Flynn: Social Rejects Syndicate (Mackay Brothers Trilogy Book 1)

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Flynn: Social Rejects Syndicate (Mackay Brothers Trilogy Book 1) Page 7

by Erin Osborne

  Imogen moans into my mouth, allowing me to capture her sexy as sin sounds. Sliding my fingers through her folds, I use my thumb to apply pressure on her clit as she squirms against my body. While I’m fingering her and we continue kissing, Imogen opens my pants and pulls my hard cock from the material. A hiss leaves my mouth as I pull back from her. Imogen takes the lead and begins kissing her way down my chest to my hard length. She doesn’t hesitate to take my cock in her mouth and use her hand at the base to capture what her mouth doesn’t touch. That’s all it takes as I moan out her name while my cum begins to spurt from my dick, hitting the wall of the shower.

  Opening my eyes, I lean my head against the tiles to catch my breath. It’s ragged as I suck in a deep breath. Once my breathing is back to normal and my heart doesn’t feel as if it’s racing out of my chest, I pick my body wash back up and begin to wash my body. Instead of rinsing the suds off, I quickly wash my hair so I can rinse it all at the same time.

  Getting out of the shower, I dry off and slip on a pair of pajama pants. I hate wearing clothes to bed, but I will with Imogen and Rosa in the house with me. If something happens, I’ll be ready to jump out of bed and spring into action. Climbing beneath the blankets in my bed, I slowly let sleep claim me.

  I’m up earlier than I thought I’d be. It’s barely six o’clock as I get up to take care of my morning routine. After my teeth and hair are brushed, I get dressed and make my way down to grab breakfast. Rosa is already in the kitchen preparing our food.

  “Will you be eating with Miss Imogen?” Rosa asks me, her smile covering her face.

  “Is she up?”

  Rosa nods her head in response, turning her gaze to the doors on the back wall of the kitchen leading to the patio. Imogen is sitting in one of the chairs at the table closest to the house. Her long hair is piled up on top of her head with a few pieces sneaking out. She’s got on a black bikini with a sheer red shirt over top of it. Imogen’s long, tanned legs are on full display as her sandals rest on the patio with her feet resting against the bottom of the table. This is the first time I’ve seen Imogen showing so much skin, though it’s only been days since I met her, and it’s doing something to my head and body.

  Shaking off what I’m feeling, I walk out to join her at the table. She senses me walking toward her and turns her head. A small smile lights up her face and doesn’t falter as I take a seat next to her. Instead of turning her attention away from me, she picks up the coffee cup resting in front of me and pours me a cup from the carafe sitting in the middle of the small table.

  “Thank you,” I say, grabbing the cream and sugar to add.

  “You’re welcome,” she says, her voice soft and melodic.

  “I have to go out and do some things with Tommaso. I’m not sure how long we’ll be gone,” I begin to tell her. “Is there anything you need or want while I’m gone? I don’t want you sitting here with nothing to do all day long.”

  “I’d really love to have some books to read,” she answers immediately as her entire body lights up with hope and excitement.

  “I can ask Rosa if she can get you some. It might take a while though,” I respond, thinking of a simple thing like books making her happy enough to light up.

  “Thank you so much,” she tells me, placing her hand on my arm.

  This is the first time she’s willingly touched me, and I feel a zing of electricity shoot through me. I have to suppress the tremor threatening to overtake my body as she looks on.

  Rosa brings out our breakfast and I ask her about the books, so Imogen knows I’m following through on my word to her. She lets us know she has a bunch of books in her room and there’s more in the library. We each dig into our eggs, bacon, and toast with a small pile of fruit placed on our plates. No words are exchanged as we focus on eating.

  Just as we finish up, Tommaso makes his way out to join us. Imogen doesn’t hesitate to leave us alone to talk. After going over what we’ll be doing for the day, we head out. Imogen is sitting in the living room and I walk over to her, so she knows we’re leaving. I’m not sure why I even bother to let her know. It’s not like we’re in a relationship and I need to tell her where I’m going and who I’ll be with. Everything with her is out of my comfort zone and I don’t know what to do about it. That’s something I’ll figure out on another day. Right now, I need to get my head in the game for today.

  Chapter Eight


  AFTER FLYNN AND Tommaso left the house, Rosa didn’t take very long to bring me some books. There are several motorcycle club romances, some mafia, and a few historical romance books in the large bag she brought me out to the patio. I read most anything I can get my hands on because I love the story, the romance, hot guys, and the sex scenes. Yes, a virgin can appreciate sex scenes in movies and books.

  There are several lounge chairs laid out by the pool and it’s a nice, sunny, bright day out today. So, I sit in a chair after taking my oversized sheer shirt off before sitting down in the chair and reading one of the books Rosa gave me. It’s one of the mafia ones Rosa gave me. Maybe I’ll learn something about Flynn’s life so I can try to find a way to at least talk to him while I’m stuck in this situation with him. At least I’ll give it a try.

  I get lost in the book, reading page after page. I’m so engrossed in the story I don’t notice anything around me. Probably not the best thing to do when I’m in a new place surrounded by men with guns. Or in a home I’m pretty sure belongs to someone in the mafia. While Sal and Flynn haven’t said a damn word about it, knowing Flynn’s job and family, they’re mainly going to associate with men in the same world as them. So, I’m fairly certain I’m in a mafia house.

  When Rosa comes back out, she startles me because I’m so engrossed in the book.

  “I’m sorry, Miss Imogen. I didn’t mean to scare you,” she says in her soft voice.

  “It’s okay. Can I help you with anything?”

  “No, nothing like that. I wanted to know if you were ready for lunch. I have made spaghetti and meatballs,” she responds to me.

  “Oh, yeah, I’ll come in and help you,” I tell her.

  Rosa shakes her head in response. As she walks away, I place a scrap piece of paper from the front of the book in the one I’m reading and put my sheer cover-up back on. Walking in the house, I catch a glimpse of two men walking the grounds with guns in their hands. They’re tall, muscled, and dark from what I can see from a distance. They definitely don’t look like anyone I want to mess with. So, I’ll be sure to keep my distance from them. Thankfully, they’re here to look over the house and not here to go after me for some unknown reason. Flynn doesn’t seem to think I need to have someone on me at all times.

  Walking in the kitchen, the smell of spaghetti sauce and garlic invades my senses. My mouth instantly begins to water while my stomach begins to growl. I didn’t think I was going to be super hungry, but apparently I am just from the smells emanating from the kitchen right now. I take a seat at the island and watch on as Rosa dishes me up a large bowl of spaghetti. Before she hands it over to me, she grabs a tray of garlic bread from the oven. When she’s finally ready to hand over my food, I have a bowl of spaghetti, two slices of garlic bread, and a large glass of milk.

  Offering up a smile, I grab my fork and begin to dig in. The rich flavors of the spaghetti sauce, garlic, and other seasonings explode on my tongue as I chew it up. The moan escapes me before I can stop it. Rosa chuckles at me and turns her back to go about cleaning up things from her cooking lunch. I devour my food and get up to take care of my dishes. Rosa tries to get me away from the kitchen, so she wash up my dishes. I don’t let her do them though. If I’m going to stay here, then I’m going to pull my own weight. Rosa may work for Sal and his organization, but that doesn’t mean she has to pick up after me and take care of things I’m more than capable of handling.

  Once I have the dishes washed up and resting in the dish strainer, I make my way back outside to one of the sun loungers. Instead
of sitting up to read, this time, I lay flat on my stomach so I can get some color in my back. It’s not like I’ll have much more than this to do as the days and weeks go by. Reading and helping Rosa out around the house are the only things I’ll be able to do. Maybe swim once in a while when the weather is nice like it is today. This sucks.

  As soon as I’m settled on the lounger, I pick the same book back up and begin reading where I left off. While I’m still not sure if I’ll ever be able to get past my hate of Flynn and his family, this book is kind of making me see them in a new light. I’m not sure if Flynn, or his brothers, really ever had a say in what they wanted to do in their lives. While I know violence follows them in their business, no one in our small community hears about innocent people being hurt or a part of the bloodshed and carnage left behind them. The men taken out are bad men who don’t care who they hurt or what they do to get what they want.

  Yes, I know the book I’m reading is fiction. However, there’s always a little bit of truth in fiction. I’m not ever going to condone them inflicting violence of any sort or being the man whores they are, that’s just not something I’ll ever get past. On the other hand, Flynn is a single man, and he can do what, and who, he wants whenever he wants. I’m not even a blip on his radar. I’ll never be the woman who makes Flynn turn his head for a second glance or be what he needs when it comes to sex. Flynn probably wouldn’t know what to do with a virgin.

  Shaking my head, I clear out my thoughts of Flynn and what he would be like in the bedroom. Or wherever he has sex with women. I don’t need to know what he gets up to when it comes to his extracurricular activities. Eventually I’ll find someone who will be able to give me what I want and need in a relationship. Someone who will understand why I’m still a virgin at such a late stage in my life. Who will be able to love me and put me before most other things in his life. A man who will support me in anything I want to do. At twenty-one, I’m still trying to figure that out.

  I have a degree in business, but I don’t have the first clue what I want to do now. In the beginning, I went to school so I could take over the office work for my father at the restaurant. With him being able to give me up so easily to Flynn, I don’t want to have anything to do with him or the restaurant right now. I want to be as far away from him as I can possibly get. At this point, I’m not even sure I want to remain in Australia where he’ll be able to get to me.

  The only thing I want to do is have one more conversation with my father to find out how he could give me away so casually. How he could put my life on the line for money. Essentially, that’s what he’s doing. My father has no clue what Flynn, or anyone else in his family, will do to me if he can’t come up with the money he owes them. Flynn can tell him anything he wants, and my father will believe him just because he seems to believe the man walks on water and can’t do anything wrong.

  For all my father knows I’m being beaten, tortured, and anything else that’s heinous right now. He hasn’t reached out to my knowledge since I don’t have my phone, no one has been looking for me since I left the restaurant with Flynn, and he sure as hell didn’t try to get me out of the situation he put me in. Thankfully, Flynn hasn’t touched me and is keeping his distance. My father doesn’t know that though.

  Making up my mind, I need to call my dad once Flynn gets home today. Why I’m considering this place home, I’m not sure. It’s not my home. This is just a temporary place I’ll be staying for however long Flynn determines. My life is in his hands and I’m not sure what the means long-term. He’s the one who determines what happens to me and when. Flynn has all the power and I’m just a pawn in his game. Just like I feel as if I’m nothing more than a pawn to my father.

  Setting the book aside, I simply lay out in the chair. There’s no way I can read with my head jumbled up with the thoughts I’m having. I can’t get Flynn, my father, and worry about the future out of my head. My future has always been bleak with nothing on the horizon except for knowing how boring and predictable my life is. I have a routine and that’s what I like. Now, that’s all shattered and I don’t know what to do to get back some sort of routine back. That’s when I truly thrive.

  My day was spent reading, laying out in the sun, and swimming for a little while. I’ve taken a shower, helped Rosa do some work around the house, and eaten dinner. Rosa has been my only company throughout the day. Though the only time we spend with one another is during a meal. At dinner time I finally convinced her to sit down and eat with me. We talked a little bit and I learned she’s been working for Sal for several years now. He helped her out of a situation and gave her a job. Her daughter, Abby, is living a good life because of Sal’s generosity.

  Now, it’s almost ten at night and Flynn still hasn’t gotten back or called. I honestly feel like some kind of housewife waiting for her husband to get home so I can spend a few minutes of my time with him before going to bed to start the day all over again. That’s never how I envisioned my life and not how I want to live. Honestly, I’d be in bed if it weren’t for the need to call my father.

  As I’m lost in my thoughts, the front door opens. I startle and turn my gaze there. Flynn walks in. His hair is rumpled as if he’s been running his long fingers through it. The same as his tailored suit. He lifts his head and looks directly at me. Our eyes clash and remain locked on one another for several minutes. No words are spoken as we simply stare at one another.

  “I wasn’t expecting you to be up still,” Flynn finally says, walking over toward me. “Is everything okay?”

  “Um, yeah. I wanted to know if I could call my dad,” I tell him, sitting up straighter.

  “Yeah. Is everything okay?” he questions me again.

  “Yeah. I just said it was. I just want to see where his head’s at,” I assure him for some reason.

  Looking at Flynn, I see genuine concern filling his eyes. He truly wants to make sure I’m okay and nothing happened today while he was gone. I find myself needing to reassure him that I am more than okay, and nothing has happened to me. Other than almost dying from boredom.

  Flynn pulls his phone out and messes around on it for a minute. The entire time, he walks over to me and stops less than a foot in front of me. My entire body comes alive and it feels as if electricity is racing through my veins. I can’t seem to stop myself from moving into his body as he holds out his phone for me.

  “Like I said before, I have to be here while you talk to him,” Flynn states, as I take the phone from his hand.

  “Thank you,” I tell him, my voice trembling as I take the phone from him.

  My father’s number is already up. I push the send button and put the phone to my ear. It rings for so long, I believe it’s going to go to voicemail. Finally, he answers me.

  “Hello. Flynn, I don’t have your money yet. It’s taking longer than I thought to get back in the black with everything I’ve had to borrow,” my father answers the phone.

  “Dad, it’s me,” I say when he pauses. “What’s going on?”

  “Imogen? Why are you calling me?” he questions, no concern filling his voice or fatherly love.

  If I’m being honest, there’s nothing but disdain and slight rage and contempt filling it. He doesn’t want to hear from me.

  “Dad, why are you asking me that? Why can’t I just call you to find out what’s going on and see how you are?” I question him, tears filling my eyes.

  “Imogen, now is not the time. I have too much going on to deal with you,” he states, irritation now filling his voice. “Put Flynn on the phone.”

  For a minute I keep the phone placed against my ear. I can hear shuffling in the background and what sounds like an intercom. Where the hell is my dad?

  “Imogen,” he yells. “Now!”

  Without wasting another second, I hand the phone over to Flynn. As the tears finally spill over my lashes, I rush from the living room and head directly upstairs to the room I’m staying in. Flynn doesn’t get to see my tears or know how upset my father just m
ade me. He truly doesn’t care about me at all. I’m just a means to an end for him. A way for him to buy time with Flynn so he can do whatever it is he’s doing.

  Closing the door behind me, I make my way to the bed and slide beneath the covers. I don’t bother showering or washing the sweat from my body. Honestly, I don’t care enough to do much of anything right now. My heart is breaking in my chest and I feel lonelier than I ever have in my entire life. Not just because I’m stuck in the United States by myself since Flynn and I don’t spend any time together, but because even back home I don’t have any friends who are going to give a shit about me not being around.

  If anything else can go wrong in my life, it won’t be long before it happens. That’s just how unlucky I am.

  Chapter Nine


  HOLDING MY PHONE in my hand, I watch as Imogen races from the room. I’m sure she was trying to hide her tears from me, but she wasn’t that fast. My blood is boiling as I realize Imogen’s dad said something so horrible to cause her to cry and race from the room. Finally, I put the phone to my ear as I take a calming breath.

  “What did you do?” I growl into my phone.

  “What are you talking about?” King asks me, his voice full of innocence that’s as fake as he is.

  “Your daughter just raced from the room with tears streaming down her face. What the fuck did you do?” I once again growl into the phone, lacing my voice with the rage I feel. “And don’t even think about lying to me, King.”

  “I told her I didn’t have time to talk to her and to give the phone to you. What do you want me to do here, Flynn?” he questions me, his voice wavering.


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