people when we met. If we hadn’t ended up married, neither of us would’ve changed, and we’d still be fighting in your office.”

  One corner of his mouth lifts, creating my favorite crooked grin. “I love fighting with you. You’re sexy when you’re pissed.”

  Heat creeps into my cheeks as I think of how many times our arguments have led to sex.

  He threads his fingers through mine before leaning over and kissing my lips. “Don’t get all heated up yet. We still have sappy romantic shit to do before I can get you back into our bed.”

  We step inside the elevator, and he presses the button for the 80th floor.

  I cock my eyebrow. “Another surprise?”

  He nods. “One I hope you approve of, but I can’t take all the credit for this one. I had a little help.”

  The doors open, and the soft sound of string instruments fill the space, and before I have a chance to question my husband, Diem appears before me. She’s wearing a light-pink formal gown and holding a bouquet of white roses.

  “Oh, good. You gave her the flowers already,” she says to Alexander while pulling me out of the elevator. “Come with me, Margo. We’re about to start. Alex, go take your place.”

  I stare up at Alexander, wide-eyed, and he leans down to kiss my lips.

  “Hey. No kissing the bride yet!” Diem orders.

  He wraps his arms around my waist. “I can’t help it.”

  She waves him off and pulls me away from him. “You’ll have plenty of time for that on the honeymoon.”

  He laughs and then takes a step backward, telling me he’ll see me soon as he starts heading toward wherever the music is coming from.

  “You planned a wedding for us?” I ask Diem as she works on smoothing out my wind-blown hair.

  “It’s time the two of you have a wedding you can remember.”

  That causes me to laugh. “That would be nice. The only memories I have from that ceremony are the ones captured in the souvenir pictures.”

  “Exactly,” Diem confirms. “When my children grow up and ask how their Uncle Alex and Aunt Margo met and got married, I don’t want that picture to be the one they see.”

  “I’m sure we would’ve renewed our vows at some point. I mean we have time before kids come into the picture.”

  Diem smiles. “Maybe you two have time, but Jack and I have about eight months.”

  My mouth drops open. “You’re pregnant?”

  “I am,” she confirms, and I notice how much she’s glowing. “We just found out this week. I haven’t told Alexander yet. I’m nervous.”

  “Congratulations! That’s amazing news.” I pull my sister-in-law into a hug. “Alexander is going to be so excited. He loves you and Jack.”

  She releases me. “I’m going to tell him tonight. Wish me luck.”

  As if on cue, Jack walks up to us and then wraps his arm around Diem’s shoulders. “Are you two ready? The natives are getting restless over there.”

  “We’re on our way. Tell them to go ahead and start the music,” Diem says.

  Jack gives her a sweet peck on the lips. “You look beautiful.” She blushes, and he kisses her one more time. “See you out there.”

  As he walks away, she releases a dreamy sigh. I can relate to exactly how she feels. Alexander causes me to have the reaction.

  She shakes her head as if to pull herself out of her love-sick daze. “Follow me, Margo.”

  We step around the corner, and my eyes land on the site of an intimate affair. Off-white fabric covers every inch of the walls and ceiling, making the perfect backdrop to the flickering candlelight that illuminates the room. There are six rows of chairs surrounding the aisle. Heads turn in our direction,
and I spot some of the most important people in our lives.

  My mother and her chef husband wave at me from the front row, while Aggie and Darby sit on Alexander’s side. This is what matters. Family and being with the ones you love—not money. This is what makes life worth living.

  My eyes scan further up and I spot Alexander standing there, never taking his eyes off me. I’ve never seen him look more handsome. He’s wearing an adoring smile and a gray suit that matches his eyes. I fight the urge to run into his arms because I want to kiss him so badly right now.

  The “Wedding March” begins to play, and Diem turns to me. “You ready for this?”

  “I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life.”

  Diem straightens her back and glides down the aisle. She gives a little wave to Jack, who is standing next to Alexander.

  I take a deep breath and head toward the man I love with all my heart—the man who is my forever.

  I can feel every stare pointed in my direction, but I can’t pull my gaze away from Alexander. He’s all I see as I grip the seven red roses in my hands and walk toward him.

  He stretches his hand to me. “You look so beautiful.”

  I squeeze his hand. “I love you so much.”

  We stand there, staring into one another’s eyes when Diem’s voice breaks through the haze of the moment. “Yamada, get over here. You’re on.”

  Yamada comes rushing over wearing a blue choir robe. He’s parted his black hair down the middle, and it has a little more length than I realized. Come to think of it, I’ve never seen him without a hat.

  “Yamada naked underneath,” he whispers as he passes by us and then stands in front of us, winking before opening a piece of paper.

  “Dearly Beloved, we are gathered together here today to celebrate King and Dime Piece’s wedding.” Yamada’s eyes scan down the paper, and it makes me wonder if he just printed this off the Internet. “Ah! Yamada just skip to the important parts. If any person has a problem with this wedding—let them speak now or forever hold their peace. Yamada looking at you, Jess.”

  I follow Yamada’s sightline. Sitting in the second row behind Aggie and Darby is Jess, her mother, and a balding man in a black suit, who I assume is her father.


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