A Bewitching Lord of Her Own: A Historical Regency Romance Book

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A Bewitching Lord of Her Own: A Historical Regency Romance Book Page 3

by Lucy Langton

  “Well, in that case, I shall retire to my bedchamber for a short rest before the guests arrive,” Flynt said as he stood to his feet, surprised that a young lady had refused him. It wasn’t something that he had experienced before and therefore wasn’t sure how to react.

  “Do please bath, Flynt. I need you looking your best. Allow your valet to assist you with your hair as well,” Dowager Statham quickly said as Flynt dipped his head to the three women.

  “I think I look good like this,” Flynt teased as he ran his fingers through his unkempt light brown hair. “Perhaps the other young ladies in attendance this evening will think so as well.”

  “No respectful young lady would consider you handsome until you appear more put together, Flynt. You must try harder if you are going to be as promising as Miss Ada is,” Dowager Statham retorted, a smirk on her lips.

  “Then I shall have to start taking lessons from Miss Ada in current social interactions. I will make sure to be more observant through the evening,” Flynt said, turning his eyes to Miss Ada. This comment caused his mother and aunt to laugh openly while Miss Ada simply smiled brightly, hiding her smile behind her hand. It was one of the things Flynt disliked that ladies did when in the presence of an unmarried man. He reasoned how dearly he would like to see her smile gaily.

  Flynt dipped his head to the women once more before finally departing out of the room. He couldn’t help smirking as he thought about how easy it was to tease Miss Ada. She was a quiet and content woman, yet, in their conversations he had gleaned a certain level of intelligence from the woman. And now that he knew of the events that had landed Miss Ada as his mother’s companion, he felt more compelled to help the young lady. And if that meant giving possible suitors his good opinion of the young lady he hardly knew, he would at least do it for her benefit.

  Chapter 4

  Ada’s mind was swimming with thoughts as she prepared for the evening. She had decided to wear the emerald gown that had been gifted to her by Dowager Statham during one of their shopping outings. Her employer had insisted that Miss Ada have something nice to wear during dinner parties and other social outings where she would accompany the widow. Therefore, she was grateful to have the opportunity to wear it that evening when Dowager Statham had worked hard to introduce her to potential suitors.

  As she dressed, she made sure to pat a few drops of rose water underneath her chin, wanting to appear more attractive than she felt she really looked. Her hair, though long and of a dark brown, was pinned back from her face. Yet, Ada wasn’t skilled in curling her hair like many of the fashionable ladies. And though she had no jewellery to wear with her gown, she was certain that perhaps her bright smile would win over the hearts of those she was to meet tonight.

  “Perhaps tonight you shall fall in love at first sight,” Ada said to her reflection, causing her to giggle. She had never met the two eligible gentlemen in her outings with Dowager Statham, but she hoped that she would find them rather suitable.

  However, as her thoughts turned to the dinner party, she couldn’t help thinking about Lord Statham as well. He’d teased her earlier in the drawing room, and it had only caused her to feel slightly embarrassed.

  Not that she found the man to be appealing, but because she had never really been complimented by a gentleman before. Having never attended a Season before, she’d never experienced the attention of a man who wished to show her affection. Therefore, she couldn’t help blushing deeply when Lord Statham had given her a simple compliment.

  Ada knew that it was her voice that had led her to this employment position. She had sung for Dowager Statham before when hired by a viscount to perform at his dinner party. Ever since that fateful night, she had been by Dowager Statham’s side. The idea that one day she would marry and leave her employment didn’t settle well with her. But, she liked the idea of marrying very much and hoped to one day fall in love with a man she would accept to marry. Therefore, she was willing to attend this dinner party with not just the intention of looking after Dowager Statham, but also participating in the conversation with the guests to possibly attract a suitor.

  Taking a deep breath, Ada looked herself over in the mirror once more before leaving her bedchamber. She knew the guests would be arriving any minute and wanted to be present with the widows when the first guest arrived. She hurried towards the stairs, minding not to step on her gown. She lifted her dress slightly so she could step down the wooden steps with care, her hand on the railing as she came down to the entryway.

  She turned the corner heading down the hallway towards the sitting room when she almost stumbled into Lord Statham. She placed her hands out in front of her, trying to shield herself from running into him. He reached his hands out at the last minute and caught hers, chuckling as he did so.

  “It seems I better be mindful of how fast I am going,” Lord Statham said as they lowered their hands. The warmth from his touch through her gloves caused her to blush deeply since the contact had been so sudden.

  “No, My Lord. It is I who should have been paying attention,” Ada said as she lowered her head.

  “My mother stated that my dinner coat is not fine enough for the evening and that instead, I should be wearing my militia uniform,” Lord Statham explained. “I feel as though I have run out of time, though.”

  “I’m sure your valet could help you change in a matter of minutes,” Ada reasoned. “And it’s still fashionable to arrive slightly late.”

  “What a bright idea,” Lord Statham said, his smile growing in size. It made Ada blush once more as she lowered her eyes and took a step away from him. He dipped his head in return and hurried past her, taking the stairs to the top level two at a time.

  Taking a deep breath, Ada continued to the sitting room, trying to regain her composure. That was the first time she had physically touched a man that wasn’t a family member, and the thought made her cheeks burn. She took several deep breaths as she walked, even fanning her face before she entered the room. The last thing she wanted to appear as was a flustered young lady who was socially awkward.

  When ready, she stepped into the sitting room to find Dowager Statham and Dowager White standing near the fireplace mantel, a cup of punch in their hands. Footmen stood around the room, ready to serve the guests refreshments upon their arrival at the townhouse.

  “Ah, Ada dear. You’re looking quite lovely this evening,” Dowager Statham said as she approached them. “I am so pleased that we decided to go with that gown instead of the blue one.” Ada ran her hands down the front of her silk gown, smiling brightly.

  “You have always had an eye for fashion,” Ada mused.

  “It is one of my gifts in life, I suppose,” Dowager Statham said as she turned to her sister. “That is why I sent Flynt back upstairs. He should be able to show his accomplishments.”

  “You are perfectly correct, dear sister. Flynt is more likely to appear civil if he is dressed in his uniform. And, young ladies tend to flock to a man who is in uniform,” Dowager White said with a chuckle, taking a sip of her punch.

  Ada accepted a glass as a footman came over with a silver serving tray. Ada thanked him as she took a crystal glass with the fragrant wine. She took a small sip then, not wanting to consume too much before the dinner was served. As Ada visited with her companions, it wasn’t long before the dinner guests all arrived.

  “Good evening, Lord and Lady Chanter,” Dowager Statham said to their guests as they were shown into the sitting room. “You grace us with your presence.”

  “The honour is ours, Dowager Statham. There isn’t a day that I don’t miss the company of your late husband,” Lord Chanter said with a bow.

  “Thank you. That is kind of you to say,” Dowager Statham said as she dipped her head.

  “May I introduce you to my children? Mr Chanter and Miss Elizabeth Chanter,” Lady Chanter then said.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you all. You know my sister, Dowager White. And my companion, Miss Ada,” Dowager Statham s
aid, gesturing to them both. “I hope you will all make yourselves comfortable until dinner is served.”

  “Of course,” Lord Chanter said, gesturing to the furniture for his family to occupy. Ada viewed the Earl’s son, Mr Chanter. He was a fellow of average height with light blond hair. And when he smiled at her, she noticed how his teeth were yellow and quite crocked. She smiled in return, however, not wanting to appear rude.

  When the Barnetts arrived, Ada made sure to greet them all as well when Dowager Statham made introductions once more. This time, she found Mr Barnett to be quite handsome. He was tall with black hair and even darker eyes. He seemed rather mysterious with his longer hair and broad shoulders. But when the man laughed at one of the jokes his father had told, Ada quickly realized he had a very high-pitched laugh that made her sensitive ears cringe in distaste.

  Once everyone was settled into a seat and making light conversation, Lord Statham finally made his appearance. Dressed in his formal uniform with several medals attached to the chest pocket, he looked rather dashing. His normally unkempt brown hair had been combed to the side, making him look more like a gentleman than the whelp he often portrayed.

  “Ah, Lord Statham. It’s so good to see you back in Town,” Lord Chanter said by way of greeting, rising to shake the man’s hand.

  “Thank you,” was all that Lord Statham said as he greeted the others in the room and received various introductions. Ada glanced at the three other young ladies, seeing how their eyes all seemed to be stuck to the Earl, making Ada smirk. It seemed that Dowager White was correct in her guess of how a man in uniform often affected the young ladies.

  Ada was surprised when Lord Statham settled into a chair next to her instead of coming to sit next to his mother. She straightened her posture and looked to their guests as though not to be aware of the Earl’s proximity. She forced a smile to her lips, appearing to be curious about what was being discussed when, in fact, she knew nothing of shipping routes or the current affairs of the merchant markets.

  “Miss Ada’s father dealt heavily in shipping during his time upon the earth,” Dowager Statham said, steering the conversation towards her. Ada was startled by the sudden shift as everyone’s eyes came to her. She smiled as she nodded her head, not knowing what to say since she hadn’t been very interested in the work her father did when he was alive.

  “And who would your father be?” Lord Barnett asked.

  “My father was Lord Taylor, Earl of Huntington,” Ada explained. She watched as Lady Barnett covered her mouth in surprise. Such reactions always caused Ada’s heart to constrict in fear that the conversation would turn to the details of her parents’ deaths.

  “It was just a tragedy to hear that they had died in a terrible carriage accident on the way to Bath,” Lady Barnett said. “I even heard that they had been chased down by highway bandits.”

  “My parents died of a severe cold,” Ada corrected. “It happened quite suddenly and tragically.” She tried to focus on her breathing and not the pain the conversation was causing her. Lady Barnett looked embarrassed for speaking as she looked away from Ada then.

  “Miss Ada has been my mother’s companion for the last few years. I couldn’t be happier with my mother’s choice while I was away with the militia,” Lord Statham spoke up.

  “What was it like sailing against Napoleon’s Army?” Miss Chanter asked, her eyes twinkling with interest. Ada breathed a sigh of relief as the conversation turned to focus on Lord Statham. She had heard a few of his war stories before but found herself listening more intently since he now sat next to her.

  When dinner was announced, Lord Statham stood and helped his mother to her feet, leading her and the guests to dinner. Ada was pleased when Mr Barnett offered to lead her to dinner, her arm resting on his as they walked with the other to the dining room. For the course of the dinner, Ada did her best to converse with Mr Barnett, to get a sense of his character. But every time the man laughed, which was often loudly, she was put off by the sound once more.

  Ada performed a few songs for the dinner guests once the meal was over, and they had all retired to the sitting room once more. She received grand applause once she finished the last song and smiled brightly for she always felt comfortable singing and performing for others. Once finished, the other young ladies tried their best to entertain the guests as well, but it was clear to Ada that she had a far superior voice than them.

  “Your voice is as wonderful as ever,” Dowager Statham said as she leaned in close to Ada. “I have no doubt that you’ve caught the affections of the two gentlemen.”

  “Thank you, Dowager Statham,” is all Ada said, not wanting to share her thoughts about Mr Chanter and Mr Barnett till they had a private moment to do so.

  By the time the guests had all left, Ada was feeling exhausted. Normally, she was a silent observer during Dowager Statham’s dinner parties. But since the widow had invited these particular families for Ada’s benefit, she had done her best to participate in the conversations and even make some keen remarks about the current trends in women’s fashion thanks to much Dowager Statham had taught her.

  “Well, my dear. I’m not sure if those two gentlemen will give you fruitful offers of marriage, but I don’t blame you if you do not accept them,” Dowager Statham said with a chuckle as Ada led her to her bedchamber with Dowager White right behind them.

  “At least Mr Barnett was handsome,” Ada reasoned, not wanting her employer to think that she wasn’t grateful.

  “Yes, but that man laughs like a goose being chased,” Dowager Statham declared as they came upon the second level of the townhouse. Ada couldn’t contain her laughter as the three women giggled down the hallway to their bedchambers.

  “Good night, Dowager Statham. Dowager White. I look forward to the concert tomorrow evening,” Ada said as she left them to continue their way to the end of the hallway where the family rooms were. Ada turned the knob on her own bedchamber door and entered, feeling like she could actually relax once more.

  With no one to appease or perform for, Ada let her guard down, and her smile slipped from her face. She changed out of the beautiful dinner gown, placing it in her wardrobe before shedding her many petticoats. With just a chemise on, she snuffed the candles in her room and pushed open the windowpane to allow the night air to cool the upper room.

  The fresh air settled Ada’s nerves as she crawled into bed and under the covers. She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as she closed her eyes and thought about the dinner party. Ada had to admit that the night had been somewhat successful because she had met two other families.

  With so many prestigious families in Town, she knew that meeting one could lead to meeting others. Therefore, she could grow her social circle and perhaps meet a man who didn’t mind that she was twenty-five. She was past the normal marrying age, but she still had hope.

  As her thoughts drifted to the other young ladies present at the meal, she knew that they were much younger than her. Perhaps eighteen or nineteen years old, their eyes often drawn to Lord Statham.

  Ada couldn’t blame them, thinking that the Earl did look rather dashing in his official uniform. From time to time, she had caught herself looking at his handsome features as well and forced herself to look away because she was supposed to be conversating with the other gentlemen present.

  As Ada slowly drifted off to sleep, a smile rested softly on her lips as she thought about Lord Statham. She knew him to be humorous and a quick flirt. She hoped that in the coming months, as he adjusted to Town life once more, that all his troubles would fall away, and he could live a more peaceful life.

  Chapter 5

  When Ada woke the next morning, she was quite excited to spend the evening at the opera house to admire the tenor singer she’d had the opportunity of hearing once before. She quickly readied for the day, thinking she would have to take several walks through the garden to tame her excitement.

  Once she was dressed in a pale-yellow gown, she made her wa
y out of her bedchamber and down to the drawing room. However, when she arrived, she was surprised to see that neither Dowager Statham nor Dowager White was there.


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