Abducted By The Warrior Prince

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Abducted By The Warrior Prince Page 11

by Roxie Ray

  “I am aware of Lunarian female anatomy, yes. Yours, though, it is a little different, I believe. Hmm…but you said obviously.” Kloran was smirking again. “So it pleases you, not harms you, when I lick you here?”

  Kloran lapped at my clit again, sliding either fork of his tongue alongside it and pressing the place in the middle where his pulse undulated against the underside.

  My body seized up all over again. With every beat of his heart, he was making my clit throb right along with it. Electric pink waves of pleasure shot up through my body, tickling gorgeously up into my chest and sinking heat deep into my core.

  “Yes,” I gasped. “Oh, wow—yes, I love it when you lick me there.”

  Kloran flicked his tongue upward, earning him another sharp buck of my hips. When he drew back again, he looked quite satisfied with himself.

  I supposed, with the way he’d just made me feel, he should have been satisfied. Sure, I’d masturbated here and there, but that had just been with my fingers. In Sector Six, I hadn’t been able to afford a vibrator. In Sector One, Michael would have never allowed it, so I’d never bothered to ask. But Kloran’s tongue…the way it flared out and pulsed in the middle, it was like he was a sex toy. When he pressed his tongue against me, it was unlike anything else I’d ever felt.

  “Mm. Bree-ah. Your taste is…it is divine.” He licked his lips, then moved back in for more. “I think I shall enjoy this even more than you will.”

  When Kloran dipped his lips back down to my pussy, it felt like my entire body was about to explode. He covered my folds with kisses. If the hair around my pussy lips bothered him, he didn’t give any sign of it. His tongue lapped at me ravenously from bottom to top then back down again. He even, to my body’s delight, pressed his tongue into me, flicking upward and pressing it deep enough to slide against my G-spot before he returned it to my clit.

  If I’d been worried about tasting bad to him, I wasn’t worried about it any longer. As he went down on me, Kloran made the same sounds I’d been making earlier when I devoured that steak.

  Devoured. It was exactly the right word for what Kloran was doing between my thighs. Heat spun through my body as he feasted on my pussy, like he was a man half-starved and I was some kind of delectable treat. Pretty soon my moans were coming deeper and more intense than I’d ever moaned before. I’d never heard myself be so loud at all before. It was like I’d spent my whole life whispering and cowering, and suddenly, beneath the ministrations of Kloran’s lips and tongue, now my whole world began to crescendo to a roar of satisfaction that just wouldn’t stop, until—

  “Kloran! Please—oh, fuck!”

  I didn’t swear all that often. Another thing Michael had hated—at least, when I was doing it. But in that moment, what Michael had and hadn’t liked were the farthest things from my mind. My entire frame felt like it had been set to a fuse that had just burned down to the detonation device. I wound my fingers in his hair, my arms not certain whether they were trying to pull him closer or force him away—but my legs made up for it, tangling around Kloran’s neck and holding his tongue against my clit as an orgasm wracked my entire frame so hard, for a moment I thought I might have actually passed out again.

  But this time it was from white-hot pleasure, not fear.

  My body was still shaking as the orgasm subsided. Every muscle I had suddenly relaxed all at once, but the twitching didn’t stop. I had no control over myself anymore. Maybe I didn’t want to have that control.

  Unless it meant pleasing him in the same way he’d just pleased me, of course.

  He moved his body up onto the bed and wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight. I buried my face against his chest, smoothing my cheek against the lapel of his white jacket and rubbing the tip of my nose against the warmth between the collars of his shirt. But as my hand brushed across his hip to the bulge I knew—I hoped—was still throbbing there between his legs, he grabbed my hand and stopped me.

  “Bree-ah. No.” His grip on my wrist was too tight to shift or break.

  “But…but you just made me feel so good,” I tried to explain. My eyes met his, pleading with him to let me return the favor. “It’s only fair that I—”

  “No.” Kloran’s own gaze, still that enchanting midnight blue, was steely and firm. “No, vringna. Your body has already undergone so much. You are exhausted. You must rest now. I will hold you, watch over you, keep you safe, and you, little chickling, you will sleep.”

  “I…” I tried to argue with him further—I didn’t even know what a chickling was—but the way he was holding me was too addictive, and already I could feel my will waning. It was like the orgasm had zapped the rest of my energy right out of me, burned it all up like a satellite coming back down through the atmosphere after falling out of orbit.

  And he wasn’t exactly wrong. I was tired. More tired than I’d ever been in my entire life.

  “Just grant me one boon, Bree-ah…” Kloran’s voice purred in my ear, but my eyes were closed as I cuddled against him. Already, I could feel myself drifting off.

  “Anything,” I sighed. He was too warm, too strong. Too freakin’ good.

  “Tell me, did you enjoy it?”

  My lips curled into a tiny smile.

  “Yes,” I assured him, fighting back a yawn. “I enjoyed it…I enjoyed it a lot.”

  His chest rose and fell against my cheek, a rumble of pleasure spreading through it at my words. I counted his breaths until my consciousness fell into delicious, black velvet darkness.

  And surrounding that darkness were Kloran’s arms, big and strong and perfectly capable of keeping me safe while I slept.



  All night long, I held Bree-ah. As she slept in my arms, I realized I could have held her like that for days. Lifetimes. She was so small, so perfectly curved, so deliciously calm in her sleep that watching her smile in her dreams was as addictive as juice of the moonflower or fermented muklak milk. In my promise to her—that I would keep her safe while she rested—I knew that I could take the opportunity to rest as well. No one could enter Bree-ah’s room without the key card that Leonix had given her.

  No one, except for the ship’s captain, at any rate. And with both of us already inside the room, I could rest easy knowing that my new mate would come to no harm while she laid her head.

  The next morning, I woke up rubbing my cheek against hers and breathing in her calm. That smelled of moonflowers, too, so sedative and serene that I was able to doze against her body for another full hour before I finally re-awoke and began to wonder if I did not have some business to attend to as captain instead of napping with the beautiful human female in my arms.

  Of course, I always did. In roughly three days’ time, we would have to stop to refuel the ship on Jeorkana. It would be wise of me to arrange a diplomatic meeting with the planet’s queen on behalf of Lunaria while we did so. Jeorkana was known throughout the galaxies for the way they had perfected the acquisition and training of breeding slaves of all species. Given Lunaria’s desperate need for breeders, maintaining good relations with Queen Lieja while I was aground on her planet was almost unavoidable, as such.

  But the promise of a meeting with Lieja irked me almost even more than the idea of disentangling my body from Bree-ah’s did. Lieja and I had…a history together, some might say. In her opinion, a promising history. In mine, an annoying one.

  I lingered for a little while longer, hoping that perhaps Bree-ah would awaken so I could propose that we mate. She was already in the throes of her heat, and already my cock was pressed against her backside, achingly hard as it settled against the valley of her broad, firm ass cheeks. With a meeting with Queen Lieja on the horizon as well, I was even more eager to breed Bree-ah so that I might present her as my true mate once we arrived on Jeorkana.

  But alas, Bree-ah slept soundly, and there was too much to arrange for me to linger any longer.

  “Bree-ah sleeps—though she sleeps as if she is dead,” I
grumbled to Leonix when I finally convinced myself to release Bree-ah from my arms and make my presence known on the bridge. “I do not know whether to send a team of healers to examine her, or to simply let her rest.”

  Leonix gave me a wicked look. “Perhaps all Earth females sleep like that when they have been properly bred. The deed is done, I assume?”

  I dragged my claws through my hair and growled with frustration. “No. I did not…it was not the right time. Bree-ah has been through too much, and I have been cruel to her. To pounce on her for mating so suddenly after all she has endured, it would not have been right.”

  Leonix’s face fell. “So you did not mate with her? Then, pray tell, General, what were you doing in her room all night? Playing greeblock and spinning yarns?”

  I almost smirked. “The evening was not a complete waste, Leonix. I can assure you of that much.”

  “Kloran. Details!” Leonix placed her hands on her hips and tapped her foot expectantly. “Do not toy with me, cousin. Did you breed her, or did you not?”

  “We are simply…still becoming acquainted with each other.” I did not wish to shame Bree-ah by regaling Leonix of the way I had lapped at Bree-ah’s slick, fertile sex—although, on the other hand, I did wish to brag to someone of my achievement. I wished to very much. “Suffice to say that we are moving in the correct direction. I should not say anything more.”


  Then, I did smirk. “No, Leonix. Not another word on the subject. However, if you would do me one small favor on Bree-ah’s behalf…”

  “Of course. What is it?”

  “Have a trunk prepared for her for when we arrive on Jeorkana. It will be a much-needed outing for her, after she has been held captive for so long, and I believe she will find the planet of much interest.”

  Leonix arched a brow. “Is that the only reason, General?”

  Blood. Leonix knew me too well to mince words about it.

  “As much as I dislike the idea of entertaining Queen Lieja,” I admitted, “I do feel it will be a more pleasurable experience with Bree-ah by my side.”

  “And you are sure that is wise? We all know of Lieja’s, shall we say…fondness of you, Kloran. Surely you do not wish to anger her by bringing your new intended mate along to court with our retinue.”

  I waved Leonix’s concern away. “Just have it done, Lieutenant. If Bree-ah is to be my princess someday soon, she would do well to see Lunarian diplomacy in action. Lieja’s fondness for me is of no concern of mine.”

  Leonix gave me a wary look but departed. Free of her questioning, I left the bridge to seek out Haelian instead. I hoped for an update on his mission to hunt down Bree-ah’s captors. Once we knew who they were, we would be able to track them, kill them, and place their heads at Bree-ah’s dainty feet. She had already warmed to me so much with just an apology and a night of pleasure. I knew that the rest of my brutishness would be forgiven once I had delivered her the satisfaction of vengeance as well.

  I found Haelian in the war room, looking vexed but not discouraged.

  “All signs are pointing to Earth,” he revealed, moving aside so that I could see the work he had done on the war room’s monitors. He had a map of Earth’s continents pulled up, with markers placed in various parts of one continent. “The humans are not united under one council as we are on Lunaria. A ruthless government controls this area in particular—” he gestured to the part of the map where his markers were placed, “—and I believe rogue traders have installed themselves within the quadrant to take advantage of the more disenfranchised humans that the political situation there has created.”

  “Are there any leads on who these traders are? What species?” I shook my head as I took the map in. This was exactly why most planets in the galaxies had adopted egalitarian systems to govern their entire species. The politics of greed like that of Bree-ah’s Earth had only led to trouble, in our experience, especially before the slave trade commission had been formed.

  “Not yet, General. Indeed, I fear for the humans who have already been abducted by these vermin. My suspicion is that their numbers are greater than we would expect. These captives could already be spaced out across the galaxies, and without anyone to help them in their plight or to return them home.” Haelian’s anger simmered throughout the war room. But in the war room, at least, that spice was an appropriate scent.

  “We will do all we can for them once we have more specifics,” I assured him. Clapping a hand on his shoulder, I gave him a nod of confidence and appreciation. “There is no better man for this job, Haelian. I thank you for your diligence and discretion on this matter.”

  Slowly, Haelian smiled. “It is always an honor to seek out scum and scrub the galaxies clean of it, General. You can thank me when the deed is finally done.”

  It surprised me to see such bloodlust in Haelian’s eyes. They had been tinged purple-red from the moment I had entered. When we left Lunaria, Haelian had always been the more erudite of the two of us. More calm, quicker to suggest peaceful solutions in his position as my most trusted adviser. I was the more war-like of us, the one with the temper and the passion. But in his task to root out the good-for-nothings who had kidnapped Bree-ah, my friend seemed to have caught my thirst for justice.

  It was a good look on him—but one that I knew I would have to remain on guard for.

  “Stay vigilant, Haelian,” I told him as my eyes flashed with warning. “But stay safe. I will not have you endanger yourself on this mission. That is an order.”

  Haelian growled at my words but nodded. “I am only in such a fury out of my sympathy for these human females, General. I can imagine their fear, their confusion. I am more ill-accustomed to rage than you, but this stirs me to make these leeches pay for what they have done.”

  I recalled Bree-ah’s fear of me when she first saw me. The sourness of it turned my stomach, even in memory.

  I could sympathize with how the Earth captives must have felt as well—and it filled me with rage, too.

  Unfortunately, over the next few days as we approached Jeorkana, that sympathy was overtaken by a black mood in my bones. My body ached to return to Bree-ah’s chambers. To take her the way I had envisioned that day in the shower, when I had spent my seed to the thought of her perfect mouth, her breedable hips, her fertile womb.

  She had wished to please me after I had made her seize and cry out in ecstasy with my tongue. And I had wished for it too—more than I had dared to admit at the time. But I had known that if I allowed her to put her soft, eager mouth on my manhood, I would have unleashed my seed between her lips in mere seconds.

  There was more than lust between Bree-ah and me. The Lunarian race was at stake, and I did not want to waste any more seed than I already had.

  The next time I came, I knew I must fill her womb with my cum. For my people, and to satisfy my own selfish wants as well.

  But in the slew of preparations required to land on Jeorkana, I was simply too busy to go to her again. I could only hope that she was spending her days in luxury in pleasure. That she was thinking of me fondly—and that some other warrior had not somehow gotten to her in my absence.

  That thought left my claws scratching so deep into the control panel in front of my captain’s chair that they left marks in the metal.

  Bree-ah was to be mine. If anyone else desired her, they would have to answer to me first.

  When the ship landed on Jeorkana, I was dressed in my finest warrior’s whites. The insignia of my house stood out proudly against the crisp breast of my jacket, and I had bound my hair back neatly with a length of leather cord. A few stray tendrils had already slipped free of the cord’s hold, falling down to frame my face, but I did not worry about those.

  It made me look dashing, I knew—and if there was one thing that never failed to warm Queen Lieja’s welcome, it was when I showed up on her doorstep looking my best.

  “General Kloran. How kind of you to grace our little planet with your…” Lieja’s eyes
climbed up and down my body as she met me at the base of the ship’s exit ramp. “Exceptionally pleasurable form.”

  “The pleasure is mine, Your Highness.” I kept my voice politely level, though Lieja’s was already dripping with unbridled desire. With a step forward, I held my hand up to her in greeting.

  “Perhaps for now.” Lieja locked her orange gaze onto me and licked her lips as she pressed her hand to mine. “But later tonight, perhaps the pleasure will be mine instead, hmm?”

  Lieja was beautiful to other Jeorkanians, I understood. It was why she had so many willing mates in her harem, even for a queen. She was nearly as tall as me, with hips even broader than Bree-ah’s and bright yellow skin speckled with red. Her hair was piled to exceptional heights atop her head, so that even at my height I could hardly see over her at all. Her curls were even redder than Haelian’s hair, and the natural color of her lips matched. But she lacked Bree-ah’s breasts, being almost as flat-chested as a muscleless Lunarian boy-cub, and she did not have Bree-ah’s softness either. Lieja was a sensual seductress, yes, but I had never seen anything kind in her gaze. If anything, she often gave me the impression that she would be just as happy to eat me for dinner as she would be to take me to bed.

  “Still looking to add you to her collection, then,” Leonix quipped in my ear with a low whisper as she appeared at my side. “Perhaps you should save us all a world of trouble and take her up on the offer this time.”

  I scoffed as I watched Lieja return to her draped palanquin, hips swinging, to join the three favored harem members she had brought along with her to greet me. Lieja kept males of nearly every species she could find—not breeding slaves, but willing mates that she seduced into residing in her palace when they arrived on her planet for diplomatic engagements. As soon as she placed herself on her throne within the palanquin, all three of her males descended on her, placing lusty kisses on her shoulders, her neck and in her hair.


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