“It’s open,” I call out, not even turning to my side to see who will walk in. The door opens, and I can hear the heavy footsteps across the doorway. “Knives are on the counter, and plastic bags are in the top drawer. All I ask is that you make it quick and painless. I won’t struggle; I’m far too exhausted.”
A snicker comes out from behind me, followed by, “I’d much rather take my time with you and definitely not in the way you’re implying…which might I add, is morbid.”
I shoot up and turn to the voice. “Dylan!”
“Hey!” he greets, a broad smile crossing from ear to ear, then he says, “I think I owe you an apology.”
I stand from the couch, hands on hips. “Really? You think?”
His smile falls. “You have every right to be angry with me, Vel.” I walk past him and to the counter. “Vel, where are you going?”
I look up to him. “To grab something to throw at you. I’m going to want to have it handy.”
He sighs. “I’m serious, Vel. I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.”
I lean against the counter, crossing my arms over my chest, more to keep them from trembling than anything else. “You should be. Dylan, I get that you don’t want to be with me, but the things you said and did were hurtful.”
He steps toward me. “That’s just it, Velyn. I do want to be with you, and the way I’ve been acting…well, was stupid.”
“What? Are you serious right now?” I ask, confused.
Moving in front of me, he brings both his hands to either side of my face. “I want to be with you. I’ve made so many mistakes, Velyn, and now I want to make them right.”
I push off the counter, causing Dylan to drop his hands, and I move past him to the other side. “You made a shitload of mistakes, so why would you think that it would be as easy as coming up in here and throwing out some half-assed apology?”
“I didn’t think, Velyn…I was hoping. You have every right to tell me to fuck off.”
I growl. “Oh, really, that easy? Then fuck off!”
He lets out a sigh, but his brows curve almost in amusement. “Could you at least hear me out first.”
I scoff. “Oh, what…like you heard me out? Yeah no. My time is far too precious to listen to your blubbering, oh woe is me, rant.”
“Velyn?” he growls.
I growl back. “Don’t Velyn me. I’m not walking on eggshells with you anymore, Dylan. I’m done. I am exhausted. You exhaust me. Everything I’ve thought about you has tired me to the point that I no longer have the drive to care anymore.”
“So, what, you don’t love me anymore?” he asks.
“Ha! Who said anything about love? I think those were your exact words,” I throw out in a reply.
“Velyn, you’re being unreasonable.”
Now, my growl comes from deep within, and I step right up to him. “I’m unreasonable? I’m unreasonable?” I repeat, my voice getting higher. I poke my finger sharply into his chest, jabbing it with each word. “If I’m unreasonable, it’s because you made me that way.”
He laughs. He actually laughs. “You’re cute when you're angry.”
Mother Fu—!
Now he’s pissed me off. I take my thumb and finger, pinching where I think his nipple would be and twist.
“Ow, ow, ow. Vel, what the shit, that hurts. Stop. Vel, ow.”
I give it one last squeeze and push him away from me. “You asshole. Do you have any idea what you’ve put me through? You broke my heart, and you know what stupid me thought? That maybe if I stuck it out, you would come around, so I went back for more. Well, guess what, jackass? I’m not letting you do it again. I’m done. I think it’s time you leave and don’t bother coming back.”
He just stands there, now crossing his arms over his chest and looking down to me. “Nope.”
“What did you just say?” I ask.
He stands taller. “I. Said. Nope. I can spell it out for you if you’d like.”
I let out a breath, my shoulders falling. “Why are you doing this, Dylan? Why are you here, honestly?”
He digs his hand into his back pocket, pulling out his wallet. Searching inside, he then pulls out a small piece of paper and hands it to me. I look at him for only a moment then look at the paper.
‘Push me away all you want, but I’m not going anywhere, so deal with it.’
When I look up to him, the tears have already made their way out. He takes my hand, pulling me closer, and with his one arm now snaked around my
waist, his free hand comes to wipe those tears away gently.
“I was an idiot. I did push because I was scared. Velyn, the way I feel about you scared the shit out of me. My whole life, I was made to believe that if you give your heart to someone, then they’ll have the power to destroy you. The thing is, what I didn’t know was that giving someone that kind of hold over you was the only way to be loved back. I loved Sarah; she was the only mother I knew, and when she walked away, I closed myself off. Well, I thought I had. But really there’s no way to stop it. I can’t control whom I let in any more than I can control what happened to Chase. It just happens. Shit happens, good and bad. It took me to lose it all and being alone to realize that I need shit to happen. That I need you because without you none of it’s worthwhile.”
My forehead falls to his chest, and the tears keep spilling out. “I can’t keep hurting, Dylan.”
He places his lips to the top of my head, his breath warm as he speaks. “I’m sorry I ever hurt you. You are the one person that doesn’t deserve to feel
anything but loved. Velyn, I love you. I’ve always loved you. I’m sorry I let you believe differently.”
“You didn’t.” I murmur.
He lifts his head then grips my chin tilting it up to look into my eyes. “What do you mean?”
I wipe my tears, clearing my throat. “I never stopped believing that you loved me, Dylan. I just wasn’t sure if you would let yourself believe that you did.”
His hands grip tightly on my hips, his thumbs caressing my sides the same way they always do when he’s thinking. A tear falls to my cheek, but I know it’s not mine this time, and when I look up, he just nods.
“I will always love you,” he declares. “Will you be able to love me still?”
I’m done fighting. I’m done hurting. I’m done living without him in my life.
I bring my hand to the back of his neck, pulling his mouth to mine so that our lips just barely touch. “I could never stop loving you.”
Dylan and I spent the next few hours talking and curled in one another’s arms, getting out a lot that needed to be said, but it wasn’t an argument. It was
an honest discussion of expectations and how we were going to heal together now.
“You know I’m poor now,” he declares.
I look to him earnestly, knowing that his status within society was a big part of his life. “How does that make you feel?”
He looks to me, confident and reassured. “Free.” He pulls me in tighter. “Although I may need to crash on your couch for a while until I can figure some things out.”
“My sofa is tu sofa,” I reply.
He snickers. “Your Spanish needs some work, but what about mi cama es tu cama?”
“If you’re asking about my bed, you still have a little more groveling to do, buddy?”
He kisses my forehead, and I can feel the smile on his face as he lets out an exaggerated sigh. “Very well, the couch it is. But it’s going to be crowded with both of us sleeping on it.”
I laugh. “Fine, we can sleep in my bed, but I’m the little spoon.”
He smiles. “You’re always the little spoon.”
“You could sleep by yourself with no spoon companion at all,” I add.
He tightens his hold again. “Woman, you can be the damn ladle for all I care. You’re never leaving my side again.”
I give him a soft kiss on the lips. “Just the place I forever want to be.”
Four Years Later
“Twenty-minutes, babe. We have to get moving, or you’re going to be late.”
Velyn scurries past the doorway to the living room, then back again. If she were a chicken, she would definitely be looking for her head.
“Dylan, I can’t find my speech. Do you have it? Please tell me you have it.”
I let out a chuckle. She has left that speech laying out all over the apartment the past few days, so I figured I’d put it away for safekeeping.
“Nope, I guess you’re just going to have to wing it.”
Velyn appears back in the doorway. “Dylan, don’t even joke. Please tell me you have it.”
I let out another chuckle. “Yes, I have it. Now hurry, I wasn’t kidding when I said we only have twenty minutes. Babe, it would look horrible if the Valedictorian was late to her own graduation ceremony.”
Jetting off, then back again with her coat and purse in hand, Velyn takes a deep breath. “Okay, let’s get going.”
“Do you have everything you need?” I check one last time.
She nods. “I sure hope so.”
We make our way out of the apartment toward the elevators. Standing at the doors, Velyn gasps. “Crap, Dylan, my dad. I forgot to call him and remind him to get going.”
I take her under my arm, squeezing her. “Relax, he called earlier when you were just getting out of the shower. He’ll meet us at the ceremony. He’s just putting the finishing touches on the lunch.”
She exhales. “Okay.” Then another sharp intake of breath. “What about—”
“Vel, babe, I swear you’re going to give yourself a panic attack. Relax. Everyone and everything are on schedule and where they should be...except you.”
She groans. “Fine. I really did try to be on time. But everything I tried on either didn’t fit or looked like I was wearing a potato sack.”
“I told you to buy a new dress.”
She sighs. “I know, but it just seemed like a waste of money when it would just be covered with a big gown anyway.”
I give her another squeeze. “Well, if it helps, I think you look completely doable.”
Velyn looks up to me, her lips pursed. “No, it doesn’t.”
I shrug. “I tried.”
The door to the elevator opens, and we step inside, with Velyn then looking to me. “I’m so nervous.”
“Babe, you got this. I’ll be right there in the audience, just look at me and forget about everyone else,” I encourage.
“Easy for you to say, you love being the center of attention.”
A smile crosses my face. “I do, that I won’t deny. But you are my queen and deserve to shine in that same light. Now, take a deep breath, shoulders back and chin up because you are Velyn Dandridge and if anyone can command a crowd, it’s my wife.”
She inhales deep, letting it out slowly. “You’re right. I got this.” The door to the elevator opens, and Velyn confidently waddles out, looking over her shoulder with a smile. “Now, let's just hope your daughter doesn’t decide to make her debut today too.”
I smile, following closely in behind. “How epic would it be if she did...both my girls shining on the same day.”
“It was a joke, Dylan. She has another few weeks yet.”
I move ahead, opening the door for Velyn. “True, but when have you ever known me to wait for anything, and since she is my daughter, I wouldn’t put it past her to pop on out and give us a little wave.”
Velyn looks to me before stepping out. “You are aware babies don’t just pop out, right? I mean, there is some work on my part in the whole thing.”
I wave her off. “Yeah, but please, it’s you...you’re amazing. Hell, Jord told me some of the horror stories about Ava and her pregnancies, and you are nothing like that. You’ve been a goddess.”
She looks to me quizzically, then her brow perks. “You and Jordan made a bet, didn’t you?”
I shrug. “Just a little one. Nothing big at all, but my lucky coin won’t work for this one, so it’s all on you, babe.”
She moves ahead toward the parking lot to our car. “What’s the bet?”
Opening the door for her, she slides in, and then I move to the other side, jumping in the driver seat, then I look to her. “You have to get the whole thing done in under twelve hours, and you’re not allowed to curse me once. Jordan says Ava threatened death on him if he touched her again, and cursed like a sailor. I told him you were far too refined for that, and that you would take it all in stride. He bet me that you wouldn’t.”
“What do you get if I can make it happen?” she questions.
“Bragging rights that my wife is the queen.”
She looks at me. “And what does Jordan get if I don’t?” I pull out, making my way to the university, trying to avoid giving her an answer, but it doesn’t work. “Dylan, what does he win?”
I shrug. “Free babysitting for a year.”
Velyn looks to me, eyes wide. “They have four kids, have you lost your mind.”
“Babe, the twins are more like one kid and don’t even walk yet. Besides, we got this in the bag,” I reply.
Velyn looks forward and nods. “You better hope so, or your weekends are going to be pretty busy running around after four little ones.”
I smile. “Exactly—hey, wait.”
Velyn lets out a laugh. “No worries, I’ll be there for moral support.”
I look to her as she lets out a chuckle. I’m not too worried; there is no way she would leave me alone with four kids and no supervision….at least I hope not.
The graduation was terrific, and Velyn shone up there on that stage. She gave her valedictorian speech to the crowd, dedicating it to Chase and other students that have left us over the past four years. She spoke of the struggles in life that may try to keep us down, but how all students, past and present, have been equipped with the knowledge and support system to overcome and conquer all challenges and upsets that come their way. It was a moving speech, and the words were ones I believe everyone in that room needed to hear.
Evelyn Rose Dandridge...my queen.
“So, how did I do?”
Velyn walks over, her father the first to take her into an embrace with his eyes filled with undeniable pride. “My star. You have made an old man proud. Your mother is looking down on this moment, feeling completely fulfilled.”
“Thank you, Daddy.”
She then turns to me. “So?”
I shake my head, pulling her into my arms. “Do you know what the best part of the rest of my life is?”
Velyn looks up to me, resting her chin on my chest. “What’s that?”
“That I get to call the most amazing woman in this universe, my wife.”
She smiles, then chuckles. “I know, right.”
I let out a laugh, leaving a kiss to the top of her head.
“Well, there she is. The world’s next big shot CEO, Miss Velyn Dandridge.”
Velyn lets out a little squeal, pulling out of my arms and instantly moving toward Joan’s loving embrace.
“I’m so happy that you and Stu could make it,” Velyn says.
“Are you kidding! Nothing was going to stop Stu and me from being here for this,” Joan replies.
Stu moves in beside them, taking Velyn into a hug. “Not even the eight hundred miles that Joan made me drive straight through at Mach speed without stopping to get here.”
Joan shrugs. “As I said, nothing was stopping us…not even those measly optional road signs.”
We all let out a laugh, then Velyn’s father speaks up. “Okay, I’ve closed the diner for the afternoon, and have a nice lunch set up for us all. I left Ava there to set up the last little bit while Jordan ran to grab Connie. They should all be there when we get back.”
Connie came from California to spend some time with us until the baby is born, and also to help me with a little graduation gift that I have for Velyn.
“Well, what are we waiting for?
I’ve been dying to try out some of the new subs you’ve created,” Stu says.
Velyn’s dad lets out a laugh, patting Stu on the back while also taking Joan by the arm. “Follow me. I think I may have done you both proud.”
Velyn and I follow in behind. Her father has been anxiously awaiting the arrival of Joan and Stu to show them what he’s done with the diner. Not only has he maintained what they had built over the thirty years when they owned and ran it, but he has also expanded the outdoor patio for the summer months and opened up an ice cream shop off the side. Velyn is beyond proud of her father. But most importantly, she’s happy that he is finally back to the man she always remembered. He had some moments in the beginning...struggles, but the therapy helped, and to this day, he still goes and is now a sponsor in the program that the facility he was in offers. But the most important thing to him now is becoming a grandfather. Man, did he ever beam when he found out the news.
Velyn pulls at my arm. “Let’s get moving before Jordan eats all the meatball subs. I’m starving, and we all know if we don’t get there soon, it will all be gone.”
I let out a laugh. “All good, babe. Your dad has got you covered. He made a side plate and told Ava to hide it away.”
She smiles. “My dad rocks.”
“Hey, what about me, I’m the one that asked him too?”
Velyn lays her head to my shoulder as we make our way to the car. “Then, you rock too.”
Here, here.” Jordan calls out as he stands to his feet, commanding everyone’s attention. “I would like to make a toast to the last of us to graduate and make a move toward adulthood finally.” He turns to Velyn. “That means you have to get a big girl job now, little one.”
Velyn rolls her eyes, then rubs her belly. “Apparently, if you ask Dylan, I’m going to be too busy raising his brood for the next decade.”
Jordan looks to me and smiles. “Brother, I am four ahead of you...I’ll bet you that I have more kids than you.”
“Game on,” I reply.
Velyn slaps my arm. “Make the wager small, because there is no way I am having that many kids; them two are like rabbits.”
Loving Chase: An Enemies-to-Lovers Romance Novel Page 20