Unbroken Kingdom

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Unbroken Kingdom Page 22

by Lorie Gurnett

  Senora knelt beside Katerina and embraced her. “I know it hurts.” Katerina punched the ground, surrounding them in a cloud of dust.

  “I can’t leave her!” Katerina yelled.

  “Here, let me help you,” Senora whispered. Soldiers approached the two girls with cloth and rope. Senora watched as one soldier carefully wrapped Crystal’s body, while others made a pull cart so they could lie her body upon it.

  “We’ll take turns pulling. Lady Crystal won’t be abandoned. I promise you, my lady,” one soldier said.

  Katerina peered through the strands of Senora’s hair at the soldier. “Thank you, Allistair.” She gave Senora a tight squeeze before standing.

  “We need to regroup. Lucas is still out there,” Senora declared.

  “You need to protect your world as I need to protect mine. This Crossroad will bring you and Bobbie home,” Katerina revealed as she motioned for Robert to come down to them. “Wait. Where’s Bobbie?”

  “I-I don’t know. He was just here. Bobbie?” Senora yelled over the masses.

  “Time’s running out. I’ll look for him, but you need to go through while the gate’s still open,” Katerina declared. “This is the gateway that bridges worlds. You need to step through the Pillar of Fire. Don’t be concerned. The fire doesn’t burn. It cleanses and purifies,” Katerina declared. “I know I’ll see you again.” Katerina shook Senora’s hand.

  “Thanks, but I can’t leave without Bobbie,” Senora stated.

  Sam looked down as Donella rode into the courtyard. A small group of guards met her as she dismounted. “Secure my horse. I won’t be here long,” Donella ordered as she ran up the stairs to Sam’s room.

  She jumped as the door banged open. “Donella? Did you flee the battle? What has happened? Report on the progress of the battle. Where are Lady Kat, Lady Crystal, and Nora? What has happened to Bobbie?” She staggered as she felt her lungs burn as if a sledgehammer had just slammed into her. A lump formed in her throat as her thoughts wandered.

  Donella approached Sam. “Lady Kat has fallen. Soon, all of Scarlett’s reign will fall.”

  “What? What do you mean? Scarlett’s reign will fall? Tell me what happened.”

  “Annihilation’s at hand. The destruction of two worlds collide.” Donella moved toward Sam and pulled out a small knife. Sam’s thoughts turned to Robert and Senora. She looked up as Donella swung the knife at her chest. Sam’s hair glowed crimson, her eyes igniting with fire. Donella wasted no time. “Just as Lady Crystal fell, Kat will find her end, and you’ll fall too.” She kicked Sam in the chest, knocking the wind out of her. Sam leaned against the windowsill.

  Thoughts of Robert raced through her mind, and she looked down at the red gem as it glowed and ignited the room in a blinding red light.

  Donella lunged toward her, determined to fulfill her mission. Sam looked straight into her eyes as the knife appeared to penetrate her heart. The red gem expanded energy from within, sending Donella flying backward and crashing into the wall. Sam struggled to maintain her balance as Donella leapt to her feet once more.

  “I won’t be defeated that easily. You’ve no idea what you hold. It’ll be mine, and Lord Lucas will finally have his victory.” Donella ran at Sam.

  “You don’t know my strength,” Sam said.

  “Your thoughts are divided. They betray you. He’ll fall forever.”

  Sam worried for Robert and Senora. With one last blast of red light, Donella vanished, and Sam fell to the floor, the red gem slipping from her hand and rolling under the bed. No matter how far apart you are, your lives and hearts are intertwined.

  A wave of sorrow washed over Robert as his eyes re-adjusted to the leaves hanging above him. He turned and stared toward Castle Calvarias. “Something’s wrong.” Robert’s thoughts turned to Sam as he crawled out from under the branches. The ground spun as he fell to one side. He reached for his ear as it pounded in agony. He looked down as his hand lowered from his ear, a pool of blood forming. He turned to his right when he heard footsteps quickly approaching. He rolled to his feet and saw Lucas standing in front of him. “Face it, Lucas. You have lost,” Robert warned.

  Lucas punched Robert in the stomach. Robert spit out blood. Lucas raised his knee to connect with Robert’s bloody nose, but Robert pushed his back. Lucas staggered to get his footing again and said, “You understand pain. You said yourself, how could someone let pain happen to their own child? Tony is not worth your time.”

  “You leave my dad out of this. Your fight is with me.”

  “Fight? No, your fight is over. Mine has just begun. You have only scratched the surface of what I can really do.”

  “For your obedience is known to all, so that I rejoice over you, but I want you to be wise as to what is good and innocent as to what is evil.”13 The Tall Bearded Man’s voice whispered in Robert’s ear. Filling with courage and a new understanding Robert boldly stood in front of Lucas.

  Lucas rushed toward him and pulled him close. “Remember, I have spies everywhere. You will not defeat me.”

  Robert locked eyes with Lucas full of determination and conviction. He boldly stated, “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.”14

  Lucas smashed his head into Robert’s forehead as his world fell into darkness once more. “We will see who gets crushed.” Lucas turned and disappeared into the valley below.

  Suddenly, Senora was pulled into the Fiery Pillar and disappeared. Katerina spun around in search of Robert. I won’t let Nora and Bobbie down. I know I’m not Crystal, but they’re counting on me. Now their world’s in as much danger as mine. Katerina searched the sea of bodies for any sign of Robert.

  Senora opened her eyes to find herself lying on the floor in the hospital chapel. She stood and looked around. “Bobbie,” She called as she ran to Robert’s hospital room. She slowed her steps as she walked up to his bedside. “Bobbie?”

  Robert’s mom looked up at Senora with sadness in her eyes, and said, “Sorry, Nora, no change.”

  “No! That can’t be! He has to wake up, Sarah! We’ve fought so hard! He has fought so hard!” Senora screamed.

  Sarah stood and pulled Senora out of Robert’s room. “What’re you talking about?”

  “He just has to wake up!”

  “I’m sorry, young lady, but I have to ask you to leave. You’re disturbing the other patients,” a tall nurse said as she approached Senora from behind.

  As Robert lays in darkness, he could barely make out Senora’s voice, “He just has to wake up!”

  Tony will be an easier targe…“What did Donella mean? Lucas and Donella can’t win. I can’t protect them. Oh, please, God, show me the way. You’re the great protector. You can do this better than me. You hold all authority. Show me where to stand.” But you sleep in a coma in our world. Senora’s words flooded his mind.

  “Stand where it has already been burnt.” Robert heard the Man’s voice at a distance.

  “She’s right, Nora. You’re hysterical and making no sense. This isn’t helping Bobbie,” Sarah stated with concern in her voice.

  “But you don’t understand!” Senora ordered.

  “You’re right, I don’t understand. Just leave,” Sarah ordered as she folded her arms in front of her and impatiently tapped her foot on the floor. Senora hung her head as the tall nurse led Sarah back to Robert’s room.

  “I’m sorry, nurse. I don’t know what has gotten into her,” Sarah replied as she stared over her shoulder at Senora. The nurse turned to stare at Robert. His eye lids fluttered, and the nurse frowned and walked over to his IV. Adjusting his vision, he suddenly spoke, “Mom?” Sarah turned when she heard Robert’s voice. She ran to Robert’s bed and held his hand. Robert turned his eyes to look at his mom.

  “Bobbie! Oh, thank God. You are awake.”

  “Mom, can you…” His eyes rolled back and his eye lids fluttered. The nurse adjusted the IV drip more.

  “Bobbie, can I wha
t? Bobbie, speak to me. I am here!” Sarah screamed.

  “I need to talk to dad.” Robert whispered.

  “He’s here! Just out in the waiting area. Stay with me, I will call him.” Sarah quickly hugged Robert and dashed out of the room. The nurse raised the IV drip yet again when Robert locked eyes with her. “Wait, Don”

  “Shhhhhh.” The nurse smirked. She leaned close to his bed briefly, “He will win. Tony’s an easier target.” The nurse stood right before, Tony and Sarah entered Robert’s room. The code blue alarms sounded and Robert started to convulse. Senora rushed to the door as doctors pushed Sarah and Tony out of the door. The tall nurse closed the door behind them, and Senora looked up. The nurse glared at her, followed by a strange smirk. Wait, there’s something strangely familiar about that nurse.

  As the sun set upon the gruesome sight, Katerina found a lonely horse walking the perimeter of the battlefield. She desperately reached for its reigns and led the horse over to the soldiers dragging the makeshift cart that held Crystal’s body. Without saying a word, she attached the handles of the cart to the back of the horse and mounted. “I will be the one to bring my sister home.” Katerina tried desperately to push her anger, sadness, and fears down. I will be strong. For Mother and Crystal, she reminded herself as she briefly looked over her shoulder at Crystal’s body. She squared her shoulders. Before leaving, she panned the sea of bodies one last time. “It’s getting dark harder to see. I must return to Castle Calvarias for now, but I won’t give up my search for you, Bobbie. I’ll find you! I promise!” Katerina shouted as she returned home with her sister in tow, Chester, some staggering Misfits, and the rest of the surviving soldiers.

  Katerina arrived, dismounted her horse in the courtyard, handed the reins to a stable boy, and turned to look one last time at her sister. “Take care of this horse and prepare my sister’s body. I need to commune with Sam.” Katerina raced up the stairs. When she entered Sam’s room, she found her unconscious on the floor. She ordered a guard to place her in the bed. “Lucas’s still out there, somewhere.” She looked around Sam’s room at the overturned nightstand, the night candle broken in two, and a large crack in the wall next to the door. “What happened here?” Katerina asked as she held Sam’s hand. “It looks like you had a battle of your own. I won’t stop my search for answers until I’ve woken Sam and understand what happened to Bobbie.” As Katerina stood, Chester entered the room. He stood next to her and placed his wounded hand on her shoulder.

  “You defeated the Master. Only time will tell. Rest now; fight later.” Chester chuckled.

  I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

  Phil. 4:12–13


  1. Deception Arises

  1 Sudfeld, Pastor Dan, The Fellowship of the Saints, Wetaskiwin Mission Church. January 5, 2020 http://wetaskiwinmissionchurch.org/media/494841-2004455-2290236/the-fellowship-of-the-saint.

  2 Phil. 2:15b

  3 Sudfeld, Pastor Dan, The Fellowship of the Saints.

  4 Sudfeld, Pastor Dan, The Fellowship of the Saints.

  5 Ibid

  6 Ibid

  7 Phil. 3:14

  2. Divide and Conflict

  1 Ezekiel 28:12

  2 John 8:44b

  3 John 8:44c

  4 2 Cor 4:4a

  5 2 Cor 11:14–15

  6 1 Peter 5:8–9

  7 Eph 6:11–13

  5. The Rescue

  1 Proverbs 21:31

  2 Phil. 4:13

  3 Jer. 16:19a

  4 2 Cor. 1:9–10

  7. Cave of Exploration

  1 Gen 22:14

  2 John 15:16

  3 Eph. 4:32

  4 Luke 7:47

  5 Deut. 7:6

  8. Broken Bonds

  1 Deut. 32:39

  2 Job 5:18

  3 Ecc. 3:3

  4 Mark 2:17

  9. Sheol Mountain

  1 Psalm 9:9

  2 Rom. 8:37

  3 Ezekiel 28:13

  4 Ezekiel 28:14

  5 Ezekiel 28:15

  6 Ezekiel 28:17–18

  7 Isaiah 14:12

  8 Isaiah 14:12–14

  10. Deception Ignited

  1 Matt. 10:16

  2 Matt. 26:41

  3 John 8:31b–32

  4 Job 34:12

  5 Psalm 15:2, 5b

  6 Prov. 21:31

  11. Storms of Deceit

  1 Exodus 15:2–3

  2 Exodus 14:14

  3 Heb. 13:8

  4 James 4:12

  12. Lost to Unforgiveness

  1 Elbert Hubbard

  2 Rev. 12:7a

  3 Rev. 12:7b

  4 Rev. 12:8–9

  5 Rev. 12:12

  6 Matt. 24:22

  7 George F. Will

  8 2 Peter 1:3–4

  9 Luke 1:30b

  10 John 1:12; Rom 5:1; Rom 8:1; 1 Cor. 2:16; 2 Cor. 5:21; Eph. 1:3

  11 Psalm 103:13-14; 2 Cor. 4:7; Deut. 14:2

  12 Jer. 31:3b

  13 Eph. 1:4–5

  14 Matt. 10:30–31

  15 Mark 10:27

  16 2 Cor. 12:9

  17 Is. 49:15–16; Matt. 28:20; Heb. 13:5

  18 1 John 3:1

  19 John 1:12

  20 Eph. 1:4–5

  21 1 John 5:4

  22 1 Cor. 15:57

  23 Phil. 4:19

  24 1 Cor. 10:13

  25 Heb. 4:15

  26 Eph. 4:32

  27 Eph 2:8–9

  28 Phil. 1:6

  29 John 15:16

  30 Prov. 3:5–6

  31 1 Peter 5:7

  32 Psalm 139:13

  33 Psalm 139:15–17

  34 Jer. 29:11–12

  13. Forgotten Secrets Revealed

  1 Ellen Degeneres

  2 Yogi Berra

  3 Rom. 8:26

  4 1Cor. 15:43b

  5 Joel 3:9

  6 Zach. 10:5

  7 Rev. 16:16

  8 Eph 6:10

  14. The Called

  1 Eph 4:26–28

  2 Joel 2:21

  3 Matt. 10:28

  4 Heb. 13:6

  5 Matt. 24:4–8

  6 Eph. 4:31–32

  7 Rom. 8:1–2

  8 1 John 1:9

  9 Matt. 18:20

  10 Prov. 3:5–6

  11 1 Tim. 4:12

  12 Luke 1:37

  13 Gen 50:20–21a

  14 Prov. 3:5–6

  15. Farewell

  1 Psalm 23:4

  2 John 5:24

  3 Matt. 4:16

  4 Rev. 14:13

  5 Rom. 6:5

  6 Psalm 107:13–14

  7 Rom. 6:22–23

  8 Luke 1:78–79

  9 1 Cor. 15:53–55

  16. Greatest Strength

  1 Is. 1:18

  2 Psalm 103:12–13

  3 Jer. 31:34

  4 Matt. 26:28

  5 Gal. 5:1

  6 2 Cor. 5:17

  7 Psalm 18:39

  8 Heather Congo

  9 Theodore Roosevelt

  10 Zemeckis, Robert, dir. Forest Gump. Hollywood, CA: Paramount Picture, 1994.

  11 Marmon Okinyo, motivational speaker.

  12 Nelson Mandela

  13 Twain, Mark, The tragedy of Puddi’nhead Wilson. New York: Charles L. Webster & Company, 1894.

  14 Nora Ephron

  17. Crosswords of Fire

  1 Isaiah 40:30–31

  2 Prov 21:31

  3 2 Thess 3:3

  4 Matthew 18:20

  5 Isaiah 54:17

  6 James 1:16

  7 Psalm 97:1–6

  8 1Kings 8:28–29
  18. Two Worlds Collide


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