The Redemption of Lady Georgiana

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by Lisa M. Prysock

The Redemption of Lady Georgiana

  By Lisa M. Prysock

  The Lydia Collection

  Introducing a Collection of Faith Inspired Novels

  Other Titles by Lisa M. Prysock

  To Find a Duchess

  An Inspirational Regency Romance Novel


  Hannah’s Garden

  A Turn of the Century Love Story,

  Volume 1 of the Victorian Christian Heritage Series


  Abigail’s Melody

  Volume 2 of the Victorian Christian Heritage Series

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means- electronic, mechanical, digital, photocopy, recording or any other—except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior permission of the author.

  Copyright © 2015 by Lisa M. Prysock

  All rights reserved.

  Cover Design by Lisa M. Prysock; front cover image contributed by ID 7007325 © Algol | Clipart used is believed to be public domain and illustrations if any, by Lisa M. Prysock.

  For information or to contact the publisher or author: Lisa M. Prysock, 7318 Autumn Bent Way, Crestwood, Kentucky 40014, USA

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to events or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  This work is catalogued in the Library of Congress.

  Unless paraphrased, otherwise noted or indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

  Copyright © 2015 by Lisa M. Prysock

  All rights reserved.


  The Redemption of Lady Georgiana

  By Lisa M. Prysock

  © 2015 Lisa M. Prysock



  For my Mother, Sharon Joy,

  A great advocate for thinking outside the box…

  and a great woman of God who instilled

  in me a love for Him and His word!

  I love you Mom,



  Thank you to my wonderful, loving, awesome husband, Rob, who encourages me to fight for my dreams and fly like the eagle--and my children, for keeping things going and helping out around the house when I’m writing… and especially editing. Thank you to my niece, Megan, for being a powerhouse of marketing when it comes to spreading the word about my books! Thank you Lord for love that continually amazes me and for filling me with lots of ideas and giving me the opportunity to write for you! Thank you to my church family, for your love, prayers and encouragement, all of which have helped me find my strengths.


  On the morning of January 7th, 2015, two brothers forced their way into the offices of a French satirical weekly newspaper, Charlie Hebdo in Paris. They were armed with assault rifles and other weapons. Eleven people were killed and eleven, injured. The gunmen killed a French National Police officer after they left the building and identified themselves as belonging to an Islamic terrorist group, Al-Qaeda in Yemen. More people were killed at a kosher supermarket and more injured in further attacks in the region.

  Soldiers were deployed and a massive manhunt ensued. Hostages were taken and on January 9th, the suspects were killed when they emerged from a building while firing weapons at those who hunted them down to apprehend them. A third suspect walked into a police station 145 miles northeast of Paris and surrendered according to the prosecutor’s office.

  In an article by Dan Bilefsky and Maïa de la Baume, The New York Times printed this:

  “PARIS — The police organized an enormous manhunt across the Paris region on Wednesday for three suspects they said were involved in a brazen and methodical midday slaughter at a satirical newspaper that had lampooned Islam.” The article went on to offer some details about the shooting: “Mr. Molins said that two men armed with AK-47 rifles and wearing black masks had forced their way into the weekly’s offices, at 10 Rue Nicolas-Appert in the 11th Arrondissement, at about 11:30 a.m. They opened fire at people in the lobby before making their way to the newsroom on the second floor, interrupting a staff meeting and firing at the assembled journalists.”

  “The attackers then fled outside, where they clashed three times with the police. They then drove off in a black Citroën and headed north on the right bank of Paris. During their escape, prosecutors said, they crashed into another car and injured its female driver before robbing another motorist and driving off in that person’s vehicle. The police said that the black Citroën was found abandoned in the 19th Arrondissement.”

  Thousands of journalists have, in a move of solidarity, condemned the attacks, according to the Huffington Post. On January 11th, forty world leaders and two million people met in Paris and led a national rally of unity. People chanted: “Charlie! Charlie!” and held up banners which said: “Je suis Charlie!” (I am Charlie!) Charlie Hebdo’s website went offline but displayed a black banner with the words: Je suis Charlie!

  Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, flew to Paris and expressed his outrage and solidarity with the victims of the attack. The French president condemned the attacks against a nation of liberty.

  I began writing this book a number of months before the attack on the journalists of France. I had already written many French phrases into the story. I had roughly, a seventy page manuscript …and then the events of January 7th happened. Chapter four just came together at that point. The chapter takes place in the streets of Paris and reminds us that sometimes all we can do is just keep standing, keep praying, keep doing good, and keep believing…because we know how it’s going to end. I hope it will encourage people everywhere not to be afraid. The Lord is with us. At the end of the day, the Lord wins.

  Though not a fan of Charlie Hebdo, freedom of speech is a freedom we must defend—along with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We must also stand by Israel and not allow attacks against the Jewish people or those who stand up for truth, as the journalists did in this particular case. It is through the nation of Israel that the Son of God was born in a humble manger. Ultimately, he died on a cross as the Lamb of God to save our world.

  This is what terrorists defy. They defy everything of joy, truth, life, peace, liberty and love. We will not cower in fear. We will write more. We will live more, love more, laugh more… we will keep doing good things in the name of our Lord… and we will stand up against these who try to bring terror to the world. We will overcome evil with good and there is nothing that can stop it --because good trumps evil every time and Jesus Christ already set that in motion. Eventually darkness has to flee from the light.

  Lisa M. Prysock

  Table of Contents

  1 Lady Georgiana Colton

  2 Surely He Hath Born Our Grief

  3 Grace In Affliction

  4 Une Rèsistance á la Rue

  5 Wellbrook Hall at Essex County

  6 The Earl

  7 Meeting With Nathaniel Brook Edwards, III, Earl of Bridesgate

  8 Impossible to Deny

  9 A Thousand Henry Trentons

  10 You’re Home Now…

  11 Divine Glimpse

  12 Cavendish Square

  13 Rewards of Patient Longsuffering

  14 Elizabeth & the Shire of York

  15 Nieces & Nephews

  16 Calico Chronicle

  17 God is Plenteous in Mercy



all Glossary of Regency Terms

  About the Author

  The Redemption of Lady Georgiana


  Lisa M. Prysock

  The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10, Authorized King James Version

  Chapter 1. Lady Georgiana Colton


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