Everywhen: (Savage Princess book 1)

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Everywhen: (Savage Princess book 1) Page 13

by liberty freer

  “Party started about an hour ago, and will be going all night,” Logan says. “Come whenever you guys want.”

  “I can’t wait,” Tilly says, grinning.

  Some sisters might try to stop their siblings from partying, but not me. Tilly has a good head on her shoulders. She’s been to parties and had alcohol. She doesn’t get carried away. I’m more worried about the boy next to her. Rocco drops his arm around her shoulders and whispers something to her like it’s the most natural thing in the world, and it probably is for him.

  Tilly isn’t some groupie he can take advantage of. My sister is way too innocent. The way she’s looking at him while he talks party plans with Logan makes me want to kick him out and lock her away.

  “Let’s eat first. I’m starving,” Rocco says, his fingers purposely brushing against Tilly’s arm in a soothing way that makes me want to rip them off.

  I move my eyes to my feet as I follow them outside where the maids are laying out everything needed to make tacos. It’s weird seeing my baby sister, who has never cared about boys, cuddled up to one. Rocco holds out a chair for Tilly and then scoots his so he’s pressed up against her. Eating will be a nice distraction from watching my sister getting groped by a famous little shit.

  “Chill, mama bear,” Nick whispers in my ear, his warm chest pressing against my side. “Rocco won’t hurt her.”

  I tilt my head to get a better view of Nick. “She’s too young.”

  “How old were you?”

  “I was her age, but I wasn’t as naive about relationships as her. Our mom kinda exaggerated love.” I lean my back against a pillar on the patio and face Nick.

  “Oh yeah? How so?”

  I laugh. “That fairy tales are real. That we’d find our prince charming and live happily ever after. I don’t want her heart to get broken.”

  “I’m guessing you haven’t been in love with that bleak outlook of yours.”

  I bite my lip, thinking about my ex Toby. We’d probably still be together if he hadn’t gone to jail over a probation violation. He was the closest thing I’ve had to love, but it wasn’t love. My shrink made sure to drill that into my head. “What about you? I haven’t seen any women in the tabloids. Are you a good little virgin, Nicky?”

  His laugh is deep. “Nope, and I don’t need to ask you about your status.” He grins. “You don’t get hips like that from sitting still.” Smirking, he tips the water bottle up to his mouth.

  I arch a brow. “Oh yeah? You like what you see, Nicky?” And then I realize I’m flirting, and I look away. I don’t need to complicate things further by starting something with Dominick Cabot, even if that something is no-strings-attached sex. I need to change the subject. “Where’s Aiden?”

  “Him and Casey went to Miller’s.”

  “What’s a Miller?”

  “Oh shit.” His eyes widen, his head turning to the patio table. “Nobody called you Anna, did they?”

  I follow his gaze to Logan. “He knows, but said he isn’t going to tell anyone.”

  Nick rubs his chin. “Fuck. He better not. Miller is Logan’s brother. He came over to invite us to his party. Aiden’s walking Miller home, didn’t want him hanging around. Miller would blab his fucking mouth to everyone if he found out. We told Miller Aiden’s cousins were visiting from Oregon when he saw Tilly at the beach with Rocco. If word got out before Nora says it’s time, we would all pay. She can be a control freak.” Nick chuckles, but I’m a little scared if I’m being honest.

  I have more to lose. I need to do whatever I can to stay under her radar. She’s the type to be on one of those shows where women snap and murder everyone around them. “I’m going to have a chat with Logan and make sure he keeps his mouth shut.” Nick laughs and follows behind me.

  My stomach growls, demanding I give it a taco before lecturing Logan. “Food first,” I mumble. I set two tortillas onto a plate and then load everything on them. I see queso cheese and tortilla chips, so I add that to my plate too. I grab the chair across from Tilly since both the ones next to her are taken by Rocco and Logan.

  Nick drops down on my right with a full plate. I feel the dark and dangerous energy he emits. It’s distracting, making me want to focus on him instead of my food. I think I feel his eyes on me, but when I look up at him, he’s focused on his plate. I grab my taco, and my eyes close as salt, lime, and spice hit my tongue.

  I finish a taco in three bites and then point at Logan while dipping a chip into warm queso. “You. My name is Hayley, and I’m Aiden’s cousin. I’ll break your fingers if you tell anyone different. Got it?”

  He hides his smile into his glass, and I lean forward, arching a brow.

  “She isn’t joking,” Tilly says. “I’ve seen her break fingers before.”

  Logan moves his gaze to Rocco like he would know if I’m joking or not.

  “I wouldn’t cross her,” Nick says seriously. “She’s broken more than fingers.”

  Logan’s smile disappears and he swallows. “Got it.”

  I chew and swallow the chip. “And you’d know that how?” I ask, twisting to face Nick and lowering my voice so only he can hear.

  “James has a file on you.”

  “Right.” I take a bite of the other taco on my plate. Everything in those files is probably negative shit like fights, suspensions, and arrests. I know my reasons for the things I did, but what were his? What caused Nick Cabot to be so angry, and how did he learn to reign it in? Or maybe he’s learned how to cover up his crimes.

  I make two more tacos while Rocco and Logan talk about the upcoming party like it’s a magical trip to Disney World. Rocco makes sure Tilly’s included in their conversation, and I do appreciate that. She’s such a social butterfly. I finish off both tacos and then start on the chips and queso.

  “Or maybe I was wrong and that’s where you got your hips,” Nick says, his eyes shining as he hands me a napkin.

  I wink, using my tongue to clean my lips instead. “You were right the first time.” Fuck, I just flirted again. What the fuck is wrong with me? It felt completely natural to do. I get to my feet. “Tilly, we should go get ready.”

  She jumps up, full of excitement, and Rocco’s gaze moves to her legs and ass.

  “We’ll meet you guys at the party.” I glare at Rocco and then Logan. “Remember what I said.”

  Nick stands. “It’s hard to take you seriously when you’ve got—” He runs his finger over the corner of my lip and then licks his finger. “Taco sauce on your face.”

  I’m not a blusher but I blush and then giggle. I rarely do that either. Still giggling like an idiot, I grab Tilly’s arm and pull her into the house with me.

  “Did Nick Cabot really just do that? Is there something going on between you and him?” Tilly asks, sounding way too happy.

  “There’s nothing going on. But there is definitely something going on with you and Rocco.”

  A gorgeous smile lights up her sun-kissed face. “I like him. We clicked right away. It’s effortless and fun, just like Mom said it would be.”

  I pull her to a stop at the bottom of the stairs. “Lust feels like that. It doesn’t mean he’s your prince charming. You’re fifteen.”

  Her smile falls, and she crosses her arms. “I’ll be sixteen next month, and Mom and Dad met when they were teenagers.”

  “Mom was nineteen and Dad was twenty.”

  “Age doesn’t matter, Hayley. It’s the souls.” She marches up the stairs.

  She has it bad. “Be careful and take things slow. He’s famous and has everything that comes with it.”

  “He’s famous but that doesn’t mean he’s a bad person.”

  “Just be careful.” I open my bedroom door. “Come on. I think Nora thinks I’m a couple sizes smaller than I am.”

  Clapping her hands and smiling, she bounces into my closet. I grab my brush from the top of the dresser and run it through my glossy hair, forgetting for a moment I was made over today. Whatever Claire put in my hair must pr
event it from tangling. I toss the brush back and give Tilly my attention as she creates a one-woman fashion show.

  Aiden texts to see if we’re ready, and I tell him not yet and we’ll meet them there.

  “You know you’ll never be a real model, shorty,” I say as she struts around my room in a baby blue romper. I grin at her glare. “Just keeping you humble.”

  “Shut up. You’re like three inches taller than me, and I don’t want to be a model but if I did, I would.” She strikes a pose. “So, the romper for the win?”

  “Four inches, and definitely. It matches your eyes.” I glance at the clock on the dresser. “You ready? I think we should take Colt’s advice and get outta here.”

  Tilly shakes her head. “You need to get ready.”

  “Right.” I move into the bathroom and wet a rag. I scrub the makeup away until my face is red and blotchy. Tilly walks in as I’m swiping black liner under my eyes. “Almost done.” I fluff my hair up with my fingers adding the volume back to it Claire glossed away.

  “You didn’t have to wipe off the makeup,” she says, resting her hand on her hip and following me back into the bedroom.

  “I’m laying low. I’m Aiden’s uncool cousin from Oregon.”

  “You can’t lay low if you stand out.” She moves into the closet and out of my sight. “Trust me, big sister, I’ve got you. I know your style.” She comes out with clothes and sets them on the bed. “This will help you blend in.”

  I eye the fabric she picked out. Nothing is pink, so that’s a plus. I slip on a lacy, cream-colored crop top that fits snug against my skin. Dark jean shorts and gold flip-flops are next. I inspect myself in the mirror. “Fine. I don’t hate it.” I grab the black quarter sleeve button-up from the bed and slip that on, leaving it unbuttoned.

  Tilly holds up a thick boho style bracelet. I roll my eyes but slip it on. “Maybe you’ll be a fashion designer since you can’t be a model,” I tease.

  She fiddles with the drawstrings on her outfit. “I would love to be a fashion designer.”

  “Yeah? I can see it. You’d be good.”

  She smiles and brushes her long bangs from her face. “Duh. Okay, makeup and then I’ll be ready.”

  I lie on my stomach in bed while watching Tilly take her time with mascara and eyeliner. She really is beautiful. I know I tease her about not being able to be a model because she’s so short, but she could. Her face is perfectly symmetrical, and her eyes are the most beautiful shade of blue I’ve ever seen. Her eyes pull you in while her personality keeps you there.

  She runs gloss over her naturally pink and plump lips. “Done.” She smiles at me over her shoulder. “We both look fantastic.”

  I pick my head up from the palm of my hand. “I wish I had as much energy as you.” I grab my vibrating phone and check the text from Aiden. “They’re on their way to the party. He said Nick’s mad we didn’t want to walk with them.” I laugh and send him a text telling him we’ll be on our way soon. “Wanna take a nap first?” I ask Tilly, jokingly.

  “Grab an energy drink from the fridge. You aren’t going to want to miss this. How are you not more excited? Were you even listening to Logan?”

  “Not really,” I confess. “You know I’m low-key when it comes to parties. A small group of people, a fire, and beer is all I need. I’m mostly going for you, but you’ll be up Rocco’s ass forgetting I’m even there.”

  She laughs. “Maybe. At least walk me over and see if the party is as great as they made it out to be.”

  I head for the door. “A bunch of rich kids bragging about their money, I bet it sucks.”

  Chapter 19

  I was wrong. The party is nothing like I expected it was going to be. Hundreds of tiki torches line a winding path to the front lawn where a two-story house with sharp angles and countless windows sits. It’s far enough off the main road that the other houses aren’t visible. The porch is small in comparison to the rest of the house but still big enough to fit the live freaking band.

  If the band wasn’t enough, off to the left side of the lawn, two men are driving the crowd around them wild by twirling flaming batons and blowing fire from their mouths up into the darkening sky.

  “This is insane!” Tilly shouts over the music. “Aren’t you glad you came?”

  “This was worth seeing!” I agree, my mind trying to take everything in. Barely dressed men and women carry silver trays filled with colorful drinks as they weave through the bodies of people. “Let’s find Rocco! Did he text back?”

  “I forgot to check!” Tilly swipes at her phone screen. “Yep! He said he’s in back by the pool! That was twenty minutes ago. Hope he’s still there.”

  We follow the flow of people heading toward the back on the right side of the house.

  The backyard is just as crazy as the front. Partygoers are enjoying the Olympic-size swimming pool with multiple corkscrew slides. Steam billows in the air above a hot tub that’s at least fifteen feet long. The hot tub is close enough to the back of the house that half of it is covered by the patio’s wood awning.

  Concrete takes up most of the backyard, and in the distance, where the edge of the grassy backyard meets sand, is a line of men and women hula dancing by a roaring fire. All the dancers are dressed in grass skirts and the women wear coconut bras.

  Even though the sun is setting, the bonfire, tiki torches, and outdoor party lights have the area fully lit. I eye the party guests knowing Tilly was right to have me wear what I am. I would have been the only person in jeans. Half the guests are walking around in swimwear. It’s hot enough for it. I pull the black shirt off and tie it around my waist.

  “Over here,” Tilly says, waving me toward Rocco at the edge of the hot tub.

  “Ladies,” Rocco says, lazily grinning. “Come on in. Do you need a suit?” He gestures to a clothing rack with hundreds of bathing suits hanging from it by the French doors.

  The blonde on Rocco’s right doesn’t acknowledge us but the brunette on his left glares. Logan’s next to her, chatting with a mocha-skinned beauty. I glance at Tilly who is smiling wide, but she can’t fool me. Her fingers twirl the tips of her hair, something she does when she feels uncomfortable. And it sucks for me because I’m ready to get out of here.

  “Where are the drinks?” I ask Rocco while scanning the backyard because I’m going to need several.

  “Tiki hut,” Logan says, pointing to the far-right corner of the patio.

  It’s small and barely lit, but it’s there, and so is a line. “You coming?” I ask Tilly. “Or you good here?”

  She looks toward the tiki hut and then back to Rocco before focusing on me. “I’m going to grab a suit. Grab me a drink?”

  I nod. “Meet you back here in a minute.”

  “Hey, Tilly,” Rocco says, climbing out of the hot tub as she turns her back. “Wait up. I’ll walk with you.”

  Tilly’s hand falls away from her hair as Rocco takes her side. Good boy. Don’t hurt my sister, or I’ll cut you up. While they head toward the house, I make my way through the crowd. I hate this party. If Tilly seems comfortable after I grab drinks, I’m out.

  My feet stop when I see Nick walking this way from the fire. He’s surrounded by girls and the frown on his face makes me laugh. Looks like Nick doesn’t like all the attention. Aiden comes into view along with Casey. They are equally as surrounded, but Casey seems to be enjoying the attention, unlike Aiden.

  I watch them head toward the house, and I move to get in line at the tiki hut. There are five bartenders crammed into the little hut, and it looks like all they are serving is slushy type drinks which are a no-go for me. That sugary shit fucks with my stomach and makes me sick.

  “Hey, where are the other drinks?” I ask the slender brunette in front of me who smells like coconuts, or maybe the smell is in the air.

  She brushes silky hair off her shoulder as she turns to face me. “Like what?”

  Her voice is nasally, probably because her nose is so small. She’s had to h
ave plastic surgery. She resembles a doll. “Beer, whiskey, mixed drinks. Anything other than that.” I gesture to the glass a busty blonde holds as she walks past. The drink is pink with a lemon, lime, and cherry placed on the rim of the glass. “Nothing colorful.”

  Her tiny nose wrinkles. “Beer? I don’t know. Maybe inside.” Rolling her eyes, she spins around to face the line.

  I glare at the back of her head for a moment and then decide to give up on drinks. I squeeze through the crowd again which seems to be growing by the minute. Tilly’s in the water next to Rocco. The blonde that was next to him earlier is sitting next to Tilly and they’re chatting like best friends.

  I squat down and tap her on the shoulder. “Hey, the line was too long for drinks. I’m out.” Mimicking a phone, I hold my thumb and pinky next to my ear. “Call me if you need anything. Wait, where’s your phone?”

  “It’s put up with my stuff in Logan’s house,” Rocco says.

  “Want me to walk you back?” Tilly asks, and I shake my head. “K. I’ll call if I need anything.” She turns back to the blonde and another girl swims over to join their conversation.

  She’s quick to make friends everywhere she goes. I’m sure when we get to California, she’ll be one of the most popular girls in school like she was at home. I still need to talk to her about school.

  “Hayley!” Aiden’s moving through the crowd to get to me. “You made it. I’ve been trying to call you.”

  “I didn’t bring my phone. I doubt I’d have heard it anyway. This place is wild,” I say, but my eyes are on his friend. Nick is a few paces behind talking to a tanned beauty. Giggling, she leans over and rests her hand on his arm. Her gold swimsuit is scraps of material and of course the bottom is a thong. Her ass is on the smaller side, but she looks good.

  Nick’s gaze finds mine. His face remains neutral, not giving away anything, but his eyes betray him. I know my eyes are saying the same thing. Our attraction to each other goes beyond what I’ve experienced before. Fucked-up people can always sense their comrades, but with Nick, it’s different. There’s more. My body knew right away, even if he was being a total jackass.


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