Blackmailed by My Teacher

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Blackmailed by My Teacher Page 5

by S. E. Law

  “Oh Adam,” I cried out. “Oh!”

  Before I could say more, he reached down between us and curled his fingers around my clit. That got a reaction. My spine bowed off the bed as his fingers went to work. I dimly felt as he slid further inside, but most of my attention was held by the masterful way he played my body. When the pleasure built to peak and I was about to crest, he stopped. I let out a groan of disapproval that he chuckled at.

  “No, you’ll finish when I’m fully inside you and not a moment sooner.”

  Now that his hands were off my clit I could feel the slow progress his shaft was making. Each inch stretched me in a way I had never known before until I felt him fully sheath himself. Every time he shifted, he scraped against a bundle of nerves that made stars fire behind my eyes.

  A long moan pulled from me as he glided back in, the stretch unbearable but so pleasurable too. I pulled my knees further apart to get him in deeper, and Adam chuckled.

  “That’s it, my little slut. You like this, don’t you?”

  My eyes flickered open, and I fell headlong into those deep blue pools.

  “Yes,” I whispered in admission. “I love it.”

  I felt every pulse of his heart as he started up a steady rhythm that had me wrapping myself around him. Now that the initial discomfort was passed, I wanted him to go faster.

  My legs tightened around him until my ankles crossed over his bronzed back; using that position I dragged him into me. He moaned against my shoulder before picking up the pace.

  “I thought you would want to take it slow for your first time, but if this is what the lady wants...”

  He didn’t finish his sentence; instead he shifted me back to lean against the headboard before bringing my legs back around his hips. The new angle made him ram directly into the spot he had previously been grazing. The sensation arched my back as I rocked against him with wild abandon. His thrusts picked up speed as we formed a working rhythm between us.

  “Oh,” I moaned, tossing my head as my big breasts bobbled from his thrusts. “This feels so fucking good.”

  Adam grimaced even as his pupils dilated.

  “You feel good, sweetheart. Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!”

  I felt his length thicken even more inside of me, his thrusts becoming sloppy as climax approached. A muffled hiss was my only warning before he reached down to pinch my clit just as he pushed against that bundle of nerves inside me.

  I saw white as my peak hit, the pleasure drowning me without mercy as I tried to stay above the waves and watch as Adam came to his. His face grew hard in ecstasy as he slammed home one final time before I felt him explode inside of me.

  The feel of shot after shot of his seed filling me wrangled a moan from my lungs, my channel clenching powerfully around him to milk him of all that he had to give. Gallons sprayed into my sweetness and I moaned in ecstasy, knowing that I was filled with sticky, salty male virility.

  “Mmm, give it to me all, Adam,” I cried. “I want it. Give me your babies!”

  His eyes grew even darker and he let out one more roar before exploding a final time, showering my fertile plains with hot, bubbly white. When both of us had stopped shaking, he gently pulled out before rolling to lie beside me.

  His blue eyes had settled back into an azure color now that our passion had cooled, and his smile screamed one hundred percent sated male and I loved it. Knowing that I put that smile there made pride burn in my chest.

  While I would have liked the opportunity to explore him more, I could do that later. He had made sure that my first time, our first time, was amazing and I was grateful for how caring he was.

  His fingers traced my hip as his breathing evened out.

  “Are you alright, sweetheart?”

  The fact he thought to ask made warmth curl through my veins. I had dreaded this part, the ‘after’ period, but if his lazy stroking was anything to go by, then I had nothing to fear.

  Taking a chance, I scooted further into his arms. His chest was still slick with our sweat, but I didn’t care. As a muscular arm came to wrap around my back and pull me closer, I knew that I had made the right choice in agreeing to this.

  “I’m more than alright,” I hummed. “That was amazing and I can’t wait to see what else you have in store for me.”

  A languid smile curled his lips.

  “And there will be plenty of time for that later. For now, how does a bath sound? It will help with any soreness you may feel later.”

  I hadn’t planned on moving from my spot for a while but the mention of a bath changed my mind instantly. I was sticky with both of our juices and while I knew that it was normal for sex to be messy, I didn’t want to sit in it any longer than necessary.

  “That sounds divine,” I said shyly. “Thank you.”

  What I hadn’t expected was for Adam to pick me up and carry me to the bathroom. My squeak of surprise turned into laughter as he put me down on the plush bath rug. That laughter died when I looked around at the bathroom that could only be labeled as utter luxury.

  Pure white marble was everywhere, from the giant vanity with a double sink to the claw footed tub not far from us. The shower could easily hold ten people and it had multiple spouts for you to decide which direction you wanted the water to come from.

  Adam fiddled with the knobs on the tub to reach the correct temperature before turning back to me. God, this man was gorgeous with his broad, bronzed back and well-defined muscles. When he turned back, I quickly snapped my eyes up from where they had rested on his backside, blushing hotly. It wasn’t my fault that he looked actually edible.

  He grinned again, knowing exactly what I thought. I buried my face against his chest when he moved closer, his lips brushing against my head as he wrapped me into his arms. That huge shaft pressed against my belly and I went hot once more, faced with the evidence of his masculinity.

  “Don’t be embarrassed about your thoughts, sweetheart, because I’m certainly not. Knowing that you enjoy me visually is a plus.”

  Shaking off my embarrassment, I picked my head up from his broad chest. If I was going to compliment him then I was going to do it right at least once.

  “You look gorgeous. Like a male model, and you know it.”

  His eyes deepened once more.

  “I’m glad you think so, baby. You look like a model too.”

  I pulled back to stare at him with wonder. At the moment, my plush body was pressed against his. Couldn’t he feel my poochy stomach and too-big breasts?

  But Adam merely stroked one finger along the crest of a nipple, making me shiver once more.

  “You’re beautiful, Kimberly. I love women with a little extra because there’s something to hold onto. You fit that bill to a tee.”

  I blushed again, growing warm under his gaze.

  “Thank you,” came my quiet words.

  “Of course, sweetheart,” he replied. “You’re gorgeous, smart and affectionate, and being with you was mind-blowing just now. I can’t wait for more,” he said with a twinkle to his eye before helping me step into the tub.

  The warm water was heavenly and I literally moaned while sinking into the bubbles. What was going on? I felt confused, and yet so attracted too. Could I truly have that life with Adam? He even wanted kids with me, and now, I could envision that possibility too.

  It should have scared me how easily I could imagine a family with this man, considering how little we knew about each other, but it just felt right. A little girl or boy toddling after us as we went about our day, family trips to the zoo or pool, all the things I hadn’t had in my childhood but maybe, I could have them with him.

  As Adam stepped into the huge tub, I welcomed him with open arms.

  “It’s nice, isn’t it?” he murmured into my ear.

  I merely leaned against him and hummed, soaking in bliss. He gently ran his hands over my slick body, getting me lathered with suds.

  “This is wonderful,” I whispered, watching as his hands disappe
ared beneath the water line. At that moment, I felt him part my pussy lips and probe my little hole.

  “Oh!” I exclaimed.

  “All of you belongs to me,” he murmured huskily into my ear. “In every way, shape and form.”

  His possessiveness made chills run down my spine, and in acquiescence, I parted my knees even further to give him better access. He chuckled a bit in my ear before pinching my nub, eliciting a small squeal of pleasure from my throat. But then, Adam went even further. His hands slid lower until he skated over my tight brown pucker.

  “Like I said, all of you belongs to me,” he whispered huskily in my ear. “Even this.”

  My eyes opened wide.

  “Oh my god,” were my words. “Mmmm!”

  Adam was massaging my pleats, touching me in a way that I’d never been touched before.

  “Don’t worry,” he husked gently. “You’ll like it, I promise. We have plenty of lube, and I can tell how aroused you are.”

  It was true because he had one finger buried in my vaginal passage as he stroked my asshole. It was so taboo and wrong, and yet like a wanton woman, I relaxed my sphincter to welcome him. He chuckled low in his throat, and then slowly, began to press into my coffee pucker. I moaned deliriously, my head falling back against his shoulder. Was I really being penetrated by this much-older man? Yet it was true because soon, he had a digit deep in my coffee pucker, probing both of my holes as I squealed and moaned in the tub. The water sloshed about and I pinched my own nipples as both my asshole and pussy were fingered deep.

  “Oh god,” I moaned again, the ache growing more and more acute. “Oh Adam! Yes!”

  “Now sweetheart,” he whispered in my ear. “Come for me.”

  With that, I exploded into a million stars. Lights danced before my eyes as I thrashed in the tub, my folds convulsing around his fingers.

  “Mmmm!” I screamed again, helpless with ecstasy.

  “Good girl,” he murmured even as I cried out, fireworks sparkling before my eyes. “Come for me again, Kimberly.”

  I screamed once more, my soul floating away even while this man anchored me. I’d ached for something to call my own all these years, and suddenly, I knew I’d found it. My future lay with Adam Jackson, and try as I might, I could no longer deny the truth.



  I watch my reflection the mirror as I turn slowly, examining the current set of lacey underthings and comparing them to the one sitting on the bed behind me. Choosing between the two different sets of lingerie to wear under my dress for my date tonight is more difficult than I ever thought it could be, but Adam’s reaction is always worth it.

  For one, we’ve developed a sensual and satisfying relationship. After that time in the tub, I sat up, my curves heaving.

  “Oh my god,” I panted. Suddenly, I looked at the water and realized there were traces of white fluid floating in the clear liquid.

  “Wait, is this…?” I asked.

  He grinned, not at all embarrassed.

  “I came too,” he said, nodding at the seed in the water. “You were too beautiful, and there was no way I could hold back my physical reaction.”

  I was scandalized, but essentially after that first night, all barriers between us came down and we’ve been joined at the hip. Adam and I get along so well, and enjoy our time together on weekends. So far, we’ve been to the zoo, the movies and out dancing. I never expected to enjoy my time with the billionaire as much as this, but I can only be grateful for our blooming relationship.

  Plus, over the past few weeks we’ve gotten closer. The weekends have become our time when we have fun together doing whatever activities sound good before heading to Adam’s bedroom for the night. The memory of the things he’s done to me so far makes my lower stomach clench with a need that I’ve become more familiar with lately.

  After all, the alpha male has proven to be insatiable in that department, and the many different positions he’s maneuvered us into take my breath away. Every time we try something new, excitement burns in me and I’ve become a woman in full.

  To be honest, I never expected to fall for someone like Adam. He’s a man who genuinely enjoys cuddling and talking about anything that comes to mind after we both exhaust our energy making love to each other. And there’s no doubt in my mind that I’m falling for him. It’s been difficult to stop myself from blurting out my feelings for him, especially during some of our more touching moments.

  The connection that forms each time we sleep together makes me ache with the desire to tell him everything he means to me, and all he could mean to me if things continue how they are. But I always stop myself, nerves and uncertainty plaguing my mind because is this what he wants? He wanted access to my body, and he has it. But does he also want access to my heart?

  Then again, we have only known one another for a few months now, although it feels like far longer. It would destroy me if the millionaire merely used me for a baby, and then threw me away.

  Speaking of which … I’ve been feeling a little strange recently. There’s nothing more than a heavy ache in my breasts and a twinge down below, but sometimes I wonder if I’m pregnant. I should get a pregnancy test from the drugstore, but I’m nervous. What will I do if it tells me I’m expecting? What will I do if I’m not expecting?

  A knock on the door brings me out of my reverie, and Adam’s voice easily carries through the wood.

  “Kimmie, we need to be leaving soon to make our reservations. Are you almost ready?”

  The nickname sends a flush of warmth through me that for once has nothing to do with embarrassment. I’ll never get tired of hearing him call me that or any other endearment for that matter. Dragging my attention back to the present, I respond loud enough for him to hear.

  “Almost, I was just deciding on what to wear.”

  A pause of silence comes before he speaks again, confusion coloring his words.

  “I thought you were going to wear that red dress? It’s fine if you’ve changed your mind, but you look gorgeous in that dress, sweetheart.”

  I giggle because Adam thinks I look beautiful in everything and anything, including dingy old sweats. I answer with a teasing lilt.

  “Oh I’m still wearing that dress; it's deciding what to put on underneath it that’s giving me trouble.”

  I wait with bated breath for his response and am not disappointed in the slightest.

  “In that case, I assure you I’ll enjoy anything you put on. You’re gorgeous in anything you decide to wear or when you wear nothing at all. Although if you decide on the latter option for tonight’s entertainment, I won’t guarantee that we’ll actually make it to the surprise.”

  Heat crawls up my neck at his compliment, the growly tone to his voice making me bite back a giggle. I’ll never get tired of how much he loves my body. Plenty of boys in the past have seen my generous curves as a turn-off, but Adam seems to love every single inch of me and I couldn’t be happier with that.

  “Well then, there goes my plan for seducing you. I guess I’ll just have to wait until we get there to know what you have up your sleeve.”

  I pull the dazzling red dress over my head. The lacy underwear isn’t visible through the fabric but I feel it slide against my skin with every move I make. It’s perfect and I can’t wait until Adam gets to see it later.

  Opening the door, I cut off whatever he is about to say as his jaw hits the floor. Pride bursts in my chest as his eyes rake down my body, taking in every inch of my lush form. My breasts press against the soft fabric insistently, and my hips are generous.

  “Like what you see, handsome?” I purr.

  The wide smile that curls his lips is answer enough, but his words come out as a low growl, further proof of his approval.

  “Always. Although now that I know how stunning you look in this outfit, I’m reluctant to bring you out in it. I’ll have to beat men off of you with a stick.”

  His words carry a possessive edge that sends a shiver up
my spine. The promise of what will be coming later tightens my loins as I take his arm.

  “No worries, I’m all yours and no one is going to change that.”

  Blue eyes darken as he smiles lustfully down at me.

  “Good, because you’re mine and I don’t share.”

  I stretch my arm to reach around his waist, my hand settling against the point of his hip as we begin to walk toward the car.

  “If you did share then I wouldn’t be happy with you. You’re the only man I want touching me.”

  His fingers fall to cover my hand on his side, gripping it gently before stopping to rest over mine.

  “You have nothing to worry about, Kimmie. I won’t let anyone touch you.”

  Resting my head against his shoulder, I take the opportunity to gaze adoringly into Adam’s eyes. His black hair is combed back again, and his eyes are a startlingly clear crystal blue. The dark suit fits his form perfectly, emphasizing his broad chest, wide shoulders and long, lean legs.

  He looks nothing short of ravishing and if he thinks he’s the only one who is going to be fending off admirers, then he’s wrong.

  As Adam helps me into his car, I do my best to contain my excitement. I’m still not used to surprises but Adam merely laughs it off. He likes to treat me, and each new surprise has been absolutely delightful.

  My thoughts are cut off as the sports car eases forward, taking us to a still-unknown destination. Taking a deep breath, I force myself to relax into the seat beneath me. Just a little longer with this magnificent man, and I’ll be having the time of my life.



  I have to bite back a grin at Kim’s obvious difficulty stopping herself from vibrating with excitement. I love seeing her so energetic for our dates, and her enthusiasm is always a welcome sight. Especially after the kind of week I’ve had. The thought darkens my mood briefly before I shake my head ruefully. This time of year is never easy on me, but maybe with Kim it’ll be better…


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