The Dynasty Club Box Set

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The Dynasty Club Box Set Page 24

by Celeste Raye

  “Frank, I see that you’ve outdone yourself again.”

  The older man beamed when anyone spoke well of the Dynasty Club and this time was no different. He spoke of it like it was one of his children.

  “Do you like it? You know that I am always happy to see a Rand in residence. I have had three people call just to see if your family is going to be here for the event.”

  Nik had a smart comment about what they wanted to see him for, but he didn’t say anything one way or another. He didn’t want to think about it.

  “Yes, I have already run into a few smaller packs that want to add us to an alliance. It seems that there is a lot of warring on this coast.”

  Frank agreed. “There can be. Always seems to be more in the summertime. You know how it gets. People get heated, literally, and then things happen.”

  There was specific intent behind saying those words and looking at Nik the way he was. Nik had lost his temper several times in the club, and though he always paid for anything he broke to be fixed, he’d been known to do some real damage.

  “Don’t tell me that you’re going to give me the same warning as Opi did?”

  “No, just wondering if I need to keep the fire department on call.”

  Nik flashed him a smile and said that it was always a good idea. “Like you said, Frank, people get heated and things happen.”

  The older man frowned and Nik asked if any Domins were going to be in attendance.

  “You know they will be. They never miss a year, just like your family. They will make their appearance soon and stay for the evening. I don’t think they have a room for the night, though.”

  That made Nik feel a little bit better, that he wouldn’t have to sleep under the same roof as his enemy. Whether his sister got it or not didn’t matter. Most women didn’t get the nuances and the need for war. He knew very well what the cause of it was and the need for it to hold off enemies. Whatever happened a century or so ago still mattered, and there was a reason the families split. He didn’t know why, but like he tried to tell his sister, he really didn’t need to know why.

  “Good, I hope to stay away from them, and I’m sure that everything will turn out fine.”

  He wasn’t convinced and a bit dubious of the answer, but it was the only one that was given. As long as he wasn’t in their midst, he would be fine.

  Nik took off to walk the grounds, and he found himself checking out the women. He knew that it was because of Ophelia’s words and he was going to say something to her about it later. It was bad enough that she was in love, and nauseatingly so, and he didn’t want to have it pushed on him.

  When he caught what it was that he was doing, he decided that it would be better if he just went to the bar. He needed a few drinks in him to make it through the night. He hadn’t seen a Domin, and that was good. He didn’t know if he had the temperament to be around them just yet. Nik was convinced it would be easier when he had a little alcohol in him.

  He caught sight of Ophelia and was amazed at how beautiful she was next to her husband. Marriage and love really suited her. She was literally glowing, and Nik wondered for just a moment if it was ever going to be possible for him. He shook the idea off, sure that his sister was turning him sentimental. He had everything that he wanted. Nik didn’t need a woman. He didn’t need the distraction in his life.

  Once he had a drink in him, Nik looked around and saw one of the men he didn’t want to see. He had always hated Lachlan. There was just something about him that rubbed him the wrong way. It didn’t help that he was of the Domin line. He was the only son and was soon going to be taking the Alpha position in his pack.

  His father was said to be stepping down. Most packs agreed that the Alpha should be the best, so there remained a chance of anyone ascending. The family that holds it, can help train them for the time, but the Domin line doesn’t believe in that. They believe in one superior blood, and no one else can lead.

  From across the room, Nik caught Lachlan’s eye and he smiled in a sour way. It wasn’t the type of smile that meant he was happy to see him—far from it. This was a smile that never reached his eyes.

  They stared each other down for a few minutes before Nik snickered to himself and turned his back to him. He wasn’t going to worry about the Domins. He’d made a promise to Frank, that he was going to be on his best behavior. He needed to avoid those guys or he wasn’t going to be able to keep the promise that he made to him.

  “You’re being nice, right, big brother?”

  “Of course.”

  “Well, it looks like you’re mean-mugging Lachlan.”

  Nik shrugged. “That is me being nice, Opi, and you know it.”

  She waved him off. “Come meet a few people that are here.”

  He didn’t want to, but he knew that he was going to be dragged anyway. Might as well make the time go by faster, Nik thought to himself. He looked back at his enemy once and caught the man’s gaze. He was going to try his best to stay out of it, but it felt like it may very well be impossible.

  “Stop making it worse.”

  “How am I making it worse?”

  “Because you’re letting him get to you. I can feel you getting upset.”

  “I am going to keep it together, sis. Don’t you worry.”

  “Good, because I have some women I would like you to meet. One of them is perfect for you, but I can’t find her right now.”

  “Well, I am sure that I will meet her if I am supposed to.”

  Again, Nik was trying to push her away with that nonsense, but she smiled. “Oh, I’m sure you will. You’re really going to like her. I have a good feeling about it.”

  Nik agreed, but he wasn’t going to hold his breath, especially considering his sister had said that before. She really didn’t know what it was he wanted, because neither did he, if he was honest with himself.

  Chapter Three

  “Freya, did you see that guy over there? The one with the black eyes.”

  Freya looked to where Constance was gesturing, and she nodded her head. “Yeah, I see him. What about it?”

  “Don’t you think he’s cute?”

  “Do you know who he is?”

  “No, who?”

  “Nik Rand.”

  Constance’s face fell, and while she was remiss about the fact that the man was off limits, Freya was paying attention to how her brother was looking at one of their enemies. She’d seen that look before and there was nothing else that she could do but get closer. Her brother was about to do something stupid.

  “Where are you going?


  Freya shushed her. “I will be right back.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “I just have to take care of something.”

  Freya didn’t have time to explain to her friend what was going on. She knew that she had to get to her brother before something happened. Lachlan was easy to anger and slow to cool down. His temper had ruined many festivities, and Freya wasn’t ready to leave. She usually had to when it came to Lachlan showing his ass.

  She bumped into her brother. “Dear brother, would you dance with me?”

  The music was playing, and he wasn’t happy that she was there to interrupt him giving Nik dirty looks.

  “Have you seen Mother?”

  “She wasn’t feeling good. I doubt that she came.”

  “I wonder if we should go check on her. It doesn’t look like you’re having that good of a time.”

  “I am, sister. You don’t need to worry yourself with me.”

  She wanted to believe it, but at the same time, she knew better. “Come on, let’s go. I am tired, and I don’t want to go back by myself. It’s a long trip.”

  “Grab a room upstairs then. Tell Frank to get us both one. I might find something to take my attention here for a while.”

  Freya sighed out loud. “Don’t start anything. It’s one day, and we just got here.”

  “You’re the one that is looking
and talking about leaving. I haven’t said a word to that effect.”

  “Well, I don’t want you getting into a fight with that Rand over there. I can see the look in your eyes. It makes me nervous when you get like this.”

  He smiled, fake as hell, and she was no less worried than when she started.

  “It’s all good, Freya, really. Go enjoy the party. I am supposed to take care of you, not the other way around.”

  She agreed, but at the same time, she still didn’t trust him. Freya let him go, but she didn’t let him get out of her sight. She knew what happened when he wasn’t being watched.

  Freya tried to enjoy the party, but it was impossible not to feel the tension between her brother and the Rand Alpha. Her brother was about to become Alpha, and he had a lot to prove to himself, their parents, as well as many others. Freya knew that a fight with the Rands would always be looked on favorably from her pack, no matter how much it cost them in the end. Even today on their race’s birthday, nothing was held sacred when a blood feud was in effect.

  Freya knew that something was going to happen, waited for it, but it was almost midnight and they’d stayed on their respective sides. It looked like everything was going to be okay. That’s what she wanted to think, but then her brother got the fed-up look on his face, and he started walking towards Nik. Freya could see in his eyes that he was going to start a fight. She didn’t know why, but she did know who they were to each other.

  Freya knew the stories like everyone else did. No one even questioned why her family and the Rands hated each other. She knew that she was to stay away from them or bad things would happen. That’s all she needed to know. The rest of it, really didn’t matter.

  When she got to Lachlan, he was already in Nik’s face, and Freya had to put herself between the two men.

  “Get out of the way, Freya!”

  “Don’t speak to a woman like that. What kind of man are you to talk to a woman in such a way?”

  “She’s not a woman; she’s my sister.”

  Freya would have laughed at her brother’s answer if it hadn't been such a tense moment. Both men were ready to pounce, but then Nik looked behind him and stopped. He had Lachlan’s collar in his hands, and he still held him close, but the other hand that was going to hit him, went to his side. His black eyes were fixated on her, and she had to almost look away to break the connection. She didn’t know why it needed to be broken, just that it did.

  When she did that, Lachlan used the opening to hit Nik in the face. She saw his head move to the side and a bit of blood shot out of his mouth. He was looking at Freya, and with the distraction, he’d gotten blasted by her brother.

  “Stop it, Lachlan!”

  She wanted them both to stop, but Nik already had. He still looked at her, with this silly grin on his face.

  “Your brother knows nothing, Freya. You are certainly all woman.”

  That just pissed her brother off more and Lachlan drew back to hit him again. Frank was moving through the crowd to the two men, and Nik noticed him.

  “I think if you’re that hell-bent on getting your ass kicked, Lachlan, we can take it outside.”

  Freya shook her head. “That’s not going to happen. We’re leaving.”

  Nik stopped her as she tried to convince her brother of that. “Come back, Freya. I want to get to know you.”

  She looked at him and pressed her lips together. He was asking the impossible, in front of her brother. He was foaming at the mouth practically, pissed off at the idea, and that was most likely what told her to say yes to Nik. Just to spite Lachlan. Just because the men were obsessed with their war and feuds didn’t mean that she was.


  Freya wasn’t sure why she had agreed to such a thing, but she knew that it was partly because she wanted to stay. She wanted to see him for a little while longer. Tonight, was the only night that they were able to talk, all family crap to the side, and she was going to take advantage of it.

  When they got outside, her brother shifted quickly and told her off with his mind. He wasn’t going to forgive her so easily, and he made it clear that their parents were going to hear about her siding with the enemy.

  “For this night, dear brother, there are no enemies. We are one race.”

  He blew fire right next to her, and she stuck her tongue out at him. It didn’t matter how old her brother was; he was never going to change.

  Freya was turning around to go back in when she heard a familiar voice.

  “I see you and your brother get along about as well as I do with my sister.”

  “Hundreds of years with a person will do that, I guess.”

  She moved towards him a bit and asked him why he wanted to get to know her.

  “Because I am a man first and every man in this room wants to get to know you, Freya. You’re beautiful, and your family must have been hiding you away. I’ve never seen you before.”

  “I’ve been around, and I’ve seen you. But you know, with the feud and all, I never got the nerve up to say hello. You can imagine the reaction I would get on any other day.”

  He smiled at her. “But today is a special day, and we don’t have to worry about any family crap.”

  She smiled in response. “I couldn’t have said it better myself.”

  Freya was instantly attracted to the man and though she had seen him from afar before, several times, seeing him up close and personal was something else altogether. It was overwhelming, and a little bit exhilarating at the same time.

  There was a connection that she felt almost immediately. It was enough to make her wonder why she wanted to kiss him so badly. She didn’t’ know him, but her mind was already putting arms around his neck and pulling him close to her.

  Freya shook her mind of the thoughts, unable to stop the shiver that followed. What was wrong with her?

  “Do you want to go in and dance?”

  She agreed, already playing out how it would feel to have his hands on her. Freya knew that she shouldn’t be attracted to him, but it didn’t stop it from happening.

  He grabbed her hand and she felt an electrical current run from him to her. She gasped and caught his dark eyes. It felt like he knew as well.

  Chapter Four

  “I feel like I know you. It’s weird because I know I don’t, but doesn’t it feel like we know each other?”

  He shrugged. Nik was thinking the same thing, but his mind was on other things. He was looking at her body, her face, her hair: everything about her pulled him in. He was trying hard to keep up with her because his attention was averted far too many times.

  “I’m serious, Nik. Ask me anything about you, and I’m going to guess. Then you’re going to tell me if I am right.”

  “Okay, what’s my favorite position?”

  Her face got instantly red and he certainly liked the looks of it. It made him glow a little bit, like he imagined love would make another person. Maybe that was as good as it got.

  “That was not what I meant and you know it. How would I know that about you?”

  “Well, if we actually knew each other, that would be all I could think about.”

  Freya told him that he was being silly, and he was. It was the first time that he’d felt light in a long time.

  “Okay, so what is my favorite food?”

  “Burnt marshmallows.”

  The smile on Nik’s face soured, and he had to wonder how she would know that. It wasn’t something he went around telling people. He couldn’t be that fierce if he was burning marshmallows by a fire. It wouldn’t be good for his image. Ophelia knew about it, but not many others.

  “I’m right, aren’t I?”

  He had to agree, but Nik still wasn’t sure where she had gotten her information.

  “Yes, you’re right. I don’t know how you know it.”

  “I don’t know. You just asked it, and it popped in my mind.”

  “And nothing about the positions thing?”

  Her face got
pink again after finally getting back to its regular color.

  “Well, something popped in my head, but that wasn’t a memory.”

  Now Nik was intrigued more by that statement than he was with the amazing way she’d known his favorite food. At this point, all he was trying to focus on was the non-memory that popped in her mind.

  “So, if it wasn’t a memory, what was it?”

  “You don’t let it go, do you?”

  “I can’t. Tell me.”

  “It was a fantasy, I guess. You’re a good-looking man, from a very well-known family, sworn enemies of my family. I don’t know, you’re the epitome of what a bad boy is.”

  “Is that right?”

  Nik liked the sound of it. He also liked where her mind went, and he would have given anything to ask her what position they ended up in. It was information that he wouldn’t ask for but he certainly wanted to.

  “Yes, and that is why so many women want to fix you. It is pretty obvious that you are broken, and as cute as you are, you become a project.”

  He didn't like to think of himself as a project, and he didn't want to believe that what she said was right. Could she tell so easily that a part of him was broken inside? Nik did not disagree with her, but at the same time, he wanted to pretend that he wasn't.

  “Well, you don't have to worry about me becoming your project. You already know what I want, so what more is there to know?”

  She smiled at him and leaned against him and rested her head on his shoulder. They were sitting down on one of the loveseats on the side of the room, watching everyone else dance.

  “I would not try to fix you, Nik. I think that everyone is a little broken.”

  “I can't see you that way.”

  She giggled a little bit and shook her head. “You don't really know me. What's my favorite food?”


  He must have been right because she looked a little shocked. It was like his favorite food: not something that most people would consider even a contender.

  “Wow, did you just guess that out of the blue?”

  “I did. Or you could consider the fact that I watched you pick five of them up off the buffet table when I first got here. I didn't see your face then, but I could see you from behind. That dress is something that is remembered, as well as the backside that is filling it.”


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