Ask Me Why: An Enemies to Lovers Standalone Romance

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Ask Me Why: An Enemies to Lovers Standalone Romance Page 10

by Harloe Rae

  Braelyn huffs. “Trust me, I won’t lose any sleep over you.”

  “Tell me what’s happening up here?” I gesture at her temple.

  She leans into me, ever so slightly. “Too much. I can hardly see straight.”

  “You dating anyone serious, Braelyn?”

  She doesn’t speak, just shakes her head.

  I press against her, our chests rising and falling in tandem. “Good, that’ll make this less complicated.”



  Who’s the hussy exchanging seductive lines with this man? Urging him on, feeding the flames? Oh, that’d be me. I’m having an out-of-body experience. Or this is a dream. Maybe both.

  Before I can process this surreal development further, Brance pounces and seals our mouths together. My ass slams against the shelf behind me, but I hardly notice. All I feel is him. He growls against my lips, demanding entry. I open for him without pause and moan when his tongue slides along mine. He tastes like peppermint and midnight fantasies. I’m already certain the combination is highly addictive.

  He nips at my bottom lip, only to lick away the sting immediately after. I flutter my lashes at the heady sensation and reach out for something to hold me steady. My palm lands on Brance’s torso, the muscle bunching on contact. I curl my fingers into the rich fabric of his shirt. He steps into me, erasing distance I didn’t realize was there. His body aligning with mine sets off a round of sparklers in places long abandoned.

  I want to question his intentions, but shove that curiosity under layers of arousal. It’s not important and won’t change anything. I focus on the inferno overhauling my neglected system. Brance surrounds me, stealing any shred of lingering doubt. A roaring blaze ignites under my skin, the thermostat ratcheting to dangerous levels. His mouth demands more of mine. I’m all too willing. He can take everything. Being in this position, feeling this heat, is something I’ve been depriving myself of. I haven’t kissed anyone in years. Not since—

  I squeeze my eyes shut and force that thought away. Instead, I clear my mind and get lost in Brance’s hard edges. Nothing about this man is soft. Everyone else is cautious with me, almost to a fault. Brance is different. And I like that a lot.

  My guard shatters when his body vibrates with a rumble. I angle my head and welcome him deeper. He delves in, taking what I’m offering up so freely to him. I don’t realize my mistake until it’s too late.

  Try as I might to remain locked in this moment, inky memories swoop in. I choke on the past clawing up my throat. The onslaught is just too much, all at once from every direction. A single droplet escapes and zigzags a path into my bliss. Something cracks inside of me, but it doesn’t hurt. Just the opposite. I toss off the chains and dive into the pleasure.

  When his big palm cups my cheek, our connection sizzles. Brance tenses and rips his mouth off mine. His wild eyes study my face, wet with tears.

  “The fuck?”

  A jolt zips up my spine at his gruff tone. I tug him toward me by his tie. “I’m fine. Keep kissing me.”

  He begins prying the silk from my grasp. “The hell I will. You’re crying.”

  I strengthen my hold. “It’s nothing. Please don’t stop. I need this.”

  Brance shakes his head. “Are you stoned? You must believe I’m some sort of sadist. Sorry to disappoint, but even I have boundaries. This is a hard limit for me.”

  “Please, Brance,” I beg again. “I’ll explain later. Kiss me. Make me break. I wanna see stars again.”

  He hesitates but I feel the moment his body wins against whatever conscience is trying to stake claim. The fight leaves his flexed muscles. He dips down and murmurs, “You better tell me all of it.”

  I’m nodding even before he finishes speaking. He’s not asking and the why will come eventually. There are far more important matters to address, right the eff now. I yank on his tie, and Brance folds around me. When his lips press against mine, I’m not a hollow shell pieced together by sorrow and pain. In this instant, I’m a woman being desired and devoured. I get seriously turned on by it.

  “You want to feel?”

  I manage a jerky nod.

  “You’ll tell me if it’s too much?”

  “Yes,” I murmur. The fact that he’s checking on me, asking about crossing this line, somehow makes this more tender and intimate. But I’m not fooling myself. When this bubble pops, we’ll return to business as usual. I’ll ride this wave until we crash.

  “Might as well make it real fucking good.” His rasp ricochets off my parted lips, and I swallow it down.

  I shiver when Brance’s hand begins to wander. His fingers drift along the bare skin of my inner thigh. The loose fit of my shorts grants him easy enough access. I sag against the shelf when he reaches my center. Brance shoves my panties to the side with masterful precision. He glides through my slick heat, turning me into a quivering mess. He doesn’t waste time teasing with me, zeroing in on my clit with sure strokes.

  Brance rips his mouth away with a snarl. “You’re wicked. This shouldn’t be happening.”

  “But it is,” I whisper.

  “We should stop.”

  I reinforce my hold on him. “No, that’s the last thing we should do.”

  “You make me weak,” he admits.

  I arch my back. “Good.”

  “I can’t do this with you. There are complications.” His words are harsh and meant to sting, but my body only burns hotter. A slice of forbidden never sounded good until now.

  “Regret can come later.” It’s my turn first for once. That selfish bitch of an emotion has stolen enough from me.

  His lips ghost over the corner of mine. “Easy for you to say.”

  Rather than stop, Brance’s fingers pick up speed and take me higher. Molten heat boils in my lower belly, and I’m almost there.

  I choose to stay silent, letting him fight through this battle on his own. When he presses his mouth against mine, I smile into the kiss.

  “Fuck, you’re too much,” he mumbles.

  I snag his bottom lip between my teeth. “You’re welcome.”

  His tongue and fingers follow the same swirling pattern. I’m spinning past the point of recognition. I widen my stance and shamelessly rock into his touch. Brance presses his hardness into me. I garble out some semblance of a gasp at the size of him. But I’m more than likely imagining things.

  “You’re not the only cocky one,” he chuckles.

  Shit. Did I say that out loud?

  His mouth veers off my lips, traveling lower. Sucking down my jaw and neck. I tip my chin up, giving him a wider expanse to explore. His tongue lashes at me. He drags his teeth across the sensitive skin of my throat. I’m being torn in half, split open to make room for a new me to flood in. The one who lets handsome men in suits ravish her and plead for more.

  I spear my hands into his hair and tug him closer. Brance responds by pushing forward until we’re plastered together. In a rare show of concern, he cradles the back of my head so it doesn’t ram into the shelf. The move makes me want to straddle his lap.

  Before I can suggest it, Brance doubles his efforts on my clit. He adds another finger into the mix and my brain turns to mush.

  “Oh, f-fuck,” I wheeze. “I’m g-gonna come.”

  “About fucking time,” he growls into my ear. His lips return to mine for a bruising kiss. Tingles shoot up my legs, and I’m tripping over the edge. With his final swipe along my slit, I explode with a soundless scream. Streaks of white blur my vision. I’m a ball of cosmic energy soaring straight into the galaxy, and the stars have never been brighter.

  Hello, twinkling goodness. I’ve missed you.

  The haze slips away, and I float down from the clouds. Brance wrenches his mouth off mine. I blink into awareness. His panting breaths caress my lips. My chest rises and falls rapidly against his, the pounding of our hearts echoing between us.

  “I need to stay away from you,” he mutters.

  I almost la
ugh considering our current position. “You should probably put forth a bit more effort.”

  Brance’s expression hardens and I hold my breath, waiting for the inevitable blow. I’ve come to expect them, almost look forward to his scorn. Pushing his buttons is an intense shot of adrenaline. Watching the blue fire build in his gaze gets my blood pumping hotter. He’s bringing me back to life without even trying.

  We stare at each other, the silence between us stretching. I’m prepared to wait him out. I won’t be the one to explain whatever just happened. After another moment, Brance drops his hold on me and steps back. I use the opportunity to check him out. The man in front of me has become ten times hotter since striding through my door. I like seeing him disheveled.

  Brance’s suit is deliciously rumpled. A naughty gleam lingers in his eyes. Evidence of our kiss lingers on his lips, slightly swollen and red. His hair sticks up in sexy disarray, sections pointing in every direction. I curl my fingers, hiding the guilty offenders. But combing through those silky strands will be committed to memory. I want to do that again, multiple times. But I tamp my trampy side down. For now.

  He makes quick work of straightening his tie. “You owe me a story.”

  A boulder drops in my gut. “Now?”

  Brance sweeps the brown locks off his forehead, erasing more proof of our tryst. “Nah, gotta get back to the office.”

  “Already?” I’m still recovering from my orgasm.

  He smooths the wrinkles from his shirt. “My schedule leaves no time for deviations. I have a full calendar every day. This indiscretion cost me several hours. I’ll be working late to catch up.”

  “Was that a dig at me?”

  “Does it matter?”

  “Really, Brance? Just like that?”

  “Were you expecting something else?”

  I open my mouth, then close it. Was I? How could I? Brance smirks at my extended silence.

  “That’s what I thought.” He tops it off with a wink for good measure.

  “You’re such an—”

  “Asshole. Yeah, got it. I don’t have time to rehash the details.”

  Any traces of euphoria left trickling through my system vanish. I bolt upright and cross my arms. “Glad you’re being open and honest.”

  Brance takes a bow. “My pleasure.”

  “Feel free to show yourself out.” I motion toward the entrance.

  He takes a few backward steps. “Already on my way. And don’t worry, you’ll be hearing from me.”

  In the next beat, only five short minutes after flipping my world upside down, Brance turns and walks out.



  I tuck several signed contracts into a folder, add it to the pile, and slide everything across my desk. Another case wrapped up in record time. I shift in my chair, the gears protesting with a creak. It’s barely noticeable over the deafening hoot from my client sitting in front of me.

  A shit-eating grin spreads across Doug Thompson’s face. He’s liable to crack a cheekbone with that gleeful expression. Not that I blame the guy. We just finalized his divorce. As of today, he’s a free agent.

  He whips open the file and chuckles. “Damn, thanks again, Brance. I can’t say it enough. You’re a shark.”

  “Just doing my job.”

  “And you’re damn good at it. You definitely followed the correct path in life.”

  I offer a half smile, chewing on the compliment. Ripping couples apart isn’t glamorous. Most can’t handle the conflict and confrontation on a daily basis. That’s never been a problem for me. Considering the hostile environment I was raised in, it’s a miracle there’s an ounce of compassion left inside of me. But I accept his praise with a nod.

  “Never considered another career,” I tell him honestly. If my father had a decent lawyer, our lives would be drastically different for the better. I’d probably be a fucking preschool teacher. But I was destined to save sorry saps like Doug Thompson.

  “Sure am glad my neighbor held onto your card. He couldn’t sing your praises any louder. And he’s not one to toss shit around lightly.”

  I scratch the back of my neck. Jovial bullshitting isn’t my favorite. “I’m really happy to hear that. Recommendations are much appreciated.”

  Doug settles deeper in his chair, making no move to leave. “Hell, I’ll tell all my buddies if their marriages take a nosedive.”

  “That’s all I ask.” I drum my fingers on the armrest.

  He scrubs over his salt-and pepper-whiskers. “You can’t plan for that shit, but it’s good to be locked and loaded just in case. Having you in my arsenal before those damn vows would have been handy. I learned my lesson the hard way.”

  “But you’re all fixed up now. Get out there and enjoy yourself.” I almost stand to walk him out, but hold off a moment longer.

  Doug leans forward. “Can I take you out for a drink? We’ve got reason to celebrate.”

  “I appreciate the offer, but there’re some loose ends that still need tying up. I’ll be stuck here finishing up for a bit.” I give the stack of files next to me a harsh pat.

  “Well, shit. I guess that gumption is what makes you so successful.”

  “No rest for this attorney.” I rock in my seat.

  “Glad I went into real estate.”

  I grunt. “Smart man.”

  He rises to his feet. “I’ll get outta your hair. Thanks again for everything, Brance.”

  “My pleasure. Let me know if you’re ever in need of my services again.”

  “You’ve got a deal.” He extends a hand, and we shake on it. After a salute, he spins on a heel and heads out.

  Fucking finally.

  Once the door closes behind him, I allow my shoulders to sag. Doug was the final name on my long list for the day, but the night is young. I still have a load of work ahead of me, courtesy of Braelyn and her enticing allure. That woman is guaranteed to cause trouble. Hell, she already has. But I’m not done with her yet.

  I grab a file off the towering stack, flip it open, and separate the packets. There’re custody claims, a default judgement, child support orders, addendums to original agreements, and a slew of sloppy mediation records. Of course I had to choose the most complicated case to start with. What a fucking mess. After sorting through this disaster, I attempt to make sense of it all. Ten minutes later, I’ve read the same paragraph twenty times. I can’t concentrate, and all the letters are merging together. The office is too damn quiet. Everyone already tucked tail and ran home.

  Usually I’d be following close behind. It’s getting late, and Ollie is probably eating dinner. A swift slice of guilt stabs at me in the gut. I should be the one preparing his meal, not stuck in the office until it’s pitch-black outside. I groan into the cradle of my palms. Once I’m partner, things will be different. That’s the promise I rely on. I’m almost there. I just have to push a bit harder.

  A grin tugs at my lips when I think of putting more pressure on a certain blonde. I glance down at my fingers, flex and release. I’ve long since washed traces of Braelyn away. But I swear her scent still lingers. Tangy and sweet, like the woman herself. She’s a fucking puzzle I’m going to enjoy solving.

  The mossy green of Braelyn’s eyes fills my vision, and I let the afternoon resurface in my mind. I could have hung around Thicket and coddled her a bit. That’s not my style, but I found myself wanting to. That’s the main reason I ripped myself away and took off. It wasn’t a lie that I had clients stacking up, but they can always wait.

  I didn’t move fast enough, catching the disappointment spreading over her features. Braelyn’s frown is a fierce weapon. It made me want to bury my face between her thighs until she was screaming again. Fuck, she tastes better than the candy in her store.

  Shaking those inconvenient desires away, I drag my focus to the papers strewn in front of me. That’s how I manage to waste the next few hours. I bounce between cursing Braelyn’s name and scanning over case notes.

  A te
ntative knock echoes across the silent room. I drop the folder and check my watch. It’s almost eight o’clock.

  “Come in,” I call.

  Kathy pokes her head in. “Do you need anything before I leave?”

  I figured she’d already left. Guess I’m not the only one burning the midnight oil. “What’re you still doing here?”

  “I had some invoicing to wrap up.”

  It seems this month is rough for everyone. I wave her off. “I’m good. See you in the morning.”

  She hesitates in the doorway, gnawing on her lip. “Sir?”

  I lift my brow. “Problem?”

  “There’s a Miss Miller here to see you.”

  I’m sure my jaw hits the floor. What the fuck? I brush off the surprise and school my expression. “Show her in.”

  Braelyn appears out of thin air and steps into my office. She’s wearing the same outfit as earlier. Those sinful shorts taunt me as she strides further into my space.

  I lean back in my chair, stretching my legs wide. “Here to return the favor?”

  She bites the corner of her bottom lip. “Um, not quite.”

  “Need another go first?” I scrub a palm over my mouth. “Let me clear off a spot for you to sit.”

  Her breath hitches. “I-I really didn’t come for that.”

  My chuckle is dark. “No shit. Pick a chair.” I point to the matching set in front of my desk.

  Braelyn plops down with a huff. “Thanks for the warm welcome.”

  “What can I say? My filter is weak on the best days. All bets are off when I’m stunned.”

  “You’re not the only one who can drop by unexpected,” she tosses out with a flip of her hair.

  “Touché.” I smirk, nearly adding a wink into the mix. “How’d you know I’d still be around?”

  She lifts a shoulder. “Took a chance. I also recall someone not so subtly telling me they’d be working late.”

  I gesture around my sanctuary. “Guess your gamble paid off.”

  Braelyn flicks her gaze from one wall to another, taking in every square inch. I imagine viewing my office through her eyes. Gray carpet, dark furniture, tall windows, black curtains, a colossal desk. Can’t forget the imposing man glaring at her.


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