Bite Me (Episode 1) The Lupo Legacy Series

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Bite Me (Episode 1) The Lupo Legacy Series Page 9

by E.A. Weston


  After a few hours I hear movement off to my right, jumping out of my blanket and keeping myself low to the ground, my eyes scanning the bushes around me. The sounds stop after a while, relaxing I sit back down and listen for another while. Something nagging in the back of my mind urges me forward to check the woods, creeping through the trees and bushes. I feel like one of those bad guys you see in cartoons, running from tree to tree to stay hidden in the shadows.

  I can hear heavy breathing as I approach a fallen tree, holding my own breath I take slow steady steps towards the sound. My heart is beating like a caged bird, the closer I get the more afraid I become, I mean who am I to be creeping through the damn woods in the middle of the night.

  Getting down on my hands and knees I crawl the last few yards to the fallen tree and chance a peek over. Ducking back down again it takes a minute for my brain to register what my eyes just saw, lifting my head again I see a large rust colored wolf lying down with blood covering her throat.

  “Teegan!” I jump over the tree making her stand and growl at me, teeth bared head low. Holding out my shaking hand, “It’s me Emery.” I watch the wolf sniff at me while she still growls after a minute she whimpers then collapses onto the ground.

  “Jesus, Teegan are you okay?” I ask looking for the source of the blood, but there is too much and it’s matted into the fur. “I’ll be back stay here,” I tell her scrambling over the tree and running back to my camp area. Grabbing everything I brought I race back to her throwing the blanket over her body I pour water where the blood seems to be concentrated, making the wolf growl again before whimpering and closing her green eyes.

  “No Teegan wake up” I shake her body still trying to find the cause of the bleeding. “Wake up Teegan now!” I don’t know what posses me but I slap her across the snout, she snaps her head in my direction. “You need to change back,” I beg her, the wolf huffs out a breath closing her eyes. The popping sound starts, and I turn away not wanting to witness that again.

  “Hey Em” she says, turning I see blood all over her throat and shoulder.

  “What the hell happened?” I ask pouring more water over her to clean her up a bit, she winces and grits her teeth.

  “I need to get home I have a medical kit,” her voice comes out in gasps.

  “Okay hold on to me,” I tell her helping he up off the ground, she is filthy and hurt. Wrapping the blanket around her I put her good arm around my neck and start towards the house.

  We make it back in twenty minutes, we walk into the bathroom in her room I quickly turn on the shower for her and wait until she is done.

  “Bring the black leather wash bag into me,” I hear after a few minutes, looking through her belongings I grab it.

  “Here,” I say walking into the bathroom, gasping at the sight of the bruises on her shoulder and back. “Whet the fuck happened?” I whisper.

  Teegan grabs the bag from my hand opening it she removes a small white bottle and some cotton, I watch as she soaks the cotton then places it onto the wounds on her neck. Crying out in pain her knees buckle. Grabbing her I help her sit on the floor, taking the cotton I clean the wound noticing they are teeth marks.

  “Teegan these are teeth marks!”

  “Yeah another wolf got me,” she says through her teeth. Another wolf! What?

  “What do you mean I thought you said you didn’t smell another wolf around here?” I ask looking at her.

  “I didn’t, but there he was in the woods marking his territory when I ran through,” she winces again. “He tried to make me submit but I wouldn’t then he tried to mount me, fucking asshole.”

  “Mount you! Like…” she cuts me off.

  “Yes mount me, make me submit in an other way” my jaw hits the floor as I stare at her.

  “What the hell do we do now?” I ask checking her wounds.

  “We find out who the hell he is and kick the shit out of him,” she moans taking deep breaths against the pain.

  “Can we do that?” I ask making her laugh at me.

  “No Emery I’m joking but we do have to find out who he is, I don’t like that he is around here, around you when you aren’t protected.”

  “Why what would he do to me?” Slightly confused as to why I would be in danger.

  “Emery you have wolf’s blood in your veins even if its dormant we can sense our own kind, if he wants a mate he could turn you.”

  We stare at each other for a few minutes both thinking the same thing, if that wolf wants a mate then he can just take one whenever he want’s.

  “Teegan you have to do it,” I tell her.

  “No Emery, we will find another way I don’t know anything about him except he seems dangerous.” She looks over my shoulder her eyes glazing over.

  “Teegan, I don’t want to be mounted or made submit by a wolf just because I have wolf blood.”

  Standing I begin pacing the room scrubbing my hands over my face, Teegan begins to dress slowly wincing when she moves her shoulder. The teeth marks stand out against her pale skin, the bruises purple and angry.

  “Teegan please,” I beg, taking her hand in mine.

  “Emery, think about what you’re asking me to do. Think about Asher, what if he freaks out and you loose him forever?” she gently lets my hand go, walking into the bedroom and lying down on her bed. Following I climb up beside her.

  “If he loves me, then he will love me no matter what, if not then I have already lost him,” shrugging my shoulders I watch her face, its slightly paler then normal.

  “Emery you should talk with your mom,” she tells me.

  “No Teegan I want to help you, we are family we are in this together. No cocky wolf is going to make either of us submit! Now,” I smile at her.

  “Bite me.”


  I hope you enjoyed the first installment of the Lupo Legacy series. To find out more

  Information, please check my website or social media links.


  Release schedule 2014

  Episode 1. Bite me -- November 4th

  Episode 2. Family Secret – November 4th

  Episode 3. No More Lies – November 18th

  Episode 4. The Challenge – December 2nd

  Episode 5. The warning – December 16th

  Episode 6. The Threat – December 30th

  All episodes now available .

  Look out for season coming late 2015!


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