Hear My Heart: Baytown Boys

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Hear My Heart: Baytown Boys Page 19

by Maryann Jordan

  “How much longer do you have here?”

  “I plan on leaving at five o’clock exactly and not a second later,” she vowed.

  “I walked from my apartment to the pub, so how about if I come here at five and we can go pick up Emily together?”

  Grinning, she nodded. As he turned to leave, she suddenly thought of something and called out. “When I mentioned that Celia was at the pub having a drink with Sandra, I just wondered if she often comes in?”

  “Celia? Celia Ring?” he shook his head, and replied, “Nope. I seem to remember her coming in one time after she first moved to town and started working for the Mayor. She looked like a woman on the prowl and definitely struck me as a woman who was not to be trusted.” He blushed slightly, but continued, “I made it clear that I wasn’t interested and she’s never come back into the pub that I’ve seen.”

  With another quick kiss goodbye, Lia watched Aiden leave her office and she sat back down to finish working.

  An hour later, Mrs. Markham came back to her office to announce another visitor. “It’s Donald Scarsdale,” Mrs. Markham said, arching her eyebrows. “It’s the man who’s running against Mayor Banks.”

  “What on earth does he want?” she sighed. Standing, she plastered a smile on her face as Mrs. Markham showed him back. Shaking his hand, she offered him a chair, observing the gray-haired man in a gray suit with a light gray shirt. All her fatigued mind could think was that he was very monochromatic and she had to stifle a grin.

  “How may I help you, Mr. Scarsdale?”

  “I’ll come straight to the point, Ms. Smith. I’ve been reading the public records of the last six months of Town Council meetings and was greatly interested to see the one where you were hired.”

  He paused, as though expecting her to speak. She simply inclined her head toward him and waited for him to continue.

  “I know that there is money that’s suspected of being missing and wanted to find out where you are in your investigation.”

  “Mr. Scarsdale, the investigation, at this point, is still private and confidential. I have come to no conclusions and to speak at this time would be a breach of ethics and considerably premature.”

  He glowered, saying, “The situation is public knowledge.”

  Nodding, she agreed, “Yes, Town Council minutes are public record. But my investigation, until I have given them a report, is not up for discussion.”

  He leaned forward, his sharp eyes pinning her, and said, “Ms. Smith, it is my intention to become the new mayor of Baytown. In my opinion, Corwin Banks has held that position far too long. If the public knew that he was responsible for misappropriating funds, then the townspeople would be able to make the obvious choice for a new mayor.”

  Irritation flew through her veins, but she forced her breathing to remain steady as she maintained a professional demeanor. “I understand exactly what you’re saying, Mr. Scarsdale. My investigation has absolutely nothing to do with the Mayoral election and I assure you that I will not, under any circumstances, give in to any coercion. When my financial investigation is complete and I make my recommendations to the Town Council, then it will be public knowledge.”

  His face grew redder and he argued, “And if Mayor Banks is at fault? If he’s won the next election, and it turns out that he’s the one at fault, are you willing to take on that responsibility as well?”

  Standing, she lifted her arm toward the door, and said, “Mr. Scarsdale, our meeting has come to an end. You will know the results of my investigation when it is ready to be made public record. We have nothing further to say to each other.”

  He stormed out of her office and a few seconds later Mrs. Markham scurried to her doorway. “Are you all right?”

  Nodding wearily, she said, “Yes. He’s just another political blowhard.”

  Rolling her eyes, Mrs. Markham shook her head. “Lord save us from another one of those!”

  As Mrs. Markum walked back to the lobby, she nodded to herself. Sitting down, she began working once more, this time praying for no more interruptions. Her luck did not hold out. Thirty minutes later, she overheard a ruckus in the lobby.

  “You cannot just go back there!” she heard Mrs. Markham say. “I need to see if she is available and announce you. And if she’s not available, then you need to make an appointment.”

  “As town manager, I have imperative business with Ms. Smith that cannot wait. “

  She looked up just in time to see Silas stalking into her office with Mrs. Markham fast on his heels. At the end of her rope, she stood and, with her hands fisted on top of her desk, growled, “How dare you come storming into my office. How dare you push your way past my receptionist.”

  Silas, his face appearing sharper than ever, glared back as his lips twitched. “I don’t have time for niceties,” he argued. “Our entire town’s future rests solely on your shoulders—a thought that keeps me awake at night I can assure you!”

  She opened her mouth to retort, then snapped it closed again as she noticed Mrs. Markham was still standing in her doorway, shooting daggers at Silas with her eyes. “Thank you, Mrs. Markham. I’d like you to stay as a witness to this statement.” Pinning Silas with her glare, she warned, “If you ever push your way into this office again, I’ll call the police.” Offering a polite nod to Mrs. Markham, she said, “I’ll take it from here.”

  Mrs. Markham retreated, now with a smile on her face.

  Turning back to Silas, she took in his stunned expression. “Now, why don’t you tell me what it is you want to say and get it over with.”

  “I just got a phone call from Marcella, over at the Baytown Gazette. She wants an interview with me concerning the missing funds!”

  Refusing to say anything, she simply stared.

  He continued, “She told me that if I don’t talk to her she’s going to come straight to you.”

  Throwing her hands up into the air, she plopped down into her seat. “I’ll tell you the same thing that I told Mr. Scarsdale, and that—”

  He gasped and backed up a step, as though struck. “Scarsdale? Scarsdale was here? Oh my God! What did you tell him?”

  She leveled a hard stare his way, and said, “I am a professional. I am running a professional investigation. My findings will be public knowledge as soon as they are given to the Town Council and not a moment before. I showed him the way to the door, just as I’m getting ready to do with you.”

  “So, you’re not going to talk to the newspaper?” he asked, his voice high and strident.

  Walking around the edge of her desk she lifted her hand to the door. “It seems this is my day to show people out. I will no longer talk about the investigation to you unless,” a slight smile curved her lips, “I am interviewing you about the missing money.”

  He opened and closed his mouth several times, but no words came out. It was the first time she had seen him speechless and she was glad for it. Calling out for Mrs. Markham, who appeared at her doorway in an instant, she told him it was time to leave. After a moment’s hesitation, she and a still angry Mrs. Markham watched him storm away. Turning back to her desk, she shook her head, feeling tired to her bones.

  When five o’clock finally came, she gratefully shoved all of her papers into files and placed them into her briefcase. Shoving her laptop in there as well, she grabbed her purse and waited as Mrs. Markham locked the front door.


  Aiden peered up into the stands, his eyes easily landing on Lia. It was also easy for him to discern her unease as she nibbled on her fingernails. He had been excited for Emily to play in her first game, but now looked down in concern as well. The game was with their younger group of children and he knew that Emily was on par with most of them so he had nothing to worry about. Still, he wanted this to be a great experience for her. Blowing out a breath, he willed his nerves to steady.

  As she stood at bat, he placed himself close by so that she would easily be able to see him. The volunteers who were umpires knew why h
e was there. Bending down in front of her, he said, “Just like we practiced. You’ve got this.”

  She grinned up at him and nodded. He stepped back and glanced toward Jason at first base, making eye contact to assure himself that he was ready for her. She swung a couple of times, striking on the first two, and fouling on the third.

  He was not disappointed, knowing that it would take her a while to become more comfortable with hitting the ball. On the next pitch, her bat made contact and the ball rolled between second and third base.

  He signaled for her to run to first base and she did, her little legs taking her as fast as they could go. His eyes jumped to Jason, who was signaling for her to stop on first base. He grinned widely as she jumped up and down with joy, giving Jason a high-five. Turning as he heard the cheering from the stands, he watched as Lia screamed as loud as anyone.

  He was not only glad to see all of their friends there, but his mom, dad, and Pops had come to cheer Emily on as well.

  When the next child hit the ball, Jason signaled for Emily to run to second base where Zac was waiting for her, signaling for her to stop. He could not have been prouder of his friends for their ability to adapt to her needs so that she could play the game. And as he watched her jump up and high-five Zac, he could not have been more impressed with her either.

  The next couple of children struck out and the inning was over, so Emily did not get to run to home base. But the joyful look on her face was shining and he knew at that moment she was as happy as she could possibly be. On her way running back to the dugout she ran straight to him, jumping into his arms for a hug.

  He swung her around and his gaze shot back up to the stands, seeing Lia accepting congratulations from those around her just before she blew a kiss toward him.

  After the game was over and the sports equipment put away, most of the crowd had dispersed. The coaches and their significant others were all heading to Finn’s, as usual.

  Walking up to Lia, he threw his arm around her shoulders and she twisted her head up to plant a kiss on his lips, the simple act sending warmth through his whole body.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, as Emily was talking with some of her teammates, teaching them a few signs as well.

  “You don’t gotta thank me, baby,” he said.

  She gave a subtle head jerk toward Emily, and said, “You see that smile? That right there, is what you did for her.”

  He bent, taking her lips again, keeping it light. Grinning at the spark of lust he saw in her eyes, he gave her waist a squeeze.

  “You guys coming to Finn’s?” Brogan asked.

  He looked at Lia and she nodded. “I’ve only taken Emily a couple of times, but she’s loved it. Especially their fish and chips!”

  “What’s this I hear about someone liking fish and chips?”

  He turned around to see Pops walking up to them, a big grin on his weathered face. “It seems that Emily’s a fan of our food at the pub,” he answered.

  Pops turned toward Emily and he felt Lia stiffen next to him. Bending over, he spoke directly to Emily so that she could see his face. “How about you and me lead the group over to the pub for some fish and chips?”

  Lia relaxed, seeing that Pops had no trouble communicating with Emily. Emily glanced up at her mom, shifted her eyes over to him, and then back to her mom, her face hopeful.

  “Yes. We can go. If you would like to walk with Mr. McFarlane, Aiden and I will be right behind you.”

  Pops held out his hand, taking Emily’s much smaller one in his grip. Looking directly at her again, he said, “You can call me Pops.”

  Emily laughed and Aiden felt Lia relax further into his side. The group heading to the pub was huge, including all of their friends, his parents, Mitch’s parents, Jillian’s parents, and a few others that he figured she had met at the Auxiliary meeting.

  Once inside, he headed behind the bar with Brogan and their dad to get drinks for the large crowd. Lia walked to the back, seeing Emily ensconced between Pops and Corinne, who was holding little Finn. Emily was entranced with the little baby, tickling his tummy and laughing as much as he was.

  Looking across the bar, Aiden saw Lia standing still, her gaze resting on the gathering, and wondered what she was thinking.

  “This it for you?” Brogan asked, drawing his attention over to his brother.

  Nodding, he smiled. “Abso-fucking-lutely.”

  “Well, all right,” his dad said, coming up behind them. “Nothing more your mom and I want to see than all three of our children happy.”

  A few minutes later he walked over to the crowd and his mom stood to allow him a chance to kiss his nephew before sliding in next to Lia. He watched as his dad leaned down to kiss little Finn also before kissing Corrine. A glance to the side showed Ginny, her arms wrapped tightly around Brogan, leaning up to receive a kiss from him as well. Swinging his head back around, he watched as Pops and Emily dug into their fish and chips.

  “Hey,” Lia’s soft voice sounded next to him, drawing his attention back to her. “Are you okay?”

  Nodding slowly, he stared into her eyes, his lips curving. “I’ve got my whole family surrounding me, including you and Emily, to fill my heart. I couldn’t be more okay.”

  As he leaned over to give her a kiss, her wide smile settled in his heart.

  Aiden, once more sleeping on Lia’s sofa after having had a fun night with she and Emily, woke as his phone vibrated. He sat up quickly and reached for his jeans, remembering his phone was stuffed in the front pocket. Pulling it out, he was surprised to see Mitch’s number, but knew that a call in the middle of the night could only mean bad news.

  Connecting, he said, “Mitch? Talk to me.”

  “You at Lia’s?”

  “Yeah, but I’m downstairs. She’s upstairs. What’s up?”

  “I need you to get her and bring her downtown. I know it’s gonna take a few minutes because you’ve got to get somebody to watch Emily. Grant is on night shift and has been driving around town. He just passed her office and saw that her front office door has been broken into and was hanging on the hinges. He called for backup and they went in. No one is there, but her office has been trashed.”

  “Goddammit!” he cursed.

  “I decided to call you instead of driving straight out there. Ginny is not on duty, if you need to call her and Brogan to stay with Emily.”

  Rubbing his hand over his face, trying to think of the best thing to do, he said, “You’re right. I was going to call my mom, but I don’t really want her out here by herself. Of course, I know my dad would come too, but maybe if Ginny and Brogan came together that would be the safest Emily could be.”

  “Okay, make the arrangements so you can get Lia here. We’re going in to dust for fingerprints now but won’t touch anything until she gets here to see what may have been taken.”

  Disconnecting, he felt rage coursing through his blood once again. He immediately dialed Brogan and as soon as his brother answered, he explained the situation. He could hear Ginny in the background and Brogan put his phone on speaker. They both expressed anger over what had happened to Lia, promising to be there just as soon as they could get dressed.

  Disconnecting, he pulled on his jeans and the clean shirt he had brought with him. Still in his bare feet, he padded softly up the stairs, bypassing Emily’s room. He stepped into Lia’s bedroom, closed the door, and walked to the bed. He stared at her for just a moment, the moonlight casting a soft glow over her. She was so beautiful, so peaceful.

  Inwardly cursing that he was going to have to wake her, he gently shook her shoulder, while whispering, “Lia, babe. I need you to wake up, sweetheart.”

  She jerked awake, sitting up so quickly she bumped her head lightly on his chin. “What? What is it? Is it Emily?”

  “Shhh, quiet, babe,” he whispered, flipping on the light next to her bed. Seeing her blink up at him, her sleep-tousled hair falling about her shoulders, he dreaded what he was going to have to say. “Honey,
I hate this, but you’re going to have to get up and get dressed. Mitch called and said that your office has been broken into—”

  Her eyes widened and she gasped, “You’re kidding!”

  He shook his head and said, “You know I’d never kid about something like that. I’ve already called Brogan and Ginny and they’re coming over in just a few minutes. They’ll stay in the house to make sure Emily’s safe ‘cause Mitch needs us to come downtown. They’re dusting for fingerprints right now, but you’re going to have to go through to see what might have been taken.”

  He watched as his words finally sunk in and she threw back the covers, bolting from the bed. She rushed into her en-suite bathroom, jerking her camisole off as she went. A moment later she came back, wearing only panties, having splashed water on her face and run a brush through her hair. He ignored the sight of her almost naked body and whispered, “I’ll be downstairs.”

  A few minutes later, she ran downstairs carrying her shoes in her hand. She greeted Ginny and Brogan, who had just entered the house and were talking to him. “Thank you all so much for coming. Emily’s asleep and should stay asleep for a couple of hours. If, for whatever reason, she wakes up before I’m back, just tell her that I had to go to work to check on something and you guys are babysitting. Honestly, she’ll believe you.”

  They assured her that everything would be fine and she nodded. Sliding her feet into her shoes, she grabbed her purse and looked up. “I’m ready, but I’ve got to tell you, the more I think about this the madder I get.”

  He put his arm around her and kissed the top of her head, squeezing her waist. “I know, baby. I fucking feel the same.”


  Aiden turned onto the street of Lia’s office, seeing several police vehicles as well as Colt’s Sheriff SUV. Parking as close as he could, he heard Lia gasp and jerked his head around so that he could see out her window. The front door of her business was now hanging awkwardly.


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