Grizzly Lover: Purely Paranormal Pleasures

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Grizzly Lover: Purely Paranormal Pleasures Page 7

by C. D. Gorri

  Thomas was still in sight, and she supposed she needed some answers too. Being a Bear was new, so was being with Oliver again. Still, she didn’t fuss when her Grizzly lover tugged her onto his lap.

  He was a very physical person, always wanting to touch her, hold her. She remembered that from before, and to be truthful, it was one of the things she’d loved best.

  Her father, no, that was wrong, Mathias Witherspoon was not the hugging kind. She’d had little in the way of hugs and kisses growing up. That came with being raised by nannies and attending private schools her whole life. She was practically starved for any little crumb of physical affection by the time she’d met Ollie, and he’d given her so much more than that.

  His head was cocked to the side and she saw his intelligent brown eyes searching hers for answers. Unfortunately, she didn’t have any for either of them.

  “First, I want you to know Teresa that I’ve known Jennifer for a long time. She is just a friend. There is no reason for you to be jealous of her or anyone, I swear,” he told her.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me,” she said.

  It was the truth. She didn’t know exactly why she’d had such a strong reaction only that she was a Bear now. Or, she always had been, but now she was finally in contact with her animal side. Perhaps there was something about the nature of Shifters that made them jealous of their significant others? The fact that he seemed amused under his worry made her feel slightly foolish.

  “No, I don’t mean to tease,” he said, reading her mind again, “it’s just you remind me of me.”

  “How so?”

  “Hell, Resa, don’t you remember how I used to get those rare times we left my apartment and went to eat or wander through the park?”

  “Yeah,” she laughed at the memory, “you always got so growly, but I thought that was because of your Bear.”

  “It was. It is. A dominant Shifter like me wants to keep his mate to himself, especially since at the time you were unmarked.”

  “Mate? Unmarked?”

  “Shit, I suppose I should explain.”

  “That might be good,” Jennifer said amusedly, but Teresa was too focused on Oliver to pay attention to the woman.

  “Remember that last night,” he started and memories began to flood her mind, of course she remembered it. So much pleasure followed by the most intense heartbreak of her young life.

  “I mean specifically, the sex.,” he said without embarrassment, though she felt her cheeks burn.

  “Ollie,” she whispered.

  “Sex is very natural, Teresa, I assure you I know all about the birds and the bees,” the woman grinned at her remark.

  “Sorry, love, I have no wish to embarrass you,” he reassured her.

  “I know. To answer, yes, I remember,” she whispered back trying to wrap her head around everything that had just happened.

  “So, when I shifted were you expecting that?”

  “No, love. But I am happy you did. You are the most beautiful she-Bear I have ever seen.”

  Something inside of her, her Bear she supposed, chuffed happily at his praise. Okay. So her Bear was a slut for a compliment. At that thought, the Bear snarled, and Teresa shushed the beast. She was entitled to a little freak out wasn’t she?


  “Anyway, I bit you that night. Do you remember?” he added.

  She nodded her head. Of course, she recalled the passionate love bite he’d given her. In his enthusiasm, he’d broken skin, and left a small scar just below her left ear. She still had that scar. Had traced it over and over again during their years apart, whenever missing him had seemed almost impossibly painful. It gave her peace and she’d felt connected to him whenever she touched it.

  “That wasn’t an ordinary bite, Resa. I never got to explain it then, but please, allow me to now.”

  “Alright,” she waited and Oliver lifted her hair over her shoulder and found the scar with his fingertips.

  She shivered at the slight brush of his hands and more so when his lips touched it in a small, simple kiss.

  “This is my mating mark, Teresa,” he looked at her with glittering black eyes.

  She knew it was his Bear pressing forward, and she felt no fear. Only wonder and love. In fact, the beast residing inside of her rose to meet that gaze. Ollie blinked and growled in his throat. A possessive comforting sound, she somehow understood.

  “You see, a mating mark is a bite from a Shifter to his fated mate signaling to all and the universe itself that they belong together. This bite means you are mine, sweet. Claimed by me, for eternity.”

  Teresa swallowed and almost slipped off his lap. She would have if he hadn’t been holding her so securely. She tried to comprehend what he was saying. His fated mate.

  Could it be true? She’d heard some stories in her wanderings, but that would mean that he loved her. Could he? Even after what she’d done to him.

  “Ollie?” she glanced at Thomas, their son was happily playing away.


  Teresa refocused on Oliver. She had so many questions, so many stimuli hitting her at once. She raised her hands to his shoulders to steady herself. The world seemed off its axis. Everything was askew, except for him. Ollie was just so big and strong, so constant, and dependable. Like an oak. God, she loved him.

  “DO you understand what I am saying? You’re it for me, Teresa. My one and only. When you left, I thought I would die, but you’re back now. I swear to do everything I can to keep you and Thomas safe, just say you will stay. Please.”

  “You’re saying you still l-love me?” tears pricked her eyes.

  “Always, mate,” his arms contracted around her, “I love you, want you, need you, more with each passing minute. You are my fated mate. There is nothing on this earth or any other more important to me.”

  “Oh, Oliver,” she wrapped him tightly in her arms, heart soaring at his words, “I love you too.”

  His chest rumbled pleasantly, and she recognized it as his Grizzly Bear. Her own Sow rose up inside of her, and for the first time she saw in her mind’s eye the complete image of her Grizzly Bear.

  “Oh my God. I can’t believe I’m a Shifter!”

  Chapter Ten

  Oliver smiled at Thomas while he cut up vegetables for lunch. After last night’s discussion, Jennifer had gone home with the promise to return today for a longer chat. That gave him the night with his family.

  Thomas was such a sweet cub. He was so proud of Teresa for the incredible job she’d done bearing and raising him under impossible circumstances. Of course, he was angry he could not be there for them then, but he would be now.

  They’d spent the rest of the night in each other’s arms, talking about the long years apart. He understood she’d been afraid of Mathias and Witherspoon Tech, and even worse, she’d been made to feel scared of her own Bear.

  The very thought enraged his beast. No Shifter should ever be forced apart from his or her own animal. It was blasphemy! He wanted to hunt down the bastards who’d drugged and experimented on her and tear them to shreds. It was his right as her mate.

  Already, he’d set the wheels rolling and had alerted the proper Shifter agencies, including the High Council. If Witherspoon wasn’t on their watchlist before, the bastard was now.

  The wind whipped through the open window and he looked to see more flurries falling from the skies. Spring was late in coming, but he didn’t mind it. Not when he had a mate and cub to snuggle with. Thomas liked the fireplace last night, a little too much and he’d quickly made a mental note to babyproof the cabin and his other homes.

  They hadn’t really discussed the future, but there was no way he was letting either of them go. Not now. Not ever. Still, they had some things to discuss, one thing Oliver understood now was the importance of total honesty with his mate.

  For that, they needed to finish talking about her so-called father. Then he could tell her what plans were being made to protect both her and
their cub.

  Cooking gave him time to gather his thoughts and as he prepped the side dishes, Jennifer sat sipping tea with Teresa at the table. From what he could gather, the two women were getting along, which was an immense relief to him.

  The idea that Teresa thought him capable of wanting another made his Bear snarl and stomp inside of him. The animal wanted to console her, to take her over his shoulder, bring her upstairs, and fuck her until she understood he wanted no one else.

  Of course, that kind of thing would have to wait until they were back home in a soundproofed room. He already had people working on that. Oh, he would still make love to her while they were here.

  He wanted her to know how much he loved and adored her in every single way possible. Then maybe he could broach the subject of claiming her once more with her full consent and knowledge.

  Once little Thomas had gone to sleep, Oliver had made sure Teresa had an idea of just how much he wanted her. Three times last night alone. He just couldn’t help himself, and why should he try? Fuck proprieties and all the rest. She was his mate. The mother of his cub.

  He grinned as he thought of his sweet boy. His cub was smart and funny, a fast learner too. In one afternoon, he’d taught him how to pick the sweetest berries and recite the names of almost all the trees around them. He even watched the tyke get six skips across the lake with a small stone.

  He was a proud papa. Couldn’t wait to show him off to Terence, Chance, and the others. Over the years, Oliver had become friends with a small, tight group of supernaturals and their mates. One of those couples had recently had a child. Maybe Avail’s babe could prove a good playmate for his own cub. The Leeds Mansion was quite the estate and the new father was already readying the grounds for a custom playground that could withstand anything his Devilish offspring could throw at it.

  Hmm. That was something to think about too. Oliver had a great apartment in the city, but surely his family would prefer a real house. A home in the suburbs maybe, or down by the ocean with a nice forest backdrop. Maccon City was well-known amongst supernaturals as a great place to raise a family. A safe place, which was the most important thing to him.

  “Daddy! Want nummies,” Thomas ran into his knees, and Oliver was shocked by the fact he’d almost been toppled by a toddler.

  The cub was stronger than even the average Shifter, and he’d been off balance trying to reach a baking dish he’d put on the top cabinet for some foolish reason or other.

  “Easy, buddy,” he said, and handed the cub a carrot, “here snack on this until it’s ready.”


  “Yes, nummies, next I am grilling some of that fish we caught in the lake yesterday. Like fish?” he teased the cub.

  “Fishies,” he giggled.

  “That’s right, Daddy’s making fishies, with extra butter and lemon on top,” he winked as the tyke scampered off back to the living room where he’d been systematically marking his territory with toys. Little cutie.

  Oliver frowned as he shook the box of rice. It had only been a couple of days, and already they were halfway through his food supply. He’d have to go back in a day or so. His sensitive ears picked up bits of conversation coming from the women and his heart squeezed in his chest as he heard Teresa recite some of the horrors of her past. He looked down to see he’d crushed the stainless-steel serving spoon in his hand at her words.

  “My father, no I guess I can’t call him that anymore. Okay, so Witherspoon Tech had me locked in a cell for about three months, but in that short time they ran all sorts of tests. They took my blood, monitored my heart, my sleep, and they gave me injections. I think they drugged my food too. The man I thought was my father had always been crazy strict about my diet most of my life. He’d insisted on a solid vitamin regime too. I took pills blindly from the time I hit puberty until I ran away.”

  “I see,” Jennifer said, “did those vitamins come in a bottle?”

  “Oh no, just a plastic cup. They were already separated for me, but I always hated taking them I just never fought him.”

  “Did you ever stop taking them that is?” Jennifer asked.

  “Yeah, actually, for those months when I was with Oliver. I went off the vitamins or whatever they were because they made me feel sick all the time,” she shrugged, “In fact, that was why I spent so much time in the park to begin with. That was where we met. The sunlight and fresh air made me feel better.”

  “Teresa, did you ever see anything with an inscription on it like a bug or beetle at Witherspoon Tech?”

  “Yes, I did. Oliver?” she called him, and he went to her side immediately, “Remember when I told you about the beetle?”

  “Yes,” he nodded and looked at Jennifer, “she mentioned this the first night after the hospital.”

  Jennifer leaned forward and pursed her lips. Oliver knew the Owl Shifter had a past she didn’t like to speak of, but he sometimes wondered about it. There were many hidden organizations in the Shifter world, many societies and councils tasked with one important job, to keep their secret. He knew Jennifer had once worked for one of them.

  “I can hear your mind whirring, Oliver Pax, and no, I can’t answer your questions. Suffice it to say the group I suspect of being involved in your mate’s abduction and imprisonment uses the scarab as a signature of sorts. They have been on our radar for an awfully long time, but we did not know Witherspoon Tech was involved. This information is extremely useful.”

  “There were others,” Teresa said, and looked at him first, then at Jennifer with tears pricking her jade eyes, “others in cells. I couldn’t help them. Once I found out I was pregnant, I ran. He said he’d kill you, Oliver, he would hunt you down like an animal, and I couldn’t risk it, not then. I had to keep you safe and Thomas too. Then when I thought, that is, when I suspected that whatever they had injected me with was taking over, I came to you for help. I didn’t know it was my Bear, and I’m glad I didn’t, because it brought me back to you,” she sniffed and wiped her face.

  “I know, love, I would never want you hurt, but I am so glad you are here now,” he kissed her on her head and pulled her close, “but I’m, glad you know your Bear isn’t evil. She is part of you, always was and that bastard did something to her. Trust your Bear’s instincts to protect you and Thomas both. They don’t use the term mama bear lightly you know.”

  “I’ve been running for so long. I only just came back to New York after seeing one of Witherspoon Tech’s henchmen in Pennsylvania.”

  “You were that close?”

  “Yeah. I couldn’t stand being so far as it was. I tried California once, but it made me physically sick, I didn’t understand it then.”

  “That was a result of you stretching your tentative matebond,” Jennifer supplied, “Oliver marked you, and being away from him would’ve caused significant physical distress. Shifters are not built to be separated from their one and true mates for very long or for great distances. I imagine you are right and those so-called vitamins were Shifter gene suppressors of some sort.”

  “So, how is it that I am a Shifter?” she turned in his arms and looked at Jennifer.

  “I imagine your natural parents, one or both were Shifters. Perhaps even a grandparent. It has been known to skip a generation. Whatever he did to you, it doesn’t seem to have done permanent damage. Your she-Bear was strong yesterday when I saw her. Also, I suspect it is why your son’s Bear is showing signs early.”

  “What do you mean?” Oliver injected.

  He felt Teresa’s rising fear as if it were his own. Maybe it was. Parenthood did strange things to a man.

  “Is Thomas okay?” she asked.

  “Yes, he is fine,” Jennifer laughed, “though I suspect he will experience his first shift sooner rather than later. It won’t hurt him, his Bear couldn’t. It is just exceedingly rare for one so young, but with you as his parents I believe Thomas will adjust beautifully.”

  “Thank you. I sensed his Bear was remarkably close to the
surface when I first saw him,” Oliver admitted.

  He rubbed his hands up and down his mate’s spine to soothe her agitation and worry.

  “But he will be fine?” his mate asked again looking for reassurance.

  “Like I said, it is rare for a cub to shift so early, but there is really no such thing as normal in the supernatural world. When you live as long as I have, you’ve pretty much seen it all,” Jennifer lifted her tea and sipped.

  “Thank you, it means a lot to have my questions answered,” Teresa sagged against him.

  “Just how old are you, Jennifer?” Oliver grinned to lighten the mood.

  “And you know better than that,” she glared.

  “Ollie! Never ask a lady how old she is,” Teresa laughed and pinched him on the stomach.

  “Ouch!” he laughed, his mood lightening with her own contagious happiness.

  The woman was truly a wonder. An idea sprang into his head just then. He kissed her nose and turned to the mysterious Owl Shifter.

  “Stay for supper, Jennifer?”

  “Yes, please do!” Teresa seconded.

  “Jenny!” his cub yelled and came running, “color me!”

  “Okay, sweet cub, we can color,” Jennifer smiled at Thomas then nodded at Oliver.

  With the cub occupied, Oliver and Teresa worked side by side prepping the rest of the meal, but he nudged her away when it came time to set the table and carry the dishes out. It was his privilege to serve dinner to his family and friend on the patio. They laughed and ate the delicious fish with herbed rice and veggies that they had prepared. It all tasted better to him somehow, richer, and sweeter. Oliver insisted on cleaning the dishes and put everything away.

  “You’ll make her a handy mate,” Jennifer walked into the kitchen and placed her cup on the counter.

  Darn woman always knew when he was brooding. He supposed he should just give in and tell her already.

  “You know, I got the supplies you asked for. I forgot to give them to you. They are in the hall closet, but I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind staying and babysitting for us?”


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