The Pirate's Daughter

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The Pirate's Daughter Page 16

by Marie Hall

  His fingers dug in, loosened, then there was some pressure, then more, and more, and then none. She lifted her head to look at him, realizing only after she did she couldn’t see him with the cravat tied over her eyes. Again, his tongue touched her and Mia groaned as he swept it through the folds then into her channel. His hands under her ass continued with their busy work of distracting her at the worst moment until she wanted to scream in frustration at finding no way to cast off or drag anchor to prevent that very thing. Devin raised her a little higher and she knew this time when his tongue entered her she’d explode, only the next lick wasn’t any place she expected and she cried out and tried to squirm back as his tongue circled her bottom hole.

  “Steady, Mia,” he said, then when back to licking and probing that unexplored part of her.

  “Devin… I…” Mia stammered and tried to tell herself she needed to stop him. What he wanted wasn’t right. But she couldn’t. It felt good, in a naughty way. Still. “Devin? I don’t know what to do, what you want.”

  “I want you to trust me. I think you’ll like this once it’s started.” He took hold of her ass and pulled her back towards the edge of the bed. “Just enjoy it, Mia. That’s what you do.”

  “Aye,” she said knowing she just consented to something not at all condoned by polite society. Listening again, she heard a scraping first of something against wood then what she thought to be metal on metal. It sounded almost like a tin being opened and given the sudden rush of coconut aroma into the space, she guessed Devin opened something containing the fruit. She inhaled deeply, as the scent was calming in its strength.

  “Hold for me, Mia,” Devin warned. Before she could wonder what he was about, his finger slipped up inside her ass. She gasped but held as he’d asked and his praise came fast. “Good girl. Now feel,” he told her as his finger slid back then in, back then in, back then in, deeper. The sensation was becoming quite pleasant and when he again set his tongue in her channel, Mia almost came apart. “Ah yes, Mia. Like that.” He shifted away but didn’t go far and Mia knew all she could do was hold her breath until he did something.

  That something was to place another hard object in her channel. Not either of the two he’d used at the table, this one was more bulbous in shape and it filled her almost as fully as his cock. Then his mouth was on her, sucking hard. All three sensations overwhelmed and Mia cried out as she was rocked by the powerful swell of pleasure.

  Devin didn’t let up. His mouth stayed working at her clit while he continued to stroke her with the object. Some time when she was lost in the mix of pleasure, he’d added another finger to her ass. The stretch was not terrible and soon became enjoyable. Mia rode the wave to another crest only to have it collapse from under her when Devin removed the object from her sex and replaced the fingers in her ass with a hard object. Wider and inflexible, unlike his digits, it stretched her hole rather painfully through several strokes.

  “That’s the way, Mia,” Devin’s voice drifted over her. “Relax into it. Like when I took your pussy the first time. It only takes a little getting used to.” Mia gripped the sheets and held still. A few more strokes and as Devin said, the stretching eased leaving only a full feeling. “Now,” Devin said and shifted again. “Let’s try this.” Mia felt his cock nudging at the entrance of her core and wondered at his intent. She could feel him holding pressure to the thing in her bottom. “Steady forward, Mia.”

  She heard him say the words as he slid inside. He was already a large man who pushed the limits of what she could take, but with the hard object in her ass she felt unable to accommodate him. At least through the first stroke. With the next it became much like a hand in a glove, tight but ever so pleasurable. Not a single contour was left void of contact. Her body fit around him to perfection. He kept his movements slow and deliberate, forcing her to feel every inch of him as he entered and withdrew. Barely a dozen strokes in and already the sensation was building. It seemed nearly impossible she could find release again as she’d nothing to truly focus on. There was so much to feel at the moment. Then his fingers reached in and pinched down on the soft flesh of her inner thigh and that point of pain pushed her beyond the roll of the swell into the crest that eventually crashed down.

  “My little pain pirate,” Devin said, then chuckled as he pulled out of her body.

  “Devin?” Mia called out, not quite ready to be done with all this.

  “Keel over, Mia,” Devin told her and nudged her hip with his hand. “Bow down,” came his next command.

  “Captain, have you a mind to sink this ship?” Mia teased as she placed herself as he wanted. She did enjoy this position a great deal.

  Devin chuckled again. “I intend to do just that.” His hand settled at the small of her back and with some pressure caused her knees to shift outward, lowering her more than he normally would. “I’m going to ram this cannon straight through your stern.”

  By the time Mia registered what he’d told her the object he’d placed inside her ass was gone, replaced by the head of his cock. “Devin?” she cried out, as his hands gripped her hips and pulled her back to meet his forward thrust. She cried out again. First in panic and pain, then once more in surprise as she floundered to find course. Devin gave no reprieve though, as he kept his strokes short and fast until Mia simply let go the helm.

  As before, her body took him in as if it was built to do nothing else. Each stroke he made pushed him deeper so she thought him sure to run aground and tear her apart doing so, but she held and even found the rhythm to meet his every maneuver. It was then he eased, spilled the wind from his sails and again made each thrust more purposeful. His hands slid from her hips back to her flanks, his fingers gripping then releasing the tenderest places.

  “Can you find it, Mia? One more time,” he asked sounding out of breath and under strain. “Find it, Mia,” he said and squeezed his fingers hard. “Let me have it Mia, stop resisting the current.”

  A moan slipped out at his words. She was resisting though she didn’t know why. She wasn’t sure she wanted to enjoy this. But she did, a great deal. Again, she heard him encourage her to come. But was it some test? He’d thought her a whore before, was this a way to prove she was? But then didn’t he also request she be one for him on occasion? Do things other women wouldn’t? Be all things for him? It hardly mattered now, as she couldn’t have prevented the building climax from reaching its pinnacle and swamping her so completely the pleasure was almost too much.

  Mia screamed out into the bedding the same time Devin cried out above her. They both sounded pained to her and yet the heat and bliss she felt throughout continued to build. Enough so when Devin pressed down on top of her a second wave rolled through her and she shuddered. Devin cried out again then moaned loudly next to her ear.

  “Steady, Mia,” he said, panting several times before drawing in a long breath. “That was quite the storm to ride out.” He shifted and Mia was left feeling empty, but sated. “I wasn’t sure you’d find that last one, and I did so want you to have it.” His hand settled on the knot that held the blindfold and with a tug it fell away from her eyes. “Are you all right? You did enjoy this, didn’t you?”

  It took her a moment to find the courage to turn her face to his. When she did, she wasn’t sure what to say. His look was both one of concern and sternness. “If I say I did, will you think poorly of me?”

  “Certainly not,” he snapped and pulled away from her a bit. “If you did, I’m well pleased and shall endeavor to do it again and make it better.”

  “This wasn’t something a normal wife might allow, was it?”

  “Again, I shouldn’t know about all wives, I shouldn’t even know what normal is for a wife. You are, after all, the only wife I have ever known.”

  Mia couldn’t help it. She snorted and was relieved to see his lips curve up into a smile. “I suppose though it is normal more for a whore.”

  “Not without the spending of a good deal of coin,” he said and reached out to brus
h back her hair. “Mia, if you didn’t like it say so.”

  “I did.”


  “You don’t find me strange that I like these things?”

  “I find you extraordinary that you like this. I find you remarkably rare and care not a bit to have you be any different.”

  “Ah, well then I should say I did enjoy all of what was done,” Mia said, rolling against him.

  “Then we might try again when the winds favor it,” Devin said, moving to get up.

  “With rope next time?” Mia teased as she watched him placing some items back into a decorative box which he then carried to his personal chest to stow. He returned to the bed as Mia situated herself in it, then he lay down beside her.

  “With rope, if you might like,” he said pulling her close and drawing up the covers. A few minutes more and his soft snores reached her ears.

  Mia still couldn’t say how rope might be used during sex, but the idea heated her body and she let her hand drift further down his chest, moving lower across his flat belly and down towards his stem. Her hand was closing in when his covered hers. She huffed as he drew hers back up and set it on his chest with a pat. “Go to sleep, pirate,” he said as his snores resumed.

  Go to sleep? How might she do that with her body still humming from his touch and her thoughts on what they might try next? Perhaps in the morning she’d head below to see what ropes where in the carpenter’s stores. Perhaps there were some of flax or cotton, soft enough to not scratch over much. Or perhaps the scratch would be better. Mia fell asleep debating it, but it would be a good long while before she discovered her preference.

  Chapter 17

  Mia stepped on deck, squinting at the brightness of the day. A good deal of activity was abounding as the crew tried to dry the ship out after four days of a persistent downpour.

  “Mrs. Winthrop,” Mr. Quiggly called.

  Mia turned to see the old quartermaster heading towards her.

  “Fine good weather.”

  “Aye,” Mia said shyly. She knew everyone on the ship heard her when Devin punished her. But after supper when no one so much as hinted they’d listened to her screaming, she had a little more confidence. That, and Devin told her if she didn’t come up, he’d drag her up. And Hong promised to nag her endlessly. Exiting the cabin was the only way to prevent any of them from furthering her embarrassment, although she rather hoped she might convince Devin to return to their bed.

  The soreness from the night’s activities hadn’t faded, keeping a steady ache for more. Mia felt a smile on her face simply thinking about the naughtiness she’d engaged in. It might have behooved her to speak with the women at the docks and taverns a bit more. She’d never considered a man would put his stem in a woman’s ass and couldn’t have dreamt how wonderful it would feel. And then the phallus. Being filled completely, amazing. Devin could do that to her every night if he so chose. Because as usual what he liked, she did as well.


  She looked up as Devin crossed the deck toward her. She had to look rather hard as he was dressed… Well, he wasn’t dressed. At least not as she’d always seen him when on duty on deck. The pants he wore were roughhewn, cut, and shredded at the knees. And that was all he wore. No shoes or shirt, no fine coat with all the trimmings. He looked almost as dilapidated as some of the topmen did most days. But for the very way he carried himself, Mia might not have known him to be captain at all. Although many a man on ship had broad shoulders and muscles, on Devin they were far more. They were better. She felt the pulse in her sex and her face flushed hot.

  “Captain?” Mia queried, as he stepped close and brushed her cheek with the back of his knuckles.

  “You’re flush, are you not feeling well?” he asked, stepping closer.

  “No, I’m well,” Mia said and heard the desire in her voice. His wicked smile said he’d heard it, too. “I think it to be your strange manner of dress today which has me quite flustered.”

  “My dress has you flustered?” His brow shot up then he leaned in close to her ear. “Are you perhaps hoping the only thing I have on comes off?”

  “I could be well satisfied with that,” Mia told him.

  His laughter rang out and when it stopped he reached back, swatted her ass and told her, “Behave, pirate.”

  “Devin,” Mia chided. “Don’t I always when above boards?” He laughed again and shook his head at her. “Why are you not dressed?” Mia asked looking around deck and noticing all the officers were in a similar state.

  “All the rain and the waves have swamped the bilge to a good four feet,” Devin said. It wasn’t very much of a concern, four feet of water in the bottom of a ship like this was a nuisance not a danger. It’d need to be pumped out though if they ran again into bad weather or high seas.

  “So? You have men on the cranks?” Mia asked as her eyes went to the plume.

  “No,” Devin said and sighed. “The shaft cracked some months back and we’ve not found time to go ashore for an elm to bore out. We will use buckets. It’s one reason why I don’t want to let it get to deep.”

  “You should like me to help. I can change.”

  “No,” he said and started urging her back towards the rail. Off the center deck.

  “Perhaps you might like if I took a look at the crack.” She’d dealt with such things on her own ship. Sometimes it wasn’t necessary to replace the entire shaft.

  “No, Mia,” he said. “You stay here, out of the way.”

  “I’m capable of helping.”

  “Mia, I have no doubt, but this is something you’ll not be a part of.”

  “Well, what should I be at then?” She should be helpful.

  “Not a thing, let the crew do their job.”

  “The crew?” Mia gasped even as he walked away. “The crew?” Wasn’t she part of the crew? Looking around she saw most everyone at some duty. Scrubbing decks, hauling out the sheets to dry, any number of things. Any of which she’d done a million times over. “I can do anything needing done on a ship, Captain.”

  “I’m sure,” he said and Mia found she rather disliked the way he said it. “But the crew will see to the duties and you’ll stay out of the way.” With that he turned and walked away, disappearing down the hatch with several of the ship’s officers.

  “I can empty a damn bilge,” Mia shouted after him.

  “Ah now, Mrs. Winthrop, ain’t no one says you can’t,” Quiggly said as he stepped up beside her. “This, though, is one of those things the captain likes to do with just his officers.”

  “Empty the bilge?” Mia turned to look at the man who stood there grinning like a fool. “Why might any officer like to do such dirty, laborious work?”

  “Captain has them do it to keep them humble, he says,” Quiggly said and gestured to the hatch as the first bucket came up and was spilt over. “Reminds them how to work together.”

  “Oh,” Mia replied. Some rather raw words rang out followed by a good deal of laughter as Mia watched the chore become more rhythmic, aided by the singing that started up. The men, officers that they were, worked steady through the day emptying the bilge, a bucket at a time, until it measured only a bit more than a foot deep. Meanwhile the rest of the crew put the ship right above deck and below. Beyond the shanty songs used to keep everyone working in time, they laughed and cursed and teased each other through the process and Mia heard all of it, longed more each hour to be a part of it. But each time she attempted to lend aid she was rebuffed. She wasn’t so much as given a rag that she might try to polish the brightwork. And as the sun sunk lower on the horizon, her restlessness grew. When Devin and the officers finally came topside, Mia hoped she’d be useful now in helping them clean up. But before she could step forward with the offer, several of the midshipmen lined up and tossed buckets of water at the group.

  Again, curses mixed with laughter as several more buckets were filled and tossed at the normally stiff men of rank. Clearly it was something done often
enough. And given the teasing and jostling, it was something that bonded the crew. When it was all said and done, Devin stepped out of the group and toward her with a broad smile on his face. Mia felt her breath catch and was ready to let the day pass as one where the men simply needed to be together. Tomorrow would find her able to join in again.

  “I hope you’re hungry,” Devin said, coming close and shaking his head so that water sprayed out over her. “I’m starving. It was a little more work than I remember. I’m going to have to see to the replacement of that shaft.”

  “I’d have helped,” Mia reminded him as she followed him towards their quarters. “I’ve run up buckets before.” She followed him inside and watched as he took up a sheet to dry off before stepping over to his locker for clothing. “I didn’t do anything at all today.”

  Devin stopped drying off to look at her strangely. “What might you have liked to do?”

  “Something,” Mia told him and plopped down on the bench under the porthole. “I wasn’t even allowed to polish brass today.”

  “Mia that’s part of the duties of the crew,” Devin told her and went back to drying off. Before Mia could respond he added, “You’re not part of the crew. Let the crew work, stay out of the way and we’ll all get on well enough.”

  Mia felt her mouth drop open. She couldn’t have heard him correctly. “Not part of the crew?” she echoed.

  “No, you’re not.”

  “Then what am I? Cargo?”

  “No, Mia,” he said, and chuckled like there was anything at all amusing about what he said. But he didn’t elaborate further, simply dressed and made ready to join the officers for supper. “Are you coming?” he asked as he pulled on his coat and pulled the door open. Lifting her head, she caught his eyes, still waiting to hear him answer her question as to what she was aboard this ship. Not captain she knew, not navigator or bosun’s mate or even a deck hand, but something other than cargo being hauled around. “Come on,” he said and waved her towards the door. “The crew can’t eat until I do and we’re all hungry.”


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