My Second Chance Player: A Romantic Comedy (Beaky Tiki Series Book 2)

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My Second Chance Player: A Romantic Comedy (Beaky Tiki Series Book 2) Page 11

by Elyse Riggs

A bark sounds as the door opens and people file into the room. It brings a smile to my face. And then Jake walks in and my smile disappears. Maybe I misunderstood. All of it.

  When he said he wanted to be more involved in helping my clinic last night, I thought he meant contacting Cara and setting up more meet and greets or whatever it is marketing gurus come up with these days.

  Not crashing in on my morning. Then again, he did threaten to see me in the morning last night, and I guess he might have changed since here he is following through with something. Who knew?

  Jake greets the customers and then makes a bee line to me. He flashes a blinding, cocky grin at me that makes me simultaneously weak in the knees and also furious.

  "What are you doing here, Jake?" I whisper-ask with an over the top smile in the direction of the customers. "I'm trying to work."

  "I know," he says.

  I wait for more information, but he just stands there, proud of himself for some reason. I stand there grinning like an idiot for a minute. Then I give up and grab him by the bicep because it's more professional than grabbing him by an ear and drag his ass into one of the exam rooms.

  Once we're there, he looks confused. Good, that makes us even.

  Chapter 25


  I can tell Angie's still pissed at me, and with good reason. I wish I had told her how I felt back in high school. But I didn't. So now, my only choice is to prove to her that I'm the one who changed.

  Apparently, mind blowingly great sex will only take you so far.

  Her brown eyes flash at me and my cock wants to stand at attention. Down, boy. She's wearing a beige skirt that's just short enough to show off those dynamite legs and a tight top with flowers on it and two buttons undone. Just enough to catch my attention in all the right ways.

  "Jake! Eyes up here."

  "Sorry," I say as she herds me into one of the back exam rooms. It smells like cleaning products and dog breath. I guess that's an occupational hazard.

  "What are you doing here right now? There isn't a meet and greet that I know of. And this isn't a photo shoot. It's a business, Jake. I have work to do."

  "I know. I know that. That's why I brought them here."

  "Who?" She asks, hands on her hips.

  Those hips, they are threatening to destroy my entire train of thought. Where was I? Oh yeah. "Camera crew."

  I take a step forward and turn on my best smile. "I thought about it, last night, after you drove off. I read all of your vet reviews and then the Animal Universe Incorporated reviews.

  The place where you're lapping them is customer service. Real attention and personalized care. So I talked a Channel Fourteen news crew into coming in here this morning. They're here to interview you, follow you around, see what you're all about."

  That freezes Angie in her tracks. She blows a stray hair out of her face. "Seriously? You're telling me that there's a camera crew in my lobby right now?"

  Mia appears in the open doorway and her face is lit up in excitement. "Angie, there's a news crew here. They're asking for you. What do I tell them?"

  Angie's gaze ping pongs from me to Mia and back to me. Her expression softens.

  "Tell them I'll be right there,” she tells Mia.

  Mia disappears.

  Angie smiles at me. She actually smiles.

  "A little bit of a heads up would have been nice. But thanks, Jake."

  With a swish of her blond ponytail, she's out of the room and down the hall.

  I follow, watching her ass. But I feel ten feet tall. Angie deserves all the good things in life. I just hope that I can fit myself into it somewhere. Seeing her shine makes me smile.

  I enter the lobby to see Angie charming the camera crew with her smile and confidence. Then she takes the first customer of the day and everybody follows her back to the exam room. I go over to Mia and see if there's anything I can do to help.

  The afternoon flies by until the next thing I know, Angie and I are the last ones in the building after closing time.

  Angie turns to me at long last. My stomach tightens.

  "Why did you do that?"

  I raise an eyebrow innocently. "Do what?"

  Angie takes a step toward me and my pulse quickens. "You know what. The camara crew? What are you playing at, Jake? And don't tell me this has anything to do with community service. You could have picked any business. You could have called the camera crew and stayed home today."

  The curve of her neck has me mesmerized. She's so damn hot. It's obvious that she has no idea the effect that being in the same room with her has on me. "I told you, I want to help."

  "Is that all you want?"

  No, it's not all I want. I want more. A lot more. I'd be upset that she's still piercing holes in me with her gaze, but I know that’s her style. Fiesty, fierce, and self-assured.

  “You’re right,” I tell her with my cockiest smile, “I want a hell of a lot more than that.”

  Chapter 26


  I wake much happier than I have in a while. Again.

  Not even the broken coffee pot can bother me this morning. Especially with all the new customers I've gotten lately. It's crazy. Soon, I'll even have enough to pay for Cara. Everything has changed.

  Of course, there's still the nagging worry I feel inside that Jake left once after sleeping with me, he could certainly do it again. It took almost a year to get over. I banish those thoughts from my mind.

  A little while later, and I'm walking into Ocean Wave coffee again with a spring in my step. The barista fixes me with a you-go-girl stare as I walk in the door. There isn't even a line. What a morning.

  "Heard you and Jake are back together," the barista says, waggling each eyebrow at me in turn.

  "Nope," I lie, "not back together. Not at all." I say the words, but this time the stupid smile won't come off of my face no matter how hard I will it to.

  Betsy gives me a smile and a wink. Then she makes a clicking noise with her tongue. "Girl, you're secret's safe with me."

  I laugh at that sentiment. It's what everybody has been saying ever since he got back into town. Heard you two were back together. Only now it's true. Kind of.

  The next stop is work. Again, the parking lot is packed. It feels like the movie Groundhog Day, only everything is going great.

  A part of my brain is screaming for attention, waiting for the other shoe to drop and trying to warn me. But the rest of my internal voice is sticking its fingers in its ears and shouting la-la-la-everything-is-awesome.

  I have coffee now. And money. And sex. And Jake. Everything I ever wanted. Just on the down low. Life is ironic. I lean in to the barista. "Hey, how do you know so much about what's going on, anyway?"

  She holds up her phone at me. "I set alerts. Anything important happens in this town, gossip-wise, and I'm good."

  Huh. I thank her and head back to the car.

  When I pull into work, I have to park next to the Walgreens again so I can leave lots of room for all the customers.

  Then I head inside. The place is a mad house, and I wave to Mia on my way through the lobby as I make my way back to the office.

  When I get back there, Gwen is looking over a stack of patient charts. She sees me and gives me a smile and a wave before shaking her head. "Angie, we're going to need another doc if this keeps up."

  She's right. Holy shit, this has all happened fast. And it's because of Jake. Take that Animal Universe Incorporated.

  "So, how is he, anyway?" Jess asks.



  I feel my cheeks get hot thinking about last night. "I don't know what you're talking about."

  I turn to leave, but then catch a glimpse of Jess's over excited expression. "What?"

  "Oh my God, you totally slept with him!"

  "No, I didn't," I lie. I'm an awful liar.

  "You did! Is he amazing?"

  I feel another rush of heat to my cheeks. "Another yes."

  Damn it.
It's not fair. But I can't work with someone like Gwen as closely and as long as I have and lie to her. Other people, but not her.

  In my defense, she's like a level four horoscope writer or something. I know that there's nothing I can say that's going to change her mind so I give her a savage look and put a finger over my mouth. "Before you ask, no, we are not back together, okay? And please don't say anything."

  Gwen zips her lips and throws away the key. She may be way too good at reading people, but she's also loyal, trustworthy, and a good friend.

  I exhale. Now that that’s out of the way, it's time to get started. I can't help but wonder what's going to happen when Jake leaves again. Will my clients all stampede back to Animal Universe?

  Gwen hands me a chart and heads to the lobby to call the brand-new client with the Jack Russel Terrier puppy.

  Once inside the exam room, the owner waves hello and the puppy yaps at my feet while wagging its tail. I scoop it up. "So you're Crusher, eh?" I raise an eyebrow at her.

  "Oh, don't be fooled," the woman says, "Crusher's a handful."

  Crusher's adorable, with brown fur and black spots on his face and a sweet disposition. "He seems sweet enough to me."

  "That's because you're not brand-new shoes."

  I laugh. "Guilty as charged."

  After a thorough exam, Crusher's given a clean bill of health and owner and puppy look happy on their way out. I consult with Mia who confirms the day's non-stop schedule is packed with new clients. I finish the day with a skip in my step.

  Chapter 27


  I’m half a glass into my delicious Beaky Tiki Punch and munching on a chip when Fi and Kaylee show up together and take a seat.

  It’s not quite sunset and tonight is a big night with the Pirate Festival Sand Sculpture competition being judged, then we’re all headed to work on our parade floats.

  Fi and Kaylee give me a strange look after they sit down and catch me chewing.

  I swallow quickly and wash it down, but I regret nothing. “What? Like you guys never start eating?”

  “You’re early,” Kaylee says, cocking her head to the side.

  “And you’re happy,” Fi says accusatorily. “What’s going on, Angie?”

  Uh-oh. It’s been a few days since I’ve seen them. I’d better think of something fast. But my mind comes up blank. And I kind of slept with Jake is something I’m still dealing with and not quite ready to talk about. But is it something I can really hide?

  Kaylee studies my face for a minute and I’m sure I’m completely busted. In fact, I’m ready to blurt out and confess to the whole thing when she gives me a smile. “Your vet clinic must be doing a lot better. I haven’t seen you this happy in months, Angie!”

  “It is,” I confirm. And the best part is that it’s totally true. Incredibly so. There are enough new clients coming in that my accountant has told me that I could potentially consider expanding to another location next year if it keeps up. Take that, Animal Universe.

  Oddly enough, it’s all thanks to Jake. I feel like I dodged a real bullet financially, though. And they’re right about me being happy. I can’t help it. I decide to change the subject. “I’m sure that your Hammerhead shark is going to win, Kaylee.” Her sand sculpture is absolutely gorgeous. Nobody else stands a chance as usual.

  “Our Hammerhead,” she counters, pouring herself some punch and then grabbing a chip, “you guys helped. I just checked on it and fixed up a couple things. We’re ready to rock.”

  I wait for Fi to fill her cup and then I hold mine up. “To us.”

  “To us.”

  As we finish off the pitcher and appetizers, an employee comes along and lights all of the tiki torches. A wind is whipping up from the shore, and the night is just getting started.

  A few minutes later Fi, Kaylee and I are marching through the sand to the volunteer area where the contest judging is finishing up.

  “Angie, Fi, and Kaylee reporting for duty,” I say with a hammy salute.

  Brad scowls at me, but his mood probably has more to do with Shark chittering noisily in his ear than me reporting for duty.

  “Alright,” he says, “Port Royal gals, you know where to go. Don’t interact with any judges along the way, okay?”

  “Aye, aye,” Fi says as the three of us push past.

  “Avast,” Fi adds.

  I burst out laughing. “Hey, you guys took all the good ones. Oh, hey. How about booty?”

  “What?” Brad asks, his jaw hanging open.

  “Pirate booty,” I clarify before catching up to my friends, who are laughing now.

  We get to the Hammerhead and even though it’s starting to get dark, there’s still plenty of time to admire its beauty.

  “You outdid yourself, Kaylee,” I tell her.

  We sit down in the sand behind it to wait for the ceremony.

  “I told you guys it was a team effort.”

  “And I told you, bringing sand and water is not the same as sculpting a piece of art,” I counter. Then I pull out my phone and take a bunch of pictures of the finished product before we lose the light. I want to remember this.

  “Oh yeah,” Kaylee and Fi do the same.

  “Hey, Angie, you okay?” Kaylee asks.

  “Why?” I ask, seeing a smirk appear on her face.

  “Because we’ve been here, like five minutes and not once have you looked over at Tortuga or suggested a plan of attack.”

  “Tonight’s Kaylee’s night.”

  “Okay,” Fi says and then coughs, “bullshit,” before turning to Kaylee. “I give her ten minutes.”

  I laugh along. And then we settle in because there’s movement over at the judge’s stand.

  It hits me that they’re right. I’m not looking over to see what Jake’s doing and not suggesting any kind of war or sabotage because I’m happy and not angry.

  Okay, I’m more than happy when I think about that night on the parade float. I remember the sight of his crystal blue eyes and tall, muscled frame and I’m practically drooling on the beach sand. It’s hard to be angry when you have that many orgasms.

  “Angie?” It’s Fi again, breaking me out of my inner monologue. I’m getting too much attention to be able to keep my secret for very long.


  “I know that look,” Fi scoots closer to me.

  “What look?”

  Kaylee squints at me too in the fading light. “Mmmm hmmm.”

  “No, seriously, what?”

  “She’s getting some,” Fi laughs.

  Damn it. And I have no idea what to say to that.

  Luckily, that’s when the Mayor annoyingly taps on the microphone. “Hello? Yes? You can hear me? Okay.”

  The stage he’s on is lit and the volunteers pass out lanterns for the rest of us, casting a warm glow on the proceedings.

  Whew, that was a close one. I’m not sure how much longer I can or should hold out on my friends. They deserve to know the truth. But it’s Jake, and like everything else in my life that involves Jake, it’s usually complicated.

  Fifth place in the contest goes to Tortuga. I chance a small smile seeing Jake go up on the stage to get his sand crab medal and trophy.

  He smiles and waves, and I swear he’s looking for me, but it’s too dark. And I’m sure that only Kaylee is visible from far away and that’s because she’s the one holding the lantern.

  I hold my breath as they announce the other places between fifth and first, because I’ll be mad as hell if Kaylee gets screwed. And then the big announcement comes.

  “And the first-place trophy goes to,” the Mayor pauses for an irritatingly dramatic amount of time in an effort to create faux drama and extend his own fifteen minutes in the literal limelight. I feel my teeth gritting as I wait.

  “Port Royal!”

  I scream first, but Kaylee and Fi join in. We all jump up from where we’re sitting in the sand and hug. Then we go up to the stage together, trailing behind Kaylee.

; Kaylee accepts her medal. It’s a bronze sand crab with a big number one engraved on it along with the words Team Port Royal and the year.

  Chapter 28


  It’s a beautiful night with a light sea breeze. I’m wearing my pirate captain hat, best ripped jeans, and an eye patch because Angie said she likes it.

  I feel like a kid again. Everything is more fun. Just thinking of her makes me smile.

  I sit with the rest of my Tortuga volunteers around our sand sculpture. It’s a sand dollar, and although it’s not the most difficult shape to make, it has beautiful accents. I’m proud of my team.

  I also know for a fact that Angie’s team has first place all sewn up. Kaylee’s Hammerhead shark looks like it just swam out of the ocean to show off.

  My team wins fifth place. Bonus! We snake across the beach and up to the stage. I accept the bronze medal on the black lanyard from the Mayor and try to step toward the microphone to thank everybody, but he blocks my path.

  “Not today, pretty boy,” he mutters.

  I laugh out loud and hand the medal to Bryce. He’s the one who did all the sculpting on our sand dollar. Then we walk back to our area to wait for the other winners to be announced.

  As I sit in the dark waiting, my thoughts wander to tomorrow’s workout. My ankle should be better by now, that’s what all of the tests say. But now it’s time to see how it performs under game-time conditions. I’m a little nervous.

  I hear the mayor announce that Port Royal, to the surprise of no one, has won first place. I stand, clap, and cheer before sitting back down.

  Almost lost in my thoughts again, I hear a familiar voice nearby.

  “Hey, bro.”

  I turn. “Stu? Hey, man.”

  “You didn’t show up last night. We were worried.”

  Oh yeah. I forgot all about it and had dinner with Angie. “Sorry about that, Stu. Something came up.”

  Stu sits down next to me. “What’s going on?”

  “What do you mean? Hey, did you hear? We got fifth place,” I say excitedly.


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