Abducted By The Warrior Prince

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Abducted By The Warrior Prince Page 22

by Roxie Ray

  Like an answer to my prayers, I heard a knock at the door to our chambers. When I answered it, I found Haelian there, blood splattered across his face. Not, I believed, his own.

  “He finally broke, Kloran. We have him.”

  I slipped out the door and closed it behind me. I did not wish to wake Bree-ah or Kaliope, but this was much needed news.

  “What have you learned, my friend?”

  “Dozens of human females have been trafficked from Earth over the past two years by this man, Kloran.” Haelian’s voice was grim. “Perhaps as many as hundreds. He has his people installed on Earth, where they are able to drug the females before shipping them off to auction houses throughout the galaxies. Their papers are all fabricated, as Bree-ah’s were, but still…they never fail to fetch a high price.”

  This was as bad as we had feared, but at least now we knew for sure.

  “If they have been sold through auction houses, there will be paper trails,” I reassured Haelian. “Now that Bree-ah is happy and safe here on Lunaria, we can take this up with the commission. We can find these females, return them home, or see if they would be agreeable to coming here and living among us instead—”

  But Haelian did not brighten at these prospects. There was something else, I realized. Another misfortune that he had yet to tell.

  “It is not just the auction houses, Kloran. These slavers do not always deal within the confines of the commission. Space, as you know well, can be a dangerous place, and they require protection. Protection they can trade with the only cargo they have.”

  My heart nearly stopped. “Surely you do not mean—”

  “Rutharians, Kloran. They have been claiming their pick of the humans from these snakes, often before the captives are even put up for auction. Even the commission has no control over Rutharian actions. The females who are the most at risk…” Haelian’s lips pulled back in a snarl. “They are at the mercy of the most brutal species in all of the galaxies.”

  “We must leave at once, then.” I cast a glance over my shoulder, my eyes flashing between sadness and rage. I knew this would mean being away from Bree-ah and Kaliope, and with Kaliope still so small and newborn, but we had no choice.

  “No.” Haelian took my shoulder in his hand and shook his head. “You have a wife to attend to now, Kloran, and a fresh cub. After all they have been through, it would not be right to leave them.”

  I sighed but nodded. I knew he spoke true. “Then it must be you, Haelian. Put a team together. Search out the Rutharian fleet and rescue the humans they have stolen. It will be dangerous, but—”

  Haelian held my gaze, the red of his eyes deepening to the darkest shade I had ever seen them in.

  “I will make them pay for what they have done, Kloran.” Then, his snarl shifted into a brutal smile. “If they wish for a fight, they have found one in me.”

  Get ready for book 2 in the Lunarian Series, Rescued By The Warrior Lord

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  Rescued By The Warrior Lord

  Get ready for book 2 in the Lunarian Series, Rescued By The Warrior Lord

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  Abducted By The Warrior Prince

  Lunarian Warriors: Book 1

  Roxie Ray

  © 2020


  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and events are all fictitious for the reader’s pleasure. Any similarities to real people, places, events, living or dead are all coincidental.

  This book contains sexually explicit content that is intended for ADULTS ONLY (+18).




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