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Run Page 16

by Burk, William

  "Circle it on the map and get in. We're going to check it out. We're not searching the place though, it's too large for the three of us" He says.

  We speed along the highways making our way north with Eve navigating our route. It doesn't take us long to bring the college into view. It's a wide-open campus taking up the space of ten average residential blocks. A dozen buildings spread across it with small fields surrounding and between them. The largest field in the center of campus and most likely the one we'd use for farming. Especially being the two Dormitories for the school are situated on the edge of the field. After driving around the school three times and attracting five zombies. We slowly drive out and away from the campus. We make sure to keep the zombies with us until some odd miles away Alan stops the car.

  "What?" I manage to ask before Alan puts the car into reverse. Pressing the pedal to the floor he mows over the zombies that are following us. Multiple bouncing thuds later he shifts back into drive and does it again.

  "Ought to take care of them." He says turning the car toward home.

  "That was messed up," Eve says.

  "They started it! And if we're going to live here we have to take them out sooner or later so." shrugging before continuing "This also avoids using ammo. Let's hurry up and report back to Owen," He finishes and guns the motor turning towards home.


  "Great work. Get some food and rest. Tomorrow I'm sending you back out. This time with two extra teams. You all can start clearing out the buildings. Make sure to start with the dormitories and prepare the way for move-ins ."

  The teams and I are on the road the next morning before sunrise making our way to campus and our potential new home. Our plans this morning are simple. Drive around campus making noise and drawing out any zombies in the area and luring them away. Method of disposal is up to the teams, the only rule is that they don't come back. Once that's done step two is gaining entrance to the dorm buildings and going room to room. Clearing the building as we go. We arrive in three vehicles, one for each of the three teams. We head off in separate directions when we make it to the campus. We all begin luring zombies out and away. We do the same for several blocks in every direction moving from the campus to create a bit of buffer space in the neighborhood.

  We spend the entire morning roaming the neighboring streets. Luring zombies to a mall parking lot. Where Alan runs them down with the Humvee effectively breaking their bodies. This allows Eve and I to safely use our improvised spears to finish them off. The spears being the trekking poles Adam had saved from our time in the sporting goods store. With the spike on the end they turn out to be absolutely perfect tools for this job. It's disgusting and yet somehow I've managed to become desensitized to it. We proceed this way until we can find no more zombies. After an hour of searching and finding nothing we turn back. We make it back to the dorms in time to eat lunch and prepare for the more dangerous of our tasks for the day.

  The others are already set up and eating when we drive up. There is some light banter during the meal between the teams. I mostly stay out of it. Not because I haven't been fully accepted but after a morning of killing zombies as up close and personal as it was. I'm a bit disgusted with myself and not in the best of moods. Not because of the killing but because of how little I felt about killing the things. I keep reminding myself they aren't alive at least not how they were before becoming zombies. If they have any rational thought left they would beg for the release of death. At least I wouldn't want to continue living as one of those mindless things. Still their faces are the faces of humans and still I feel nothing but cold as I ram the spike through their eye sockets. Takes too much force to break through the skull every time so eyes are the target of choice.

  The entrance to the dorms are both unlocked giving us no issue with getting into the buildings. We choose one of the buildings at random to start with. From the front door straight ahead lies a desk in the center. An elevator to the left side and the stairwell doorway on the other. One team stays on the first floor keeping guard of the lobby and bottom landing of the stairwell. The second team takes the second floor. My team takes the top floor.

  The radio goes off before we make it up to the third floor. "All the rooms are locked." The leader of the second floor calls over the radio to everyone.

  "Stand by, checking for keys in the lobby " a voice answers.

  We move onto the third floor hurrying to the first door. Alan gives the handle a quick twist, moving on to the second door does the same. Bringing the radio to his mouth. "Third floor rooms confirmed locked as well. Returning to ground floor"

  Half way down the flights the radio chirps back to life. "Keys found, meet me at the stairs" A voice says.

  Brandon Rushes up the stairs. He meets me at the landing for the third floor handing me a key ring loaded with keys and a tag that reads "3rd floor". Each of the keys is labelled with a marker indicating which room it opens.

  "Thanks" Is all I say. I watch him rush down the stairs for a moment before turning back and heading towards my team.

  Back with Alan and Eve I've been designated the door opener while Eve keeps a trekking pole at the ready and Alan with a riot shield. Our method is thus; knocking on the door and listening for five seconds. If we hear nothing we proceed to open the door. The doors all open into the rooms so we open the door only the width of a fist and call lightly into the room. "Hello" or "Come out" or sometimes just grunting nonsense. It doesn't matter what we say the idea is simply noise. From there on the count of three I push the door open wide. Then Alan steps into the room crouching with a shield prepared to meet any rush of a zombie. Eve stands tall over his shoulder prepared to thrust the spear of a hiking tool into any zombies. It's a little amusing and makes me think or Roman military tactics. But then we ran into our first zombie on our sixth room searched. At this point the tactic wasn't so much amusing as it was highly effective and I'm grateful for it. In this way we clear the third floor of zombies totaling thirteen zombies. A not so lucky number I remark later to the group when we are sharing our numbers. Idle chit chat while resting after finishing the building.

  " Why do you gotta curse us like that?" Brandon from the stairs says.

  I glare at him with a blank face for a few breaths before responding "We're living in a zombie apocalypse. How much more unlucky do you think we can be?"

  "Could be dead or turned." He mumbles and takes a sip from his mug. We're all drinking instant coffee this day. It tastes as bad as it ever did but it's considered a luxury these days. Owen sent us enough for two cups each to perk us up for the zombie clearing.

  The second building proves to have more zombies within the rooms and it's four stories vs the three of the first. The sun is down when we finish clearing the second building. Altogether between the two buildings we've killed over a hundred zombies. Not one of us was injured or killed in the process, Some scratches and bruises but no bites or deaths. As far as I see it. It's a miracle considering how many zombies there were. But I guess it goes to show that with a little preparation and discipline one or two zombies on their own don't pose much of a threat. I'm looking forward to reporting the good news back to town.


  Chapter 22

  The town immediately starts packing up in preparation for the move to the university. In fact several households are packed and ready to go when we return from clearing the dorms. The first team heads to campus with a security team to clean out the bodies that we left during our first visit. Our job was to kill the zombie and ensure the buildings are safe not to spend time removing the bodies. A second and third-team are sent to search the library and the food court. Doing away with any zombies and their bodies. My part in the day's activities is left to my own designs. The last two days spent first finding a place to live. Then as part of the first trio of teams to start the process of clearing the place of zombies was enough to earn a day off for me and my teammates. I take the opportunity to gather up the others and head back to the farmhou
se to pack up the last of the supplies we left. It has been almost a month since I've last been back and the dust on everything shows it. Sarah, Adam, and I make quick work of packing up the last of our clothes. Finally we stash whatever food we have left into the pick-up. Amanda had moved all her stuff to town already while Adam was sick so nothing to worry about on that front. The last thing we throw into the bed of the truck before heading back to town is all the farming tools. Hoes, shovels, pitchforks, and rakes hopefully everything we need to set up a farming operation on campus.

  We pass two pickups and a Humvee driving away from town as we make our way back after finishing at the farmhouse. It's just after midday and the road is packed with folks loading up vehicles with supplies. Parking the truck off to the side I hop out and see Owen not too far away. I trot over to him waving to get his attention.

  "Hey, I passed a couple of cars on the way in. We're already moving?" I ask

  "Not yet no, Getting a head start on moving supplies and surplus stuff. That way when we do make the full move. We'll only need to worry about getting people and their property to the new place rather and focus on settling."

  "Oh yeah, that makes sense. Any word on how today's teams have done with the library and the cafeteria?"

  "Yes. The food court was void of any zombies or bodies though it has roaches and rats up the ass with all the rotten food. We're going to have to clean that out and try to get rid of the vermin. But, for now, we're leaving that as is and storing our food and water in the dorm buildings with us."

  "And the library?" I urge

  "Not so lucky. Being a library with a large open floor plan as they often are, has dozens of zombies. They were able to lure most of the zombies that were inside out and lure them away using a car. The report said a handful were left behind inside in offices or meeting rooms. But nothing that couldn't be handled. No one was hurt."

  "That's great, how soon will we be making the move then? Looking around it looks like half the town is already ready to get there and the other half is finishing up?"

  "I was thinking in a couple of days. But seeing how smoothly everything is going might move as early as midday tomorrow. We can get set up in the new place and then we can send teams back for anything that might get left behind" Owen responds

  "Alright great, What can I do to help? I've finished packing up and just need to grab my clothes from the house here. I'm free to do whatever." I ask wanting to make myself useful. I'd rather help than stand around watching everyone else work.

  Owen purses his lips in thought for a few breaths before responding. "uhhh I guess if you really want to do something. You can help to prepare food for everyone and after that help with loading supplies into the trucks."

  "Can do." I say walking away with a spring in my step.

  With a couple of hours until lunch, I make my way to my temporary house here in town instead of the supply house. I bump into Sarah coming down the stairs arms laden with bags.

  "Coming through" she shouts at me over her load.

  I quickly step back and out of the stairwell allowing her room to pass. With her, out the front door, I proceed back up the stairs to grab my own things. Being this is temporary housing I never really unpacked. Only a day or two worth of clothes would not be stuffed into my duffel bags. As such there are only a handful of items that are in need of washing that I stuff into their own bags. Don't want to mix soiled clothes with clean.

  "Guess it's official now," Sarah says behind me standing in the doorway.

  "What's official?"

  "We're moving in and becoming townies," she says with a wink and a giggle.

  I grin. "I almost forgot you used to call them that. They're good people though and winter was a lot more bearable with them around to help"

  "Oh chill, You know I'm only teasing you. You used to be so high strung about staying separate from them and the town. Now here you are not only part of them but you brought me with you, And you joined the army!"

  "I didn't bring you! If anything you're following me around like a lost puppy" I say while throwing a dirty sock that was in my hand at her. "Now get lost!"

  "Ugh! Keep your gross socks to yourself. Ever hear of washing them?" she laughs while kicking the sock back towards me.

  We share a laughter-filled moment. Staring into the eyes of each other. I slowly stand up from my kneeling position. I reach my left hand out to her as I step closer. She stands still watching me. I know what she'd like but I have other plans I think to myself. Trying not to grin too much as my right-hand slips from behind me gripping my sock in it. I playfully lunge for her with the sock aiming for her face.

  "Eeeek! eww no! Get away from me you freak!" She shouts with laughter in her tone at me as she runs away from me.

  I pursue her across the hall. It's not long-only six steps before we're both in the other bedroom. The one she has been using as her own.

  "Don't get that anywhere near me!"

  I step up raising both my hands showing that I don't have the sock on me. I dropped it after the initial sock attack. While she's distracted looking at my hands. I quickly close the distance moving my face close to her with my left hand landing on her lower back. My right hand sliding up the side of her neck and chin pulling her towards me.


  The trucks continue coming and going all through the sunlit hours of the day. Returning for the night only after the sun has already set. That night Owen calls for the last town meeting to the town center.

  "We have survived this long by working together. And the only way we're going to keep living in this world is to continue the trend. We have made this little subdivision of housing our home for the past winter. It has served us remarkably well, But now the time comes to move. We move to a more defensible residence. A place that we can grow. Not just in numbers but the literal growing of food, of crops. A home with access to information. I know we all feel the loss of the internet but we will have the next best thing. A university library. More books than any one person can hope to read. This information. This space the campus offers us. The lodgings and defensible buildings are our future. With the help of everyone here, we will manage to pack up and move this town in one day. I thought this endeavor would take the better part of a week. However I am wrong. The only thing left to move at this point is ourselves. For now though we have one last night here and it's time to eat!" He finishes speaking and gestures to the food.

  Dinner tonight is canned vegetables and fish. Not fresh fish though canned tuna and salmon. Our fresh fish ran out weeks ago. Shortly after Adam first became sick and all of us more or less moved into town. Meaning no one was at the farm fishing anymore. Sarah and I eat together not speaking much. Half way through the meal she points out Adam and Eve eating dinner together away from us and others.

  "Huh, I would not have guessed that," I say when Sarah points out the two to me.

  "Why not? Adam is a nice guy." Sarah asks.

  "I don't know, I just never thought about it I guess. Living in a world with zombies tends to put these topics out of mind." I answer with a shrug.

  "Oh is that why it took you so long to make a move on me?"

  I give her a blank look. "And who was stopping you from expressing interest? Thought you didn't go for the traditional gender roles? That whole equality thing and all that." I end with a smirk that I quickly hide by sipping my tea.

  Squinting her eyes at me she tears off a piece of her bread and throws it at me.

  "Hey now, Don't be wasting food! There are starving zombies in Africa that would kill for that."

  "Do you think it really is across the whole globe?" she asks after a moment of silently staring into her mug.

  "I have no idea. I would hope that if any country wasn't plagued by zombies. They'd be here helping us but then again they'd probably just bomb every infected place to try and be rid of the issue. I'm guessing zombies own the world now" I say quietly while staring into my mug as well.


p; Chapter 23

  I wake up to the sounds of cars passing the house. I lay there for a while listening to the cars passing in the early morning hours. I wonder to myself when I became such a light sleeper that a simple car driving by wakes me up. This time last year I was living in the middle of the city. Sounds of vehicles passing were constant along with a steady stream of sirens . None of them had any effect on my sleeping state. In fact, the noise was such a constant that I would go out of my way to enjoy the days when it would be silent. Early morning Sundays have always been a favorite time of mine to go for a run. A time I am able to enjoy some solitude other than the many other runners I'd pass on route. Christmas morning was always my favorite day though. The city would be dead quiet. You could hear the beeping from the crosswalks echoing between the buildings for blocks around. You could go out all morning and see only a handful of cars. But now the gentle rumblings of an engine passing by is enough to startle me from my slumber.

  I roll out of bed standing up and stretching my arms above my head. I turn back and lean over the bed and sliding the blanket back over Sarah who lies curled up in a fetal position. She's still sleeping soundly or so I think. Her eyes blink open focusing on me and a big grin on her lips.

  "Morning, Did you bring me breakfast?" Sarah asks with sleep still in her voice.

  "Hell naw, Get your own" I respond and throw the blanket over her face.

  "humph, so mean to me" She says while crossing her arms and pouting.

  I shrug turning my back, reaching for my clothes that lie scattered on the floor around the foot of the bed. Pulling on my boots last I make my way outside. There is no one in sight. I worry for a moment thinking they all up and left us here. Movement catches my eye as someone exits from the supply house down the street. I watch him move down to the medical house two doors further down the street. Not knowing what else to do I head to Owen's house. Finding the place empty I head to the supply house which he often used as an office and meeting place for the guard. I find him inside speaking with a group of soldiers. I wait quietly for them to finish and disband.


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