Abducted By The Warrior Prince

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Abducted By The Warrior Prince Page 13

by Roxie Ray

  The red bottle, I discovered after Leonix left, made a thick, dense foam in the tub when I filled it with water. It smelled kind of like cinnamon and jasmine, and when I undressed and took the plunge into the water, it made me feel like I’d just been wrapped up in a delicious sensual embrace from Kloran, the kind that I never wanted to end.

  At some point, I must have dozed off in the tub. I woke to the sound of a door opening outside in the suite. The water’s heat had left me drowsy, but as I blinked my eyes open, a heavy knock sounded on the bathroom door that made me jump.

  “Bree-ah? Are you in there?” Kloran’s voice sounded through the door. But despite how hard he’d knocked, his voice wasn’t harsh. If anything, he sounded like he was in a good mood for a change. “I have missed you greatly. May I come in?”

  “Uh…” My eyes flitted around the bathroom in search of a towel, but I didn’t see one. “Well, I’m in here, but I’m, uh, bathing. So no, you can’t come in.”

  “Why would your bath prevent me from entering? Has the tub blocked the door somehow? That would be most peculiar.”

  “I’m naked,” I explained. “Give me a second to make myself, um, presentable first?”

  Kloran laughed. “Bree-ah, I have already seen your nude body. It pleases me greatly. In fact, I have been very much looking forward to the opportunity of gazing upon it again.”

  My heart leapt up in my chest. The sensation made me gasp so hard, I almost inhaled foam. But now that I was a little more awake, I could see that the bubbles in my bath were still floating around me densely. Kloran wouldn’t be able to see anything more than my eyes peeking up over the mountains of bubbles if he came in…unless I wanted him to see more.

  And based on how warm and throbby my pussy had gotten at the sound of his voice when he’d told me my body pleased him, I knew there was a good chance that might be the case.

  “Okay, okay. Come in, then.”

  Kloran opened the door with a smile on his lips. The smile only grew when he sniffed the air. “Look at you, Bree-ah. I see you have discovered Lunarian lust potion already. Am I to make something of that?”

  “Lunarian what?” I yelped, scrambling back in the bath a little. “I thought they were just bubbles! Leonix told me these were her favorite!”

  Kloran cringed, then laughed. “I did not need to know that about my dear cousin, I do not think. But, yes, these bubbles are meant to draw up the image of the object of one’s desires, simulating the comfort of their embrace in one’s mind.” He raised an eyebrow as he perched on the edge of the tub. “Did you think of me?”

  “I—I—” My face flushed beet red immediately, and from more than just the heat of the water around me. “Well…yes, if you must know. But…ugh. Leonix should have warned me first.”

  I moved to get up out of the tub, but Kloran’s interested gaze on my body reminded me exactly why that was a bad idea. I’d already revealed to him that his weird simulated lust potion had made me think of him. I didn’t exactly need to flash my tits at him as well.

  “There is nothing to be embarrassed about, Bree-ah. I am certain that the potion will call you to my mind as well.” As I sank back into the tub, Kloran shrugged off his jacket and reached up to unbutton his shirt. By the time I stopped staring at his hard, well-muscled chest to realize he was unbuttoning his pants, too, it was almost too late to stop him.

  “You’re going to get in here? With me?” I didn’t know why I was so scandalized at that. He’d already seen me naked and put his tongue inside my pussy, hadn’t he? Bathing together in some kind of crazy lust bubbles was nothing compared to that—but it seemed more intimate, maybe, somehow.

  “Do you not wish for me to?” He paused with his thumbs beneath the waistband of his pants, dangerously close to pulling them down completely. If he did, I knew I’d finally get a look at his cock—a proper one. I could already see the bulge of it swelling up from between his legs, tucked up to one side and so long it almost reached his hip.

  “Well…” I bit my lip and sank a little deeper into the bubbles. Honestly, the mixture of suspense and curiosity was killing me. What would it look like? Would it be like Michael’s…or would Kloran’s cock, much like the rest of him, be even bigger and better, new and improved? “Okay. Yeah. Get in here, then. After all, you’ve already seen me naked…tit for tat, right?”

  “I do not know this tit for tat,” Kloran said with a smile as he eased his pants down off his waist. “But I am always glad to see that my body holds your gaze the way yours does mine.”

  His pants slipped down from his thighs and pooled at his boots on the floor. Without their fabric containing his cock, it slipped down between his legs, hanging heavy and half hard.

  I gulped as I took in the sight of it. It was huge—huge and gorgeous, the same dark orange color as the rest of him. There was a row of bumps along its upper side that looked like—well, like anal beads built in beneath his foreskin, kind of. I’d seen some in the window sex shop once in passing, but I’d never actually had the courage to go inside, and Michel wouldn’t have allowed me to have them anyhow. The tip of Kloran’s cock didn’t end in a bell shape the way a human’s did. Instead, it was flared a little, flat and thick. And by thick, I meant really thick. I didn’t know if I would even be able to get a hand around it, let alone…

  A jolt of fear shot through me. Holy cow. If he put that thing inside me, I was pretty sure he’d split me in half with it.

  Suddenly, Kloran cleared his throat and I was blushing harder than I’d ever blushed before. I tore my eyes away from his cock and made a point of becoming very interested in the tiling on the opposite wall.

  He was just getting in the bath with me, not putting his cock in me. I didn’t need to even be thinking about that right now.

  Kloran chuckled as he watched me react to him. “Is something wrong, Bree-ah?”

  “No, um…not at all. Just, uh…”

  “My anatomy is different than a human male’s, I take it.” On the peripherals of my vision, I saw Kloran strip off his shirt and let it fall to the floor. I turned my head to look at it again and saw a tattoo on his chest over his heart that matched the insignia on his jacket—claw marks—as well as nearly two dozen thin scars across his chest. “Does it displease you?”

  “It’s just, um. The size, mostly.”

  Kloran glanced down between his legs. “It is not large enough for your liking? Among Lunarian men, I was always under the impression that it was of average size…”

  I let out a giggle. “Um. No. It’s bigger than what I’m used to, is all.”

  “Ah. Do not worry about that, Bree-ah.” He said my name in a purr again as he stepped into the bath, a smug grin on his lips. “I am sure that we will make it fit.”

  My eyes grew wide and I gulped. Okay, Bria. Change the subject, change the freaking subject!

  “Your scars…” I said softly, moving my hand to reach for his chest as he slipped beneath the bath’s foam. I pulled it back before I could brush it against his skin, though. Touching Kloran right now, while we were both naked and in a giant tub full of lust bubbles, was the worst idea I’d had all day. “You have so many of them. What happened?”

  Kloran looked down at his chest then shrugged. “I have fewer than most Lunarians. Before we come of age at twenty-one years, we spend most of our time as cubs training in the fighting pits.”

  “They make you fight each other? As children? That’s awful.” Even as I said it, though, I couldn’t help but glow with pride a little. Kloran must have been some fighter, if he thought he had less than other men.

  “We enjoy fighting each other,” he corrected me. “It is good training, and Lunarian waters have certain healing properties, especially at high temperatures, so any injuries we sustain are rarely serious ones. Already, I believe your own scar is looking better.”

  I followed his gaze to my shoulder, which admittedly was looking a little less shiny and pink. The skin there felt less tight than it had when I�
��d arrived aboard Kloran’s ship.

  “Huh.” I ran my fingers over my ruined skin, which felt softer than it had before as well. “Well, that’s…something, then.” This line of conversation was ending, though. I had to think fast for another topic, or else I knew we’d just end up talking about his cock again. His big, hard, gorgeously shaped— “What about your tattoo? I’ve seen that symbol on your jacket, and on Leonix’s too.”

  “This?” Kloran moved the bubbles between us away to reveal the mark over his chest. “This is the symbol of High House Dyoval. I was branded with it when I came of age. It marks me as the prince of my house.”

  “You’re a prince? Like in a fairy tale?”

  He chuckled. “I am. But it is not as fanciful as human fare-ee tales make it out to be. It simply means that when my father dies, I will sit on the Lunarian High Council in his place. If the council votes in my favor, someday there is a chance I will become king—but that will not be my concern for a very long time. I am a warrior, not a politician at the moment. For now, as a general, my mission is to secure the future of our race by finding a species that we can interbreed with.” Through the gap he’d made in the foam, his gaze was sliding across the tops of my breasts ravenously again.

  “Hey. My, um, my eyes are up here, buddy.” I pointed his gaze, redirecting it back up to my face.

  “You must forgive me, Bree-ah,” he said with another laugh. “The lust potion is a potent one. And as I suspected…mm.” He closed his eyes and stretched out in the tub, spreading his legs. A little shudder shot through me as his feet and calves reached across, brushing against either side of my hips. “Yes. It makes me feel your embrace in my mind. A luxurious thing.”

  “The bubbles are making you think of me too?” The way he’d described them, they would conjure up feelings of the person he desired most. And if that was me…well, I supposed that was lucky, then. The bubbles were certainly making me think of him.

  “They are,” he confirmed. “But…it would be a ridiculous thing to simply enjoy these simulations of feelings, when the real thing is right here before me.” His hands rose up out of the water. He held them out to me, beckoning. “Come here.”

  I gave his palms and claws a wary look. “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, Kloran…”

  “Why not? You said so yourself that the potion is making you imagine me, too. Would it not be better to feel my skin against yours in more than just your mind?”

  I licked my lips. Of course it would be better, it was just—

  “I’m afraid of what I’d do if I let that happen,” I admitted, my voice tiny and faint.

  Kloran sniffed the air. “You do not smell afraid, Bree-ah. In fact…Mm.” A rumble emanated from his throat. “Your scent right now is one of desire, if anything.”


  “Do not be afraid, vringna.” He beckoned me again, a soft smile on his lips. “I desire you too.”

  Gingerly, I placed my hands in his and let him draw me through the water toward him. He pulled me against his chest, settling my knees on either side of his hips and my pussy right up against his cock.

  “Oh,” I breathed. “Wow. You feel even thicker than you look.”

  “You are pleased by me, then?” Kloran’s cock throbbed against the lips of my pussy as I pinned it between us. “You may touch it, if you like.”

  “I…I think I would like,” I admitted. Actually, I’d like it a lot, and his body was so hot and firm beneath mine that it was hard to deny myself. Tentatively, I reached down into the water, pausing just before I traced my fingers along his tip. “But no funny business, okay? I’m not kidding when I say I’m a little scared of how big you are.”

  “I am not being fun-nee, Bree-ah.” His gaze captured mine as his eyes shifted to that gorgeously midnight blue color again. “But if you truly fear me, then allow me to swear an oath to you. I will never force myself on you. I want you carnally, yes. Badly.” He chuckled. Another throb swelled up in his cock between my legs, this one so powerful that it lifted me up in the water a little bit. “I believe you can feel that for yourself. But I would never take you without your consent.” He paused, glancing down at my lips then staring back up into my eyes. “Do you? Consent? Would you like for me to—”

  Before he could finish his thought, I moved against him, crushing my lips against his. Immediately, his tongue flicked into my mouth, tangling with my own tongue. He tasted like salt, like sweetness and like him. I breathed in his breath, relishing the way he smelled. Musky, earthy and a little bit like citrus. On Earth, if they could have bottled that scent, every man on the planet would have been wearing it as cologne.

  “I want you,” I panted as I finally drew back, breaking our kiss. I nodded several times, suddenly too eager to hold myself back anymore. “I want you so bad, Kloran. But…”

  He nodded back at me, slipping his hips down in the tub. Now, his cock was pressed against the lips of my pussy, teasing at my entrance but not pushing past it.

  “I want you as well, Bree-ah. But you must not fear me. You are wet for me, still in heat, and the lust potion will lubricate the water further. Perfect for mating.” He grinned wickedly, flashing his fangs. “I have wanted to ravish you like this ever since I first laid eyes on you. But I will be gentle about it.”

  The tip of Kloran’s cock pressed up a little deeper into my folds. He was right about the water—it felt slick, a little thicker than water had any right to be. I could feel myself gushing for him too, my honey coating the tip of his cock as my pussy throbbed, desperate to take him inside me.

  “Oh, fuck,” I swore as Kloran wound his hands around my waist. He could wrap me up completely in those hands, and he used his hold on me to lower me down onto his cock, slow but firm.

  When his tip finally entered me, I gasped sharply. His cock was stretching me around him, molding me to his shape.

  Suddenly, Kloran stopped. “Have I hurt you, Bree-ah? We can stop, slow down—”

  “No,” I breathed, almost panicked at the thought of him stopping. If my own eyes could’ve changed colors in that moment, they would’ve flickered with fire. “No, it doesn’t hurt. Please—you have no idea how good that feels, actually. I…I just want more.”

  Grinning, Kloran moved his hips up beneath me, thrusting in a little deeper. He was careful to only give me an inch or so at a time, but even then, I could feel him bottoming out inside me before he’d even come close to getting balls-deep. The flat tip of his cock pressed against my cervix. I could imagine his tip forming a tight seal around it, and his cock had already filled me so full.

  My body spasmed as I imagined him coming inside me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, clinging to him in desperation. My every breath came shorter and sharper than the last. If he let loose inside me, his cum would flood right into my womb. And then…

  When the orgasm hit me, I could hardly believe it. All he’d done was put his dick in me, and already I was coming around him at just the idea of being filled with his seed. As I shook and shivered, clenched and pressed tight to him, he smoothed his hands down my back and growled with pleasure.

  “Oh, Bree-ah… Bree-ah. You gorgeous, perfect thing—perfectly shaped, perfect for me…”

  He lavished me with praise like a prayer, bucking his hips up beneath me a little faster now. Somehow, as I rode the waves of my orgasm, he’d managed to bury another inch of his cock inside me. It made my body sing, being filled like this, being petted and stroked and praised. Gradually, my hips began to match his movements. Every time he withdrew from me, I lifted myself up off of him. When he rose back inside me, I slammed my hips down, riding him with my teeth bared and my head full of sin.

  Was it a sin, fucking him like this? Maybe. The Sectorist church had been firm about having sex before marriage, but even back on Earth it seemed like I’d been the only one who’d actually taken it seriously. And besides, the Sectorist bible only forbade extramarital sex between men and women—it didn’t say anything
about sexy alien warriors, as far as I could recall.

  But even if this was a sin… I pressed kisses against Kloran’s neck, moaning and spasming every time our bodies came together. If it was a sin, then fuck it. White-hot heat swelled through me at the place where we were joined. Pleasure swirled all around us, drawing me even nearer to him, sealing us in and the rest of the world out.

  Sinning with Kloran felt good. Too good to deny. If this was sin, then I liked it.

  I never wanted it to end.

  The pace of Kloran’s thrusts started coming even faster though, and I could practically feel the orgasm building within him. It was addictive, his claws on my back, his ragged, hot breath washing over my skin. Another orgasm was building within me, too, even stronger than my last. The ridges of his cock were stroking up against my G-spot, sending rockets of pleasure shooting off inside me. Fireworks.

  I scraped my teeth against his neck, crying out into his skin and begging him with my body to delve just a little deeper. Just a little more, and…

  “Oh! Fuck!” I screamed as the second orgasm exploded inside me. I threw my head back, my hips shaking so hard that I had to dig my nails into his shoulders just so I had something to hold onto.

  Beneath me, Kloran roared. His hands shifted to my ass, claws digging into my curves as he forced the final bump of his cock through my entrance. His balls, heavy and hairless, clenched against me, throbbing wildly as his cum pumped up out of them. His cock bulged with it. Inside me, as his seed splashed up against my cervix again and again, I could actually feel its heat. Like fire flaring within me—the most delicious kind.

  And all the while, he growled my name up at me in a holy chant. “Bree-ah…Bree-ah…Bree-ah!”

  When our bodies finally relaxed again, completely spent from orgasm, I let my hair fall down around us like a veil as I rested my forehead against his. My muscles were either sore as hell, or so relaxed that I felt like my whole body could fall apart like a slow-cooked hunk of meat.


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