Hunted: A Shifter's Magic Series

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Hunted: A Shifter's Magic Series Page 9

by Maggie Bandy

  “I didn’t know you could cook?” I tease. “Honestly, I didn’t know you ate until I saw you at aunt Linda’s when she made breakfast,” I laughed lightly. He looked amused and not offended at least. “I can eat, it’s just that we don’t have to. So, most vampires choose not to- but I love food too much not to eat,” he said eyeing the food he brought.

  It made me think of other things he has to eat. I tried to think of a way to ask without being nosey. “I’ve never seen you feed before… how often do you have to?” I ask shyly. He looked embarrassed for a moment before replying. “At least once a day…” he said trailing off. “I don’t hurt people to feed if that’s what you’re wondering. I always use willing donors-” he says before stopping, seeing the look on my face.

  I don’t know why I was jealous. He has to feed, and it’s not like it was anything romantic. I just didn’t like the thought of his lips on anyone else. So, sue me, I was jealous that he hadn’t asked me. I looked down before saying. “You know you could always-” I said before he cut me off. “No,” he said quickly. But when he saw the hurt in my eyes at his harsh words he explained.

  “It’s different with you. We are bonded- if you gave me your blood then it would seal our bond. There’s no going back from that. I want you to be sure this is what you want before we go there…” he said unsure of himself. Did he doubt that I wanted this? Did he doubt my feelings for him? Sure, they were new for me and so was all of this; but I wanted him. All of him.

  “Cole,” I whispered. He looked over at me. “You know I want this don’t you?” I say pointing between the two of us. “I don’t have any doubts. This is what I want,” I say choosing my words carefully. He seems to get the meaning behinds my words. I was ready. “You can’t be sure; you haven’t had enough time-” he says before I stop him placing my lips to his, cutting off his words.

  “I’m sure. I know how I feel about you. But if you aren’t sure…” I say not thinking about the fact that he may not be ready. He cuts me off by putting his finger to my lips. “None of that now, angel. I knew how I felt about you the first time I saw you. I just want you to be sure- this is a big step. Even bigger than marriage, there’s no getting out of this once it’s done,” he says giving me another chance to change my mind.

  I shake my head. “I don’t need an out. I’m all in,” I say leaning back so that my neck is exposed to him. “I’m ready,” I say again. He gulps and hesitates for a moment before saying, “Not like that. I want it to be special, not just exchanging blood.”

  He gently pushes me back so I’m laying across the blanket. His fingers trail down stomach and lift the hem of my shirt. I lift my arms up so that he can pull it over my head. He tosses it on the grass beside us. Trailing kisses down my neck he unbuttons my shorts, pulling them down and tossing them aside. He smiles wickedly when he sees my little pink panties.

  “These I will enjoy taking off,” he says mischievously. He kisses down my stomach until he reaches my thighs. He takes the pink lace in his mouth pulling them off. Then kissing trails up my thigh. “Oh, angel. I’m going to make this a night you won’t forget,” he says before lapping up my heat. I reach my hand into his hair, moaning. He steps back and pulls off his shirt, showing off his tanned, chiseled chest.

  He unbuttons his pants and tosses them aside. Even through his boxers, I can see how ready he is for this. He smiles when he catches me looking. “Like what you see angel?” he says removing his boxers. “This is still in my way,” he says removing my black lace bra and tossing it aside. “There, that’s better,” he says cupping my breast, pinching my nipple between his fingers.

  I moan at his touch and he smiles. “I’m just getting started angel,” he said cockily. No pun intended.

  Our first time was sweet and passionate. Cole was my first, so it was already special to me. He made sure I was well loved. By the time we were done we were both tired and panting. He leaned his head against mine before kissing my forehead gently. “That was amazing,” I said kissing him back. He pulled me onto his chest, and we laid there for a while before he asked, “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” I nodded my head reassuringly.

  He looked at me one last time before placing his lips to my neck. Still remembering his lips on me for a whole different reason, I moaned. He gently slid his fangs into my skin, and I gasped. Not in pain, but in pleasure. It initially stung but after he pressed his tongue to my neck, sucking- it was blissful. I held tighter to Cole and he moaned.

  I opened my legs so that his tip was sitting just over my entrance and he moaned again. “You’re going to be the death of me, angel,” he said when I pulled him into me. Pushing further, he sank all the way down to the hilt and stopped. He gently bit into my neck again before moving himself in and out at a steady pace. Digging my nails into his back I arched my hips up further against him.

  He bit into his wrist and put it to my mouth. I drank greedily while he held my face to his wrist. I could feel the bond spark to life as I did. I stopped drinking and looked at Cole in awe. I could feel what he was feeling- I could feel what he felt for me. So much love and devotion, how could he already love me? But it was all there for me to see and to feel. But if I was honest with myself, it was something akin to what I felt for him.

  I didn’t understand it myself; we hadn’t known each other long but it was there. I felt a fierce protectiveness coming from Cole and a contentment and happiness radiating off of him. I wonder what he can feel from me. He cups my face in his, staring in awe. “Oh, angel,” he says before melding his lips to mine. Being with him felt like home. I knew it was where I belonged. I was content to just stay laying in his arms- and so I did.


  After a while we started to get hungry- well I did, and Cole sensed it. He can do that now apparently. He grabbed the containers of food and set them all out again. “I wonder what else we can do with the bond,” I ask cheerfully. “Well, for starters- I will always know if you’re in danger now and vice versa. And I’ll always be able to find you,” he said giving me an adoring look.

  “People say that you can communicate mentally with the mate bond,” he adds skeptically. “Let’s try it!” I say excitedly. “Ok, think something and I’ll try to pick up on it,” he says before placing his hand in mine. I love you. But I’m scared that I feel something that strongly so soon. I think, hoping he won’t actually hear my thoughts.

  Cole’s eyes open wide before he smiles. “I love you too, angel. And you don’t have to be scared, because I will be there to catch you when you fall,” he says wrapping me in a hug. I feel nothing but love coming off of him and happiness. So, I know he’s telling the truth. My heart warmed at hearing him say he loved me. “Ok, your turn,” I say waiting for him. I call you angel, because you’re my own little piece of heaven. I can’t help but smile when I look over at him. “That has got to be the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me,” I say pulling him in for a kiss.

  He dishes out some macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes and barbeque chicken for each of us. I take a bit of the chicken and it’s like heaven in my mouth. Cole laughs. “That good huh?” he says, and I blush. I forgot that he could hear my thoughts. “Should we practice throwing up a shield around our thoughts?” I ask sheepishly. “That way, if we wanted, we would have privacy,” I added quickly.

  “I only hear the thoughts you project. I don’t hear all of your thoughts,” he said easing my tension. Wanting to lighten the mood I say, “Let’s go swimming!” He gives me a crooked smile and I take off running. He chases behind me stripping down to his boxers. I already stripped down before jumping in.

  I wasn’t prepared for the extreme coldness of the water and I couldn’t find my way back up. My arms went limp at my sides as I stopped struggling. Blackness at the end of my vision, I took a big gulp of water. At some point I lost consciousness and woke up to Cole standing over me anxiously. “Wake up, angel. Please, wake up,” he kept saying over and over again. He was pumping his hands acros
s my chest and blowing into my mouth when I woke up.

  I rolled to the side coughing up water. Cole sighed nervously. “Oh, thank God!” he said folding me into his chest crying. I’ve never seen him so upset. “I thought I lost you- your heart beat dropped too low and I-” he broke off kissing me, sweeping his tongue into my mouth. Melding it with mine, searching for the comfort he so desperately needed at this moment. I could feel his pain and his heart break. He must have been devastated when he thought I wasn’t going to wake back up.

  “Don’t ever do that to me again,” he said kissing my forehead and laying his against mine breathing heavily. “Let’s get you home,” he said shakily. I nodded. Cole wrapped me in his jacket and buckled me in before going around to his side. We rode in silence for a while before I broke it. “Do you think Carter will be upset when he finds out… that we completed our bond?” I say wearily. I wasn’t looking forward to telling him that was for sure.

  Cole winced. “Probably… he still thinks I cheated him somehow and that you should only be his. But vampires don’t choose their mates either. When it happens- you just know. When I gave you my blood, the bond started to grow.,” he said looking over at me.

  “That only happens if someone is your mate. With anyone else there wouldn’t be that connection. It wasn’t really something I chose,” he said, and I winced at his word choice. He must feel my pain through our bond, or it must be written on my face. “I didn’t mean it like that angel. I would have chosen you even if you weren’t my mate. But what I’m saying is I didn’t set out to steal his mate like he thinks. Besides, I met you first,” he said nudging my shoulder.

  “What would you have done if I wasn’t your mate? What if as you said, you met me first, but I wasn’t your mate and was his?” I ask softly. He sighed. “If you weren’t my mate and he was your mate solely,” he paused looking pained. “Then I would have had to of backed off,” he said looking away. I looked down at my hands, twisting them in my lap. “Oh,” I said dejectedly.

  He turned to me and lifted a finger under my chin making me look at him. “Only because I would want you to be happy, even if it was without me…” Cole said. Eyeing me, making sure I knew he would still want me but would want me to be happy. I looked at him with sad eyes. “Don’t you know? Without you, I wouldn’t be happy. I wouldn’t be whole,” I said softly.

  I laid my head on his shoulder and fell asleep for the rest of the drive back. It was peaceful. I woke up when we reached my house. “She wakes,” he teases, kissing me before coming around to open my door. I smile up at him and take his hand. Cole walks me to my door like a gentleman and kisses me good night. “Good night, angel,” he says before turning to go back to his car. “Good night,” I say turning to go inside.

  Chapter Nine


  I called out for aunt Linda when I came inside. “Hello? Is anyone home?” I asked the empty house. Looks like she’s out with Paul again for the night. Probably won’t be home till late. I put my stuff down but took Cole’s jacket upstairs with me. I looked at my phone, checking my messages. I had one from Carter asking if I wanted to have lunch tomorrow. I smiled texting back that I would love to. And one from Cole saying he had a good night and couldn’t wait to do it again.

  I was about to text him back when I saw a figure leaning against my bed. Stupidly, I dropped my phone and screamed. “You’re coming with me,” he said throwing me over his shoulder. I kicked and screamed trying to get him to let go but it was no use. He was too strong. “Let me go!” I screamed. I felt a prick and a sudden warmth and then things started to go dark.



  I felt Sophie panic through the bond and turned around. But as soon as I did, it stopped. Maybe something scared her? I tried calling her and it went straight to voicemail. Weird. Sophie wouldn’t ignore my calls. Maybe she was asleep? So soon after I left though? I doubt it. Worried, I headed back for her house.

  As I reached the house, I could tell Sophie was no longer there. I had a bad feeling in my gut. I raced through her window and looked for her. “Sophie? Angel, where are you?” I said panicked. There was no sign of her. But that smell- it was familiar. The wolf. The fucking wolf had gotten her. I cursed under my breath, calling Ty and Carter.

  They arrived within minutes. Carter was livid- Ty though, he was worse. I don’t know what he feels for Sophie but I’m pretty sure it’s not the same way she feels for him. Ty got up in my face. “You left her alone? What, are you stupid? You knew that asshole was after her and you left her unprotected!” he screamed, shoving me.

  I shoved him back. “I didn’t know he was going to come take her! I was just here! I was coming back soon to check on her but was going home to change. I didn’t think he would be so bold as to steal her from her room!” I yelled feeling helpless. He was right. I left her. I should have been here to protect her. Damn, she’s my mate- we just mated. I should be able to feel her- but I can’t, and it scares the hell out of me. What if she’s dead? Oh my God, what if that bastard killed her.

  I sank to my knees and held my face in my hands defeated. How was I ever going to find her? Carter just looked at me. “You finally mated with her, didn’t you?” he growled. How did he know? “There’s a fucking tattoo on your arm,” he said pointing to my arm. How did I not notice that earlier? “We were going to tell you…” I trailed off but he cut me off.

  “Later- we will deal with that later. Right now, I want to find my princess. You should be able to find her” Carter said hopefully. I hung my head, shaking it softly. “I should be able to, but I can’t feel her in the bond… It’s as if she’s disappeared,” I croaked out. Carter sank down to the floor next to me. Ty looked at me angrily. “No, no” he said shaking his head wildly. “She’s not dead! Stop acting like we’ve lost her and go find her!” He said fuming.

  “You both claim to love her but are so quick to give up on her! Well I won’t. I know she’s out there and I’m going to go find my kitten,” he said grabbing his keys and running out the door.



  They were acting like she was already dead! Bastards! Both of them. Well, I won’t give up on her so easily. She needs me, and I’m going to find her. And when I do, I’m going to kill the bastard who took her. “No one hurts my kitten and gets away with it,” I growled.

  I changed into my wolf, letting him take over my senses. He was just as angry about her being taken. Usually, my wolf and I aren’t on the same page- but when it came to my kitten, we were. I don’t know what this feeling is, but I know I would do anything for her- even die for her. I will kill every asshole who dares hurt her and have them begging for mercy at my feet.

  I got a whiff of the wolf and followed his scent. This time he was careless, he ay have masked his scent, but he couldn’t mask her sweet strawberry scent. I howled, letting Carter know I found something but didn’t stop. And I wouldn’t until I had her in my arms again.



  I woke up dazed and confused. Standing guard over me was the guy from my room. Irritated I asked snarkily, “So? Do I even get to know your name since you threw me over your shoulder and kidnapped me?” His lips twitch up, almost in a smile before dropping. “Varick, not that you’ll get to tell anyone. You’re not leaving here,” he said grinning. Cocky bastard. Who does he think he is drugging me and taking me who knows where? Cole will find me and when he does, Varick is toast.

  As if he knows what I’m thinking he says, “He won’t be able to find you. This place is protected with magic,” he says almost looking sorry. Almost, but apparently not enough to let me go. I knew they would find a way to get to me some-how. They wouldn’t just give up on me. Especially not after yesterday with Cole… Tears swelled in my eyes as I thought about Cole. And Carter with his wit and sarcasm, Ty with his funny jokes. And Crystal who was quickly becoming a good friend and someone I could talk to. I would miss them all.

  My thought
s were interrupted when an older man, late thirties came into the room. His resemblance to my dad shocked me. My heart stopped when he looked at me with the same green eyes my father had. This had to be a relative of some sort- but why? Why would someone related to us kill my parents and try to kill me? It doesn’t make any sense. He smirked over at me cockily. The bastard actually had the nerve to smirk at me.

  This is the guy that killed my parents and I was going to make him pay. I lunged for him but Varick, the bastard held me back. “Let me go you asshole,” I yelled, smacking him hard across the face. He flinched but didn’t react other-wise. “I’m trying to help you,” he whispered in my ear annoyed. “Help me?” I spat at him. “Yeah right?” I scoffed. He sighed pulling me against his chest. “You really don’t understand that he could end you with one hit, do you?” he said shaking his head.

  The other man laughed. “Ah, I could it’s true. But I won’t. Why would I do that when she is to be your wife?” he sneers over at me. I stopped struggling and went slack in Varick’s arms. Do what now? “Excuse me?” I ask thinking I misheard him. There’s no way he meant he wanted me to marry the man who tried to kill me and kidnapped me bringing me here.

  “You heard me, I was going to marry you off to Victor over there,” he pointed to a scary looking man with a murderous look on his face then back to Varick. “But Varick said he wanted you, so I granted his request. Doesn’t matter to me as long as your married in our pack. Obviously, it couldn’t be me, seeing as you’re my niece,” he spat the word like venom. Not a very doting uncle, is he?


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