Flynn: Social Rejects Syndicate (Mackay Brothers Trilogy Book 1)

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Flynn: Social Rejects Syndicate (Mackay Brothers Trilogy Book 1) Page 1

by Erin Osborne


  Mackay Brothers

  Book 1

  Erin Osborne

  Copyright 2020© Erin Osborne

  All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the author except for brief quotations used in book reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Design: Sweet 15 Cover Design

  Editor: Full Bloom Editorial: Melissa Kulis


  Flynn is dedicated to my mom. Thank you for always believing in me and giving me the strength to do what I’ve always wanted to do. Without your love and support, I don’t know what I’d do. I love you to the moon and back, Mom

  Flynn Blurb

  Flynn Mackay

  My brothers and I run our family business. No, it's not legal in by any means. While our Dad still makes the major decisions, he's pulling back more every day. One chance encounter changes my entire life. A job turns into so much more than the original goal.

  Imogen King

  I'm given away without a second thought. Used as collateral for something I'm not even involved in. I hate what my life is becoming as much as I despise Flynn Mackay. He lives for everything that's now wrong in my world.

  Can Flynn and Imogen get past their horrible beginning?

  Table of Contents


  Copyright 2020© Erin Osborne


  Flynn Blurb

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  About the Author


  Other Books

  Chapter One


  WALKING INTO MY house, I look around at all of the stupid shit filling it. Things I thought I wanted in my younger years that don’t hold the same value they once did to me. Paintings hanging on the walls, knives adorning my office, and other useless artifacts that now hold no value to me. They do nothing but showcase I make my riches in blood money and the lives of other people while I sit powerful and rich based on the intimidation I bring in my wake and the lives I destroy to keep myself on top.

  I live in a small town just outside of Queensland in a mansion right off of the water. Instead of enjoying where I live and making use of the private beach, boat, and other amenities I’ve bought, they sit unused and wasted on the likes of me. The only purpose they serve is to show others I can buy anything I want and let it go to waste simply because I’m a part of the Mackay family and do whatever the fuck I want.

  Salt fills the air from the ocean while there’s always a cool breeze. Even on the hottest days, there’s just a hint of coolness to keep you from expiring from heat. The grass in my backyard is lush and bright green from the maintenance I have done to it on a regular basis and the crisp air from the sea. When I can’t sleep at night, I sit out on my balcony and stare out at the waves lapping against the shore.

  My father is the head of the family and ultimately calls all the shots. However, my two brothers and I are the ones to do all the dirty work. While Hunter and Lachlan tend to use the men under them to get the job done, I don’t. I want to ensure whatever task I need to complete is done the right way the first time. I’ve seen so many of their men be sloppy and bring unnecessary heat to us. We’ve had to shut down our operations and go underground more than once because of a soldier’s fuck up.

  I’ll be leaving again in a few minutes to complete another job. One because no one wants to pay what they owe on time. See, one of my businesses is loaning out money to those who need it and can’t go through the proper channels. My interest rates are through the roof and I weigh each case carefully before deciding to give any money to the many asking me on a daily basis. Not everyone gets the help because I’ve gotten good at not only reading people but determining if they’ll pay us back or not.

  Like I said, that’s just one of our businesses. I run the loans, gambling, and making sure our enemies know not to fuck with us. Lachlan runs our strip clubs, ranches where men can go have a good time with willing women and hiring out our girls to private parties. Hunter takes care of the gun running, working with other families and organizations, and keeping our father happy. I’m usually the one pushing against him and ignoring his demands on us.

  I used to respect my father and the way he handled his business. Now, instead of stepping down and letting my brothers and I run the organization, he’d rather remain in his position of power and dictate his demands to us. Demands I have no intention of following. I know how to get the job done with the least amount of trouble and don’t bring the heat down on us. That doesn’t mean I don’t have my own men under me and take them with me on jobs; I do. I simply don’t let them get their hands dirty. No one will do that but me.

  When I waws younger, I liked being feared among the community members. Letting them think I’d take whatever I wanted from them just because. There didn’t have to be a reason for me to do anything at all. The reality of the situation is I never would take something that doesn’t belong to me. I don’t kill men who haven’t done me wrong and I never take my anger out on women or children. Women and children are sacred and deserve to be treated like the gifts they are. That’s another viewpoint my father and I disagree on. He feels they can always be used to his advantage and has no problem doing that.

  I use women as a means to get off and accompany me to different events I need a plus one to. That’s it. These women know they get a night, maybe two, and then I’m moving on. There’s no reason for me to be tied down to one female because I have no interest in getting married or bringing children into my fucked-up world. It may be different if my father weren’t alive and trying to rule with an iron fist. He’d make sure any wife or child in my life paid the ultimate price by breaking them down, so they’d do whatever he demanded. I refuse to let him rule my family like that. It’s bad enough what he does now.

  Walking into my office, I grab my gun from the safe. I have to head out to collect a payment from Mr. King. He owes me a lot of money. His wife, Amara, got sick and he borrowed to keep his flailing restaurant from going under and to help pay for the treatments Amara needed. In the end, Amara died of complications and now King hasn’t paid me a dime of what he owes. I’ve even given him extra time to grieve his loss and try to get back to the land of the living.

  If I didn’t know King personally and love his deceased wife because she was a kind and warm woman, he wouldn’t have gotten the leeway he’s received. I usually make it my business to ensure my business and personal lives are kept completely separate
. This is one situation where I’ve let my personal feelings overrule my business life. Now, it’s time to take care of business.

  King is a man I used to respect. He runs his business like a well-oiled machine and doesn’t let his staff pull the wool over his eyes. However, he treats them fair and as if they were his family members. Until his wife got sick, he never once asked to borrow money or tried to conduct any business with my family. When Amara was so sick and couldn’t provide his needs as a man, King never once strayed from her. He remained loyal to his wife and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.

  “Boss, you ready to head out?” Liam, my right-hand man, asks, walking into my office as I’m checking my gun.

  “I’m ready. This visit is long overdue,” I respond, placing my gun in the back of my pants as we make our way through my house to leave.

  Henry, the man who usually drives me around, is waiting by the SUV for us. I own several cars, but when I’m conducting business, it’s always my SUV we take. I’ve had it reinforced to be bullet proof, there are dark tinted windows, and there isn’t anything flashy about the SUV. The last thing I want to do when going out on trips like this is to stand out. That’s what leads the cops back to you real quick.

  After nodding at Henry and climbing into the back of the SUV, he shuts me in while Liam and him get in the front. When I’m heading out like this, I want to be alone and not worry about someone trying to talk to me or get in my head. I remain in my own head as I think of getting the job done and what I’m going to need to do in order to get my money or whatever else I’m handling at that particular point in my day.

  We ride in silence for a half hour before pulling up to Amara’s Restaurant. King named his business after his beloved wife. I would never do it because it shows a weakness to any competitors you end up having. Never will I show anyone what my weakness is because I don’t allow myself to have any.

  It’s late at night and the restaurant is just about to close. That’s why I chose now to pay King a visit. I don’t need any witnesses and there will be no one here to listen in on what I’m going to do tonight. King will be lucky to keep his life if he doesn’t have any money to give me. I’ve let things linger with him too long and it ends tonight. My heart needs to stay out of my business affairs and not give too much leniency to anyone.

  As I walk in the restaurant, I take in all the fine details King and Amara put into their place. The lighting is dim and small candles in holders sit in the middle of each table. Pictures line the walls showcasing the history of the restaurant and King’s family. Small vases holding flowers also sit in the middle of the tables so his customers have ambiance but can still see their dinner companion without distractions.

  Small tables fill the front of the restaurant while larger tables are in the back of the building for larger crowds. A bar fills the left side of the restaurant. Everything is intimate and immaculate as I walk inside and head to the office King keeps in the back of the building by the bathrooms. Even his bathrooms are better than any I’ve ever seen. They rival my own and that’s saying something.

  I don’t bother knocking on the door as Liam and I make our way inside his small, organized office. King is sitting at his desk, a blank look on his face as he stares into the emptiness in front of him. I walk to the chairs he has in front of his desk and take a seat. Still, there’s no response from King.

  “King, what are you doing?” I question him.

  Still, no response.

  Leaning forward, I slam my hand on his desk causing King to jump in his chair and take a minute to focus his eyes on me.

  “Flynn, I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you come in. To what do I owe the pleasure?” he asks, sitting back in his seat.

  “You know why I’m here. You owe me money and haven’t paid a dime,” I inform him, leaning back in my own seat. “I’ve been kind and given you time to grieve Amara. Now, it’s time to start paying up.”

  Tears fill Kings eyes as he continues to look at me. To him, Liam isn’t even in the room because he knows Liam isn’t the one here to do business with him.

  “I don’t have any money for you. It’s all I can do to pay the vendors and my employees right now,” he tells me, trying to collect his emotions so he can act as a man and not someone who’s still lost in his grief.

  “Then what do you propose I do?” I ask him, sitting forward so I’m closer to him while keeping any emotion out of my voice.

  “You may as well kill me,” he states, leaving no room for me to disagree with him.

  King is so lost in his own grief he can’t see a way out of it. I know he’s got a daughter, but I have no clue if he’s even seen her or what she’s doing these days. Last I knew she was off in college getting her business degree to take over the office work from her father. Since I didn’t go to the funeral, I’m not even sure if she made it back for it. From what I hear, she went to the United States to study.

  “King, I’m not gonna kill you,” I state, knowing I won’t yet. “You have to give me something here though. I need some form of collateral to know you’re going to pay me back. I’ll even have Liam here help you get back in the black so you can continue to keep Amara open.”

  He looks at me as if I’ve lost my head and grown a second one. Again, I’m letting my heart rule here. Like I said, I have a lot of respect for King and I’m not about to let him suffer in his silence forever. He’s slowly killing himself and doesn’t seem to care about it.

  “What else can I do? The restaurant and house are mortgaged to the point if I don’t turn things around soon I’ll lose them both. My daughter, Imogen, has just come home but hasn’t started working for me just yet,” he informs me as I hear the unmistakable click of high heels coming toward the office.

  “Who’s that?” I question him, tensing in my seat.

  “It should be Imogen. She’s probably here to check on me since I haven’t called her today,” King assures us, rising from his seat.

  Turning around to face the door, I take in the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life. I’m constantly surrounded by beautiful women and not a single one of them hold a candle to this woman. She’s got long black hair that hangs down to her ass. Big, bright green eyes are the main focal point of her face followed closely by her full, luscious red lips. There’s barely any make-up covering her face. A skintight black dress hugs her curves while black fuck me heels cover her feet. Her legs look as if they’re a mile long and are slender. I want to taste every inch of this woman and make her mine in every way possible.

  What the fuck?

  I’ve never had thoughts like this about any woman in my life. Especially one I’m just now seeing for the first time. Usually, I take notice of their appearance and determine if I’m going to spend a night with them or not. One look at this woman and I’m ready to change my entire fucking life to make her happy as fuck and give her anything she wants.

  “Imogen, what are you doing here?” King asks, standing up abruptly from his chair.

  “Daddy, I haven’t heard from you all day. I was getting worried and wanted to make sure you’re okay,” she answers, her voice sounding like honey and going straight to my cock.

  “I’m fine, sweetheart,” he says, suddenly his eyes getting bright. “Flynn, this is my daughter Imogen. She’s the only thing I have left in this world.”

  I look between King and his daughter. While I don’t like the idea of taking this woman as part of a deal, I’m not exactly opposed to it if it lets me spend time with Imogen. That’s another pesky thought because I don’t ever want to spend time with women. Only long enough for them to satisfy me and me to return the favor for them. Imogen is completely different. I want to get inside her head and figure out what makes her tick. What makes her happy and what she truly wants out of her life. I’m completely fucked and don’t know what to do about it.

  “Are you sure that’s what you want to do?” I question King, needing to know he’s absolutely positive about what he wants to
do in this situation.

  “She’s all I have and there’s no way I can come up with the money,” he responds.

  “What money? I have no clue what you’re talking about, Daddy,” Imogen says, walking further into the room.

  Her perfume fills the air. It’s a mixture of fresh air and orange blossoms. It wraps around me and for the first time in my life I feel some semblance of peace wash over me. Like with all the horrible things I’ve done in my life, nothing matters right now.

  “I’ll do it,” I finally state, never once taking my eyes off Imogen.

  “What’s going on?” she asks, frustration filling her voice as she looks between her father, Liam, and me. “I’m not going anywhere or doing anything until I know what’s going on.”

  Imogen is sassy and there’s a fire ignited within her as she takes each of us in. When her eyes land on me, I see instant hate and disgust filling them. She knows who I am. That’s the only reason for her to have that reaction to me. I can’t say I’m surprised because most everyone in our area knows who I am. Even if I’ve never had any interaction with them. It’s a hazard sometimes because men want to take me out and take over my business while the women all want a piece of me.

  “Imogen, please, I have no choice. You have to go with Flynn for a little while. Just until I get my business straight again and can pay back the money I borrowed when your mom got sick. I promise I’ll do everything in my power to bring you back home,” King pleads with her.

  I’m honestly starting to wonder if King’s as good of a man as I have believed for so long. The look in his eyes is telling me he’s more concerned about saving his own ass instead of what’s going to happen to his daughter once she leaves here with me. He hasn’t tried to get me to make any promises about her safety or see what kind of conditions I’ll be keeping her in. Not a single fuck has been given for Imogen and yet she’s the one taking the brunt of what’s about to happen because he can’t pay back what he owes me.


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