A Day Late
Chapter 1
“Hurry up, our flight leaves in an hour,” the impatient growl echoed up the stairs.
Typical. Now it was her fault they were running behind. She’d been ready for two hours. But because he was now ready and by the door, she was late.
“I’ll meet you in the car,” Claire hollered as she shoved her spare phone charger in her purse and flew down the hollow townhouse stairs.
Almost on vacation, she reminded herself. Glad she’d gripped the bannister, she nearly slipped on the Saltillo tile at the foot of the stairs, then hooked a sliding U toward the garage, flicked off the hall light on her way by, and was in the garage before he could comment on her tardiness.
The last few weeks–okay, months–had sped by as her brain was engulfed in a delirium of studying and long hours of clinicals. Ryder had been more than patient as she finished her veterinary program. And tendency to crash after a long day, home for a rare meal and burning the midnight oil night after night. In an equitable exchange, she’d shown understanding as he built a name for himself at one of the west coast’s top marketing firms.
That had always been their plan. First date conversation: I’m in a critical point of my career, he’d said. That’s ok, I have another year of veterinary school ahead, she’d responded. Careers first, then each other. Once things were settled, they’d find the house with the white picket fence and pop out a couple of kids.
She’d turned thirty last week. Where had her twenties gone? Baby number one was supposed to be at least a year old by now.
Ryder hoisted her suitcase off the ground and tossed it in the back of his SUV. “Why is your suitcase so heavy? Foothills may be in the middle of nowhere, but the house has everything you could possibly need.” He shot her a look with those baby blue eyes she’d once found so appealing. Rather, his dark eyebrows scowled so fiercely that she felt about as small as the toy poodle she’d neutered last week.
She resisted the urge to rip her suitcase out of his grip and take care of things herself. Help wasn’t exactly appreciated when it came with criticism. Instead, she hopped into the passenger seat before he caught her rolling her eyes. “The forecast calls for lower-than average temperatures and probable snow, so I had to buy a week’s worth of winter clothes and boots, as I didn’t own any, and I wasn’t sure how many layers I would need. I thought you liked Foothills.”
Ryder clicked the button to close the rear door and pushed-started the car as he slid into the driver’s seat. “When did I say that?”
Grrr. They rarely saw each other enough to have human conversations lately, but at least she had the decency to remember the important ones. “A few weeks ago when we booked the trip. I thought you wanted to move back home? You were going to commute to Seattle like your mom, and I was going to open my own clinic.”
“Hell, no. Dr. Mallory may be a workaholic neurosurgeon that doesn’t mind the commute, but not worth it to me. I mean, I suppose if you have your heart set on Washington, I could request a transfer to the Seattle office. Plenty of action there.” Flying through the yellow light as he pulled out of their cookie-cutter neighborhood, he swerved around a stopped bus, revealing the Phoenix airport in the distance.
Workaholic, huh? That apple didn’t fall far from the tree.
Claire gripped the door handle to avoid crashing her skull into the window as he took the next corner. Whether they were running late or ahead of schedule, he’d still drive recklessly, as rules apparently didn’t apply to handsome marketing executives. Ye he somehow maintained a clean driving record. Unlike her. Police seemed to take one look at her and decide she deserved every penny of the ticket. No idea why; she looked perfectly kind and innocent, or so she thought. Quirky, maybe, but she could pull off normal like the best of them. Almost.
As much as she loved his shiny souped-up Cayenne, it was a little unnecessary in the constant dry heat of Phoenix. They’d intended to take it up to the mountains for ski-getaways, but they were well into winter and this was the first time they were leaving the city.
“On the way home, let’s spend a day or two in Seattle and check out the area,” he suggested as he wove between cars, just missing the rear bumper of a turning sedan.
Compromise. Relationships were about give and take. Seattle was at least better than Phoenix. Despite growing up in the desert metropolis, she had no desire to stay there indefinitely.
Maybe she could look at the rural areas just outside the city for work. She wouldn’t mind living in Seattle if she could find a clinic that appealed. There weren’t many places she could treat both horses and dogs, but she couldn’t decide between and had spent way too much extra time in school to be able to treat animals of all shapes and sizes. Except reptiles. Her toes curled in and her jaw clenched even considering examining a python.
Her suitcase crashed and rolled across the back of the SUV as he rounded the sharp corner into the long-term parking lot. Cringing, she hoped her toiletries were all still intact. She was afraid to even consider the gooey mess.
As soon as he shifted into park, Claire grabbed her purse and tossed in her sweatshirt for the plane. Snatching her aforementioned-overloaded suitcase out of the back, she was on the move, knowing Ryder would catch up with his long legs and impatient gait. It was a toasty seventy-two degrees now, but highs in the Cascade Foothills today looked to be in the mid-twenties.
“Think we could go ice skating?” she asked as she speed-walked to keep pace with Ryder, who had passed her before they even reached the sidewalk. More than the wobbly wheels could handle, her suitcase rocked and bounced behind her like an angry seabass fighting for its life. In preparation for the trip, she’d invested in the tall, lace-up Sorrel boots she’d drooled over for ages, but sadly had never had an excuse to invest in them. But now her feet were roasting in the desert heat.
He grunted, not glancing back. “I suppose so. They usually set up a skating rink downtown this time of year. It’s not Minnesota; there aren’t many frozen lakes, so it’s a pretty pathetic rink. There are better ones closer to civilization where Grady played hockey, but those are all indoors and don’t make good tourist stops.”
Rinky dink rink. She snorted, amused with her own humor, sadly keeping it to herself, knowing Ryder wouldn’t appreciate the infantile humor. At least she entertained herself. “Didn’t you play hockey, too?”
“Hell no. I mean, we both got roped into more extra-curriculars than we had time for thanks to Patricia’s big dreams for her perfect children, but hockey was Grady’s thing. Matched his temper.” He paused mid-stride, and she crashed into him. Grabbing her shoulders, he steadied her against him. Easing back, his expression softened. “I’m sorry I’m irritable. I haven’t been home in years. My family drives me crazy. Well, Haley’s alright, but it’s been even longer since she’s been back.”
Rising to her tiptoes, she pressed her lips to his and pulled back. “Thanks for taking me home to meet your family, likeable or not. I’ve been so distracted lately; I should have seen how much this was stressing you out.”
Taking her hand, he let out a long sigh. “I may be dreading seeing my family, but I’m glad you and I get some time together.”
Passing the hullabaloo of the busy airport, they walked straight to the express line through security. Being the busy marketing executive he had become, he was in the air more often than not anymore. He walked through the airport with a shocking air of familiarity. The security guards practically called him by name.
After the easiest trip through security she’d ever experienced at the airport–not that she’d flown much–their pace eased as they neared their gate and she finally managed to catch up. “Is anyone picking us up from SeaTac?”
Accustomed to travelling for business, he didn’t bother with cozy sweats like so many of the others they passed in the terminal. Dressed in designer jeans, trim cut blazer, button-up top and leather shoes, he would look out of place if they were to fly coach. Not that he wo
uld ever stoop so low. “No. I have a rental car reserved so we can drive straight there.”
“Oh. Ok. Are they planning a big party or anything to welcome you home?” For all his hesitation, she knew he wasn’t estranged from his family; he called them every Monday after work. He hadn’t said it, but she got the impression he came from money. She followed his sister’s interior design blog, and it was great, but way beyond anything Claire could afford. As a high profile neurosurgeon, his mother must be well off, and his step-father owned a logging company which sounded quite lucrative.
Needless to say, Claire was more than a little nervous about meeting his wealthy family. They came from such different backgrounds. Different present, really. Her parents and brothers lived in the Phoenix area and saw each other often, at least once a month for family dinners. Ryder thought they were weird and rarely joined her; he was usually out of town on business or stuck in meetings anyway.
“We’ll be there for their annual winter gala, but otherwise, no.”
“First-class passengers to Seattle are welcome to begin boarding at this time,” a soothing voice announced over the loudspeaker as they approached the gate. She followed Ryder down the ramp and settled into their seats.
Maybe she ought to travel with him more often. This first-class thing was pretty great. Free drinks served before they even took off–although her stomach was too nervous to consider imbibing–easy access to the bathroom, and plenty of legroom. Cuddling up in the plush leather seat, she watched the flight attendants gossiping as they buckled in for the flight.
As the plane taxied down the runway, Ryder linked his hand with hers. Land whizzed by out the window, the engine stirring a deep rumbling in her chest as they accelerated. Looking across Ryder out the window, she watched as they overcame gravity and rose above the city.
“You know, if you like the Seattle area, maybe we could look for houses in Mercer Island or Medina. My mother would know the best private schools, for when the day comes. What do you think?” He kissed the back of her hand with their fingers still joined.
“Sure, let’s look into it.” Things were already looking up. Maybe this week would solve all their problems. They just needed to spend some time together. Maybe even have sex; it had been painfully long since either had even been interested, with how hectic things had been. “Do either of those areas have large lots so we can have dogs, and maybe even chickens? We could board horses. I don’t need a cow.”
Ryder down the last of his whiskey with a gulp, grimacing as the large swallow worked its way down. “A cow? Chickens? Did you grow up with farm animals in Phoenix?”
Pulling her hand away, Claire pulled the crossword puzzle out of the seatback pocket. “No.”
“We could get a dog. There are excellent breeders in the area.”
Sighing, she focused on the crossword clues. Full of oneself; eight letters, starts with A. Ha, got that one. ARROGANT.
“You’re catching on, really.” Grady grinned at Sophie, skating backward as she slid along the ice, her speed picking up.
When Foothill’s annual rink had been set up, someone had let it slip that Grady had played hockey since he was old enough to put on skates. His siblings were decent on skates, but only Grady had stuck with it. Having played even through grad school, Grady spent as many lunch breaks as he could manage out on the ice.
Sophie’s arms started to flail, but Grady gently reminded her to look ahead rather than at her feet. Her fiancé was working mostly night shifts as the newest member of the Foothills Police Department and hadn’t gotten around to taking her out. Not that Asher had played much hockey, but he was comfortable on the ice. Thus, Sophie had strong-armed Grady into being her skating teacher.
Despite his heart shattering when Sophie chose Asher over him, Grady and Sophie had become great friends. Okay, so shattered was probably too strong of a word. She was gorgeous, but the spark she shared with Asher just hadn’t existed between she and Grady from day one. But he still enjoyed riling Asher.
Asher and he had been roommates until a few weeks ago, and had quickly learned the joy in messing with each other. Just for fun. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, Grady reached for Sophie’s hand and slid to a stop, plastering a friendly peck on her cheek, the mountains gleaming in the freezing sun behind them. Smiling for the camera, her nose scrunched at his obvious Asher-focused-taunt. He snapped the selfie and sent it to Asher, who was sleeping off his last night shift at home.
Freya waved from the side as she removed her skates, done for the day. “Give him a break. He’s a little irritable with all the nightshifts lately. At least skip the kiss.”
His phone buzzed with a response from Asher. A flip-off emoji. Huh, he hadn’t seen that one before. Smirking, he hollered to Pippa, “You didn’t tell him you were coming with us, did you? I’m trying to make him jealous and make him dream about me necking with his woman.”
Sophie rolled her eyes, “I don’t think he has any jealousy issues, but Freya’s been trying to drag me out all winter. He knows she wouldn’t miss my wobbly ankles and inevitable wipeouts.”
A familiar sensation fluttered in his chest as Sophie blushed at the text that just came in on her phone. No doubt about who sent the text and the gist of it, based on the heat flaming over her cheeks. Asher may not have jealousy issues, but Grady might. Not about Sophie anymore, but… yeah, he was so far off track from where he had envisioned himself at this point in life.
He’d accepted that Sophie wasn’t the one for him, but his life was damn depressing. All of his friends were deliriously happy in love. And not one had planned to settle down anytime soon–well, Pippa had been planning she and Lincoln’s wedding since preschool–but Asher had been the epitome of irresponsible bachelor. Until Sophie had entered his life. And Zane and Freya had been set on keeping things casual, until they accidentally eloped last summer.
Not that he wanted to avoid his friends, they were awesome… Seriously, they’d changed his life in such a good way. A year ago? He was a festering jackass. Since he’d been roped into the crew, having an almost foreign, unyielding support? Incredible. His infamous temper was almost nonexistent now.
Dammit; he was handsome, articulate, financially stable, and, pretentious as it may sound, he was good at everything. Further supporting the egomaniac he’d been raised to be, he knew he had poetic, ocean blue eyes, untamable surfer blond hair that people paid a fortune for–that he came by naturally–and a great body, if he said so himself.
Still, it wasn’t enough. In an effort to build the perfect human beings, his mother had enrolled her children in every extracurricular activity under the sun. Hockey, football, baseball, riding, martial arts, piano, art, debate. He’d hated debate, so why had he gone with lawyer?
Sophie dropped his hand and motioned to the exit. “Hey, Grady, I’m going to head out. You coming over Saturday?” Sophie skated smoothly to the side.
“Yeah, sounds great.” Blinking away the self-pity-party that was hammering in his thick skull, Grady shook his head. “That reminds me. My parent’s annual gala is on the twentieth. Patricia said I could invite a few guests. Apparently, now that I am thirty and a successful attorney, I’m allowed to have an opinion. I wasn’t planning to torture you guys with it, but now that it’s approaching, I really think I’d enjoy seeing Asher and Zane looking awkward in penguin suits. You guys in?” He skated to the side and told Pippa and Sophie the details of the annual bore-fest, in which his mother and stepfather got dolled up in their fanciest attire and invited their snootiest friends for a fancy-ass party.
Freya grinned, her blues twinkling. “Love it. We’ll be there. Zane will hate it, but I’ll wear something slinky and he’ll give in. Asher won’t be pleased, but he’ll go. Pippa will be on board; she loves parties.”
Sophie nodded toward the exit. “Are you heading back to work soon?”
He glanced at his watch. “I’m going to run a few drills first. I’ll head over to Black Op in
a few.”
They paused, expressions working on the damn pity he should have worked harder to avoid. Watching his two very taken, very committed friends walk away, he skated to the side to grab a puck and stick to burn off some of… whatever the hell was rotting his soul.
Dribbling a few quick plays, Grady felt the adrenaline surging, the thrill of the game washing over him. Players skating full speed at him to take the puck, checking them as he passed. A Mallory never got into fights, unless it was in the spirit of the game, then it was permitted. Naturally, he’d taken to hockey like a salmon to the stream. Feet moving, eyes on the goal, he ran a one-man scrimmage. Skates scraping the hard surface under his feet, that crisp smell of the ice a treat for his nose, he almost forgot where he was.
Until he saw her.
Can’t wait to read more? Me neither! Read Carrie Thorne’s A Day Late today!
You can find Carrie (and more sneak peeks to upcoming releases) online at: https://carriethorne.com/
Other Books by Carrie Thorne
Foothills Romance:
Make yourself at home in the Foothills Romance series set in the Cascade Foothills of Washington State.
All the Days After: Former Navy SEAL Asher Sutherland can’t seem to get a grip on his future, nor can he keep his hands off his sister’s best friend.
The Next Day: Zane is completely lost when he gets to Foothills. It may take the intriguing Freya to distract him from his nightmares.
A Day Late: Grady seems to have it all together, until he falls for completely the wrong woman who just might help him discover it’s okay to let go.
A New Day: A relationship is lowest on blogger Haley Salsborough’s list of priorities when she moves home to Foothills, but a rebound... Professional football player Finn Halseth's isn’t looking for anything serious when he comes home to Foothills with a bum knee and a boatload of grief, but a summer fling...
The Next Day (Foothills Book 2) Page 23