The Dynasty Club Box Set

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The Dynasty Club Box Set Page 4

by Celeste Raye

So, instead of letting him think that he had won for the moment, she went to his bedroom and made sure that he couldn’t ignore her anymore. She laid down on his bed, knowing that he would be there soon. Her mind went to how he had looked in a towel, dripping wet, after he had been in the pool. She could still see him perfectly in her thoughts, the image etched forever in her brain.

  She waited so long that Audra started to get tired. Her eyes had finally closed and she was drifting off to sleep when she heard him coming into the room. Her eyes popped back open, and she found him staring back at her.

  “What are you doing in here?”

  Audra was just underneath the sheet, but from the hunger in his eyes, she also knew that he could see more than enough through the sheet that was clinging to her every curve. Audra had nothing on, hoping to quicken what was to come next.

  “Your bed is so much more comfortable than mine. I thought I'd lay in it for a while. You don’t mind, do you?”

  “I don't think that is a good idea, Audra.”

  “And why is that? You told me yourself that you want me, and you want us, so why change your mind now? I am trying to give you everything that you said you wanted.”

  She saw him look away and Audra wanted to know what was so hard about it. “Why are you making this more complicated than it needs to be?”

  “Because of Sam.”

  “I am not a kid. I can make my own decisions. I am glad that Sam brought me here to you, but what we do together is between us alone. It has nothing to do with you and my brother.”

  “I wish that were true.”

  Audra could feel that Neil was slipping away from her, and she worried that she wasn't going to get the chance that she knew she needed. She wanted to feel him against her again. Inside her this time. The feeling that came over her when she was in his arms was breathtaking, and Audra knew that she had to have him. She didn't know why she felt that way, just that she did.

  Instead of trying to reason with him with her words, she pulled the sheet back and let him see all of her. She was offering herself to him, and Audra figured that should do the trick.

  “And now?”

  Neil started to say something and then closed his mouth. He licked his lips and Audra smiled at his response. She had honestly worried that he would be able to walk away, but she could see now that it was going to be impossible for him. That was what she was really after.

  “Now I'm starting to think that you are the devil. How can I say no to that?”

  “You don't question it. That is the point. Come here and give me what we both need.”

  Audra watched him come closer to her, and she started to tremble uncontrollably. It was one of those moments where she wondered if what she asked for was going to be too much. There was a red fire in his eyes that burned behind his brown irises.

  She looked away for a moment, sure that she was seeing things, but when she looked back, the red glow was still there. Audra was sure that she was seeing things.

  Neil moved to the side of the bed and asked her if she was sure. Audra said that she was, unable to wait any longer. The way he looked at her was hard to process. There was such need, intent, and hunger in them that she was sure that he was going to devour her where she laid.

  “It’s just sex, Neil. Don’t make it more than it is.”

  Neil just smiled and pulled his towel off. Her eyes fell to the floor, and her mouth was suddenly dry.

  “You were saying?”

  Neil was smug when he leaned down and kissed her. Audra’s body was moving on its own, drawing upwards towards him like he was a magnet, and she couldn’t get away. Audra was confused by the flood of emotions that ran through her. She didn’t want to need him as badly as she did, but it was clear that he had some kind of control over her that she just didn’t understand.

  His lips were magical, as well as the hands that found her body and pushed her towards the mattress. He left a gap in between their bodies so that he could play his fingertips against her flesh. Audra was lost in the moment, unable to take it all in. She knew in the back of her mind that she had asked for his touch, but she wondered if she was enough to receive all that he had to offer.

  Chapter Ten

  Audra was squirming underneath him, and Neil found it impossible not to let her. She was so confident one moment, but he now had her reduced to a begging mass underneath him. He knew that it would take little to no effort on his side for him to give her the pleasure that she needed. He wanted to, and before she could stop him, he slid his hand between her legs and watched her face change as she was quickly pushed towards her first completion of the night.

  Her whole body tightened up and he had to push her legs apart more as she tried to push him away. Audra’s cries of pleasure were damaging to his senses. He wanted to hold his control, give her exactly what she needed, make his mark on her long before he entered her fully, but her reaction was hard to ignore. The hard need of his own was not helping the cause at all.

  Neil backed up for a moment, going back to his knees, though his fingers still played on her flesh. Audra jerked and moaned, whimpering from time to time that it was too much. He tried to remind her that they were only getting started, but Audra couldn’t answer. Neil could have stopped to give her a moment’s breath, but the pleasure of her own was too much. It was addictive, and Neil only stopped strumming on her sensitive skin when she was begging for him to stop.

  “I can’t, Neil. Please. Just give me a minute.”

  He stopped, and she almost immediately whined. Neil chuckled as he watched her eyes start to focus again, finally opening after being pushed tight for so long.

  “Welcome back, Audra. I thought I lost you for a moment.”

  She smiled sheepishly and looked down between their bodies.

  “I suppose we will have to do something with that, huh?”

  Neil agreed, and she rubbed her hand over her heated flesh. It was already sensitive, and he could see her squaring him up in her mind.

  “You look worried.”

  “I am.”

  “There is nothing to be worried about. It’s harmless.”

  “I bet.”

  Audra moved her hand out to touch it, and she looked up at his face, watching his expression change. “I don’t think any part of you is harmless, Neil.”

  “I guess it all depends on how you look at it.”

  Her eyes were full of him and Neil started to rub on her again. She closed her legs, stopping his access, and shook her head.

  “There is no need to touch that. I am about as ready as I think I’ve ever been before.”

  Audra’s hand moved up and down his length, watching it grow bigger in her hands. She finally let it go and tittered under her breath.

  “Maybe I shouldn’t be touching that either.”

  Neil enjoyed the change in her. A few orgasms later and she was tame and a little nervous. He wanted that fire back in her eyes, but the innocence was driving him crazy as well.

  He moved over her body, settling in between her legs, waiting for her to get used to him there. Neil was pressed up against her, but he paused where he was. He didn’t want to move too fast, even though waiting a moment longer seemed like torture.

  Moving forward, Neil watched her eyes close and her lips purse as he slid inside as slow as he could. His every instinct was to slam in, possess her, but Neil knew better.

  She whined as he pushed in as deeply as he could. She was limiting her breathing, and when he stopped for a moment, it allowed her time to breathe again.

  “How does that feel?”


  Neil was going to take that as the best answer he was going to get. The woman underneath him was starting to move, and he had to take hold of her hips to stop her. He wasn’t ready to move forward, not if he was going to do it in a slow and controlled manner.

  “Please, Neil. Why did you stop?”

  She was begging again, and he was unable to stop himself from thrusting forwa
rd, taking her breath away.

  “You want it like that?”

  Her eyes popped open, and the crystal blue depths were miles away.


  Neil bent down to kiss her, sure that she was an angel that had fallen from the sky. He knew that he wasn’t going to be able to hold back any longer and Neil was thankful that he didn’t have to continue in the same ilk. She was absolutely driving him crazy.

  Her hips moved as he tried to hold her down, and he finally let them go. Neil didn’t want to slow himself down anymore, and he started to fill her quickly, ripping out just as fast to do it all over again.

  The sounds of pleasure increased, and he could feel the exact moment that she exploded again. It hadn’t taken her long at all. He gritted his teeth to the extra pleasure and then moved a little faster.

  Neil was quickly building them both up to a crescendo that was going to leave them both catatonic. When he could finally do no more, he filled her with his seed, breathing hard as he pressed deep.

  Audra finally pushed back from him, and he slid out almost reluctantly.

  “Just sex, huh?”

  She waved him off, and when Neil looked back over a moment later, he could see that Audra was out like a light. He thought of waking her but knew that he didn’t want to ruin the moment. She was exhausted.

  Neil knew that he was going to have to do something to keep her safe. He wasn’t used to feeling the wave of protection that came over him. It was more than he was ready for and he wondered if it was all because he was unable to see a future with her, not with everything in the air.

  He watched her sleep for a while before he pulled her into his body. Neil planned to go to sleep, but the way she rubbed against him and whined, it was clear to Neil that she wanted more. Neil also knew that he wasn’t going to be able to refuse her.

  Chapter Eleven

  Audra woke up and stared at the ceiling. There were two fans in her vision, and they were both going in the same direction. Sleepy thoughts fought her for a moment, and it was only when she started to get up that she realized how used she felt. The night before had been a long one, which she had brought on herself. Her whole body was sore, but it was impossible to regret it even though she felt the way she did.

  She looked behind her to find Neil was lying next to her, and she played with the dark blue marks that were old tattoos. The pattern was intricate, and though she had seen it the night before, she was unable to get a good look at it. Audra had other things on her mind then, things that now made her blush to think about.

  “What do they mean?”

  “How did you know I was awake?”

  “I didn't, but it feels like you're always awake. I wonder if you ever sleep.”

  “A little.”

  Audra was quickly learning that Neil was very understated. While he didn't say much, each word had power behind it. Because he did not talk about himself, it meant that each word had to carry a lot of weight.

  “So, when you say little, you mean what? Like a couple hours a night?”

  “Something like that.”

  “How do you have all that energy?”

  “That is the question?”

  She was immediately thinking of the night before and how it had felt like he could go on forever. Now part of her had seriously wondered if he could, and at some point, Audra was sure that she had passed out from it all. Audra had been riding him the last time she remembered. Now she had just woken up, so she must have just lost it.

  Audra trembled and tried to collect herself. He really had no idea what he did to her.

  “So, what do they mean?”

  “They are just the emblems of my family. We all have them.”

  “All of your family has the same tattoos?”

  “There aren't very many of us left, but yes.”

  Audra couldn't understand why that was. It didn't make sense to her, so her curiosity got the best of her and she asked more questions. Something that she had learned not to do before, but after the night they’d shared, it felt like some of the rules were not going to apply anymore.

  “I have never heard of that before. Is it a kind of tradition or something?”

  “I guess you could consider it a tradition. When I was thirteen, so long ago, I got all of these tattoos. As time goes on, I've gotten a few more additions, but the main ones on my back and chest are from when I was a kid. It was the initiation into my manhood. The first time I...”

  Neil had a faraway look in his eyes, and Audra would have done anything to know what he was thinking of at that moment. He was happy, like the tattoos on his skin were prizes.

  “The first time you what?”

  He shook his head like he was pulling himself out of his trance and smiled haphazardly. “It was the first time that I really felt like a man. My body was going through changes, and it was a lot to take on, but going through it and getting the tattoos helped me to see that all of the changes were good. That helped me to accept myself for what I was.

  Audra wanted to ask more, but she knew better. Even though she was curious and wanted to, Audra had more manners than that. It was obvious from the reverence in his voice that it was not an easy topic for him to talk about. The fact that he had told her and he wanted her to know was enough. If she was going to learn more, it was going to be in his own time. Audra could feel that there was a difference in Neil and herself after their night together.

  Something happened the night before, and Audra just knew that everything would come out in the end. It would all make sense soon, and because she was assured that it would happen, it made her less worried about it. If it was all going to be okay, then what was there to worry about?

  “Well, they are very unique. They must have been hard getting them done, especially when you were so young.”

  “It hurt a lot less than I thought it would. I knew that I had to get them and I was worried about it, but it all turned out fine. It wasn't nearly as bad as I had imagined it would be. My older brothers made sure that I was completely freaked out about it. They thought it was funny.”

  Audra smiled to herself and suddenly missed her family a little bit more. She missed her brother, and she didn’t want to think of him at the moment. He was still out there, and she was worried that something had happened to him. He hadn't called yet today, and he hadn't called the day before afternoon or night. Audra didn't want to think about that, and she pushed it out of her mind.

  “Sounds like something Sam and I would do. He always liked to antagonize me when we were younger.”

  “But you two are close?”

  “Yeah. We had to be when we were younger. Sam was all that I had sometimes. My father left when we were young, and my mother was always gone working. Sam cooked more dinners than my mother ever did. He is actually a good cook, believe it or not.”

  “I liked your brother as soon as I met him. Sam is really easy to get along with, and his honesty was very refreshing for me. I can see him chefing up something for his little sister.”

  “Yeah, you may think so, but when I was younger, his honesty certainly wasn't something that I prized all that much. He was too honest. And he was always getting me into trouble.”

  The man next to her chuckled, and Audra really liked the sound of it. He had a deep and rich tone to his voice that made it easy to listen to. She could have listened to him talk all night about nothing. Just the sound of it had relaxed her.

  “I wish we could get out and be outside a little bit more today. Would you like to go for a swim?”

  “There are other things I would like to do first.”

  Audra knew exactly what he was talking about and she just kind of shook her head. It was what men thought about pretty much all the time. Or at least Neil certainly had a one-tracked mind at the moment.

  “How about you go for a swim with me and we'll see what happens?”

  His hand snaked around her and touched her gently. She turned her head away from him and made
a soft moaning sound. He knew exactly where to press and exactly what to do. It drove her a little mad how quickly Neil could set her body on fire. Audra wanted to keep reminiscing, but it was impossible to when he was touching her like that. That was most likely why he did it that way. He wanted to make her forget the swim and think only about him. It was, admittedly, pretty easy to do.

  “Fine, Neil, but only once. Then you come out with me.”

  At first, her voice was filled with confidence, but as he touched her and played with her flesh, Audra was quickly losing her grip. She wanted to believe that she had a choice, but in the end, Audra knew that she didn't. Neil had a way with her that she didn't understand. It was like he knew her body better than she knew it herself. And he used that fact as much as he possibly could against her.

  Chapter Twelve

  Neil was starting to get worried about Sam because he still hadn't heard from him. It had been well over a day now, and Neil was starting to play scenarios out in his head. For all he knew, Sam could have been found and abducted, and he was being tortured to give Ben the whereabouts of his house.

  He wanted to take certain measures, but at the same time, he didn't want to worry his house guest too much. Audra was so calm lately, that he didn't want to shatter that feeling for her. He didn't want her to be afraid. That was the last thing that he wanted her ever to feel.

  But Audra was asking about Sam, and he didn't want to lie to her either. Neil was torn as what to do, and finally, after she asked again, he told her as much as he knew. He didn't embellish and certainly didn't give any of his own opinions. Just the facts so that he wouldn't feel guilty about it later.

  “I don't know where your brother is right now. I have not talked to him since yesterday, and while he did tell me that he was going to call today, he still hasn’t. It isn't the end of the day yet.”

  “Yeah, but it's getting late. Don't you feel like something's happened?”

  Neil felt that way, but he did not want to think about it. If he thought about it and played it out in his head, then it would mean that it was real. He just didn't want to make it real just yet.


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