From Top to Bottom

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From Top to Bottom Page 15

by Harper Bliss

  She mimics my pose from behind me. Her hands atop my hands and her body overlapping mine. The compulsion to turn my head and look at her is making me weak. Instead of turning I concentrate on what I can feel and smell. The tips of her fingers are warm. Vanilla and some exotic spice tease my nose. Something a bit rough slides over my arms as she begins to move. It’s not her skin. It can’t be.

  Her fingers run the length of my arms. She alternates feather light touches and grazes with what I imagine are long fingernails. She reaches my shoulders and her breath on the back of my neck sets off a trail of chill bumps.

  There is a scar, roughly the size of a nickel on my left shoulder. The skin is raised and a light shade of pink. I feel the softness of her fingers circling the mark. I hope it isn’t displeasing to my new mistress. I get my answer when I feel her moist lips bestow a kiss there.

  “Are you ticklish, Pet?”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Is your safe word truly porcupine?”

  I’m grateful to be facing away from her as a blush spreads over my face. “Yes, Mistress.”

  She chuckles softly. The sound is as inviting and as teasing as a lover’s caress. “How on earth did you settle upon one of the least sexy words in the English language as your safe word?”

  “An old lover. She introduced me to my submissive side. She liked them. Porcupines, I mean. I chose the word for her, and it just sort of… stuck. Pardon the pun.” The explanation sounded far more elegant in my head, not rushed and jumbled. I’m too aware of who I’m speaking with, of what she’s doing to me, of what may happen if she doesn’t like my answer.

  She laughs again. Her lips are close to my ear. “I think I might like you, Pet. I don’t often get to see a guest’s sense of humor in this room. I’m feeling generous. Maintain your composure for the duration of this inspection and I shall reward you.”

  “Thank you, Mistress,” I murmur as her hands begin to move again. She alternates rough scrapes with her nails and teasing pinches and caresses with the soft tips of her warm fingers. She doesn’t go in order either. One moment she’s standing and touching my shoulders and back, the next she must be bent to tickle my ankles, then teasing the backs of my knees, under my breasts, over my calves, behind my neck, and back and forth until those skilled hands have traveled everywhere over my body. She even slides one finger deep inside me.

  I’m panting. Other than my involuntary trembles I refuse to move. The urge to do something, anything, be it laugh, cry, fuck or be fucked, or at the very least move from her reach grows until it almost rivals my urge to come.

  Just when I think I can’t possibly take any more without reacting, she gives one last pinch to my inner thigh before her lips return to nibble my ear. “You did well, Pet. I now have a choice for you. You may turn around and look at me for a moment before we begin your punishment or I blindfold you and deduct five lashes from your tally.”

  Minutes ago I would have thought I’d have given anything to have my numbers decreased, but the thought of not being able to see this incredibly sexy woman, whose voice alone has me feeling like Niagara Falls is running between my legs, makes me suddenly blurt like Katniss. Rather than volunteering I say, “I need to see you.”

  I am rewarded with her soft laughter again. “Kneel.”

  I fall to my knees quickly. The chilly tile is welcoming to my overheated skin.

  “Arms at your sides. Keep your eyes downcast as a good pet should and turn around to face me.”

  High-heeled patent leather boots with about a dozen shiny buckles greet my eyes. The heels are at least five inches high. The cuffs of the boots stop just below her knees. She has on sheer black stockings that hug her creamy thighs. I’m nearly overwhelmed by the need to bury my face between them. I breathe deeply through my nose. The rich scent of leather combined with the hint of her arousal have a dizzying effect on me.

  The room is so quiet and my nerves are so wound up that when I swallow I can actually hear it. I wonder if she can too.

  A gloved hand comes into view. The fingerless glove is made of stretch lace. It was that which felt so rough against my skin. The glove appears long. It extends past her elegant wrist and travels upward somewhere I don’t have permission to look at this moment. She skims her fingers along her inner thigh before grasping the elastic of her panties and sliding them to the side.

  I am treated to a sneak peek of her smooth sex. No hairs, no razor bumps. It is the most perfect pussy I have ever glimpsed. My lips part and I lick them, wishing instead, I was licking her wet lips.

  Her long legs take one step forward. Barely an inch separates her perfection from my mouth. I inhale another long, deep breath. I have but one wish. Her moistness glistens. She smells like raw desire.

  “Don’t you dare move.” She speaks in a low growl before closing the distance and rubbing herself against my face. Another deep breath and I am lost in her musk. She begins to grind herself against me. I want so badly to taste her. Keeping still is becoming impossible. I keep my eyes and lips closed with a determination I didn’t know I possessed.

  I’m not sure when I entered subspace. I only know that I must have because I don’t remember moving from the room which only had a small couch for furniture. The next time I’m coherent I notice the air is cooler. The lighting is dimmer and at times seems to flicker. I am lying face down on what appears to be a massage table. There is a cut-out for my face so I am resting comfortably and able to breathe. My ankles and wrists are shackled. However my neck is not restrained. I raise my head.

  Mistress sits before me. Her pictures from the ad did not do her justice at all. She lounges upon a throne with dozens of candles surrounding her. Her dark brown hair is pinned up. Smoky shadow and dark liner highlight her hypnotic eyes. Expertly applied candy apple lipstick colors her plump lips. I have not ever seen a more desirable woman in my life.

  “I don’t know where you went, Pet, but you were there for about fifteen minutes. I do hope you enjoyed yourself.”

  “Did you stay with me, Mistress?”

  She nods.

  “As long as I was with you then I am sure I enjoyed myself immensely.”

  The smile that spreads her lips hovers somewhere over the thin line of modest pleasure and sexy wickedness. “Flirting and flattery are fun, Pet, but they won’t lessen your punishment. Do you remember your count?”

  “Thirty, Mistress.”

  “Very good. Now, lower your head.”

  I obey her immediately, even going so far as to close my eyes.

  Her heels tapping the floor are the only sound.

  “Keep your head down. No sudden movements. I don’t want to drip the wax anywhere it doesn’t belong.”

  My eyes open wide. The pleasant temperature of the room suddenly feels ten degrees colder. A shudder races the length of my spine. My breaths are quick and shallow.

  The first splash of candlewax lands between my shoulder blades. It’s hardly painful at all, somewhere between a mosquito bite and a bee sting and yet I still find it nearly impossible to keep myself from trying to jump up off the table. The urge to scream is damn near overwhelming.

  The second and third splashes land a bit closer to my neck and my willpower is just about completely gone. My eyes stay closed. Behind them, I’m somewhere else, back in Lady Victoria’s Pit. The wax she used was too hot, too fast, had seemed to come from all over. I wasn’t strapped down, not then. So I jerked up, trying to flee the heat, got the opposite result. The raw flame and a puddle of wax hit my left shoulder when she dropped the candle on me. I felt it for weeks afterward, but not as strongly as I feel it now.


  I struggle back to the present. I open my eyes. Lady Victoria is gone. In her place is the beautiful Lady M. The expression on Lady M’s face is one of concern.

  She has raised my head and turned it so I’m facing her. She’s squatting beside me. Her eyes are just about level with mine. Tiny gold flecks swim in her chestnut brown irises
. She no longer holds a candle. One hand soothes my neck while the other strokes my hair. “Are you all right?” she asks in that soft British accent that melts my insides.

  A lump of emotion has formed in my throat. I try to answer but can’t speak. I manage a nod.

  She looks at her forearm and my eyes follow hers. Wax has melted on her arm. “I tested the wax on myself before we began. It didn’t seem too hot.” She stands up and begins to unfasten my bonds. “I do hate to break the scene, darling, but I must check that you’re all right. I’m truly sorry if I burned you.”

  “You didn’t burn me.” I’m surprised at the hiccup in my voice. At some point I must have begun to cry. She uses the velvety pads of her thumbs to wipe the dampness from my cheeks. “Please don’t stop. I need to be punished.”

  “You were on the verge of hyperventilating. Despite what I was told, it appears you have a strong aversion to fire. Why didn’t you use your safe word?”

  “The safe word is final. It brings everything to an end.”

  “It doesn’t have to,” she explains as she continues to unbuckle my restraints. “It can merely halt a particular act that you’re uncomfortable with. The rest of the bondage games can resume immediately if both parties agree.”

  “I heard if I used the safe word then I would be told to leave and never come back. She said I could even be blacklisted as a sniveling wimp and no mistress would ever control me again.”

  Once I am completely free of my bonds, she pulls me to her, guiding my head to rest on her large bosom while she strokes my hair. “The mark on your back, that was a result of wax play gone wrong?”

  I nod against her full chest.

  “Is Lady Victoria aware of this incident?”

  “She was the one with the candles.”

  Lady M stiffens in my arms. She takes a deep breath before pulling away from me. Her soft fingers nudge me under my chin until I look up and meet her steady gaze. “I may only have you for this night, but I need to make one thing very clear to you. Are you listening?”

  There is a look of tenderness in her eyes. If it isn’t genuine then she has skills that rival Meryl Streep’s. “I’m listening.”

  “When you go home you are not to return to Lady Victoria. I will put you into contact with a respectable dominatrix in your area. One who knows there’s a great deal more to being a Domme than bossing someone around and inflicting pain. She will look out for your well-being and ensure you are given both the pleasure and the pain you seek. You will also promise me here and now you will not be afraid to use your safe word if anyone ever pushes you too far. Understood?”


  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  She smiles. “Very good, Pet, but that isn’t what I meant this time. I want to know you’ve understood every word I just said to you. Repeat back to me your promises.”

  “Oh.” I laugh nervously and apologize. I take a moment to replay the words spoken in her beautiful accent before I reply. “I promise I won’t go back to Lady Victoria. I’ll call whoever you recommend and if things get out of hand I’ll say ‘porcupine.’”

  “Splendid.” She rises to her full height. A coolness settles over her. Her dark eyes narrow, full lips purse, and manicured nails tap on her sexy hips. “Enough distractions. I see before me a naughty pet in need of some stern lessons.”

  She crosses the room to a cabinet built into the wall. The sway of her perfect ass as she walks is mesmerizing. When she turns back to face me she’s caressing a red and black leather flogger. “On your knees, Pet. Crawl to me.”

  I swallow hard. The strips of leather are wide. They look to be about a foot and a half long. Thirty strokes from that and I won’t be able to sit for a week.

  Lady M flicks her wrist and the tendrils crack in the air. “Don’t keep me waiting.” She cracks the whip once more.

  I sink to my knees and crawl. My stomach is churning with equal parts want and fear. When I am at her side she orders me to stand and face the wall and I do so quickly.

  A moment later her lips press against my ear. Her breath tickles me. “I’ve decided to give you fifteen kisses from this.” She punctuates her sentence with another crack of the flogger. “And the last fifteen with my hand. You will remain still and quiet throughout. Understood?”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “If you’re a fan of police shows then I believe you’ll know the position I want. Hands on the wall. Above your head. Legs spread. Bend slightly at the waist.”

  I hurry to obey. I’m expecting a hard lash from the flogger. Instead she runs its tendrils softly over my shoulders and back. It’s warm and soothing. I bite my lip. Then lick it. A tangy sweetness greets my tongue. I swipe my tongue over my lip again as I try to place the flavor. I smile as I remember what it is. It is the heavenly taste of Lady M. She left a trace of herself when she rubbed her pussy against my face earlier.

  I don’t have long to savor the flavor. I hear the wind swish and then a blast of pain as she brings the flogger tips down across my back with quite a bit of force. Before I can brace myself, another blow lands. Then another. And another.

  She varies her strokes. Some are hard enough to bring tears to my eyes. Others come fast with just a quick sting. One atop the other. Bam, bam, bam. I am sobbing now, struggling to remain on my feet and not cry out. The last few she spreads out until she has covered my back from neck to buttocks.

  “Nearly finished, Pet,” she says while hugging me from behind. The warmth of her leather-clad body is a comfort. “I want you to get back on your knees. Crawl to me at my throne. Drape yourself over my lap then beg me to finish your lesson.”

  I follow orders and watch her as I crawl. When she reaches her throne she turns around. She reaches her hands up and removes a pin from her hair. Her long locks fall past her shoulders as she gracefully turns her head from side to side. I didn’t think I could possibly be more attracted to her and yet I am.

  I am so wet. I feel the moisture collecting on my thighs as I continue crawling toward her. I am embarrassed to get up and bend across the stockings covering her shapely legs. I know she will feel the dampness.

  If she does feel it through the silk of her stockings, she is kind enough not to comment. Her fingers glide over my throbbing back. The cool tips bring relief.

  When I catch my breath I cough softly to clear my throat. “Please finish my lesson, Mistress.”

  “Mmmm.” She makes that soft purring sound deep in her throat. “You’re being such a good pet. I’m going to make you come so hard.” Her hands drift lower until she’s cupping my cheeks, then lower still until she’s spreading my folds. “So hot and wet, already. Just imagine what will happen when I fuck you.”

  I sigh in delight and squirm against her knees. I am imagining all sorts of things.

  Smack! Her palm lands on my left cheek. Then the right, three times. Once more to the soft spot just above my crack. My eyes moisten again. Another smack to the left cheek. I lose count as my tears fall silently with every blow.

  Almost as suddenly as the slaps began, they stop. She nudges me until I move back to a kneeling position in front of her knees. “You may thank me now, Pet.”

  I try to calm my breathing so I can speak, but she reaches her hand forward and places a finger on my lips. “Not with words, Pet. I have much better plans for that pretty mouth of yours.”

  My eyes meet hers, just for an instant. I see my own desperate need reflected back at me. I hear a soft moan, not sure if it’s coming from her or me. I lean forward, my hands on her hips. I run my finger along the band of her panties. She braces her feet flat on the floor and raises her hips. Her intoxicating aroma makes my nostrils flare. I slide the panties off and fold them neatly before gazing upon her smooth sex.

  I begin at her spread knees, placing soft, wet kisses in zigzagging trails from side to side and higher up until I near the apex of her thighs. Her breath has quickened. A small shudder makes her legs quiver.
I revel as the tables are turned and I suddenly have some power over this beautiful, strong woman.

  Her smooth pussy beckons me with its many shades of pink, rose, and coral. I map her with my lips and tongue, grasping her hips when she bucks. I know she wants me to go faster. As much as I also want that, I hold back. I do not want this delicious moment to ever end.

  She is wet and open. I slide my tongue up and down her lips. Then, I dip lower and probe inside her. I piston my tongue in and out. After a while her fingers slide through my hair and she pulls me closer against her as she begins to grind against my mouth. A shudder rocks her whole body and her wetness more than doubles.

  I keep licking and sucking gently even as more trembles make her body shake. The second time she comes I hear a soft growl at the back of her throat.

  I raise my head and she takes my hand. She brings it to her lips and kisses the back of it. “You were wonderful, Pet. There’s a bed in the next room. Make yourself comfortable. I’ll follow you shortly.”

  “But I don’t want to leave your side.”

  “And I don’t want you to see me hobbling like a newborn fawn, Pet. I need a moment to get my bearings. That tongue of yours is magical.”

  I smile at her, thrilled to know I pleased her. I practically glide to the other room. She wasn’t kidding about a bed being in there. It’s the only piece of furniture. It’s much larger than a standard king and takes up most of the room. Royal blue sheets cover it. I step forward and crawl toward the middle. The coolness of the sheets feels so good against my battered back and ass when I lie down.

  Thankfully Lady M doesn’t keep me waiting long. I’m only beginning a fantasy of what her elegant hands will do to me when the door opens. She’s removed her bustier, boots, and stockings. She poses before me in all her beautiful naked glory. “Do you like what you see, Pet?”

  “Oh, God, yes.”

  “Good.” She starts forward and gracefully settles on the bed. “Raise your knees and spread for me.”

  I quickly comply. I’m spellbound and dumbfounded when she brings her knee against my wet center. I expected her to plow ahead and get me off as quickly as possible the way Lady Victoria normally did. I should have known better. Nothing about the gorgeous and delightful Lady M is like Lady Victoria.


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