Across the Zodiac

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Across the Zodiac Page 4

by Percy Greg


  I will not attempt to express the intensity of the mingled emotionswhich overcame me as I realised the complete success of the moststupendous adventure ever proposed or even dreamed by man. I don'tthink that any personal vanity, unworthy of the highest lessons I hadreceived, had much share in my passionate exultation. The conceptionwas not original; the means were furnished by others; the executiondepended less on a daring and skill, in which any courageous travelleror man of science knowing what I knew might well have excelled me,than on the direct and manifest favour of Providence. But thisenterprise, the greatest that man had ever attempted, had in itself acharm, a sanctity in my eyes that made its accomplishment anunspeakable satisfaction. I would have laid down life a dozen timesnot only to achieve it myself, but even to know that it had beenachieved by others. All that Columbus can have felt when he first setfoot on a new hemisphere I felt in tenfold force as I assured myselfthat not, as often before, in dreams, but in very truth and fact, Ihad traversed forty million miles of space, and landed in a new world.Of the perils that might await me I could hardly care to think. Theymight be greater in degree.

  They could hardly be other in kind, than those which a traveller mightincur in Papua, or Central Africa, or in the North-West Passage. Theycould have none of that wholly novel, strange, incalculable characterwhich sometimes had given to the chances of my etherial voyage a vaguehorror and mystery that appalled imagination. For the first timeduring my journey I could neither eat nor sleep; yet I must do both. Imight soon meet with difficulties and dangers that would demand allthe resources of perfect physical and mental condition, with heavycalls on the utmost powers of nerve and muscle. I forced myself,therefore, to sup and to slumber, resorting for the first time in manyyears to the stimulus of brandy for the one purpose, and to the aid ofauthypnotism for the other. When I woke it was 8h. by my chronometer,and, as I inferred, about 5h. after midnight of the Martial meridianon which I lay. Sleep had given me an appetite for breakfast, andnecessary practical employment calmed the excitement natural to mysituation. My first care, after making ready to quit the Astronaut assoon as the light around should render it safe to venture into scenesso much more utterly strange, unfamiliar, and unknown than the wildestof the yet unexplored deserts of the Earth, was to ascertain thecharacter of the atmosphere which I was presently to breathe. Did itcontain the oxygen essential to Tellurian lungs? Was it, if capable ofrespiration, dense enough to sustain life like mine? I extracted theplug from the tubular aperture through which I had pumped in the extraquantity of air that the Astronaut contained; and substituted thesliding valve I had arranged for the purpose, with a small hole which,by adjustment to the tube, would give the means of regulating theair-passage at pleasure. The difficulty of this simple work, and thetremendous outward pressure of the air, showed that the externalatmosphere was very thin indeed. This I had anticipated. Gravity onthe surface of Mars is less than half what it is on Earth; the totalmass of the planet is as two to fifteen. It was consequently to beexpected that the extent of the Martial atmosphere, and its densityeven at the sea-level, would be far less than on the heavier planet.Rigging the air-pump securely round the aperture, exhausting itschamber, and permitting the Martial air to fill it, I was glad to finda pressure equal to that which prevails at a height of 16,000 feet onEarth. Chemical tests showed the presence of oxygen in somewhatgreater proportion than in the purest air of terrestrial mountains. Itwould sustain life, therefore, and without serious injury, if thechange from a dense to a light atmosphere were not too suddenly made.I determined then gradually to diminish the density of the internalatmosphere to something not very much greater than that outside. Forthis purpose I unrigged the air-pump apparatus, and almost, but notquite, closed the valve, leaving an aperture about the twentieth partof an inch in diameter. The silence was instantly broken by a whistlethe shrillest and loudest I had ever heard; the dense compressedatmosphere of the Astronaut rushing out with a force which actuallycreated a draught through the whole vessel, to the great discomfitureof the birds, which roughed their feathers and fluttered about indismay. The pressure gauge fell with astonishing rapidity, despite theminuteness of the aperture; and in a few minutes indicated about 24barometrical inches. I then checked the exit of the air for a time,while I proceeded to loosen the cement around the window by which Ihad entered, and prepared for my exit. Over a very light flannelunder-vesture I put on a mail-shirt of fine close-woven wire, whichhad turned the edge of Mahratta tulwars, repelled the thrust of aCalabrian stiletto, and showed no mark of three carbine bullets firedpoint-blank. Over this I wore a suit of grey broadcloth, and a pair ofstrong boots over woollen socks, prepared for cold and damp as well asfor the heat of a sun shining perpendicularly through an Alpineatmosphere. I had nearly equalised the atmospheric pressure within andwithout, at about 17 inches, before the first beams of dawn shoneupward on the ceiling of the Astronaut. A few minutes later I steppedforth on the platform, some two hundred yards in circumference,whereon the vessel rested. The mist immediately around me was fastdispersing; five hundred feet below it still concealed everything. Onthree sides descent was barred by sheer precipices; on the fourth asteep slope promised a practicable path, at least as far as my eyecould reach. I placed the weaker and smaller of my birds in portablecages, and then commenced my experiment by taking out a strong-wingedcuckoo and throwing him downwards over the precipice. He fell at firstalmost like a stone; but before he was quite lost to sight in themist, I had the pleasure of seeing that he had spread his wings, andwas able to sustain himself. As the mist was gradually dissolving, Inow ventured to begin my descent, carrying my bird-cages, anddismissing the larger birds, several of which, however, persistentlyclung about me. I had secured on my back an air-gun, arranged to firesixteen balls in succession without reloading, while in my belt,scabbarded in a leathern sheath, I had placed a well and often triedtwo-edged sword. I found the way practicable, though not easy, till Ireached a point about 1000 feet below the summit, where fartherprogress in the same direction was barred by an abrupt and impassablecleft some hundred feet deep. To the right, however, the mountain sideseemed to present a safe and sufficiently direct descent. The sun wasa full hour above the horizon, and the mist was almost gone. Still Ihad seen no signs of animal life, save, at some distance and in rapidmotion, two or three swarms of flying insects, not much resembling anywith which I was acquainted. The vegetation, mostly small, was of ayellowish colour, the flowers generally red, varied by occasionalexamples of dull green and white; the latter, however, presenting thatsort of creamy tinge which I had remarked in the snow. Here I releasedand dismissed my birds one by one. The stronger and more courageousflew away downwards, and soon disappeared; the weakest, trembling andshivering, evidently suffering from the thinness of the atmosphere,hung about me or perched upon the cages.

  The scene I now contemplated was exceedingly novel and striking. Thesky, instead of the brilliant azure of a similar latitude on earth,presented to my eye a vault of pale green, closely analogous to thatolive tint which the effect of contrast often throws over a smallportion of clear sky distinguished among the golden and rose-colouredclouds of a sunset in our temperate zones.

  The vapours which still hung around the north-eastern andsouth-eastern horizon, though dispelled from the immediate vicinity ofthe Sun, were tinged with crimson and gold much deeper than the tintspeculiar to an earthly twilight. The Sun himself, when seen by thenaked eye, was as distinctly golden as our harvest moon; and the wholelandscape, terrestrial, aerial, and celestial, appeared as if bathedin a golden light, wearing generally that warm summer aspect peculiarto Tellurian landscapes when seen through glass of a rich yellow tint.It was a natural inference from all I saw that there takes place inthe Martial atmosphere an absorption of the blue rays which gives tothe sunlight a predominant tinge of yellow or orange. The small rockyplateau on which I stood, like the whole of the mountainside I haddescended, faced the extremity of the range of which this mountain wasan outp
ost; and the valley which separated them was not from mypresent position visible. I saw that I should have to turn my backupon this part of the landscape as I descended farther, and thereforetook note at this point of the aspect it presented. The most prominentobject was a white peak in the distant sky, rising to a height abovemy actual level, which I estimated conjecturally at 25,000 feet,guessing the distance at fifty miles. The summit was decidedly moreangular and pointed, less softened in outline by atmosphericinfluences, than those of mountains on Earth. Beyond this in thefarthest distance appeared two or three peaks still higher, but ofwhich, of course, only the summits were visible to me. On this side ofthe central peak an apparently continuous double ridge extended towithin three miles of my station, exceedingly irregular in level, thehighest elevations being perhaps 20,000, the lowest visibledepressions 3000 feet above me. There appeared to be a line ofperpetual snow, though in many places above, this line patches ofyellow appeared, the nearer of which were certainly and the moredistant must be inferred to be covered with a low, close herbaceousvegetation. The lower slopes were entirely clothed with yellow orreddish foliage. Between the woods and snow-line lay extensivepastures or meadows, if they might be so called, though I saw nothingwhatever that at all resembled the grass of similar regions on Earth.Whatever foliage I saw--as yet I had not passed near anything thatcould be called a tree, and very few shrubs--consisted distinctly ofleaves analogous to those of our deciduous trees, chiefly of threeshapes: a sort of square rounded at the angles, with short projectingfingers; an oval, slightly pointed where it joined the stalk; andlanceolate or sword-like blades of every size, from two inches to fourfeet in length. Nearly all were of a dull yellow or copper-red tinge.None were as fine as the beech-leaf, none succulent or fleshy; nothingresembling the blades of grass or the bristles of the pine andcedar tribes was visible.

  My path now wound steadily downward at a slope of perhaps one in eightalong the hillside, obliging me to turn my back to the mountains,while my view in front was cut off by a sharp cross-jutting ridgeimmediately, before me. By the time I turned this, all my birds haddeserted me, and I was not, I think, more than 2000 feet from thevalley below. Just before reaching this point I first caught sight ofa Martial animal. A little creature, not much bigger than a rabbit,itself of a sort of sandy-yellow colour, bounded from among someyellow herbage by my feet, and hopped or sprang in the manner of akangaroo down the steep slope on my left. When I turned the ridge, awide and quite new landscape burst upon my sight. I was looking uponan extensive plain, the continuation apparently of a valley of whichthe mountain range formed the southern limit. To the southward thisplain was bounded by the sea, bathed in the peculiar light I havetried to describe, and lying in what seemed from this distance aglassy calm. To eastward and northward the plain extended to thehorizon, and doubtless far beyond it; while from the valley north ofthe mountain range emerged a broad river, winding through the plaintill it was lost at the horizon. Plain I have called it, but I do notmean to imply that it was by any means level. On the contrary, itssurface was broken by undulations, and here and there by hills, butall so much lower than the point on which I stood that the generaleffect was that of an almost flat surface. And now the question ofhabitation, and of human habitation, seemed to be solved. Lookingthrough my field-glass, I saw, following the windings of the river,what must surely be a road; serving also, perhaps, as an embankment,since it was raised many feet above the level of the stream. Itseemed, too, that the plain was cultivated. Everywhere appearedextensive patches, each of a single colour, in every tint between deepred and yellowish green, and so distinctly rectangular in form asirresistibly to suggest the idea of artificial, if not human,arrangement. But there were other features of the scene that dispelledall doubt upon this point. Immediately to the south-eastward, andabout twenty miles from where I stood, a deep arm of the sea ran upinto the land, and upon the shores of this lay what was unquestionablya city. It had nothing that looked like fortifications, and even atthis distance I could discern that its streets were of remarkablewidth, with few or no buildings so high as mosques, churches,State-offices, or palaces in Tellurian cities. Their colours were mostvarious and brilliant, as if reflected from metallic surfaces; and onthe waters of the bay itself rode what I could not doubt to be shipsor rafts. More immediately beneath me, and scattered at intervals overthe entire plain, clustering more closely in the vicinity of the city,were walled enclosures, and in the centre of each was what couldhardly be anything but a house, though not apparently more than twelveor fourteen feet high, and covering a space sufficient for an Europeanor even American street or square. Upon the lower slopes of the hillwhereon I stood were moving figures, which, seen through thebinocular, proved to be animals; probably domestic animals, since theynever ranged very far, and presented none of those signs ofwatchfulness and alarm which are peculiar to creatures not protectedby man from their less destructive enemies, and taught to lay asidetheir dread of man himself. I had descended, then, not only into aninhabited world--not only into a world of men, who, however they mightdiffer in outward form, must resemble in their wants, ideas, andhabits, in short, in mind if not in body, the lords of my ownplanet--but into a civilised world and among a race living under asettled order, cultivating the soil, and taming the brutes to theirservice.

  And now, as I came on lower ground, I found at each step new objectsof curiosity and interest. A tree with dark-yellowish leaves, tallerthan most timber trees on Earth, bore at the end of drooping twigslarge dark-red fruits--fruits with a rind something like that of apomegranate, save for the colour and hardness, and about the size of ashaddock or melon. One of these, just within reach of my hand, Igathered, but found it impossible to break the thin, dry rind orshell, without the aid of a knife. Having pierced this, a stream ofred juice gushed out, which had a sweet taste and a strong flavour,not unlike the juice expressed from cherries, but darker in colour.Dissecting the fruit completely, I found it parted by a membrane,essentially of the same nature as the rind, but much thinner andrather tough than hard, into sixteen segments, like those of an orangedivided across the middle, each of which enclosed a seed. These seedswere all joined at the centre, but easily separated. They were of ayellow colour and about as large as an almond kernel. Some fruitsthat, being smaller, I concluded to be less ripe, were of areddish-yellow. After walking for about a mile through a grove of suchtrees, always tending downwards, I came to another of more variedcharacter. The most prevalent tree here was of lower stature and withleaves of great length and comparatively narrow, the fruit of which,though protected by a somewhat similar rind, was of rich goldencolour, not so easily seen among the yellowish leaves, and containedone solid kernel of about the size of an almond, enclosed entirely ina sort of spongy material, very palatable to the taste, and resemblingmore the inside of roasted maize than any other familiar vegetable. AsI emerged entirely from the grove, I came upon a ditch about twice asbroad as deep. On Earth I certainly could not have leaped it; butsince landing on Mars, I had forgotten the weightless life of theAstronaut, and felt as if on Earth, but enjoying great increase ofstrength and energy; and with these sensations had come instinctivelyan exalted confidence in my physical powers. I took, therefore, avigorous run, and leaping with all my strength, landed, somewhat to myown surprise, a full yard on the other side of the ditch.

  Having done so, I found myself in what was beyond doubt a cultivatedfield, producing nothing but one crimson-coloured plant, about a footin height. This carpeted the soil with broad leaves shaped somethinglike those of the laurel, and in colour exactly resembling a witheredlaurel leaf, but somewhat thicker, more metallic and brighter inappearance, and perfectly free from the bitter taste of the bay tribe.At a little distance I saw half-a-dozen animals somewhat resemblingantelopes, but on a second glance still more resembling the fabledunicorn. They were like the latter, at all events, in the singleparticular from which it derived its name: they had one horn, abouteight inches in length, intensely sharp, smooth and firm in texture asivo
ry, but marbled with vermilion and cream white. Their skins werecream-coloured, dappled with dark red. Their ears were large andprotected by a lap which fell down so as to shelter the interior partof the organ, but which they had not quite lost the power to erect atthe approach of a sound that startled them. They looked up at me, atfirst without alarm, afterwards with some surprise, and presentlybounded away; as if my appearance, at first familiar, had, on a closerexamination, presented some unusual particulars, frightening them, aseverything unusual frightens even those domestic animals on Earth bestacquainted with man and most accustomed to his caprices. I noticedthat all were female, and their abnormally large udders suggested thatthey were domestic creatures kept for their milk. Not being able tosee a path through the field, I went straight forward, endeavouring totrample the pasture as little as I could, but being surprised toremark how very little the plants had been injured by the feet of theanimals. The leaves had been grazed, but the stems were seldom ornever broken. In fact, the animals seemed to have gathered their foodas man would do, with an intelligent or instinctive care not to injurethe plant so as to deprive it of the power of reproducing theirsustenance.

  In another minute I discerned the object of my paramount interest, ofwhose vicinity I had thus far seen nearly every imaginable evidenceexcept himself. It was undoubtedly a man, but a man very much smallerthan myself. His eyes were fixed upon the ground as if in reverie, andhe did not perceive me till I had come within fifty yards of him, sothat I had full time to remark the peculiarities of his form andappearance. He was about four feet eight or nine inches in height,with legs that seemed short in proportion to the length and girth ofthe body, but only because, as was apparent on more careful scrutiny,the chest was proportionately both longer and wider than in our race;otherwise he greatly resembled the fairer families of the Aryan breed,the Swede or German. The yellow hair, unshaven beard, whiskers, andmoustache were all close and short. The dress consisted of a sort ofblouse and short pantaloons, of some soft woven fabric, and of avermilion colour. The head was protected from the rays of anequatorial sun by a species of light turban, from which hung down ashort shade or veil sheltering the neck and forehead. His bare feetwere guarded by sandals of some flexible material just covering thetoes and bound round the ankle by a single thong. He carried noweapon, not even a staff; and I therefore felt that there was noimmediate danger from him. On seeing me he started as with intensesurprise and not a little alarm, and turned to run. Size and length oflimb, however, gave me immense advantage in this respect, and in lessthan a minute I had come up with and laid my hand upon him.

  He looked up at me, scanning my face with earnest curiosity. I tookfrom my pocket first a jewel of very exquisite construction, abutterfly of turquoise, pearl, and rubies, set on an emerald branch,upon which he looked without admiration or interest, then a watch verysmall and elaborately enamelled and jewelled. To the ornament he paidno attention whatever; but when I opened the watch, its constructionand movement evidently interested him. Placing it in his hands andendeavouring to signify to him by signs that he was to retain it, Ithen held his arm and motioned to him to guide me towards the housesvisible in the distance. This he seemed willing to do, but before wehad gone many paces he repeated two or three times a phrase or wordwhich sounded like "r'mo-ah-el" ("whence-who-what" do you want?). Ishook my head; but, that he might not suppose me dumb, I answered himin Latin. The sound seemed to astonish him exceedingly; and as I wenton to repeat several questions in the same tongue, for the purpose ofshowing him that I could speak and was desirous of doing so, Iobserved that his wonder grew deeper and deeper, and was evidentlymingled first with alarm and afterwards with anger, as if he thought Iwas trying to impose upon him. I pointed to the sky, to the summit ofthe mountain from which I had descended, and then along the course bywhich I had come, explaining aloud at the same time the meaning of mysigns. I thought that he had caught the latter, but if so, it onlyprovoked an incredulous indignation, contempt of a somewhat angrycharacter being the principal expression visible in his countenance. Isaw that it was of little use to attempt further conversation for thepresent, and, still holding his hand and allowing him to direct me,looked round again at the scenes through which we were passing. Thelower hill slopes before us appeared to be divided into fields oflarge extent, perhaps some 100 acres each, separated by ditches. Wefollowed a path about two yards broad, raised two or three inchesabove the level of the ground, and paved with some kind of hardconcrete. Each ditch was crossed by a bridge of planks, in the middleof which was a stake or short pole, round which we passed with ease,but which would obviously baffle a four-footed animal of any size. Thecrops were of great variety, and wonderfully free from weeds. Most ofthem showed fruit of one kind or another, sometimes gourd-like globeson the top of upright stalks, sometimes clusters of a sort of nut onvines creeping along the soil, sometimes a number of pulpy fruitsabout the size of an orange hanging at the end of pendulous stalksspringing from the top of a stiff reed-like stem. One field was bare,its surface of an ochreish colour deeper than that of clay, broken andsmoothed as perfectly as the surface of the most carefully tendedflower-bed. Across this was ranged a row of birds, differing, thoughwhere and how I had hardly leisure to observe, from the form of anyearthly fowl, about twice the size of a crow, and with beaksapparently at least as powerful but very much longer. Extendingentirely across the field, they kept line with wonderful accuracy, andas they marched across it, slowly and constantly dug their beaks intothe soil as if seeking grubs or worms beneath the surface. They wenton with their work perfectly undisturbed by our presence. In the nextfield was a still odder sight; here grew gourd-like heads on erectreed-like stems, and engaged in plucking the ripe purple fruit,carefully distinguishing them from the scarlet unripened heads, werehalf-a-score of creatures which, from their occupation and demeanour,I took at first to be human; but which, as we approached nearer, I sawwere only about half the size of my companion, and thickly coveredwith hair, with bushy tails, which they kept carefully erect so as notto touch the ground; creatures much resembling monkeys in movement,size, and length, and flexibility of limb, but in other respects morelike gigantic squirrels. They held the stalks of the fruit theyplucked in their mouths, filling with them large bags left atintervals, and from the manner in which they worked I suspected thatthey had no opposable thumbs--that the whole hand had to be used likethe paw of a squirrel to grasp an object. I pointed to these,directing my companion's attention and asking, "What are they?""Ambau," he said, but apparently without the slightest interest intheir proceedings. Indeed, the regularity and entire freedom fromalarm or vigilance which characterised their movements, convinced methat both these and the birds we passed were domesticated creatures,whose natural instincts had been turned to such account by humantraining.

  After a few moments more, we came in sight of a regular road, in adirection nearly at right angles to that which followed the course ofthe river. Like the path, it was constructed of a hard polishedconcrete. It was about forty paces broad, and in the centre was araised way about four inches higher than the general surface, andoccupying about one-fourth of the entire width. Along the main way oneither side passed from time to time with great rapidity lightvehicles of shining metal, each having three wheels, one small one infront and two much larger behind, with box-like seat and steeringhandle; otherwise resembling nothing so much as the velocipedes I haveseen ridden for amusement by eccentric English youths. It was clear,however, that these vehicles were not moved by any effort on the partof their drivers, and their speed was far greater than that of theswiftest mail-coach:--say, from fifteen to thirty miles an hour. Allrisk of collision was avoided, as those proceeding in oppositedirections took opposite sides of the road, separated by the raisedcentre I have described. Crossing the road with caution, we came upona number of small houses, perhaps twenty feet square, each standing inthe midst of a garden marked out by a narrow ditch, some of themhaving at either side wings of less height and thrown a littlebackward. In the centr
e of each, and at the end of the wings wherethese existed, was what seemed to be a door of some translucentmaterial about twelve feet in height. But I observed that these doorswere divided by a scarcely perceptible line up to six feet from theground, and presently one of these parted, and a figure, closelyresembling that of my guide, came out.

  We had now reached another road which led apparently towards thelarger houses I had seen in the distance, and were proceeding alongthe raised central pathway, when some half-dozen persons from thecottages followed us. At a call from my guide, these, and presently asmany more, ran after and gathered around us. I turned, took down myair-gun from my back, and waving it around me, signalled to them tokeep back, not choosing to incur the danger of a sudden rush, sincetheir bearing, if not plainly hostile, was not hospitable or friendly.Thus escorted, but not actually assailed, I passed on for three orfour miles, by which time we were among the larger dwellings of whichI have spoken. Each of them stood in grounds enclosed by walls abouteight feet high, each of some uniform colour, contrasting agreeablywith that chosen for the exterior of the house. The enclosures variedin size from about six to sixty acres. The houses were for the mostpart some twelve feet in height, and from one to four hundred feetsquare. On several flat roofs, guarded by low parapets, other persons,all about the size of my guide, now showed themselves, all of theminterested, and, as it seemed, somewhat excited by my appearance. In afew cases groups differently dressed, and, from their somewhat smallerstature, slighter figures, and the long hair here and there visible,probably consisting of women, were gathered on a remoter portion ofthe roof. But these, when seen by those in front, were always waivedback with an impatient or threatening gesture, and instantly retired.Presently two or three men more richly dressed than my escort, and invarious colours, came out upon the road. Addressing one of these, Ipointed again to the sky, and again endeavoured to describe myjourney, holding out to him at the same time, as the thing most likelyto conciliate him, a watch somewhat larger than that I had bestowedupon my guide. He, however, did not come within arm's length; and whenI repeated my signs, he threw back his head with a sort of sneer anduttered a few words in a sharp tone, at which my escort rushed uponand attempted to throw me down. For this, however, I had been longprepared, and striking right and left with my air-gun--for I wasdetermined not to shed blood except in the last extremity--I speedilycleared a circle round me, still grasping my guide with the left hand,from a providential instinct which suggested that his close contiguitymight in some way protect me. A call from the chief of my antagonistswas answered from the roof of a neighbouring house. I heard a whizzingthrough the air, and presently something like a winged serpent, butwith a slender neck, and shoulders of considerable breadth, and a headmuch larger than a serpent's in proportion to the body, and shapedmore like a bird's, with a sharp, short beak, sprang upon and coiledround my left arm. That it was trying to sting with an erectile organplaced about midway between the shoulders and the tail I becameinstinctively aware, and presently felt something like a weak electricthrill over all my body, while my left hand, which was naked,sustained a severe shock, completely numbing it for the moment. Icaught the beast by the neck, and flung him with all my force right inthe face of my chief antagonist, who fell with a cry of terror.Looking in the direction from which this dangerous assailant had come,I perceived another in the air, and saw that not a moment was to belost. Dropping my gun with the muzzle between my feet, and holding itso far as I could with my numbed left hand--releasing also my guide,but throwing him to the ground as I released him--I drew my sword; andbut just in time, with the same motion with which I drew it, I cutright through the neck of the dragon that had been launched againstme. My principal enemy had quickly recovered his feet and presence ofmind, and spoke very loudly and at some length to the person who hadlaunched the dragons. The latter disappeared, and at the same time thegroup around me began to disperse. Whatever suited them was certainnot to suit me, and accordingly, still holding my sword, I caught oneof them with each hand. It was well I had done so, for within anotherminute the owner of the dragons reappeared with a weapon not whollyunlike a long cannon of very small bore fixed upon a sort of stand.This he levelled at me, and I, seeing that a danger of whose magnitudeand nature I could form no exact estimate was impending, caught upinstinctively one of my prisoners, and held him as a shield betweenmyself and the weapon pointed at me. This checked my enemy, who forthe moment seemed almost as much at a loss as myself. Fortunately hishostile intention evidently endangered not only my life but all nearme, and secured me from any close attack.

  At this moment a somewhat remarkable personage came to the front ofthe group which had gathered some few yards before me. He wore a longfrock of emerald green and trousers of the same colour, gathered in atthe waist by a belt of a red metal. On earth I should have taken himfor a hale and vigorous gentleman of some fifty years; he was twoinches short of five feet, but well proportioned as a man of middlesize. Gentleman I say emphatically; for something of dignity, gravity,and calm good-breeding, was conspicuous in his manner, as authorityunmixed with menace was evident in his tone. He called, somewhatperemptorily as I thought, to the man who was still aiming his weaponat my head, then waived back those behind him, and presently advancedtowards me, looking me straight in the eyes with a steadiness andintensity of gaze far exceeding, both in expressiveness and in effect,the most fixed stare of the most successful mesmerists I have known. Idoubt whether I should have had the power to resist his will had Ithought it wise to do so. But I was perfectly aware that, howeversuccessful in repelling the first tumultuous attack, prolongedself-defence was hopeless.

  I must, probably at the next move, certainly in a few minutes, succumbto the enemies around me. I could not conciliate those whose malignityI could not comprehend. I had done them no injury, and they couldhardly be maddened by fear, since my size and strength did not seem tooverawe them save at close quarters, and of my weapons they werecertainly less afraid than I of theirs. My only chance must lie infinding favour with an individual protector. When, therefore, thenew-comer fearlessly laid his hand on an arm which could have killedhim at a blow, and rather by gesture than by force released mycaptives, policy as well as instinct dictated submission. I allowedhim to disarm and make me in some sense his prisoner without a show ofresistance. He took me by the left hand, first placing my fingers uponhis own wrist and then grasping mine, and led me quietly through thecrowd, which gave way before him reluctantly and not without angrymurmurs, but with a certain awe as before one superior either in poweror rank.

  Thus he led me for about half a mile, till we reached the crystal gateof an enclosure of exceptional size, the walls of which, like the gateitself, were of a pale rose-colour. Through grounds laid out insymmetrical alternation of orchard and grove, shrubbery,close-carpeted field, and garden beds, arranged with evident regard toeffect in form and colour, as well as to fitting distribution of shadeand sun, we followed a straight path which sloped under a canopy offlowering creepers up to the terrace on which stood the house itself.There were some eight or nine crystal doors (or windows) in the front,and in the centre one somewhat larger than the others, which, as wecame immediately in front of it, opened, not turning on hinges, but,like every other door I had seen, dividing and sliding rapidly intothe walls to the right and left. We entered, and it immediately closedbehind us in the same way. Turning my head for a moment, I wassurprised to observe that, whereas I could see nothing through thedoor from the outside, the scene without was as visible from within asthrough the most perfectly transparent glass. The chamber in which Ifound myself had walls of bright emerald green, with all the brillianttransparency of the jewel; their surface broken by bas-reliefs ofminutely perfect execution, and divided into panels--each of whichseemed to contain a series of distinct scenes, one above the other--byliving creepers with foliage of bright gold, and flowers sometimespink, sometimes cream-white of great size, both double and single; theformer mostly hemispherical and the latter commonly shaped
as hollowcones or Avide shallow champagne glasses. In these walls two or threedoors appeared, reaching, from the floor to the roof, which wascoloured like the walls, and seemingly of the same material. Throughone of these my guide led me into a passage which appeared to runparallel with the front of the house, and turning down this, a dooragain parted on the right hand, through which he led me into a similarbut smaller apartment, some twenty feet in width and twenty-five inlength. The window--if I should so call that which was simply anotherdoor--of this apartment looked into one corner of a flower-garden ofgreat extent, beyond and at each end of which were other portions ofthe dwelling. The walls of this chamber were pink, the surfaceappearing as before of jewel-like lustre; the roof and floor of agreen lighter than that of the emerald. In two corners were piles ofinnumerable cushions and pillows covered with a most delicatesatin-like fabric, embroidered with gold, silver, and feathers, allsoft as eider-down and of all shapes and sizes. There were three orfour light tables, apparently of metal, silver, or azure, or golden incolour, in various parts of the chamber, with one or two of differentform, more like small office-tables or desks. In one of the walls wassunk a series of shelves closed by a transparent sheet of crystal ofpale yellow tinge. There were three or four movable seats resemblingwriting or easy-chairs, but also of metal, luxurious all though alldifferent. In the corner to the left, farthest from the inner court orperistyle, was a screen, which, as my host showed me, concealed a bathand some other convenient appurtenances. The bath was a cylinder somefive feet in depth and about two in diameter, with thin double walls,the space between which was filled with an apparatus of small pipes.By pressing a spring, as my protector pointed out, countless minutejets of warm perfumed water were thrown from every part of theinterior wall, forming the most delicious and perfect shower-bath thatcould well be devised.

  My host then led me to a seat among the cushions, and placed himselfbeside me, looking for some time intently and gravely into my face,but with nothing of offensive curiosity, still less of menace in hisgaze. It appeared to me as if he wished to read the character andperhaps the thoughts of his guest. The scrutiny seemed to satisfy him.He stretched out his left hand, and grasping mine, placed it on hisheart, and then dropping my hand, placed his upon my breast. He thenspoke in words whose meaning I could not guess, but the tone soundedto me as that of inquiry. The question most likely to be askedconcerned my character and the place from which I had come. I againexplained, again pointing upward. He seemed dubious or perplexed, andit occurred to me that drawing might assist explanation; since, fromthe bas-reliefs and tracery, it was evident that the art was carriedto no common excellence in Mars. I drew, therefore, in the firstplace, a globe to represent the Earth, traced its orbit round the Sun,and placed a crescent Moon at some little distance, indicating itspath round the Earth. It was evident that my host understood mymeaning, the more clearly when I marked upon the form of the Earth acrescent, such as she would often present through a Martial telescope.Sketches in outline roughly exhibiting different stages of my voyage,from the first ascent to the final landing, appeared to convince myhost of my meaning, if not of my veracity. Signing to me to remainwhere I was, he left the room. In a few minutes he returned,accompanied by one of the strange squirrel-like animals I had seen inthe fields. I was right in conjecturing that the creature had noopposable thumb; but a little ingenuity had compensated this so far asregarded the power of carrying. A little chain hung down from eachwrist, and to these was suspended a tray, upon which were arranged avariety of fruits and what seemed to be small loaves of variousmaterials. Breaking one of these and cutting open with a small knife,apparently of silver, one of the fruits, my host tasted each and thenmotioned to me to eat. The attendant had placed the tray upon a table,disengaged the chains, and disappeared; the door opening and closingas he trod, somewhat more heavily than had been necessary for my host,upon particular points of the floor.

  The food offered me was very delicious and various in flavour. My hostshowed me how to cut the top from some of the hard-rind fruits, so asto have a cup full of the most delicately-flavoured juice, the wholepulp having been reduced to a liquid syrup by a process with whichsome semicivilised cultivators on Earth are familiar. When I hadfinished my meal, my host whistled, and the attendant, returning,carried away the tray. His master gave him at the same time what wasevidently an order, repeating it twice, and speaking with signalclearness of intonation. The little creature bowed its head,apparently as a sign of intelligence, and in a few minutes returnedwith what seemed like a pencil or stylus and writing materials, andwith a large silver-like box of very curious form. To one side wasaffixed a sort of mouthpiece, consisting of a truncated cone expandinginto a saucer-shaped bowl. Across the wider and outer end of the conewas stretched a membrane or diaphragm about three inches in diameter.Into the mouth of the bowl, two or three inches from the diaphragm, myhost spoke one by one a series of articulate but single sounds,beginning with _a, a, aa, au, o, oo, ou, u, y or ei (long), i (short),oi, e,_ which I afterwards found to be the twelve vowels of theirlanguage. After he had thus uttered some forty distinct sounds, hedrew from the back of the instrument a slip of something likegoldleaf, on which as many weird curves and angular figures weretraced in crimson. Pointing to these in succession, he repeated thesounds in order. I made out that the figures in question representedthe sounds spoken into the instrument, and taking out my pencil,marked under each the equivalent character of the Roman alphabet,supplemented by some letters not admitted therein but borrowed fromother Aryan tongues. My host looked on with some interest whilst I didthis, and bent his head as if in approval. Here then was the alphabetof the Martial tongue--an alphabet not arbitrary, but actuallyproduced by the vocal sounds it represented! The elaborate machinerymodifies the rough signs which are traced by the mere aerialvibrations; but each character is a true physical type, a visualimage, of the spoken sound; the voice, temper, accent, sex, of aspeaker affect the phonograph, and are recognisable in the record. Theinstrument wrote, so to speak, different hands under my voice andunder Esmo's; and those who knew him could identify his phonogram, asmy friends my manuscript.

  After I had been employed for some time in fixing these forms and thecorresponding sounds in my memory, my host advanced to the window, andopening it, led me into the interior garden; which, as I had supposed,was a species of central court around which the house was built.

  The construction of the house was at once apparent. It consisted of afront portion, divided by the gallery of which I have spoken, all therooms on one side thereof looking, like the chamber I first entered,into the outer enclosure; those on the other into the interior gardenor peristyle. Beyond the latter was a single row of chambers openingupon it, appropriated to the ladies and children of the household. Thecourt was roofed over with the translucent material of the windows. Itwas about 360 feet in length by 300 in width. At either end werechambers entirely formed of the same material as the roof, in one ofwhich the various birds and animals employed either in domesticservice or in agriculture, in another the various stores of thehousehold, were kept. In front of these, two inclined planes of thesame material as the walls of the house led up to the several parts ofthe roof. The court was divided by broad concrete paths into fourgardens. In the centre of each was a basin of water and a fountain,above which was a square opening of some twenty feet in the roof. Eachgarden was, so to speak, turfed with minute plants, smaller than daisyroots, and even more closely covering the soil than English lawngrass. These were of different colours--emerald, gold, andpurple--arranged in bands. This turf was broken by a number of beds ofall shapes, the crescent, circle, and six-rayed star being apparentlythe chief favourites. The smaller of these were severally filled withone or two flowers; in the larger, flowers of different colours wereset in patterns, generally rising from the outside to the centre, andnever allowing the soil to be seen through a single interval. Thecontrast of colours and tints was admirably ordered; the size, form,and structure of the flowers wonderfully various
and alwaysexquisitely beautiful. The exact tints of silver and gold werefrequent and especially favoured, At each corner of every garden was ahollow silvery pillar, up which creepers with flowers of marvelloussize and beauty, and foliage of hues almost as striking as those ofthe flowers, were conducted to form a perfect arch overhead, partingoff the gardens from the walks. In each basin were fishes whosebrilliancy of colouring and beauty of form far surpassed anything Ihave seen in earthly seas or rivers.

  At the meeting of the four cross paths was a wide space covered with asoft woven carpet, upon which were strown cushions similar to those inmy room. On these several ladies were reclining, who rose as the headof the family approached. One who seemed by her manner to be themistress, and by her resemblance to some of her younger companions themother, of the family, wore a sort of light golden half-helmet on thehead, and over this, falling round her half-way to the waist, acrimson veil, intended apparently to protect her head and neck fromthe sun as much as to conceal them. Her face was partially uncovered.The dress of all was, except in colour and in certain omissions andadditions, much the same. The under-garments must have been slight inmaterial and few in number. Nothing was to be seen of them save thesleeves, which were of a delicate substance, resembling that of thefinest Parisian kid gloves, but far softer and finer. Over all was arobe almost without shape, save what it took from the figure to whichit closely adapted itself, suspended by broad ribbons and jewelledclasps from the shoulders, falling nearly to the ankles, and gatheredin by a zone at the waist. This garment left the neck, shoulders, andthe upper part of the bosom uncovered; but the veil, whether coveringthe head completely, drawn round all save the face, or consisting onlyof two separate muslin falls behind either ear, was always so arrangedas to render the general effect far more decorous than the "lowdresses" of European matrons and maidens. The ankles and feet wereentirely bare, save for sandals with an embroidered velvety coveringfor the toes, and silver bands clasped round the ankles. The eldestlady wore a pale green robe of a fine but very light silken-seemingfabric. Three younger ones wore a similar material of pink, withsilver head-dresses and veils hiding everything but the eyes. Allthese had sleeves reaching to the wrist, ending in gloves of the samefabric. Two young girls were robed in white gauze, with gauze veilsattached over either ear to a very slight silver coronal; their armsbare till the sleeve of the under-robe appeared, a couple of inchesbelow the shoulder; their bright soft faces and their long hair (whichfell freely down the back, kept in graceful order here and there byalmost invisible silver clasps or bands) were totally uncovered. "Amaiden," says the Martialist, "may make the most of her charms; awife's beauty is her lord's exclusive right." One of the girls, myhost's daughters, might almost have veiled her entire form above theknees in the masses of rich soft brown hair inherited from her father,but mingled with tresses of another tinge, shimmering like gold undercertain lights. Her eyes, of deepest violet, were shaded by dark thicklashes, so long that when the lids were closed they traced a clearblack curve on either cheek. The other maiden had, like their mother,and, I believe, like the younger matrons, the bright hair--flaxen inearly childhood, pale gold in maturer years--and the blue or grey eyescharacteristic of the race. My host spoke two or three words to thechief of the party, indicating me by a graceful and courteous wave ofthe hand, upon which the person addressed slightly bent her head,laying her hand at the same time upon her heart. The othersacknowledged the introduction by a similar but slighter inclination,and all resumed their places as soon as my host, seating himselfbetween us, signed to me to occupy some pillows which one of the youngladies arranged on his left hand, I had observed by this time that theleft hand was used by preference, as we use the right, for allpurposes, and therefore was naturally extended in courtesy; and theleft side was, for similar reasons, the place of honour.

  Three or four children were playing in another part of the court. All,with one exception, were remarkably beautiful and healthy-looking,certainly not less graceful in form and movement than the happiest andprettiest in our own world. Their tones were soft and gentle, andtheir bearing towards each other notably kind and considerate. Oneunfortunate little creature differed from the rest in all respects. Itwas slightly lame, misshapen rather than awkward, and with a face thatindicated bad health, bad temper, or both. Its manner was peevish andfractious, its tones sharp and harsh, and its actions rough and hasty.I took it for a mother's sickly favourite, deformed in character tocompensate for physical deformity. Watching them for a short time, Isaw the little creature repeatedly break out in all the humours of anill-tempered, over-indulged youngest-born in an ill-managed family;snatching toys from the others, and now and then slapping or pinchingthem. But they never returned either word or blow, even when pain orvexation brought the tears to their eyes. When its caprices becameintolerable most of its companions withdrew; one, however, alwaysremaining on the watch, even if driven from the immediateneighbourhood by its intolerably provoking temper, tones, and acts.

  Before sunset we were joined by a young man, who, first approaching myhost with a respectful inclination of the head, stood before him tillapparently desired by a few quiet words to speak; when he addressedthe head of the family in some short sentences, and then, at a signfrom him, turned to two of the squirrel-like animals, "ambau," whichfollowed him. These then laid at my feet two large baskets, or openbags of golden network, containing many of the smaller objects left inthe Astronaut. Emptying these, they brought several more, till theyhad laid before me the whole of my wardrobe and my store of intendedpresents, books, and drawings, with such of my instruments as were notattached to the walls. It was evident that great care had been takennot to injure or dismantle the vessel. Nothing that actually belongedto it had been taken away, and of the articles brought not one hadbeen broken or damaged. It was equally evident that there was nointention or idea of appropriating them. They were brought and handedover to me as a host on Earth might send for the baggage of anunexpected guest. Of the various toys and ornaments that I had broughtfor the purpose, I offered several of the most precious to my host. Heaccepted one of the smallest and least valuable, rather declining tounderstand than refusing the offer of the rest. The bringer did thesame. Then placing in the chief's hands an open jewel-box containing avariety of the choicest jewellery, I requested by signs his permissionto offer them to the ladies. The elder ones imitated his example, andgraciously accepted one or two tasteful feminine ornaments, of farless beauty and value than any of the few splendid jewels that adornedtheir belts and clasped their robes at the shoulder, or fastened theirveils. The white-robed maidens shrank back shyly until the box waspressed upon them, when each, at a word from the mistress, selectedsome small gold or silver locket or chain; each at once placing thearticle accepted about her person, with an evident intention of addingto the grace with which it was received and acknowledging the intendedcourtesy. How valueless the most valuable of these trifles must havebeen in their eyes I had begun to suspect from what I saw, and wasafterwards made fully aware. As the shades of evening fell, thefountains ceased to play, the young man pressed electric springs whichclosed the openings in the roof, and, finally, turning a small handle,caused a bright light to diffuse itself over the whole garden, andthrough the doors into the chambers opening upon it. At the same timea warmer air gradually spread throughout the interior of the building.A meal was then served in small low trays, which was eaten by all ofus reclining on our cushions; after which the ladies retired, and myhost conducted me back to my chamber, and left me to repose.

  My books and sketches, as well as the portfolios of popular printswhich I had selected to assist me in describing the life and sceneryof our world, were, with my wardrobe and other properties, arranged onmy shelves by the _ambau_, under the direction of Kevima, the younggentleman who had superintended their removal and conveyance to hisfather's house. The portfolios gave me occasional means and topics ofpleasant intercourse with the family of my host, before we couldconverse at ease in their language. The childr
en, though nevertroublesome or importunate, took frequent opportunities of stealinginto the room to look over the prints I produced for their amusement.The ladies also, particularly the violet-eyed maiden, who seemed to bethe especial guardian of the little ones, would draw near to look andlisten. The latter, though she never entered the room or directlyaddressed me, often assisted in explaining my broken sentences to hercharges, some of them not many years younger than herself. I tooksincere pleasure in the children's company and growing confidence, butthey were not the less welcome because they drew their sisters tolisten to my descriptions of an existence so strange and so remote inhabits and character, as well as in space. Perhaps their gentlegoverness learned more than any other member of the family respectingEarth-life, and my own adventures by land and water, in air and space.For, though just not child enough to share the children's freedom, shetook in all they heard; she listened in silence during our eveninggatherings to the conversation in which her father and brotherencouraged me to practise the language I was laboriously studying. Shehad, therefore, double opportunities of acquiring a knowledge whichseemed to interest her deeply; naturally, since it was so absolutelynovel, and communicated by one whose very presence was the mostmarvellous of the marvels it attested. How much she understood I couldnot judge. Except her mother, the ladies did not take a direct part inmy talk with the children, and but very seldom interposed, through myhost, a shy brief question when the evening brought us all together.The maidens, despite their theoretical privileges, were even morereserved than their elders, and the dark-haired Eveena the most silentand shy of all.

  I learned afterwards that the privilege of intercourse with the ladiesof the household, restricted as it was, was wholly exceptional, andeven in this family was conceded only out of consideration for one whocould not safely be allowed to leave the house.


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