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Mayhem Page 17

by Catharina Maura

  Kate squeals excitedly. “It looks so good though! I knew you’d get the hang of it quickly.” Emilia nods and I roll my eyes. So it wasn’t for me then. She didn’t get dolled up for me. Why the hell do I keep getting my hopes up? I’m such a fucking loser.

  Kate reaches for the remote control and I grab it to keep it out of her reach. “What the hell, Carter,” she shouts. Kate jumps up to grab it from me but I hold onto it tightly.

  “What’s wrong with you? You know we always do marathon days on Wednesday.”

  I shrug. “I don’t care. I’m watching TV. Go watch at Emilia’s house or something.”

  The last thing I want is for Emilia to leave, but I know it’s probably better that she does. Part of me is hoping she’ll fight me, though. I want her to tell me that I’m being a dick, to see that fire in her eyes as she demands that I hand over the remote. I glance over at her, but she’s sitting on the sofa demurely as though Kate and my antics have nothing to do with her. My mood plummets even further.

  “How can you be so mean to me, Carter? I’m literally only asking for the TV on Wednesdays. You have it pretty much to yourself most other days. Just one day, damnit. Can’t you even give your sister that much?”

  I roll my eyes. She’s always watching Netflix, not just on Wednesdays. I’m sick and tired of Kate’s shit. “I told you I don’t care. Go watch somewhere else. I’m watching the game.”

  Kate crosses her arms and glares at me before throwing puppy eyes my way. Her expression goes back to rage when I don’t give in. “Come on,” she says. “I’m not feeling that well. I think I might have a cold coming up. I just wanna lie down and chill for a bit.”

  I glance at Emilia who is finally smiling. Her eyes catch mine and she nods. “Yeah, she’s totally got an upcoming cold,” she says, not at all convincingly. I stare Kate down and she purses her lips.

  “I don’t see why you’d get priority access to the remote control just because you’re feeling ill, though. Just go to bed.”

  Kate looks at me in disbelief and then looks at Emilia. “Milly, help me out here,” she pleads. Emilia hesitates and then rises to step closer to me. Her perfume washes over me and my heart instantly starts to race.

  “Carter, please,” she whispers. “We always do marathon days on Wednesdays, and you know that.”

  I shrug. “I don’t care,” I say, looking her straight in the eye. Emilia looks startled, probably because I’ve always given in whenever she’s asked me something. Even Kate looks surprised.

  Emilia glances at Kate and smiles tightly. “Let’s just go to my house,” she murmurs. She turns to leave and I grab her hand to stop her. She looks back at me and I hand her the remote. I don’t want her to go. Even when I’m mad at her and I want to get a rise out of her, I still want her near.

  “I can’t believe you two are being such crybabies about it,” I snap. Emilia’s lips turn up at the edges and she takes the remote from me. She looks up at me gratefully and it hits me right in the chest.

  I’ll never be able to deny this girl anything. If our roles were reversed and she was the one asking me out, I’d never be able to say no. I’d do everything in my power to keep our relationship secret if that’s what it takes but I’d never deny her. The fact that she can tells me enough about where I stand.

  I need to get over Emilia. I need to curb my growing feelings in the bud. I need distance and I need space. I can’t be around her, at least not for a little while. I need to try and forget about her.

  Chapter 36


  “Are you sure he’ll let us stay?” I ask, oddly nervous. Kate puts on another coat of lipstick and drags my already far too revealing dress down a little more, showcasing even more of my boobs.

  “Carter is holding his leaving party at our house and begged Mom and Dad to go away for the weekend. Since Mom isn’t here he’s stupid if he thinks he can keep us away,” she says. I shake my head as she sticks her hand into my bra to adjust my boobs for maximum cleavage. I look in the mirror and smile to myself. She’s actually done a great job. We both look good. Kate looks stunning with her long brown hair and miniskirt. She’s managed to make me look so much hotter too, with the makeup and the push-up bra. I feel like a totally new person – I can’t even remember the last time I felt this confident. I wonder what Carter will think when he sees me. Things between us have been a little weird. He’s been ignoring me and I’ve been trying my best to pretend that my heart isn’t breaking. There have been no pranks, no texts, no conversations, and definitely no kisses or longing looks. It’s like he got over me the moment he realized I didn’t want to be in a relationship with him. It hurts, but I can’t even fault him for it.

  The party is already in full swing by the time we walk down the stairs. Kate’s eyes light up when she sees Asher and he looks just as excited to see her. These two are going to get caught soon if they don’t hide their obvious attraction better. I’m worried about them and at the same time I want what they have. Kate told me about their first kiss a few weeks ago and how guilty she felt about it, but just like Carter and I, she and Asher can’t seem to stay away from each other. She tells me it’s just a fling and that they’ll break things off as soon as Asher leaves for college, but I know it’s more than that for her. I’m worried Carter will find out about them and kill them both. For a while I was sure Carter knew about them, but now I’m not so sure. Part of me also hates that Kate is doing the one thing she said she’d never tolerate. Why is it okay for her to get with Asher, even just for a few weeks, but I can’t do the same with Carter without risking my friendship with Kate and my relationship with Helen. It’s unfair and I hate it.

  Kate looks up at me pleadingly and I sigh, trying my best to put my bitterness aside. Even if I can’t have what I want, I shouldn’t begrudge Kate her happiness. I smile at her and nod, earning me a grateful grin in return. It only takes her a couple of minutes to disappear and she’s being far from subtle. I’m worried she and Carter will both get hurt over this. Mostly Carter… I’m scared he’ll feel betrayed when he finds out about Asher. Part of me is also concerned that he’ll blame me for knowing and not telling him.

  I inhale deeply and walk into the kitchen to pour myself a vodka with cranberry juice. I’ve only taken three sips when Carter comes storming into the kitchen. He looks hot as hell. He’s wearing a shirt that’s tight enough to showcase his muscles and he’s got the sleeves rolled up to show off his forearms. I want to unbutton his shirt and reveal what he’s hiding underneath. Weeks have gone by since we slept together, and even though he’s been acting like I don’t even exist, I still crave him with the same desperation.

  Carter looks at me, his eyes glued to my chest. I guess my cleavage at least got him to look twice. He blinks a few times and then forcefully drags his eyes back up to mine. “Oh, no you don’t,” he says, grabbing the glass from me. I glare at him and he glares back at me just as fiercely. “What the hell are you doing here, Minx? And what the actual fuck are you wearing? A t-shirt? Where are the rest of your goddamn clothes?”

  I look down at my dress and then back at him. “It’s a dress, dad.”

  I grab my drink back and take another sip. Carter looks at me through narrowed eyes and takes it from me. “You’d better go now before I throw you out.”

  I grin and fish my phone out from between my breasts. Carter looks at my chest with wide eyes, his cheeks suspiciously pink. “Oh, hmm... it’s quite noisy here. I think I could hear the music from my bedroom. I wonder what Officer Oliver will think if I call it in?”

  He grabs my wrist and glares at me. “Don’t you fucking dare, Minx,” he says through gritted teeth. I smile at him triumphantly and take another sip of my drink. “No more,” he says. “This is the only drink you get. You can stay, but you’d better not make any trouble.”

  I nod happily and he sighs as he walks back out. My eyes linger on his disappearing form. His ass looks great in those jeans. Ever since we slept together Carter and I
have been further apart than ever when we should’ve gotten closer instead. He seems hurt and he’s been avoiding me more and more recently. It hurts, but I know I had it coming. I knew what would happen when I told him that I didn’t want to date him, so I need to suck it up and deal with the consequences.

  The girls from the cheering squad are all here, and they instantly surround Carter. Thank God Gabby isn’t here, at least. Though I have no doubt she’ll end up showing up later. He’s always kept an appropriate amount of distance from her, but will he still? If she throws herself at him tonight, will he just go for it the way he did with Jennifer?

  If the mere thought of that makes me jealous, then how the hell would I be able to have a relationship with Carter when he’s all the way at USC? I’d just be wondering where he is and if he’s even thinking of me. I don’t want to do that. The risk is too high. It’s not just me that would get hurt if things didn’t end up working out. It’s Helen and Kate too.

  I finish my drink and join a couple of rounds of beer pong, which I’m surprisingly bad at. Jace, one of Carter’s teammates, laughs at me and wraps his arm around my shoulder. “This game isn’t for you, sweetheart. Looks like you’re already well on your way to being drunk, and we’re only a couple of hours into the party.”

  He leads me towards another group of people and sits me down. “Spin the bottle?” I ask, blushing instantly. Carter is the only guy I’ve ever kissed. My mind instantly flashes back to Jennifer. He might be my only kiss, but I’m certainly not his.

  “Sort of. It’s kind of a combination of spin the bottle and seven minutes in heaven. Whoever the bottle lands on is the person you get locked up with in the bathroom for a couple of minutes. You don’t have to do anything and you can decline if you want to, but might be good fun.”

  I hesitate, but then I sit down. What the hell, it’s just a game anyway. Carter seems quite happy to be chatting with the girls that keep surrounding him. Other than when I first walked in, he hasn’t spoken a word to me. Why shouldn’t I have some fun too?

  Just as I sit down my eyes meet Carter’s from across the room. His eyes flash when he realizes what game we’re playing and he stalks towards me. He sits down right next to me and throws his arm around my neck. He pulls me closer until his lips brush over my ear. A delicious little shiver runs down my spine and I sigh contently.

  “What the fuck are you doing playing this game, Emilia? I thought I told you to stay out of trouble.”

  Someone spins the bottle and it points towards me. The guy looks at me excitedly but Carter shakes his head. “You’d better fucking spin again, buddy,” he says, a far too relaxed smile on his face. The guy nods, much to my annoyance. I don’t even know him and would’ve just made small talk if I ended up in the bathroom with him, but that isn’t the point.

  I grab the bottle and spin it, my teeth clenched. My heart skips a beat when it points to Carter. He chuckles and pulls me up by my wrist. I follow him into the bathroom nervously. He keeps the lights off and locks the door before turning towards me. Carter cages me in with his arms, and even with my heels on I’m nowhere near as tall as him.

  “So, what exactly did you think would happen if you played this game, Minx?”

  He takes a step closer until his body is pushed against mine. I put my hands on his chest, unsure whether I want to push him away or pull him closer.

  “Were you really going to kiss some other guy? Someone I know? At my own damn party?”

  Carter leans in until his lips are hovering over mine. “Answer me, Minx.”

  I shake my head. I was just being petty because Carter has barely looked at me all night. Because he’s been ignoring me for weeks. Because it seems like he’s already over me when my heart is still filled with him.

  I look into his eyes and Carter’s lips brush against mine. “No. Just you, Carter,” I whisper against his lips. His lips come crashing down on mine roughly and I rise up onto my tip toes in a silent bid for more. When his tongue presses against my lips, I open up for him eagerly. Carter’s hands find their way to my ass and he lifts me into his arms. He presses me against the wall and I wrap my legs around his hips.

  “This dress is way too fucking short, Minx.”

  His fingers slip into my underwear and I moan against his lips. “Fuck yes, Carter,” I whisper. I fumble with his jeans and sigh in delight when I finally have my hand wrapped around him. Carter groans and kisses me harder. “I want you, Emilia,” he whispers. I’m panting and nod. Carter grins and rests his forehead against mine.

  The sound of someone knocking on the door startles us both and we freeze. “Time’s up, guys,” someone shouts. Carter blinks and looks around, as though he’s only now realizing that we’re in the downstairs bathroom. He pulls away from me and lowers me to the floor carefully before fixing his own clothes.

  “Sorry, baby. I got carried away,” he says, panting. I shake my head and rise to my tiptoes to press a quick kiss to his lips. “I wish it’d gone further,” I whisper, right before I walk out.

  Chapter 37


  I watch Emilia as she walks around the room, socializing and drinking. Every once in a while she touches her lips and smiles to herself. That little smile of hers makes my damn heart skip a beat. One kiss, and my resolve crumbled. I’ve done my best to stay away from her, but a single touch puts me back at square one. I’m just crazy about her.

  Emilia keeps glancing around the room, obviously in search of my sister. If I’m not mistaken, Kate is still locked up in her room with Asher. The two of them have been wrapped up in each other for weeks now, both of them convinced that I don’t know about them. Though the idea of those two together makes me uncomfortable, I can’t really be mad about it either. Not when I’m head over heels for Emilia myself.

  I’m more concerned about Kate hurting Asher than I am about him breaking her heart. I’d rather not think about what exactly those two are getting up to, but I doubt they’re dating. It’ll be two years before Kate will join us at college if she gets in at all. She’ll need to work her ass off if USC is her aim.

  Emilia sways on her far too high heels and makes her way towards the stairs. I’m worried she’ll break her damn neck. I glance around the room. There aren’t that many people left. I walk up to one of the juniors on my team and clap him on the back.

  “Make sure everyone leaves in the next hour or so. The door locks automatically, so don’t worry about that. Make sure no one breaks anything, alright?”

  He looks at me in awe and then nods, his eyes lighting up with his new duty. I just about keep from rolling my eyes and follow my Minx up the stairs. She’s nowhere to be seen. I pause at Kate’s door and try the door handle, but her door is locked.

  “Kate? Are you in there? Is Emilia with you?”

  Silence. My annoyance rises instantly. I know Kate is in there. She hasn’t left her damn room all night.

  “I have a spare key, Kate. Don’t make me fucking use it. Is she with you?”

  I hear something crash in her room and then she finally answers me. “No! She’s not here. Don’t come in right now, I’m changing!”

  Changing, my ass. I check all the rooms on the floor before walking into my own bedroom. I sigh in relief when I find her curled into a ball on top of my bed. I walk up to her and take her heels off gently. She stirs and looks at me. She looks hot as fuck, all sleepy and relaxed.

  “Want me to take you home, baby?”

  She shakes her head and sits up. My dick springs to attention when she tugs on her dress and eventually pulls it over her head. Her body is phenomenal. I’ll never get enough of seeing her like this. I lick my lips and force myself to look away. I grab one of my t-shirts from my closet and walk back to her, only to find that she’s ditched her bra. She’s sitting on my bed, looking so fucking seductive.

  Emilia takes the t-shirt from me but doesn’t put it on. Instead, she rises to her knees and starts tugging on my clothes. Her hands run over my chest and she bi
tes down on her lips. She looks into my eyes and my heart feels so full it might actually burst. Emilia grins and undoes my buttons one by one, exposing my chest and then my abs. She’s hyper focused on her task and I lose myself in her beauty. Her shoulder-length hair is pin straight and the makeup she’s wearing today makes her look so seductive. She’s always beautiful, but tonight she’s breathtaking.

  Once she’s got the buttons open she pushes my shirt over my shoulders and leaves it hanging there, her attention captured by my abs. She sucks on her lower lip as her palms slide over my skin, her fingers trailing down my abs. I tense underneath her touch. I can barely think straight when she’s touching me like this.

  “Take it off,” she whispers. She looks up at me pleadingly, her eyes hazy with lust. I oblige immediately and ditch my jeans before tugging off my shirt. Emilia smiles and pulls me towards her. I join her in bed and she pushes me flat on my back before straddling me. She looks so fucking stunning with her hair falling to her shoulders and her tits on full display. I reach up to cup them and play with her nipples, making her moan. Emilia lowers herself on top of me and kisses me. She tastes like tequila.

  “Baby, I think you’re probably quite drunk. We shouldn’t do this, not when you’re drunk,” I whisper. Emilia laughs softly and kisses me again. “Shut up, Carter,” she whispers. “I’ve waited too long for this. All those weeks of you ignoring me... I’ve had enough,” she says.

  I groan and roll us over so I’m on top of her. Emilia tugs on my boxer shorts and I take it off, making quick work of her panties too. My dick rubs up right against her slick heat, both of us finally naked. She threads her hand through my hair and pulls my lips onto hers. I kiss her and she rolls her hips up underneath me.

  “We need a condom, baby,” I whisper against her lips.

  She groans in dismay when I pull away slightly to grab one from my nightstand. I put it underneath my pillow for later but Emilia shakes her head. “Put it on now,” she whispers. I frown and do as she asks. “Let me play with you first, Minx,” I plead.


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