Erotic Short Stories 3

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Erotic Short Stories 3 Page 2

by Lynn Hagen

  There was even a stripper on a swing, which was suspended from the rafters. He twisted and turned, and I prayed he didn’t plummet to his death. Well, he wouldn’t. He wasn’t up high enough, but he’d break some bones if he fell.

  The foyer was huge, and in the center was a table with a large punchbowl and glasses.

  “This is where I leave you.” Melissa kissed me on the cheek and sauntered away, her hips swinging delicately as she waved at a few people.

  “Catch you guys later.” Chester wandered off.

  “I’m so glad you came.” Ezekiel squeezed my arm. “Find you some stud to take home. Make this a night you won’t soon forget.”

  “You’re leaving me?”

  “Look at all this eye candy,” he said. “Get yourself a drink and mingle. I’ll check on you later.”

  And with that, Ezekiel was gone. He blended in with the crowd and was out of my sight in a matter of seconds.

  I moved to the table and poured myself a drink. I wasn’t sure what it was, but the orange liquid was good and loaded with alcohol. I spent the next thirty minutes searching for Dr. Morgan, hoping he’d attended the party and hadn’t turned down the invitation.

  The house was packed, laughter and conversation filling the air but not loud enough that it drowned out the music. To my left was a bar, and next to that was a buffet.

  Since I was single and had been dumped by my friends, I wandered toward the food. I’d been too nervous to eat dinner, and now I was famished. I set my over-alcohol drink on the table and grabbed a paper plate. There were cuts of lunch meat, a simmering pot of meatballs, pastries, and so on and so on. The long table was packed with food, but I just made a sandwich.

  I didn’t want to appear greedy.

  I’d just taken a bite when I heard a deep and sultry voice behind me ask, “Are you enjoying yourself, William?”

  I turned, with a mouthful, and stared up into Randall Mercedes’s gorgeous green eyes. Never had he spoken to me at one of his parties before. Why was he now?

  And my mouth was stuffed like a squirrel getting ready for winter.

  I chewed quickly, my gaze roaming over his five o’clock shadow, his strong jaw, and his head full of silky-looking black hair. He was what wet dreams were made of.

  He smiled as I swallowed. “Yes, thank you for inviting me,” I said as I wiped at my mouth with my napkin. For a party that looked as though no expense was spared, the napkins were pretty rough and thin. They reminded me of the ones I bought from the dollar store.

  Randall shrugged. “You live on Sheffield Lane. I wouldn’t dream of leaving you off my guest list.”

  Words failed me. My mind had gone completely blank. In front of me stood a wealthy, charming, out-of-my-league god. I felt as though I should bow in his presence.

  Then I spotted Caleb Morgan strolling in through the front door. He was wearing a set of blue scrubs, and a stethoscope was curled around his neck. Here was my chance to talk to him.

  But I didn’t want to be rude to the host. Especially since Randall was shirtless and wearing a bowtie like he was one of the strippers. My gaze slid to his muscled chest, and I prayed I didn’t start drooling.

  I looked toward the door. Ezekiel was all up in Caleb’s face. I was gonna string my best friend up by his balls. He knew I had the hots for the doctor, and Ezekiel was breaking the bro code.

  “Would you like a tour of the house?”

  I blinked up at Randall. “Huh?” My attention was divided.

  “A tour.” Randall slid his arm in mine. I quickly tossed the plate onto the table, grimacing when it landed in a bowl of orange-and-black Jell-O.

  As we walked, I looked up at the swinging stripper then around at the costumed guests. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. I didn’t see Melissa or Chester anywhere. Ezekiel was still standing close to the door, practically drooling over Caleb.

  I clenched my jaw and looked away, wondering why my best friend would play me like that.

  “I see everyone has an interest in the pretty doctor,” Randall said close to my ear.

  I blushed because I’d been caught ogling the guy. That had been rude of me. I decided to ignore the doctor and Ezekiel and give my full attention to the host. After all, I had a hot guy at my side. Not that I thought I had a chance with him. If I’d thought Caleb was out of my league, Randall and I were galaxies apart.

  “I’ve had my eye on you awhile, William.”

  He had? That caught me by surprise. And here I’d thought I was invisible to him, except for the yearly invitation. “Why?”

  “Are you kidding me?” Randall stopped and spread his arms. “Look at you. Any man would consider themselves lucky just to have you.”

  I. Was. Floored. I just stood there like an idiot with my jaw hanging. This coming from a man who made my cavities hurt. Not that I had any. That was a figure of speech. I took very good care of my teeth.

  “You’ve never said anything before.”

  He shrugged. “You always brought a date to my parties. I wouldn’t dare intrude. I’m not a home wrecker.” He furrowed his thick, dark brows. “Are you seeing anyone?”

  I stammered and blushed, and many noises came out of my mouth. “No.” I finally said something coherent. Go me.

  “Let’s continue our tour.” He took my arm again and led me around, pointing out paintings and other things I had no interest in. I was still reeling that Randall Mercedes had wanted me all these years.

  Was I dreaming? I had to be. I’d drowned in my bath, and this was all some weird limbo dream.

  “Tell me, William. What do you do for a living?” Randall led me upstairs. No guests were up there. The hallways were empty of people as we walked along, Randall’s polished shoes clacking across the floor.

  I had an urge to touch his pec but kept my hands to myself. “I’m an accountant for a very big law firm.”

  The job sounded more prestigious than it was. I worked on small accounts because Mr. Bingham didn’t think I was smart enough for the bigger clientele. That guy was a complete douche bag.

  “Really?” We stopped at a large oak door. Randall pushed it open to reveal a room that looked very impressive. I stepped into golden hues, along with greens and touches of white. The bedroom looked like it was its own little apartment.

  “Tell me this room is for just one person.” I looked around, marveling at how breathtaking it was. There were French doors to the right of the bed. I went to them and gasped at the view. Nothing but woods as far as the eye could see. I saw woods from my bedroom window, too, but the pine bushes hindered my view.

  “It is.” Randall moved in behind me, his chest pressed against my back while his hands rested on my hips. I opened the doors and stepped out onto the balcony, nervous about his closeness.

  This was Randall Mercedes, and he wanted me. For a one-night stand or was he talking about something more? Did I care? Not at the moment. I just wanted fresh air and a little bit of time to absorb everything.

  Randall joined me, leaning an arm on the iron railing. I couldn’t help but stare at his almost-nudity. He would’ve made an amazing and highly demanded stripper.

  But I would’ve settled for him being my private stripper.

  Let’s be honest. I would’ve settled for anything he wanted to give me. I wasn’t afraid to admit, if only to myself, that I’d been smitten with him for a while. I just never thought I had a shot in hell with him.

  Randall turned to face me, keeping an arm on the railing. “I’ve been interested in you for a while. You just always seemed to be with someone.”

  “Not since your party last year.”

  He nodded. “But for the past year I’ve spent a lot of time overseas with my company. I haven’t had a lot of time to spend at home. But I’ve found someone who can run my business in Italy. So I’m not going to be traveling as much.”

  Italy. In my dreams. That was one of the places on my bucket list. What I wouldn’t give to visit there. “Which means?”
  He moved closer and removed the mask I’d forgotten I was wearing. He let it fall to the ground as he cupped my face. “Which means I have a lot more time to focus on my real interest.”

  “Me?” I squeaked.

  His grin made my heart shiver with a craving that threatened to overwhelm me. “Yes, you.” He tilted his head to the side, his green eyes intense. “Unless you’d rather chase after Dr. Morgan?”

  “Dr. Who?” I asked.

  Randall chuckled. “I love that show.”

  I had no idea what he was talking about, but the guy could’ve been talking gibberish to me and I still would’ve been enthralled with him.

  Randall dipped his head, and I had seconds to lick my lips before he kissed me. If I had known any of this would happen, I would have tossed a breath mint into my mouth. Now I was afraid that roast beef sandwich would be the only thing he tasted.

  I should’ve eaten some strawberries instead.

  He cupped my nape and brought me closer. I whimpered and curled my arms around him. Randall tasted like wine and cigars. The combination went straight to my head.

  “I want you,” he said against my lips. “I want you so badly.”

  I broke away from him and fought to breathe. This was going way too fast. I usually dated a guy for a while before taking things a step further. I pressed my fingers to my lips, gazing at him, shocked that he looked as if he were fighting for control.

  Randall always appeared calm and collected. He had always seemed in control. But I had that effect on him. I made him look as though he was barely holding his shit together.

  A smile curved my lips. I was an accountant, always buttoned up, and now I was ready to throw caution to the wind and have a one-night stand with the hottest man on my street.

  Yes, the doctor had fallen to second on my list of hot men.

  Randall’s eyes became heavy-lidded as he took a step toward me. My body tensed as I waited for the predator to take me down. I didn’t have to wait long. Randall shoved me up against the wall but made no other move. My breathing was erratic, my cock so hard it was painful.

  “Say you want me as badly as I want you.” He kissed along my jaw, making it impossible to think. “Say it, William, or I’ll let you go enjoy the rest of your evening.”

  Did I want to leave his bedroom? His side? Leave the scorching kisses he was placing on my heated skin? Leave the arcs of electricity snapping between us?

  I shoved him back then yanked my jacket off, tossing it over the railing. I removed my tie then unbuttoned my shirt and let them fall to the balcony floor. Randall gave a low, guttural growl as he smoothed his hand down my chest.

  This was a powerful man who was probably used to getting what he wanted. I wasn’t going to make this easy for him. I shook my head and backed away, walking into the bedroom as I kept eye contact with him.

  Randall followed, raw need in his green eyes. When he reached for me, I slapped his hand away. I had a feeling in my gut that he savored a challenge, and that was exactly what I would give him.

  His growl deepened at being denied.

  I unsnapped the button on my slacks. His gaze was riveted on my hand. I had no idea what I was doing. I’d never played this kind of game before, but I found that I liked it.

  A moan erupted from my throat as I ran my fingers over the skin just above my waistband, teasing the hairs of my faint happy trail. Randall looked as though he would pounce at any second but stayed rooted to the spot.

  Now what? I wracked my brain trying to figure out what to do next. I wanted to strip and jump on the bed, spreading my legs for him. But no, not that fast. I couldn’t just give in, not when this game made me so horny.

  “Blindfold yourself.” I’d said the first thing to pop into my mind. Why the hell had I said that? I wasn’t into that sort of thing.

  Randall’s brows shot up. “Not on your life.”

  With a shrug, I retrieved my things from the balcony then headed for the door. Disappointment filled me. I’d thought I’d had him pegged, but I guess I’d been wrong. It seemed another Halloween had shit on me. I really hated the fucking holiday.

  This was why I should’ve stayed at home. I could’ve been curled up on my couch, sipping wine and flipping through the channels to find something to watch on TV.

  Just as I reached for the handle, Randall curled a hand around my wrist and pulled me back. He took my tie from my arm and led me to the bed. Oh fuck. This was really happening. I was so stunned that my shirt and jacket fell to the floor.

  Randall set the tie on the bed then removed his clothing. My jaw dropped as I stared at his thick and long cock. His erection was a thing of beauty.

  He tilted his head to the side and smiled. “You like what you see?”

  “Do I have a pulse?” I asked.

  His grin widened. “I’m glad you approve.”

  The smug bastard knew he looked good. He didn’t need anyone’s approval. Randall climbed onto his bed and grabbed the tie, sliding it over his eyes and tying it in place. “Now what?”

  I had no clue. I was in over my head, so I did the only thing I could think of. I got naked then stood there like an idiot.

  “I’m waiting,” he said.


  “Nightstand drawer. Condoms are in there, too.”

  I just bet he’d entertained many lovers and probably had a case of lube and condoms stored somewhere in the house. I shoved that thought aside as I grabbed what I needed before joining him on the bed.

  “Give me your hand.”

  When he did, I used the lube to wet his fingers. The clear liquid slid down his hand as I straddled his waist. I pressed my hands into his chest and leaned forward. “Stretch me.”

  Randall had no problem finding my hole. His fingers touched my entrance, and a groan slipped from my throat. I eased back, impaling his fingers, hissing at how good they felt.

  “Bounce on them,” he said.

  I did as he asked, slowly, enjoying every damn second. When I was ready, I pulled off them, feeling empty. But not for long. I rolled the condom down his hard cock then said, “Keep your hands above your head. You’re not allowed to touch me.”

  I had no flipping idea where my words were coming from. I’d never done this before, and I didn’t watch porn. The words just seemed to flow as Randall stretched his arms above his head. I should’ve had him grab some more ties so I could’ve secured his wrists to the headboard.

  Where in the hell had that thought come from? Jeez, I was turning into someone I didn’t even know, but I liked it a lot.

  With my right hand, I grabbed the base of his hard cock and pressed the head to my hole. Randall inhaled a breath as I sank down.

  “Fuck,” he moaned.

  I smirked. I might be clueless as to what I was doing, but Randall seemed to like it. I did, too. His cock stretched me wide as I slowly sank, bottoming out.

  “How long have you wanted me?” I squeezed my ass muscles, eliciting another groan from him.

  “For years.”

  That shocked me. Years? Was he for real? Had Randall not known that I’d broken up with every single boyfriend after one of his infamous parties? Then again, how would he have known?

  I moved up and down his hard cock, my hands still pressed against his muscled chest. I was dying for him to touch me, but I wanted this game to play out for just a bit longer.

  “Now that I’m single, what do you plan on doing with me?” I bounced just a bit faster, but when he didn’t answer me, I stopped moving and felt how hard his cock pulsed in my ass.

  “Randall?” I said in a singsong voice. “I’m not moving until you start talking.”

  His jaw clenched, as though he were fighting to be in control, fighting to regain the upper hand. I wasn’t about to let that shit happen. I wanted to know the answer. I was desperate to know the answer.

  “I-I don’t know.” It sounded as though he hated to admit that, hated to reveal that, for maybe the first time in his
life, he hadn’t the first clue how to proceed.

  His answer also warmed my heart. I liked seeing him so vulnerable. That made Randall Mercedes seem obtainable, real, and human. I petted his chest with my hand, although I was dying to ride his cock harder and deeper.

  “Take me on a date?”

  “For a start,” he said.

  “I’m not impressed with expensive gifts,” I admitted.

  Unable to stand it any longer, I started to move again, faster, my knees clenched against his sides. “Coffee,” I murmured as I closed my eyes. “Coffee and bagels.”

  With a growl, Randall yanked the tie off his eyes, grabbed my hips, and flipped us, putting me on my back.

  “Whatever you want.” He drove hard and fast into my ass as I curled my legs around his tapered waist. I cried out in pleasure, gripping his arms as he pounded into me.

  Fuck games. This was exactly what I wanted. Hard and fast and filled with so much passion that my mind short-circuited. His cock nearly split me apart as he punched his hips forward.

  I released his arm and grabbed my cock, jerking the hard and heated flesh. Seconds later, I exploded, my orgasm rocking me so hard I saw stars.

  Randall damn near bent me in half as he sucked on one of my nipples. I grabbed his hair and yanked at the strands, tossing my head from side to side. Three more thrusts and Randall was shouting my name, and it sounded fucking incredible on his lips.

  He kissed me thoroughly, making my toes curl, then smiled down at me. In that split second, my heart was lost to him. He wasn’t the rich, elusive man I’d thought he was. There was softness in his green eyes, vulnerability that I was sure he’d never showed anyone else.

  “William Stein, will you be my boyfriend?”

  I chuckled and cupped his face, giving him a quick kiss. “Yes.”

  One week later we went for coffee and bagels.

  In Italy.

  A Pirate’s Bounty

  “Am I going to die?” I held my arm as pain throbbed down the right side of my body. I had no idea what was wrong with it, other than the constant agony I was suffering.


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