The End of Hatred

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The End of Hatred Page 15

by Rebecca Hefner

  * * * *

  Sathan grabbed the weaponry case that held the Blade and handed it to Miranda. She looked so small as she held the large case. Those deep green eyes were going to be the undoing of him, he thought, as she looked up at him.

  “Thank you,” she said. Her throat moved up and down as she swallowed. “I appreciate you helping me unsheathe the Blade. I do want to end this war and promise you I will speak with my father.”

  “I know you will,” he said. All his hopes were pinned on this small wisp of a Slayer. He hoped she was up to the task. A raven-black strand of hair from her shoulder-length bob had flown into her mouth and he had to tamp down the urge to free it with his fingers. No touching the Slayer princess in front of her soldiers. Not a good idea.

  A man approached Miranda and put his arm around her shoulder. “We were so worried for you,” he said and placed a kiss on her silky hair. Sathan’s fists clenched and his protective instinct went into overdrive. Mine. The word flitted through his brain and he struggled to remain calm. It wasn’t like him to feel jealousy where any woman was concerned.

  “Thank you, Kalil,” she said, turning and giving the man a half-hearted smile. “This is the Vampyre king, Sathan. He took great care of me.”

  The man eyed him with undisguised contempt. “We’re grateful that you helped our princess and found it within yourself to tame your base instincts and not drain her as you have most of our people.”

  Sathan felt his brother approach from behind, anger emanating from him. He held an arm to block him from moving forward. “And you are?” Sathan asked the man.

  “Kalil, son of Ranju and Tema. And Miranda’s betrothed.”

  Miranda’s shocked expression would’ve made him chuckle if the situation hadn’t been so tense. Flinging his arm off his shoulder, she turned to him. “You absolutely are not—”

  “Your father made it official this morning, darling,” he said, looking down at her in puzzlement. “He signed the betrothal decree and announced it to the realm. It’s fantastic news. Or it was until the Deamons attacked Restia. This has taken up the last several hours. Your cousin sends his regards.”

  Sathan studied the man looking down at his furious Slayer. He had smooth brown skin, reminding him of the human Indians he had learned about in school. Dark hair, white teeth, straight nose. Perfectly normal-looking, but he hated him on sight for having the gall to touch her. Taking solace in Miranda’s obvious distaste at their betrothal, Sathan spoke. “Hand me your phone.”

  “Why?” she asked.

  Extending his hand, he shook it at her. “The sun will rise soon, Miranda. Don’t be difficult. Hand me your phone.”

  “I would advise you not to speak to our princess that way,” Kalil said, anger in his tone.

  Turing to him, Miranda said something he couldn’t quite hear. The man gave her a scowl but turned to walk to the car.

  “He seems like a real charmer.”

  With a sarcastic look, she handed him her phone. He typed a number in her contacts.

  “I programmed my number. I’ll try my best to hold off on another raid in the hopes that I will hear from you.”

  Something sparked between them as her fingers brushed his, taking the phone. “Thank you,” she said. Suddenly he wished to be alone with her for one more moment, if only to memorize her stunning features in the waning moonlight.

  “You’re welcome.”

  And then she turned, walking toward the soldier’s Hummers. Her tiny shoulders were slumped and he almost felt a pang of sorrow for her. Almost. For he knew that only after she discovered her father’s betrayal and lack of loyalty to her would his plan be able to come to fruition.

  “Sorry, bro,” Latimus said, patting his back as they watched the cars drive off. “I know you liked her. If evidenced by the face sucking I heard last night, you really liked her.”

  Sathan scowled at him. “Were you eavesdropping on us?”

  “Pretty hard not to hear that slap, man.”

  “Yeah, she got me pretty good,” Sathan said, turning his head to look off into the distance once again.

  Latimus stared down the river to the horizon as well. Once the vehicles were out of sight, they drove the Hummer back to Astaria.

  Chapter 17

  “Latimus!” Arderin’s voice was warm as she threw herself at her favorite brother. “I’m so glad you’re home. I escaped! I showed those bastards they couldn’t mess with the Vampyres!”

  Latimus chuckled and smoothed his hand down her long, black curls. “I’ve always known you were the smartest of all of us.” Lowering his head, he whispered in her ear, “If only our idiot brothers would listen.”

  She laughed and hugged him again as they stood in the large foyer of the castle. Sathan entered and approached them. “I’m so glad you’re home safely, Arderin.”

  Disentangling herself from the hug, she slowly approached Sathan. “I’m so sorry,” she said, her eyes filling with tears.

  “Shhhhh,” he soothed, pulling her close. “I’m sorry, too. I was so worried about you.”

  “I know.” Pulling back, she smiled up at her oldest brother. Latimus thought her the most precious thing on the planet. In his lonely world she was the only light that had ever shined. Heart swelling, he watched his siblings embrace.

  “She was so excited to see you,” a melodic voice said from his side. Stiffening, he looked down at Lila. “She loves you the most, you know. You’ve always had such a quiet belief in her that Sathan and Heden struggle with. In your eyes she can do anything.”

  Latimus swallowed, studying the gorgeous creature. “She’s stronger than either of them give her credit for. I don’t know how she puts up with their shit.”

  The corner of her mouth turned up. “I guess we all put up with people’s, er, stuff when we love them.” Deep genuineness emanated from her upturned face. The woman couldn’t even bring herself to say a curse word. Were there two different people on the planet than he and this fragile, proper female?

  “Love is a made-up word for fairy tales and soothsayers.”

  “Says the brother who loves his sister with all his heart.”

  “She’s the only one,” he said, growing tired of discussing feelings with the one woman for whom he’d tried his whole life not to have them. “Where is Heden?”

  “I think he’s turned in. I didn’t want to miss the reunion. It’s so nice to see them getting along.” She motioned with her head toward Sathan and Arderin, who was recounting her story of escape.

  “Did they hurt her?” he asked softly.

  “No. She was not harmed, thank the goddess. Like a good princess, her virginity remains intact.”

  Latimus shook his head in frustration. “That rule is antiquated. If she wants to get laid, she should. I don’t see the need to follow rules that were decreed centuries ago.”

  “Well, look who’s a feminist,” Lila said, laugher in her voice.

  “You should get laid, too,” he said, anger bubbling up at her, although he had no idea why. “Sathan fucks other women. He was close to fucking the Slayer princess. You look like a fool, waiting around for him.”

  All signs of laughter vanished and she looked as if he had struck her. Guilt immediately gnawed at his gut but he continued, wanting to hurt her for some unfathomable reason. “There has to be some poor sap on this compound who would fuck you, Lila, even as frigid as you are.”

  Twin dots of red appeared on her otherwise pale cheeks. He wished that she would slap him. Or scream at him. Or rip his eyes out with her fingernails. Anything but the look of severe disappointment and self-doubt she was giving him. What a piece of shit he was. He could delude himself that he didn’t know why he spoke to her this way, but that would be a lie. In his heart, he hoped that if he hurt her enough she would just leave him the fuck alone. The less he saw her the less he was reminded that he would never be good enough for someone like her.

  Instead, she pursed her lips. Her nostrils flared and she seemed t
o calm herself. “Thank you for that information. It is always good to know where I stand in this betrothal. Sathan is my king so he is free to do as he wishes.”

  Moisture appeared in her eyes and she looked to the ground. He wanted to rip his heart out and stomp on it with his boots. It wasn’t the first time he’d made her cry. What an asshole he was.

  “I think I’ll turn in for the day.” Turning she floated off, light as air as she always seemed to be.

  “Where did Lila go?” Sathan asked. “Was she upset?”

  “How the fuck do I know?” Latimus said, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. Hating himself.

  “You better not have been an asshole to her.” Giving Arderin a peck on the forehead, he stalked after Lila.

  “Latimus,” his sister said. She framed his face with her hands. “You’re such a good man. I’m sorry that you can’t have everything you want.”

  “I have everything I need,” he said. His sister was the only one who had ever suspected his true feelings for Lila.

  “You deserve to have it all. I’m sorry that you can’t. But I love you with all my heart.” Her thumbs ran over his cheeks. “And she’s my best friend, besides you. Please try harder. She has a special place for you in her heart. She wants so badly for you to like her.”

  “I like her fine,” he said, grasping her wrists and disengaging her touch. “I’m pretty tired of getting this speech from all of you. She deserves to know that Sathan was attracted to the Slayer princess. I would want someone to tell me.”

  “Okay,” she said, lifting to give him a kiss on his cheek. “Even when you try to do the right thing you’re an asshole. It’s quite a feat.”

  “Quiet, you little bugger.” He began tickling her sides and she shrieked.

  “I missed you,” she said after he had ceased.

  “I missed you, too.”

  Joining hands, they walked slowly down the hall as she excitedly recounted the story of her abduction and escape.

  Later, he headed to the cabin he kept on the outskirts of the compound. The main castle was just too stifling tonight. Especially knowing he had hurt Lila. Again.

  Sathan had dropped a bomb on him when he’d revealed he’d never slept with her. What a waste. If he had the right to touch her whenever and however he wanted, he wouldn’t hesitate. Sure, she would start off so prim, so tense. But he imagined sliding his hands down her back, gliding under her gorgeous hair. Pulling her to him, he would mold his body to hers and kiss away the tension from every inch of her body until she was a quivering mess. By the goddess, watching her come would be amazing. Would she scream? Or maybe just moan with that velvet voice?

  Frustrated that he’d made himself aroused, he threw on some jeans and headed to the cabin next door. Moira answered on the third knock. “Yes?” she asked, one eyebrow arched. Although her eyes were blue and her features were smaller than Lila’s angular ones, she had blond hair. Not as long as Lila’s, it fell to her mid-back.

  “I need you.”

  Smiling, she opened the door wider. “Well come on in, soldier.”

  He wasn’t gentle. She didn’t need him to be. He had been coming to her for centuries now. She was a Slayer who had been accidentally captured in the raids almost eight-hundred years ago. When he had tried to return her to the compound, she’d begged him to stay. They had never discussed why, but her dreams were filled with violence. He could tell these things as he lay beside her in the darkness.

  There were a few women like this. Slayers he had collected over the centuries, who chose to stay, that he fucked when he needed to rid his head of her. They had come to be known as Slayer whores. Slayers who lay with the king’s powerful brother, exchanging blood and sex for a simple, safe life.

  Sathan had outlawed the practice of keeping Slayer whores centuries ago, but Latimus didn’t give a damn. It was just something they never discussed. He knew by his brother’s disapproving glances that he wished he would cease the practice, but Sathan chose not to fight this battle with him.

  Afterward, as he lay with the woman splayed across his chest, he absently played with her blond hair.

  “You did it again.”

  “What?” he asked.

  “Called me by her name when you came.”

  Latimus looked at the ceiling, cursing himself. “I’m sorry, Moira. Shit.”

  “It’s okay,” she said, rubbing her hand over the tiny hairs of his chest. “I know the rules. It’s sad that you can’t be with her like this.”

  “My sister said the same thing to me tonight.”

  “The world is harsh,” she said, rubbing her fingernail over his nipple. He shivered under her. “You can call me any name you want. I’m thankful to you for giving me shelter here.”

  “You can tell me about your past, you know.”

  “I know,” she said, lifting up to rest on her elbows on his chest. “But I won’t. Let’s not make this something it’s not. Oh, and I promise I won’t tell anyone what a nice guy you are. It would ruin your reputation.”

  Smiling at her, he lifted one eyebrow. “We can’t have that.”

  Disentangling himself from her, he threw on his jeans and headed back to his cabin. In the darkness, he thought of Lila’s lavender eyes, filled with tears. Nice guy, he was not. One day she was going to stop speaking to him altogether. Maybe that would finally give him peace.

  * * * *

  Miranda asked the soldiers to drop her off at her spot by the river. Assuring them she would be fine, she needed a few moments to clear her head. Once she was alone, she placed the Blade case on the ground and looked at her mother’s makeshift grave. Would she have been proud of her? She liked to think so. Freeing the Blade had also freed something in her and she could feel it growing, like a young seedling reaching for the sun. She was ready to save her people.

  “I tried my best to thwart the attack,” Darkrip’s voice said behind her.

  Somehow she’d known he would come to her, and was unsurprised by his presence. “I’m not sure ‘thank you’ is appropriate in this situation.”

  “Ah, Miranda. Always so combative. I disintegrated their weapons as soon as they breached the wall. Your cousin’s soldiers defeated them handily.”

  “A hundred of your men are dead. Don’t you care at all?”

  He shrugged beside her. “All part of the end game.” His expression was impassive as he stared at the river but the hunch of his shoulders seemed sad. She wondered if he was truly as unaffected by the soldiers’ deaths as he claimed.

  Miranda shook her head as she looked at the gurgling river. “So much death. Will the outcome even be worth it?”

  “When you kill my father, yes. It will be. What will you do now, knowing your father won’t support your venture to kill the Dark Lord?”

  Miranda saw red. “Why does everyone think my father won’t support me? I’m the direct descendent of Valktor and this is my kingdom.”

  “Indeed.” His expression was one of surprise. “I’m happy to hear you finally say it. Your father is a false ruler. It is time you took the throne from him.”

  “I have no wish to dethrone him. It will take time but I will gain his support and we will rule together.”

  Darkrip was silent for a moment, watching the river. “You must know in your heart that isn’t true. You’re too smart to think otherwise. Know that I will support you in your quest to rise to power. One needs all the allies they can get in these situations.”

  Gritting her teeth, she chose to stay silent. What was the point in arguing with him anyway?

  “This is where you buried the appendages of your mother,” he finally said.

  “How do you know about that?”

  “I told you that I am powerful and see many things, Miranda. You are quite hardheaded and don’t listen very well.”

  Looking down at the ground, she ran the toe of her boot over the green grass. “That was centuries ago. She is long gone from this place.”

  The Deamon surp
rised her by closing his eyes and lifting his face to the blue sky. “I feel her here, still, after all the years that have passed. She is happy that you and your cousin still come to remember her from time to time.”

  Miranda felt her throat tighten and tears flooded her eyes. “I would ask you not to speak about my mother. She hated Deamons and you sully her memory by speaking of her.”

  He sighed loudly and turned to look at her. “I’ve told you that things are not always as they seem. You would do well to remember this. Don’t let your past hurt and pain cause you blindness toward the future.”

  She studied him, light filtering onto his face through the branches of the tree overhead. Another flash of recognition ran though her, as it had in their previous meeting, and then it was gone. “Did you meet my mother in the caves? After Crimeous abducted her?”

  He stayed still, contemplative. “Call upon me when your father denies your request. I will help you gain access to the Deamon caves. It will not be easy but it can be done. Stay the course, Miranda.” And then he was gone.

  Frustrated, Miranda kicked the ground with her boot. What an infuriating creature he was. But she was smart enough to know that war made for strange allies. She placed a hand on her mother’s tree, saying a prayer. Then she picked up the case and headed home.

  Chapter 18

  Miranda found Ken in his shed, standing over a map of Restia and making notes with a pencil. Looking up, he smiled broadly at her. “You’re home.” Rushing over to her, he picked her up and swung her around in a huge hug.

  “And you stink,” he said, waving his hand back and forth under his nose.

  “Jerk,” she said, slapping his arm. “Where’s Father? I want to shower and prepare before I approach him.”

  “He’s called a meeting of the council this afternoon. Kalil informed him that you were less than thrilled about the betrothal.”

  “I’d rather be a withered old grandma than marry someone for duty.”

  “He’s prepared to fight you on this, Miranda. One of the items on the council meeting agenda is to set a date for the wedding.”


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