Blackmailed by My Teacher

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Blackmailed by My Teacher Page 10

by S. E. Law

“He’s going to get suspended if anyone catches him,” Chastity frets.

  Billy is known for his bad boy reputation. He comes off as the typical mysterious and dangerous bad boy you see in teen movies. Complete with a leather jacket and a beat-up sports car.

  I’ll be honest, Billy’s image is what attracted me to him in the first place. Living in a small town where I don’t tend to fit in because of my chubby body with its cartoonish curves and my sass, I’m drawn to anything that makes me stand out. Unfortunately, Billy’s image is just that – an image. Underneath the leather and joints, he’s a dweeb who doesn’t know where to put his hands when we make out.

  I walk up to Billy as he slides down from the hood of his old Camaro with a playful look in his eyes.

  “Hey, baby,” he says, blowing smoke in my face and making me cough.

  I shove Billy away, but he just laughs and pulls me against him, squeezing me in his arms and kissing me in front of all of his friends. His slobbery tongue is all over the place as it enters my mouth, making it hard for me to keep up with his movements. Billy’s idiot friends cheer as we make-out against his car.

  I pull away, wiping Billy’s saliva off of my bottom lip.

  “You want a ride home?” he asks loud enough for his friends to hear, insinuating that I’d be riding him.

  I chuckle, playing along with his phony image, and kiss his cheek.

  “I promised Chastity I’d take the bus with her,” I say, grabbing the joint out of his clammy hand and taking a hit.

  Billy smiles at me and runs a hand through his reddish-brown hair. The truth is, we haven’t even come close to having sex. We’ve been dating since the first week of the school year, but honestly, I haven’t spent much time alone with Billy.

  His friends are always hanging around, and so is the marijuana, which isn’t exactly an aphrodisiac. Billy usually falls asleep before I can even get my top off. Besides, I’m not in any sort of rush to lose my virginity to Billy Borg.

  There really isn’t much substance to him—physically or emotionally. He’s attractive, but I don’t know if I’m actually attracted to him. On top of that, his kissing skills leave a lot to be desired. Making-out with Billy is like him declaring war on my tongue, and I always seem to be on the losing side.

  He looks past me at Chastity and nods at her before his eyes draw back to me. Trying to be cool and seductive, he talks loud enough for his friends to hear. Everything Billy does is for show, and I hate that.

  “You free tonight?”

  “I’m going out with my dad,” I explain. “Tomorrow?”

  Billy nods his head with a smile before capturing my lips in another slobbery kiss. I pull away when his tongue tries to assault mine again, and I pat his chest, letting him know he needs to ease up. I know he’s trying to impress his friends and hang on to his image, but I’m already bored of it. Bored of him, actually. He’s a phony, and that’s one quality I can’t tolerate.

  As I turn around to walk back to Chastity, a hand whacks my ass hard. Snapping around, I shoot Billy a dirty look as his friends make inappropriate comments.

  Damn, girl.

  Claim that ass, Billy.

  I grab Billy by the collar of his jacket and pull him to me like I’m going to whisper something sexy in his ear.

  “Do that to me again in public, and you will lose your dick before you ever get to use it,” I hiss before kissing his cheek as if I’m not mad.

  Sticking my middle finger up at Billy’s friends, I head back over to Chastity, pissed as hell. I fucking hate these people. Such immature assholes, and my boyfriend is the king of them!

  I receive plenty of attention for my curvy figure—most of it unwanted attention from teenage boys and even some pervy teachers.

  Most girls my age are still filling out, but over the past couple of years, my body has sprouted into that of a full-blown woman’s. With double-D’s and a thick waist that leads into full hips and a shelf-ass, as the boys in school call it, I’ve grown used to the stares and inappropriate comments.

  Like all of my old clothes, I’m also outgrowing high school. My body isn’t the only thing that’s evolved over the past couple of years. My desires and passions have changed or—more accurately—expanded as well.

  The truth is, my mind is never on studying or high school drama or even what college I’m going to next year. My mind is only ever on three things: art, getting my own way, and Kane Forrester.

  Kane is the one guy I’ve had my eye on my entire life. He’s fucking sexy as hell with jet black hair, cobalt blue eyes that stare into my soul, and a smile that always makes it look like he has a secret.

  And that’s just his face…

  Kane’s body is equally as impressive as his gorgeous facial features. On top of being some sort of sex god created on Mount Olympus—see, I pay attention in school sometimes—Kane is a mature man with a little bad boy thrown in there somewhere.

  There is only one flaw about Kane…

  He is forty-five-years-old… the same age as my father! Worse than that, Kane went to college with my dad, and they’re still best friends today. To make it all just a little more inappropriate, Kane is also my godfather. But that doesn’t stop me from fantasizing about his lips on mine, knowing that his experienced tongue wouldn’t slobber and wiggle wildly like Billy’s does.

  The sun hits my eyes on the short walk to the quiet bus stop. The summer weather hasn’t cooled off yet, even though it is now well into the fall. Not that I mind hanging on to my tan a bit longer or lounging by the pool on the weekends. I prefer an Indian summer over the stubborn winter that we’ve grown accustomed to in New York.

  Living in the village of Tarrytown, just north of New York City, makes our winters a bit more brutal and isolated, but it paints beautiful Thomas Kinkade-esque snowy scenes that inspire many of my sketches… as well as my snowbound fantasies of Kane and me.

  “What do you see in Billy?” Chastity asks as we wait for the bus.

  I shift my weight from one leg to the other and shrug my shoulders.

  “He’s cute,” I reply, hating how shallow the words sound coming from my lips.

  “He’s not that cute,” Chastity responds, tilting her head to the side.

  We look at each other for a moment before laughing. The sound fills the street, which is crowded with other kids from my high school who are also waiting for the bus.

  “I know you don’t like Billy, Chas, but it’s not like I’m going to marry him,” I reason.

  Hell, at this rate, I don’t think Billy and I will last past next week. I’ve only tolerated him for this long because I’m bored with school and life.

  Chastity sighs and looks at me with concern in her innocent blue eyes.

  “I just think you deserve better, you know?”

  “I know,” I smile at her. “You know he acts like a goon when his friends are around.”

  “Anyway,” Chastity changes the subject. “What are you and your dad doing tonight?”

  “We’re hanging out at Kane’s house,” I say with a smile splaying across my lips. “His pool is still open, so we’re milking the weather for one last swim day.”

  “You’re milking the weather for one last chance at seeing Kane in his swim trunks!” Chastity says, shoving my arm.

  “Of course I am. God, if only I was older… or he was younger…” I sigh hopelessly.

  “Trust me, you’d rather be older. Younger guys are like Billy and the rest of the boys at school,” Chastity concludes.

  Chastity could have her pick of any of the boys at school. She’s the complete package—brains, beauty, and as sweet as pie. But she’s laser-focused on school. In my opinion, too much so. Also, dating is something that is frowned upon by Chastity’s strict parents. No wonder they gave her that name! It’s like some kind of metaphorical chastity belt, yet it’s also literal… her name is Chastity for crying out loud!

  “Somehow, I’d bet Kane still acted like a man in high school,” I disagree w
ith her view on all younger guys.

  She shrugs me off before mulling the thought over for a second.

  “Yeah, I guess. I bet your dad was still a gentleman when he was our age too.”

  My eyes shoot over at Chastity with my brows raised curiously.

  “What?” she asks innocently.

  Stifling my giggle, I respond with a shrug of my shoulders.

  Chastity won’t admit it, but I know she has a little crush on my father. She finds ways to slip his name into our conversations, and if she comes over to my house, she asks where he is. If Daddy happens to be home, her face is beet red the entire time he’s near her. I’m pretty sure my father thinks Chastity’s natural complexion is maroon.

  The bus pulls to a stop in front of us. Along with all of the other teenagers on our bus stop, we get onto the vehicle. The ride is noisy, with a million conversations taking off among the kids.

  “You girls coming to the rager this weekend?” Bruce Davis asks from behind us.

  “No,” Chastity answers quickly.

  “You’re no fun,” Bruce sighs.

  She bats her pretty blue eyes at him and shrugs.

  “If getting high at a party is your idea of fun, then I guess I’m not.”

  “How about you, Renee?”

  “Maybe,” I shrug my shoulders. “I’ll have to see what Billy wants to do.”

  “Alright.” Bruce smiles and looks over at Chastity. “If you change your mind, your Uber is on me,” he winks at her.

  Chastity smiles at him, and as soon as Bruce is distracted, I nudge her with my elbow.

  “I think someone has a crush,” I whisper.

  “I do not!” she gasps.

  Laughter escapes my lips as Chastity overreacts at what she obviously perceives is an accusation toward her. I love getting a rise out of my best friend.

  “I mean, Bruce has a crush on you, goober,” I say softly.

  “Oh,” she sounds surprised as she looks back at him briefly. “Really?”

  “Yup, but I know you don’t have time for dating,” I smirk at her.

  “What’s the point? I’m going away to college in a few months.”

  “It’s the beginning of the school year, Chas. And what’s the point?” I scoff at her. “There’s that whole popping your cherry business that could be fun.”

  My words are more to embarrass her than anything else. The blush quickly takes over her alabaster skin as she shushes me.


  “What?” I giggle as the bus turns onto our block.

  Chastity and I bounce off of the bus and head halfway down the street before going into our separate houses. I walk through the door of my quiet, three-bedroom house. It’s just my father and me living here; it’s always been the two of us, ever since my mother ran out on us before I could even walk.

  Apparently, Mom hadn’t been ready to be a wife and mother, nor do I think she ever will be ready. I tried reaching out to her when I was twelve by sending her a friend request on Facebook. She must have blocked me because suddenly, I couldn’t find her profile anymore. I made Chastity search from her Facebook account, and sure enough, my mother’s profile popped up for her.

  Ever since then, I stopped wondering how my mother was, or who she was. She still didn’t want me, so I stopped wanting her.

  Besides, my father is amazing. He has always been there by my side, supporting me financially and emotionally. He took me to get my first bra and explained about periods. He warned me about boys and sex. I can talk to him about anything, and I’m so grateful for that.

  I will admit that my rebellious nature is probably due to craving the extra attention that I missed out on from not having a mother, but other than that, I’m fairly well-adjusted, in my opinion.

  I jog upstairs to my bedroom and throw my backpack down on the floor. Peeling out of my school uniform, I let out sigh of relief. I’m always eager to get out of that confining button-down blouse that I have to keep tucked into my stupidly short skirt.

  Of course, the plaid skirt we have to wear isn’t as short for everyone else as it is for me. My big ass seems to make it feel shorter as it easily hitches up in the back.

  I toss my bra off, also eager to get out of that restraining garment, as I look at myself in the mirror and turn to the side. Staring at the way my back dips in before it rounds out to my ass, I shake my head. Shit, sometimes I really do look like a cartoon character I would draw with how animated my features are.

  I’m proud of my body, but being the only girl with double D breasts around a school filled with teenage boys sometimes makes me self-conscious. Between me not giving a damn about my grades and my curvy body, I don’t get taken seriously very often. All eyes are on my tits and ass, but rarely my face—teachers included. Hell, even women included!

  The mean girls in school make fun of my weight or call me a slut for having big boobs. Little do they know I’m a virgin! I barely notice when I’m being stared at anymore since it’s so common. I’ve learned to ignore the comments, dirty looks, and horny stares from my peers.

  Soon, I’ll be graduating high school, and I won’t have to see these idiots anymore, unless they all decide to stay in Tarrytown. If that winds up being the case, maybe going away to college wouldn’t be such a bad idea after all.

  I slip into my favorite red bikini and look myself over one more time before tossing on a cover-up and fishing my flip-flops out of the closet.

  “Renee, are you home?”

  I kick my discarded clothes into the corner of my bedroom before bounding down the stairs to greet my father.

  “You’re home early,” I say, kissing his cheek.

  He thumbs through the mail in his hands as he talks.

  “The house I was supposed to show wasn’t ready.”


  “Eh, I’m ready for the weekend anyway. The sale will be waiting for me next week,” Daddy says confidently.

  He owns his own real estate company, which not only covers Tarrytown but all of Westchester and its surrounding areas. Being the fantastic salesman and people person Daddy is, he does really well for himself—and for me. It’s safe to say that I’m more than a little spoiled.

  To make up for not having a mother, Daddy gives me whatever I want and lets me get away with murder.

  We’ve always been super close, and he’s never been incredibly strict with me, although he scolds me to improve my grades pretty regularly. Overall, he’s an awesome, cool father. Even though he’s in his forties, he looks ten years younger. When we’re out together, people sometimes think I’m his sister since I have his brown eyes and similar facial features.

  “We’ll stop and grab a bottle of wine and dessert before heading to Kane’s,” Daddy suggests.

  He heads upstairs to change while I fiddle with my phone. Billy has texted me: Sorry you’re stuck hanging out with your dad and his friend. You sure you can’t get out of it?

  I know I don’t have to spend tonight with my father and Kane. Daddy would understand, and I’m sure Kane would rather have guy talk with him than entertain a teenage girl. But Kane never makes me feel unwelcome or out of place.

  When I was a kid, Kane and Daddy had poker nights with the guys. I would sit on Kane’s lap while he taught me how to play. To this day, I would rather spend my weekends with Kane than with any boy.

  Maybe I’m too old to have a crush on my father’s friend, but I can’t help it. Kane Forrester makes women of all ages salivate, and the thought of being anywhere else when I could be seeing him makes me sad.

  I text Billy back, trying to hide my enthusiasm about tonight. Something must be wrong with me… I should want to spend Friday night with my boyfriend, but Billy isn’t exactly the love of my life.

  No, sorry. My dad wants me to go. See you tomorrow.


  Daddy bounds down the stairs looking much more casual than he did when he ran up them, wearing a t-shirt, board shorts, and flip-flops. We head o
ut of the door and into Daddy’s Jeep.

  To be continued …

  Blackmailing My Dad’s Best Friend is now LIVE! Pick up your copy here.

  About the Author

  Let go of your inhibitions because S.E. Law is about to take you for a wild ride with over-the-top alpha males who CLAIM their women. Fan of candy canes, popsicles, and anything rainbow.

  My Amazon Page





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