Unbroken Kingdom

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Unbroken Kingdom Page 16

by Lorie Gurnett

“Just out in the hall, but we need to get her out of here. She’s hurt.” Robert quickly jumped into action and followed Senora out of the room. He stood almost frozen when he saw Sam leaning weakly against the wall.

  “Is she goin’ to be alright?” Robert’s heart went out to her. He ran to her side and embraced her to keep her safe.

  “We need to get her out of here. She’s very weak. Can you help her?” Senora asked.

  Robert nodded and picked Sam up in his arms.

  “I can carry her. But how’ll we find our way out?” Soon, they heard chuckling from behind Robert.

  “I can help. Besides, I led you in, didn’t I? Never follow anyone else’s path. Unless you’re in the woods, and you’re lost, and you see a path. Then, by all means, follow that path.”1 Chester laughed sarcastically. “They treat me as stupid my advantage. Come, I will show you the way.” Robert looked at Senora with uncertainty.

  “Do we have a choice here? He was the one I followed in,” Senora said. The two quickly ran to catch up to Chester, nearly bumping into him. Chester grabbed both Senora and Robert and pulled them out of sight and behind a statue pillar. Senora looked around to see hordes of beast-like creatures running in all directions.

  “Come, must go around. Come, I help you.” Chester slunk swiftly behind each statue with ease, waving for the others to follow. Sam rested her head weakly on Robert’s shoulder. Robert nodded at Senora as they moved swiftly to keep up with Chester. Chester led them quietly down the tunnel toward the rusty door. Their breath caught within themselves as they burst through the rusty door out into the storm now raging even stronger than before. “Master’s angry. Fear’s what keeps me going. That’s why I have you around.”

  “Why did you help us?” Senora asked.

  “Master’s angry, but Lord’s worse. I die either way. Might as well die doing what’s right. If you don’t know where you’re going, you might wind up someplace else.2 Now, go!” Chester said. Robert and Senora rushed into the cold storm, the ice crystals scraping at their faces. Robert stumbled, and both he and Sam crashed to the ground. Senora rushed toward them and pulled them behind the shelter of a fallen tree.

  “This storm will be the death of us if we don’t find shelter,” Robert stated. Senora suddenly remembered her eagle pendant and pulled it out of her pocket. It was still glowing, and she placed it around her neck.

  She stood and reached for Robert’s hand. “Will you trust me?”

  Robert took hold of Senora’s hand and felt instant warmth rush down his arm through his spine and down into his toes. He nodded and picked Sam up again. The two stood and walked through the raging storm, unharmed by its effects. Within a couple of hours, they emerged from the storm to find Crystal waiting patiently with the horses. The glow of the pendant died out as the three approached Crystal. “You found them. Are you alright? What’s wrong with Sam?” Crystal asked.

  Robert lifted Sam’s weak body onto a horse. “I don’t know what they did to her, but she’s very weak.”

  Senora placed her hand on Robert’s shoulder. “Likewise the Spirit helped us in our weakness.3 What is sown in weakness; it is raised in power.4 She’s stronger than you think. We need to regroup. Sam’s too weak to ride on her own. Crystal’s the best rider. She should ride with Sam. You can ride with me,” Senora replied.

  “Sure, since dismounting seems to be a challenge for me.” Robert laughed. He mounted the horse clumsily but made it before helping Senora climb on. The horses galloped back to the castle.

  Senora’s thoughts wandered as she remembered Chester, Robert, Sam, Katerina, and Crystal. So much had happened in such a short time. She thought about Josiah, Sylvia, her mom, her dad, and Robert’s mom. She considered the letter Robert’s mom read to Robert at his hospital bedside. The anger Robert must be holding onto toward his dad. Should I tell Robert about the letter? About him in the hospital bed? About him being torn between two worlds? So much to tell him, but how? Would he believe me? What should I share with him, and what should I allow him to discover on his own?

  Senora was pulled out of her thoughts as Crystal turned to the right and quickly dismounted her horse. Senora turned after her, but in doing so, Robert leaned too far over and pulled the both of them off the horse, crashing onto the ground. Crystal only shook her head and rolled her eyes at them. Robert sheepishly stood as Senora got control again of the horse. “Why did we stop?” Senora asked.

  Crystal pointed toward the castle. They saw movement, but Senora couldn’t make out what it was. “We need to wait. That’s The Called,” Crystal revealed.

  “What’s The Called?” Robert asked.

  “The Called is when all seems lost, and kingdoms are called to stand together against a common enemy. My sister is calling those to her. It’ll be the greatest battle. Good vs. evil. ‘Proclaim this among the nations: Prepare for war! Rouse the warriors! Let all the fighting men draw near and attack.’5 ‘Together they’ll be like warriors in battle trampling their enemy into the streets. They’ll fight because the LORD’s with them, and they’ll put the enemy horsemen to shame.’6 ‘They gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon,’” Crystal gasped.7

  “What do you mean by Armageddon?” Robert asked.

  “It’s the ultimate battle, which has been foretold over the decades of long ago, one that will surpass worlds. If Lucas wins, no one will be safe. The Crosswords of Fire will ignite and threaten not just our world,” Crystal said as they watched several armed soldiers march toward the castle. Senora saw movement in the grasslands to the left of the castle too.

  Senora tapped Crystal on the shoulder and pointed toward the movement. “What’s that?”

  “Oh, more of The Called. They’re swift and cunning. Worthy warriors, they come from the Grasslands of Sheava. They’re always prepared for an attack because they move faster than your eyes can see, in their fighting style. The only one you’ll see is their leader during the war meeting with Kat,” Crystal declared.

  Robert stared in awe as the masses flocked to the castle and prepared for battle. What am I even doing here? I’m not strong enough to even stand up to Lucas by himself, let alone an army. Senora sensed his doubts. She turned and faced him. “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armour of God that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.”8 Senora said with great confidence in her voice. Robert felt his courage return.

  Soon the roar of the armies died down. “Let’s go! We can continue now,” Crystal proclaimed as she mounted her horse again. Robert lifted Sam up behind Crystal. He climbed onto Senora’s horse with a little more ease this time. They rode off toward the castle once more.

  Part 6: Unification


  The Called

  Robert dozed as they drew closer to the castle. He was jolted awake when Senora slowed the horse to almost a dead stop. His eyes widened at the sight of so many different people groups and creatures of different shapes and sizes. Senora carefully led her horse next to Crystal’s. “Are these more Called Ones?” Robert asked.

  Crystal nodded. “They all come to honour princess Delores and Queen Scarlett. The funeral procession’s tomorrow.” She pointed to each different group. “Those tall ones in the mossy green armour, they're the Riverglade Mapleflecks, and they use tree vines in a whipping style that could snap one in two with just a single hit. Those small creatures covered in spikes are called the Stalkers. They’re master swordsmen in the east from a place called the Combatant Valley. The glowing laser creatures are called the Truthtellers from Flashgrove. They hold all wisdom of the Saviour,” Crystal revealed as Senora stared in fascination.

  “I’ve never seen such magnificent people and creatures alike. Are they all allies?” Senora asked. She caught a glimpse of a different group of people. They were small and clothed in mud and seemed to stay on the outskirts of the entourage. She pointed at them. “What about that group?”

  “Oh, tho
se are the sneakiest and strongest. They’re called the Stonewall Radissons from Radisville. They cover themselves in mud to camouflage to their surroundings better. Don’t be fooled by their appearance. They’ve never lost a battle,” Crystal said.

  Senora’s focus turned to Sam, who seemed barely conscious. “Is Sam going to be ok?”

  “She’s strong, but I don’t know what Drayvon did to her. I hope my sister, Kat, will be able to provide some answers. But this is going to take a while. This group isn’t moving quickly and there’s no way around them. Just hold on Sam,” Crystal said. The four rode along silently with the slow-moving crowd.

  After about an hour of silence, Robert cleared his throat.

  “How would Kat know what Drayvon did to Sam when you don’t?”

  “Well, we were captive to Lucas for a number of years. She was more intuitive to his tricks and schemes than I was. Maybe during that time, she might’ve heard something about a plan. I know he had, in the past, tried to eradicate the Dragon Kingdom with the aid of the Silver Dragon. Maybe when Scarlett turned the Silver Dragon against him, he took up that old desire for ultimate power.” Crystal gasped.

  “What do you mean dragon? Should I be concerned?” Robert asked. “I mean I want Sam safe. I don’t want to see her as dragon food or anything.”

  Senora couldn’t help but chuckle. Robert glared at her. “Sorry, I couldn’t help but laugh. I can confirm there is no chance of Sam being eaten by a dragon. That’s for sure.” Senora laughed as both she and Crystal shared a knowing look.

  “What’re you not telling me?” Robert asked.

  “It’s not my secret to tell.” Senora claimed. She looked ahead with anticipation as the castle came into view. “Look, there’s Castle Calvarias. We’re almost there.”

  As the front of the group reached the draw bridge, the crowd slowed even more. Crystal steered her horse off to the side of the group and dismounted. Senora followed. She dismounted first, then Robert followed a little more carefully and managed to stay on his feet this time. Crystal secured both horses to a nearby tree. “If we walk around the back ledge, we could get in through the back tunnel. Do you remember, Nora?”

  Senora nodded and led them away from the crowd. Robert rushed to Crystal’s horse and helped Sam off the horse. She wavered. “I don’t have the strength to stand. Maybe you should just leave me. I’ll only slow you down,” Sam announced.

  “Nonsense, I never leave anyone behind.” Robert picked Sam into his arms and turned to follow Senora and Crystal. His courage faded when he saw what Crystal meant about the back ledge. “Not sure if I can balance that narrow ledge and carry Sam at the same time.”

  Senora stopped and turned toward Sam. “Can you manage?” Senora asked.

  “Unfortunately, no.” Sam sighed.

  “Is there another way?” Robert asked.

  “Only if you go back and enter the gate with the crowd, but it’ll take you longer. Time is of the essence,” Crystal declared.

  Senora saw the concern growing within Robert and Sam. “Crystal, you go ahead. Bobbie and I’ll go with the crowd to take Sam in. Maybe you could warn Kat. Maybe she could make a way for us to get through faster,” Senora suggested. She saw the relief forming in both Sam and Robert’s faces.

  “Alright.” Crystal maneuvered along the narrow path toward the hidden cave entrance.

  Senora walked over to Sam and touched her cold and clammy forehead. “What did he do to you?” she asked.

  “I honestly don’t know.” Sam rested her weak head against Robert’s chest.

  “Let’s head back to the front,” Senora offered as Robert agreed and followed. The crowd had grown so thick it was oozing along at a snail’s pace. The group of three slowly made their way through the crowd.

  Katerina was staring out the throne room window when a guard entered. “Lady Kat, your sister, Lady Crystal has returned,” the guard declared.

  “Send her in,” Katerina ordered. Crystal entered the throne room and hugged Katerina. Katerina looked behind her sister with concern. “You’re alone. Where’re the others?”

  “They’re trying to enter through the crowd. Sam was too injured to enter the secret way,” Crystal said.

  Katerina filled with more regret and fear. “Guards!” The guards entered and bowed.

  “You called Lady Kat?” a guard asked.

  “Yes, take a small patrol out through the entering masses. Nora, Sam, and Bobbie are there. Bring them to me,” Katerina ordered.

  “Right away, my lady,” the guard said and jumped to action.

  When the guard left the throne room, Katerina looked at the floor with sadness in her eyes. Crystal got right up in her face. “Don’t you do that. She was my mother too. Princess Delores mentored both of us. You won’t carry all the grief alone. I won’t allow you to steal that from me.”

  Katerina glared at her sister. “You don’t have to carry everything. I do. Lucas must pay for what he did. I’ll grieve when I can. But for now, I need to be strong.”

  “Let us both be strong. But tomorrow, let us both say our goodbyes. Together, ok?”

  “I know you’re right, but as soon as the process is over, we must prepare and gather for war.” Crystal hugged her sister.

  The masses of different people and creatures alike fascinated Senora, but what fascinated her more was the focus and attention Robert had on Sam. He seems so protective of her. I’ve never seen him so attentive. Does this mean he is learning to feel again? Senora filled with excitement at the thought. “How’s Sam doing?” she asked.

  “Not sure. She appears to be tired and weak. I wish I could’ve saved her from that torture,” Robert said, as his muscles flexed and tightened.

  “I understand. They always had a plan. You’re no good to Sam if you allow your anger to blind your focus,” Senora said. “Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil.”1

  “Anger gives me strength to protect others,” Robert declared.

  “Yes, but when you use your anger in the wrong way, it’s like gaining the whole world but forfeiting your very soul,” Senora stated.

  Robert pondered her words, and they felt heavy upon his heart. He remembered what he said in the cave with his father. He was just a boy, endured such torture himself, and promised he would not be like his uncle. But that was what happened. Am I doomed to make the same mistakes? Four castle guards approached them, interrupting Robert’s thoughts.

  “Lady Kat has sent us to you for private escort into Castle Calvarias. Come quickly,” the guard ordered. Robert readjusted his hold on Sam and nodded. “Would you like me to carry her the rest of the way to lighten your load?”

  “I’m fine. Lead the way,” Robert replied with both conviction and determination in his voice. The three followed as the crowd parted to make a way for them. When they finally reached the courtyard, Kat and Crystal met them. Kat stopped in her tracks at the sight of Sam.

  Her hand covered her mouth with shock at how weak and pale she looked. I’ve never seen her like this; she has always been the strong one. What have I done? A wave of guilt and despair slammed against her, filling her with panic and fear. We are all doomed, and Lucas has already won. She gasped for air as her breath left her. Crystal reached for her arm to stabilize her.

  “It’s ok, Kat. ‘Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice, for the LORD has done great things.2 ‘And, do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell,” Crystal declared.3

  Katerina found her confidence again as she remembered what Delores told her when she was younger: “So we can confidently say, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me.’”4 Katerina focused on the three new arrivals. “Take Sam to a bedroom to rest.” A guard approached Robert to take Sam from him. Robert pulled her closer to himself protectively.

  “Lead the way I’ll take her,” Robert said. The guard looked over h
is shoulder toward Lady Katerina and Lady Crystal. Katerina only nodded, and the guard turned on his heel and led Robert up the long winding staircase that took them to the main chamber bedrooms. Katerina turned to focus on Senora.

  “Nora, is there any information you can share with us that could better prepare us for the battle that’s ahead?”

  Senora approached Katerina and bowed. “Can we talk in private?” Katerina nodded. Crystal led Senora back to the throne room.

  “Tell me what you’ve discovered,” Katerina demanded.

  “I fear this might be the final battle. One for one’s very soul. One that will span worlds. If we aren’t careful more than just our world with fall,” Crystal warned.

  “He’s growing in numbers. I’m not sure how many, and they’re hidden in the shadows. But they’re strong,” Senora claimed.

  “What do you think, Kat? Is this what we were told about in our childhood? The battle of Armageddon?” Crystal asked.

  Katerina contemplated all their words carefully, but also considered her mother’s old warnings: “‘See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, I am the Christ, and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumours of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.’”5 Katerina proclaimed, “This war will indeed cross worlds. I have already seen that. Not only will our world suffer, but that pain has already spilled over into your world, Nora.”

  “What’re we to do?” Senora asked.

  “Lucas and Drayvon fight with deception, fear, and lies. We need to fill our hearts with truth. I admit that I’ve been overwhelmed with guilt and grief,” Katerina recalled.

  “Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamour and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.”6 Senora said, “When we give into the lies, we lose ourselves. We need to find strength in unity.”


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