A Dangerous Game (Regency Spies & Secrets Book 2)

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A Dangerous Game (Regency Spies & Secrets Book 2) Page 18

by Laura Beers

  “You overheard that?” he asked.

  Baldwin nodded. “I did.”

  “Do you have no shame in eavesdropping?”

  Smirking, Baldwin said, “About as much as you do.” He walked over to him and handed him a letter. “Corbyn asked me to deliver this to you.”

  “Why didn’t he deliver it personally?” Oliver asked as he fingered the corners of the paper.

  “Corbyn entered my coach as I traveled home from the House of Lords,” Baldwin revealed, “and he mentioned he had a meeting with one of his informants.”

  Oliver chuckled. “Corbyn has a way of appearing at the most inopportune times.”

  “That he does.”

  Unfolding the paper, Oliver read the note and shared, “Corbyn has a new assignment for me, but it will take me to the peninsula. He says that I am to leave soon.”

  Baldwin stared back at him. “Are you sure you want to leave your wife at this time?”

  Leaning forward, Oliver tossed the paper into the fireplace as he remarked, “I hardly think she will miss me.”

  “Will you not at least inform Emmeline that you intend to leave?”

  Oliver huffed. “It wasn’t as if she told me that she was leaving for Whitstable.”

  “This is entirely different,” Baldwin argued, “especially since there is a chance you might not return from your assignment.”

  “Thank you for the vote of confidence,” Oliver remarked dryly.

  “Every time we accept an assignment, we know there are inherent risks associated with it,” Baldwin pressed.

  “This is what I have been waiting for,” Oliver said. “A chance to prove that I am capable of so much more than just spying on members of Society.”

  “Why do you always downplay the importance of your assignment?” Baldwin asked. “Because of you, Corbyn has compiled a list of gentlemen who have radical views.”

  “It is hardly dangerous.”

  “Not all spying is,” Baldwin remarked. “Most of the time we lay in wait for our opponents to make a move.”

  Abruptly rising, Oliver picked up his glass and walked over to the drink cart. “I suppose I can travel to Whitstable and inform Emmeline that I will be leaving for an undisclosed amount of time.”

  “How romantic,” Baldwin muttered.

  “What else would you have me say?” Oliver asked as he poured himself a drink. “Would you have me lie to her about when I plan to return?”

  “Heavens, no.”

  “Then I shall tell her the truth.” He winced as he brought the glass up to his lips. “Or at least the partial truth.”

  “I just feel—”

  Oliver cut him off. “You have no say in my decision,” he declared. “It is mine, and mine alone.”

  Baldwin walked around his desk and sat down. As he reached for a ledger, he said, “If you do decide to take the assignment, rest assured that I will ensure Emmeline is well taken care of while you are gone.”

  “Thank you,” Oliver said. “That does provide me with much relief.”

  “It would be my privilege.”

  Oliver placed his glass onto the drink cart. “I suppose I should inform Pratt that I intend to travel to Whitstable tomorrow.”

  “Will you ride your horse or take the coach?”

  “I intend to ride, but a coach will need to follow with my trunks,” Oliver responded.

  Baldwin gave him a curious look. “How long do you plan to stay in Whitstable?”

  “I’m not sure, but long enough for me to convince Emmeline to return to Hawthorne House.”

  “I wish you luck,” Baldwin said as he opened a ledger.

  “I do not require luck.” Oliver walked over to the door and opened it. “Emmeline is a rational young woman. I have no doubt she will succumb to my reasons for returning home.”

  After he departed from the room, Oliver hoped there was some truth behind the words that he had just spoken.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Emmeline raced her horse along the cliffs near her manor as she reveled in the air blowing on her face. She felt at peace at Lockhart Manor, as if she somehow had always belonged here. A smile burst forth on her lips as she reined in her horse and watched the water sparkle as the morning sun reflected off the waves.

  She had been at Lockhart Manor for four days now, and she wasn’t sure when she planned to return to Hawthorne House. Frankly, she didn’t want to leave. At least, not yet. She wanted to continue to relish in the freedom that was afforded to her here. Not only was she the mistress of the manor, but the villagers had been very welcoming when she had visited their shops.

  A twinge of sadness came into her heart at leaving Oliver behind, but that was to be expected. She cared about him deeply, but he hadn’t even bothered to see her off from Hawthorne House. It mattered not, she told herself. Eventually, she would have to accept her husband’s errant ways but, for now, she would not dwell on such unpleasant things.

  Turning her horse towards Lockhart Manor, Emmeline kicked it into a run. It wasn’t long before she arrived at the stable. In a swift motion, she effortlessly dismounted and reached for the reins.

  The young groom approached her and placed his hand out to collect her horse. “I have never seen a lady ride quite like you before, milady.”

  “And how is that?”

  “Fearless,” the groom replied.

  Emmeline ran her hand down the neck of the brown gelding. “I suppose this horse brings it out of me.”

  “Survivor is a fine horse.”

  “Survivor?” she repeated back. “May I ask who named him?”

  The groom smiled at the horse as it tossed its head back. “When Survivor was born, he wasn’t breathing, and everyone thought he was stillborn. But, according to the grooms that were present, Survivor opened his eyes, rose on shaky legs, and has been running ever since.”

  “That is remarkable.”

  “It is, especially since the mother had lost her previous foal within a few days of birth.”

  “How terrible.”

  The groom nodded his agreement. “That is why the lead groom named the gelding Survivor.”

  Emmeline smiled as she stepped back. “It sounds like a fitting name to me, then.”

  As the horse was being led away, Emmeline exited the stable and walked towards the manor. She entered through the servant’s entrance and saw the cook stirring something over the hearth.

  Speaking over her shoulder, Mrs. Davies asked, “Did you have a nice ride, milady?”

  “I did.”

  “I prepared the basket that you requested for Mrs. Thompson,” Mrs. Davies informed her. “It is on the counter.”

  Emmeline walked over to the basket with a white linen cloth draped over the top. “I am sure Mrs. Thompson will be pleased with our offering,” she said, “especially since I have yet to sample anything from you that hasn’t been perfection.”

  Mrs. Davies turned from the hearth and wiped her hands on her white apron. “You are very kind, milady.”

  “I am only speaking the truth.”

  “I think it is generous of you to deliver food to Mrs. Thompson,” Mrs. Davies remarked. “She has had quite the go of it since her husband passed away a few weeks ago.”

  “When Mr. Lawson asked me to deliver a basket to her, I knew it was a request I simply couldn’t refuse,” Emmeline admitted.

  “We are blessed to have a vicar of such deep religious conviction,” Mrs. Davies remarked.

  Emmeline picked up the basket and held it in front of her. “I should be going.”

  “Would you care for a piece of bread before you leave?”

  Before she could reply, Mrs. Winters walked in, her eyes flashing with relief when they landed on Emmeline. “There you are,” she said with labored breath. “Your husband has arrived and has requested to speak to you in the drawing room.”

  “My husband?” Emmeline repeated back in surprise.

  The housekeeper bobbed her head. “Yes, milady.”
  Forcing a smile to her lips, she hoped it didn’t appear too strained. “How fortunate for me,” she said. “I shall go greet him.”

  Emmeline exited the kitchen and walked up the servant’s stairs. Once she arrived on the main level, she hurried towards the mirror that hung in the entry hall. She smoothed back her blonde hair and tried to appear presentable.

  Gathering her courage, she stepped into the drawing room. Her breath hitched at the mere sight of Oliver. He was standing by the window, looking out over the expansive lawn. He was dressed in a grey riding jacket, dark trousers, and black Hessian boots.

  “Good morning, Husband,” she greeted, hoping her words sounded cordial enough.

  Oliver turned to face her, and a smile played on his lips. “So, this is Lockhart Manor.”

  “It is.”

  “From what I have seen, it is lovely,” he commented.

  “I agree,” she said. “Would you care for me to give you a tour?”

  “I would greatly enjoy that but, first, I wanted to speak to you about something.”

  Emmeline cocked her head. “What would you care to discuss?”

  Oliver took a step closer to her and stopped. He looked entirely unsure of himself, which was in stark contrast to his usual demeanor. “I would like to apologize for not being there when you departed from Hawthorne House.”

  “You don’t have to explain yourself, not to me.”

  “But I want to.”

  Emmeline gave him an expectant look. “Proceed, then.”

  “I must admit that I took the news that you were departing from Hawthorne House rather poorly.”

  “Why is that?”

  “I didn’t want you to leave.”

  “Frankly, I didn’t think my absence would be missed,” she admitted, lowering her gaze.

  Oliver appeared displeased by her response. “How could you even think that?” He took a step closer to her. “Regardless of what transpired between us in the past, our destinies are still intertwined.”

  “I understand.”

  He glanced down at the basket in her hand. “Did I arrive at an inopportune time?”

  “Not at all.” She held the basket up. “I had intended to deliver a basket to a widow who lives a short distance away.”

  “Would you care for me to accompany you?”

  A genuine smile came to her face. “I would like that very much.”

  Oliver reached for her gloved hand and brought it up to his lips. “I would be remiss if I failed to mention that you look especially beautiful this morning.”

  “You are too kind,” she replied. “I must look like a fright, since I only just arrived home from my morning ride.”

  “You are being much too hard on yourself,” he said as he placed her hand into the crook of his arm.

  “I’m afraid that is generally true.”

  “It is a shame that we are our own worst critics,” Oliver said as he led her out of the drawing room.

  Grubbs met them at the door and asked, “Would you care for me to request the carriage to be brought up front for your errand?”

  “That won’t be necessary,” she replied. “Lord Oliver and I shall walk to Mrs. Thompson’s cottage.”

  Grubbs tipped his head as he opened the door wide. “Yes, milady.”

  As they stepped onto the gravel courtyard, Oliver asked, “How are you faring?”

  “I am well,” she replied.

  “I am happy to hear that.”

  Emmeline glanced over at him. “May I ask how you are faring?”

  His jaw clenched as he replied, “I am well.”

  “You don’t seem well,” she boldly remarked.

  Oliver looked over at her in surprise. “And why do you say that?”

  “You appear out of sorts.”

  “It might have something to do with my staying at a coaching inn last night,” he admitted. “I left Town later than I intended and I arrived in Whitstable at a late hour.”

  “You should have come straightaway to Lockhart Manor. I am sure someone would have been up to receive you.”

  He shook his head. “I thought it was best to stay at the coaching inn and arrive early this morning.”

  “I have never rented a room at a coaching inn before.”

  Oliver chuckled. “You are not missing much,” he said. “The mattresses have straw in them, and the fleas are horrendous.”

  “That sounds awful.”

  “I’m afraid I haven’t even gotten to the worst part,” he joked. “I am not entirely sure what meat was in my soup last night.”

  They continued walking down the dirt road, and Emmeline’s eyes roamed the rolling hills in the distance.

  “You seem happy here,” Oliver commented.

  “I am,” she admitted.

  “Will you be returning to Hawthorne House, then?” Oliver asked, his words hesitant.

  Bringing her gaze back to meet his, she replied, “I have every intention to.”

  Oliver nodded. “I must admit that pleases me.”

  “Did you doubt that I would?”

  He grew silent for a moment, then said, “I’m afraid our previous conversation was handled very poorly on my part.”

  “It matters not.” She had no desire to discuss it, so she asked, “Do you intend to stay long at Lockhart Manor?”

  Oliver grinned. “Do you already tire of my presence?”

  “Heavens, no,” she rushed out. “You are welcome to stay as long as you are able, especially since it belongs to you.”

  “I am only teasing you, Emme.”

  “I should have known,” she muttered.

  “Frankly, I plan to stay until I can convince you to return to Town.”

  “I see.”

  Oliver glanced curiously at her. “Do you not wish to return home?”

  “I do, but…” Her voice trailed off as she tried to think of the right words to say. “I know this may sound odd, but I feel as if I am home at Lockhart Manor.”

  “That is disconcerting, because our home is in London. At Hawthorne House,” Oliver said, his voice taking on a slight edge.

  “I am well aware of that, and I apologize if my words offended you.”

  Oliver’s face softened as he stopped on the road and turned to face her. “Even though our marriage is one of convenience, that doesn’t mean I want to live separately from you.”

  “What if we live in Town for the Season and Lockhart Manor during the winter months?” she asked hopefully.

  “That is something I am willing to discuss.”

  Emmeline smiled. “Thank you, Oliver.”

  “But it is not up to me,” he replied.


  Oliver shook his head. “You will have to get Jane’s approval first.” He shuddered. “She can be quite frightening at times.”

  She laughed. “I think I can convince Jane of our plans.”

  Oliver turned his attention towards the road. “How much longer before we arrive at the cottage?” he asked.

  “It isn’t much further,” she replied.

  “I couldn’t very well have left it alone,” Emmeline declared as she reached for her glass on the table.

  Oliver chuckled. “Of course not.”

  “My mother was rather furious that I brought the rabbit home, though. She didn’t seem to care that it was hurt.”

  “How silly of her,” Oliver teased.

  “I thought so, as well.”

  “Whatever became of the rabbit?”

  Emmeline took a sip of her drink, then said, “My mother wouldn’t let me call the doctor, but she did finally relent and let the grooms keep the rabbit in a box in the stable until it healed.”

  “That sounds like a fair compromise.”

  “When the rabbit was well again, we released it back into the wild.”

  Oliver leaned to the side as a footman placed a dessert plate in front of him. “I think it is admirable what you did for that rabbit.”

  “It was
a trivial thing,” she replied as she returned the glass to the table.

  “I disagree. Most people wouldn’t have even noticed a rabbit in distress.”

  “Perhaps, but I have always loved animals,” she said.

  Picking up his fork, Oliver asked, “If that is the case, we could always get a dog as a pet.”

  Emmeline’s eyes lit up. “Are you in earnest?”

  “I am.”

  “I would love a dog!” she exclaimed. “I have always wanted one, but my father was adamant that dogs were only meant for hunting.”

  He smiled at his wife’s excitement. “Then I shall see to it.”

  “Oh, thank you, Oliver,” Emmeline gushed. “You are a wonderful husband.”

  “I daresay that you are rather easy to please.”

  Emmeline smiled broadly as she glanced down at her plate. “I am too excited to even eat my dessert.”

  “That is a shame, since dinner was superb,” he said. “I shall have to give my compliments to the cook.”

  “Mrs. Davies is an extraordinary cook.”

  Oliver glanced over at the window and noticed that the full moon was bright in the sky. “Would you care to take a walk along the water’s edge?”

  “That sounds lovely.”

  He pushed back his chair and rose. “I just hope we don’t see a fish in distress,” he joked. “I have no desire to get wet this evening.”

  Emmeline laughed as he hoped she would. “One day, you will tire of teasing me.”

  “I don’t believe that to be the case,” he replied, extending his hand to her. “It is becoming my favorite thing to do.”

  She slipped her hand into his and rose. “Thank you,” she murmured.

  He didn’t relinquish his hold of her hand but moved it to the crook of his arm. “Would you care to retrieve your shawl before we depart?”

  “I don’t believe that’s necessary.”

  As he led her out of the dining room, he said, “I can see the allure of Lockhart Manor now.”

  “You can?”

  He nodded. “The manor is a decent size, and it is located in the most beautiful place.”

  “That it is.”

  Once they arrived at the entry hall, the butler opened the door and they stepped outside. They walked across the lawn towards the cliff’s edge.


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