Forbidden Sacrifice: An MC Romance (Savage Kings MC Book 10)

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Forbidden Sacrifice: An MC Romance (Savage Kings MC Book 10) Page 3

by Carter Steele

  Five minutes later, she exited… still wearing her police uniform.

  “Aren’t ya gonna change?” I said as I cut the engine off.

  “Duh,” she said. “But I’m not done with my day yet. I gotta get something from my car.”

  She’s going to make me wait. OK. I see how it is, Liza. We’ll just have to break the rules a little more then.

  Fortunately, after grabbing some papers from the squad car and going back inside, I only had to wait about ten more minutes for Liza to emerge. This time, she had on a golden necklace, a white tank top, jeans, and some sunglasses. She looked both beautiful and badass at the same time. The look was certainly enough that a part of me considered just taking her back to my place and skipping the foreplay of the date.

  Alas, there was bold, and there was reckless. The former was hot; the latter was creepy. And though I made a career out of pushing boundaries, even I knew when something was too far.

  Well, at least when it came to romance. Maybe not so much when it came to defending said romance from violent threats.

  “Damn,” I said with a whistle. “Lookin’ good, Liza.”

  “Hope you don’t mind,” she said, resting one hand on my handlebars—which, for how much I loved my bike, might as well have been the same as her touching me naked. “I’m not really a dress up in heels and a cocktail dress kind of girl.”

  “Not at all,” I said, not bothering to hide the fact that I was eying her up and down. “In fact, I like it this way. We’re going to rebel a little bit today.”


  “Ya spend so much time followin’ rules, I figured it’s high time ya broke some.”

  And break some other things later tonight.

  “Don’t do anything that would get me on the news,” she warned. “Remember, the job comes first.”

  “Oh, heavens, no, I ain’t gonna do that to ya, I ain’t stupid,” I said with a laugh. “Hop on.”

  She did so with remarkable ease. She wrapped her arms around me comfortably. Most girls, on their first time riding a motorcycle, would immediately feel arousal for the man driving that bike. But I could tell Liza had ridden her fair share of bikes as a cop—I was going to have to break a few more rules than the mere safety of an enclosed car to get her to want more.

  “Ready?” I shouted.


  As soon as she gave the OK, I sped like a bullet out of the parking lot. I gunned the bike to speeds well over 50 miles per hour in the town, heading to the highway.

  “Parker!” she shouted.

  “What?” I shouted. “I told ya we were gonna break some boundaries!”

  “Can we do it without breaking any bones?”

  “Ya say that like ya don’t even trust me!” I said with a loud laugh.

  I felt Liza’s arms tighten around me. Perfect. We were speeding and maybe taking some turns sharply.

  I was, in my mind, priming her to break the taboos around us doing anything more together. This was not a woman that I could play it safe with; this was a woman that I needed to go breakneck at to try and get with.

  When we got on the highway, I gunned the bike as fast as I could, hitting speeds well over a hundred miles per hour. I even heard Liza scream, but her scream slowly morphed from one of fear to one of delight. It was slowly getting her to where she needed to be—in an excited state. I turned around and let out a laugh of delight before gunning the engine again.

  Call it gut instinct, but I just knew that Liza had never had a ride quite like this, let alone a date quite like this. I knew nothing of her past, but the fact that we’d already kissed once at the clubhouse told me she was someone who was yearning to have her buttons pop. She was begging for a chance to break free of stuffy norms, let loose, and have some fun.

  Of course, I could have been projecting, but I felt pretty sure I was projecting in the right direction.

  I knew I couldn’t keep up the crazed driving forever, though, and after about ten minutes on the road, I pulled off and took her to one of my favorite highway diners, a spot called Hank’s. It was well clear of any of the Anarchists’ hideouts, and it wasn’t a place that suffered from the problem of big crowds anyways. It was just the spot we needed to get settled in to learn more about each other.

  I got us a booth in the back, avoiding what few customers were there so that Liza wouldn’t have to risk being seen in public with me. That was a minor annoyance, but the emphasis for me was on minor, not annoyance—I’d adapt to it for someone as badass and fun as Liza.

  Our conversation started on the lighter side of things, joking about what new car she should get, her moving to San Francisco so she wouldn’t have to get a car, and other matters related to her transport. At some point, though, curiosity about who Liza Burton actually was took over, and I could no longer resist asking the question.

  “So,” I said as a plate of fries and a half-pound burger came up. “:Explain somethin’ to me that’s been buggin’ at me.”

  “Sure,” she said as a plate of grilled chicken and broccoli was placed before her.

  “Well, first, how much sooner am I gonna die because of my eatin’ habits?”

  “Twenty years,” she said before laughing.

  “Christ, goddamn good thing that you’re a cop and not a doctor,” I said. “Nah, here’s my real question. Ya really are quite beautiful and tough. You’re badass. But you’re single?”

  “I’m a busy person, Parker,” Liza said, but the answer sounded a bit rehearsed, like it may not have been something that she had examined in herself for some time.

  “I know ya are,” I said. “But why not do both?”


  She’s thought about it.

  “I’m a little scared to try it,” she admitted. “It’s the kind of thing that I’d have to try and do in the short term before I could do anything more.”

  “Short term, eh?” I said, cocking an eyebrow. To my delight, she cocked one right back. “Let me get ya a drink. Whatcha want?”

  “A drink? You really want to make this short-term thing come out, huh?” she said with a smile.

  “Hey, I’m an honest man, and I gotta say, ya know I’d do a lot of short-term things with ya without hesitation,” I said. “Wouldn’t interfere in the slightest with ya work for ya to take one evening back at my place.”

  I thought that I had a good read on Liza, and in my life, I’d met so many types of people that I had gotten what I thought was pretty good at understanding what they were going to say and what they meant.

  But never, ever, did I expect Liza to say what was next.

  “Well, you’re not wrong.”

  Is that… is that a yes?

  “Truth be told, Parker, if we’re just going to get right to it, it’s been months since I’ve had sex. And while I’m usually a pretty sex-positive person, it’s getting a little frustrating having to be a police woman all the time.”

  Holy shit! Yes, yes, yes!

  “I don’t know if this will mean anything long term,” she said, a sly grin forming on her face. “But I suppose one night of violating taboos wouldn’t be too bad.”

  “Then what the hell we waitin’ for,” I said.

  I stood up, grabbed two twenties from my wallet, and threw them on the table. I grasped for Liza’s hand, pulling her with me, her plate barely half finished.


  “I’ll order us pizza at my place,” I said. “But I ain’t waitin’ till ya change ya mind.”

  When I looked back, she had a wicked grin on her face that I was delighted to help make a little more sinful.

  Being bold is so much fun.



  It may have seemed like a snap decision on my part, but it was anything but.

  Ever since Parker had shown up at the front of the police station that morning, I’d given him and my past far more thought that I had before. I began to see him not just as someone who was in the town and that I had m
ade out with once, but someone that I could have a sort of mutual release with. I still didn’t see a path toward something long-term—although, on some level, I knew I was searching for the feeling of being close to someone again—but for at least a short period of time, I wanted to shut off my logical, procedural brain and just have some fun.

  Of course, “just have some fun” would invariably turn into much more. I wasn’t oblivious to myself and my patterns. But it worked well enough for getting me to say yes to Parker.

  And, of course, the boldness of his action, the utter lack of hesitation with which he moved, and the excitement that his directness made me feel went a long way toward making me feel comfortable in this decision.

  As soon as I was on his bike, I was officially all-in on the decision. I just needed to be good until we got back inside his apartment, and then there would be nothing held back. I still couldn’t do anything out in public, even if public was “the front porch of someone’s apartment” but once inside…

  The motorcycle’s vibration did its part for getting me excited. By the time we got home, I was ready to jump on him. I was ready to do this.

  It’s just one night. It’s nothing more. If something more comes—when something more comes—you can figure it out. For now, just have fun and enjoy it. He’s a handsome, bold man, and he’s going to make you feel mighty good.

  By the time we pulled into the parking lot of his apartment, I was about ready to jump him. I had cleared my mind, the better to appreciate the physical aspect of it. Yeah, I was doing some mental gymnastics by saying he wasn’t a Savage King right now so it was OK. But I had done mental gymnastics for so long to justify not going on dates that I had plenty of practice in doing it.

  “Nice place you got,” I said as he grabbed my hand and led me to his apartment.

  “Ya ain’t gonna say that when we get inside,” he warned. “I’m a bachelor through and through, dear. Happy to have someone come ‘n fix me up, but until then, I ain’t nothin’ but a man livin’ on his own.”

  I laughed, even as I mentally prepared for the worst. I’d seen some pretty gross and terrible things in my life.

  But when I stepped inside his place, I was pleased to see that it wasn’t nearly as bad as he had made me think it would be. The kitchen was clean. The place was orderly. There weren’t clothes everywhere. A Texas flag hung above the couch, and various decorations and items from what looked like his time in the Marines adorned the wall—including a “Semper Fi” sign above the American flag—but it wasn’t anything that would have caused me to turn away.

  It was certainly the apartment of a single man who loved his country and his native state. It wasn’t anything that screamed offensive, bad boy, or asshole.

  “I like it,” I said.

  “Good thing,” he said with a chuckle. “Most California ladies think I’m a terror cuz I know how to use a gun. They ain’t ever seen anythin’ like me.”

  “Then I guess you’ve never seen anything like me,” I said as I went over and put my hands on his chest, looking up at him with very seductive eyes.

  “Not until I got ya naked,” he said.

  Damn, he’s right to the point!

  But before I could think on it more, he pulled me back in for a kiss, a kiss very much like the one that we had shared at the clubhouse. His hands wrapped me up, like he was pulling me into a cocoon, an envelopment that would protect me not just from the outside world but my own doubts and insecurities about the night. Me being a cop didn’t matter; me having gone months without any romantic fire didn’t matter; him being a rough and tumble guy… OK, it kind of mattered, but in a good way.

  His lips parted mine and his tongue came in, throwing any conscious thought out of whack as I yearned to have his naked, bulky body. Here was a man who had no shame and no hesitance about his next step, and like someone eager to flash forward to the climax of a movie, I wanted to get through all the steps quickly so I could get to my climax.

  We tumbled through his hallway, only the occasional moment of opening my eyes a chance to see more of his space. He had guns on the wall—some of which looked fake, but I had zero doubt he had plenty of real ones around—more pictures and tributes to Texas, and pictures of his time in the Marines. His bedroom featured a “Don’t Tread on Me” poster and a giant photo of the Savage Kings—including many men that I hadn’t seen before.

  I quietly assumed that they were some of the original members. I tried to pick Parker out in the blur of making out and stumbling through the room, but that wasn’t exactly an easy task with all the hormones and lust pouring through my every nerve and every fiber. In fact, all of that vanished when we landed on the bed, his two-hundred-plus pound frame hovering just inches above me. He could have easily crushed me, but instead, he was going to give me a much more pleasant sensation that would make me lose my mind.

  And then he kissed my neck, and there it was. The feeling that made me lose my mind.

  “Holy shit,” I mewed as he worked his way down my body, pulling clothes away so he could kiss various parts of me. I had to work to get my tank top off before he just straight ripped it in half in an effort to get to my breasts; I had a feeling that he was doing everything he could to make sure a repeat of the clubhouse did not happen.

  Fortunately for him, whether he knew it or not, he needn’t had worry about that. I wanted this to happen too. I wanted this release. I wanted—

  I couldn’t think anymore as he tugged my pants and underwear off, slid a finger inside of me, and started stroking.

  “Oh!” I said in surprise, arching my hips forward. “Oh, fuck, Parker.”

  “Ya like that,” he said.

  It was more of a command than a question.

  “Yes, yes I do like that,” I said. “Please, more. More!”

  He was happy to acquiesce, sticking another finger inside of me and stroking some more. His middle and index finger curled inside and stroked exactly where my G-spot was, as if he had known where it was all along. I didn’t really fucking care if it was a lucky guess or he had just read my body that well—I was just in a sort of blissful heaven to not just be having sexual pleasure like this for the first time in months, but to be having the best sexual pleasure I’d had in… well, ever!

  “Don’t stop, Parker, please don’t stop,” I begged.

  He was getting me closer and closer to a surprisingly early orgasm. The last thing I wanted was for him to suddenly switch to something else, thinking that it was just the next natural step or something.

  But just as Parker hadn’t needed to worry about if I was serious about going all the way with this, I didn’t need to worry if he was going to continue pumping me until I came. And when I finally did, my hips shook out of control, twisting and turning, my breath completely stilted. The rush poured all through my body as I yelled for Parker to go faster, faster, to do any-fucking-thing that would make this increase.

  And then, slowly, I came down. I pushed his hand away and gasped.

  “Jesus,” I said. “And you did that just with your fingers?”

  “There’s a lot more to the show than that, sweetheart,” he said with a chuckle. “Think of that as the appetizer.”

  “Holy shit,” I mumbled.

  I’m never going to be able to go back to normalcy if this is how it’s always going to be. Fuck. I’m in trouble.

  The best kind of trouble.

  “If that’s the appetizer, than can we just skip right to the main course?”

  “Ya don’t have to ask me twice,” he said as he tore off his clothes, pausing only to grab a condom from his wallet. He slid that on and came back over me.

  The darkness of the room made it a little difficult to see his cock, but I could sure feel its enormous size as it slid around my clit. Just the feeling of it on me, even not yet inside of me, stirred a heightening sense of pleasure that could only be fulfilled once he actually went inside of me. Once more, I was reduced to the whimpering, quivering woman, at the m
ercy of Parker’s desires and wants.

  “Oh, please, fuck, get inside of me, Parker.”

  “Yeah?” he said.

  Goddamnit, I knew he wanted it as badly as I did. In some ways, this was probably even more torturous for him, since at least I had already come.

  “Yes! Get the fuck inside of me!”

  Parker just laughed at my “misfortune” of having to wait for him to enter me.

  “I think I could make ya wait,” he said before he kissed me.

  And then he went inside of me, and I wanted to squeal at how large he was.

  “But I gotta get my rocks off too, ya know.”


  He slid in and out, pleasure forward, pleasure back. I completely lost myself in the ecstasy roiling through my body, the combination of his girth and his pressure pushing me toward another orgasm. I closed my eyes to heighten the sensation, but even if I had not, he still would have gotten to orgasm sooner rather than later.

  As it was, in just the span of a couple minutes, I felt myself pulsing around his hard cock. Again, my hips quivered, but with something much larger in there than my fingers, I found myself trembling and whimpering even more.

  God, he was fucking good.

  We went through the whole cycle of positions, from cowgirl to doggie to even some standing up. We fucked all over the room, from against the door to over the bed to even on the floor. It was surreal what a few months’ worth of pent up sexual energy could result in.

  It wasn’t until we went back to missionary after what felt like a good half hour of just non-stop pleasure that Parker finally came, his cock quivering inside of me and unloading into his condom. The ride may have ended for us, but it was just a matter of recharging the batteries to get the show going again.

  “Holy shit,” I said. “Parker, I don’t know what comes after tonight, but I think I know what comes next.”

  “Ya mean, who comes next,” he said with a wink.

  I just laughed like a kid at that. I mean, what else could I do? After something that felt that good, how could I not just laugh at the pleasure of it all?


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