A Bewitching Lord of Her Own: A Historical Regency Romance Book

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A Bewitching Lord of Her Own: A Historical Regency Romance Book Page 5

by Lucy Langton

“Alright, my dear. You should really be off,” Dowager White said as she came over to Ada and dabbed a few drops of rose water underneath her chin.

  “Of course,” Ada said as she righted her posture and left the bedchamber after thanking them both once more.

  Ada felt like royalty as she walked down the hallway in her silk shoes. She was thrilled to be going to the concert tonight, if a little nervous about attending the function with Lord Statham. She knew that he was a troubled soul and hoped that nothing out of the ordinary would happen this evening.

  As Ada came to the stairs leading down into the entryway, she saw that Lord Statham was already standing there with his top hat and white gloves in hand, making Ada’s heart tighten as she became nervous.

  “I’m sorry to keep you waiting, Lord Statham,” Ada spoke up as she descended the stairs, drawing his attention to her. He opened his mouth to say something, but his eyes widened before travelling down the length of her. She blushed deeply, noticing how she’d stunned him into silence with her attire for the evening.

  “No, you have not kept me waiting,” Lord Statham said as he blinked a few times. “My intention was only to be ready as quickly as possible as not to keep you waiting.”

  Ada observed him closely now that they were standing in front of one another. Lord Statham had dressed in a lovely black waistcoat that fit his muscular figure perfectly. His cravat was freshly pressed, highlighting his angular face and high cheekbones. Ada mused that Lord Statham was a very handsome man when he took the time to appear like a gentleman. It was only his unkempt hair that really showed his personality.

  “Shall we be off then?” Ada asked as the butler handed her the white gloves she was to wear that evening. She pulled them on and looked up at Lord Statham, seeing the way he was smiling at her. She couldn’t help returning the smile, liking how she was able to surprise him.

  “Yes, let us head to the opera house,” Lord Statham said, gesturing towards the butler for the door to be opened.

  With the front door open, she saw that a carriage was waiting for them. When Lord Statham offered his arm to her, Ada accepted, placing her hand on his as he led them from the house.

  The night air felt refreshing, neither hot nor cold. The spring flowers wafted on the breeze from the rose bushes planted along the fence that separated the pavement from the property. Ada smiled, thinking it was truly a magnification night. She could not wait to arrive at the opera house and be seated for the performance.

  Once seated inside the carriage, Ada settled back onto the fabric-covered bench that was padded and comfortable. She looked outside into the evening, seeing candlelight in every townhouse that they passed. Ada was feeling shy and didn’t want to stare at her escort. So, she thought she’d remain quiet and simply enjoy the views of Town passing by the carriage.

  “It’s been over three years since I last attended a concert at the opera house,” Lord Statham spoke up, breaking the silence and drawing Ada’s attention to him.

  “Is that because of your time away from England?” Ada asked, trying to be polite. She knew how to keep conversation with the widowed sisters. After all, she was their companion. So, she figured she could keep idle conversation with the Earl as well.

  Lord Statham nodded, his gaze shifting to the window. She waited for him to say something else, keeping her eyes on him. But when he didn’t say anything else, Ada simply shifted her gaze so she couldn’t be accused of staring.

  “Do you go to the opera house often, Miss Ada?” Lord Statham asked a little more into their trip across town, the carriage weaving in and out of other carriages and horse riders.

  “As Dowager Statham’s companion, my activities are limited to that of my employer. We had gone to the opera house once before, about a year after I came to stay with the widowed sisters. But, not since then,” Ada explained.

  “Forgive me, Miss Ada. You appear to be less of a companion and more like a member of the family. I see you only as a proper lady,” Lord Statham said.

  “That is kind of you to say, Lord Statham. I am pleased with my position and how I get to support your mother and aunt. It was kind of them to offer such an outing to me. And I thank you as well for being my escort when Dowager Statham became ill.”

  “It is my honour,” Lord Statham said with a small smile.

  The carriage came to a stop outside the opera house in the large courtyard. Ada could hear the orchestra preparing for the concert, soft music filling the air and mixing with the happy chatter of all those who had come to attend. The footman jumped down from the driver’s seat and pulled open the door. Ada remained still while the Earl stepped down from the carriage. She was surprised when he turned back and offered her his hand. She smiled kindly as she took his gloved hand and allowed him to help her down from the carriage.

  “Looks like there will be plenty in attendance this evening,” Lord Statham observed, his eyes scanning the crowd that had gathered. Ada secured her hand underneath his elbow when he offered her his arm. She looked around as well, amazed by the size of the crowd.

  “I had not expected so many to attend a simple concert given by one tenor,” Ada admitted, allowing Lord Statham to lead her through the crowd of people. Ada kept a small smile on her face, wanting to look good for the Earl. The opera house wasn’t just a place to attend concerts. It was a prime location to be seen by the Ton, and in turn, be judged by them as well.

  “Here we are, Miss Ada,” Lord Statham said as they had made their way through the opera house to the second floor of the building and found the sitting box that was reserved for the night. Ada couldn’t believe how close they were to the stage. She could lean forward over the edge and have a clear sight of the stage and everyone in attendance.

  “This is absolutely breathtaking,” Ada said as she sat into the plush armchair with a high raised back so she would be comfortable throughout the entire concert.

  “I suppose so. It looks familiar to when I last attended,” Lord Statham commented. Ada glanced at him, looking at him critically to see that his hands were clenched.

  “Are you alright, Lord Statham?” Ada asked.

  “Yes, yes. I’m fine,” he said with a chuckle, stretching out his fingers and resting his hands on the arms of the chair. “It has been a long time since I’ve been in such a social situation. There are many in attendance this evening.”

  “Would you like me to fetch you a drink?” she asked as she rose from her chair.

  “Normally, I would refuse you do any such thing for me. However, I would dearly appreciate it at this moment,” Lord Statham said with a sigh.

  “Think nothing of it, My Lord,” Ada said with a dip of her head. She stepped out into the hallway, past the curtains that separated the sitting box from the path of all the patrons. There, she found a server walking with a silver serving tray of small glasses of brandy. She collected two glasses while thanking the man before returning to the box.

  “Here you are, Lord Statham. Something to settle your nerves,” Ada said as she sat back in her chair and passed the drink over to the Earl.

  “I thank you kindly, Miss Ada,” he said before he downed it all in what appeared to be a single gulp. Ada was surprised, but he appeared better as he let out a deep sigh afterwards. Lord Statham then set his empty glass aside before leaning back in the chair. Ada wasn’t sure what to think as she took small sips of her drink and turned her eyes towards the stage.

  As the concert was about to begin, the opera house workers came around to each area to lower the lanterns, sending the whole building into a dim light. Ada had enjoyed looking at all the well-dressed ladies below in their feathered hats and flowing gowns. She could tell that some were even looking towards her and Lord Statham, but she wasn’t about to mention such a thing to the Earl, who already seemed nervous enough to be in a large, crowded area.

  When the orchestra began the opening song, Ada smiled as she focused her eyes on the stage. As the tenor singer stepped out onto the stage in his fas
hionable outfit, a black coat with silver embroidery, Ada joined in with the applause of all the other patrons. Then, the show began, the man’s voice filling the entire opera hall.

  Ada felt like the world around her faded away as she listened to the powerful music ringing all around her. She was transfixed with each song, feeling her heart pound in her chest as the music went from soothing to vigorous.

  She was so mesmerized by the music that when the singer looked towards her during the chorus, she couldn’t help leaning forward in her seat. She hadn’t realized that she had placed her hand on Lord Statham’s until he moved his fingers slightly.

  Startled, she quickly removed her hand and sat back in the chair as she turned her attention to the Earl. She blushed deeply, her lips falling open as she tried to apologize.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said, her voice soft.

  “Think nothing of it, Miss Ada. I’m glad to see that you’re so passionate about this concert. I’m enjoying seeing the pleasure clearly on your face,” he said, his voice low and sultry. As he smiled at her with hooded eyes, she couldn’t help feeling feverish all over.

  It was the sound of applause that pulled Ada away from looking at the Earl’s luscious lips. She saw the singer bowing and stood with the rest of the audience as they all clapped and whistled for the wonderful performance. Ada wished that it would never end, that she could spend the entire night listening to the wonderful songs, one right after another.

  “The concert was truly amazing, Lord Statham. Thank you so much for escorting me so I could still see the performance,” Ada said once the lanterns relit the theatre. Ada could clearly see everything around them, the other patrons standing and conversing with one another. She knew that it would be some time before they could leave the opera house because it would be very crowded.

  “It was truly my pleasure,” Lord Statham said. “I hope now you will feel more comfortable singing more at home. I do dearly love to hear you sing.”

  Ada wasn’t sure of the feeling that was coming over her. She was standing so close to the Earl, looking up into his blue eyes that she felt the world around them fade away. The only sound she could then hear was the beating of her own heart in her ears, her mind wondering what it would be like to be kissed by such a dashing man.

  “There you are,” came an angered female voice from behind them, seeming to break the spell. “I’m sure you can understand my surprise to see you with another woman.”

  Ada quickly turned around, her violet gown swirling around her legs as she stood before a tall blonde woman with a curvy figure, her linen gown fitting in all the right places to emphasise it. She looked very put off as she pointed a finger at Lord Statham.

  Chapter 7

  Flynt could hardly believe his eyes. Just when he thought this night had been one of the most perfect in his life, he was confronted by a woman he could barely remember.

  “Please, madam. You must mistake me for someone else,” Flynt said as he stepped around Miss Ada to speak directly to the woman. But his words only seemed to make her angrier as she slapped him across the face. Flynt heard Miss Ada gasp, and he instantly felt like he had let her down.

  “How could you make such insincere intentions towards me? I thought you were honest and true,” the unidentified woman said. “And then you show up at the concert with the likes of her.” The woman gave Miss Ada a scathing look, and he looked over his shoulder to see that her face had turned scarlet from the accusation.

  “I am honest when I say I have very little memory of you, nor do I remember making you any promises,” Flynt said, turning his eyes back on the woman and speaking to her with all the authority he could muster with the title and rank that he had. “I don’t appreciate you accusing me of something I cannot recollect or making my guest uncomfortable.”

  “You are a complete scoundrel,” she hissed before she picked up her gown and fled in a hurry.

  Flynt took a deep breath and let it out slowly before turning his back on the curtains of the sitting box and looking down at Miss Ada. She looked somewhat confused, her eyes searching his as her face continued to be flushed. He found her hardly touched glass of brandy and handed it to her. She silently accepted it and finished the drink as quickly as she could.

  “How about we try to leave and head home. The lobby is sure to be crowded. However, I don’t think either one of us would like to remain longer than we need to,” Flynt said, his voice soft. Miss Ada set her glass aside and nodded. He extended his arm to her, and she took it, though a bit hesitantly this time. He hoped that the scene hadn’t scared her, but she appeared to be the timid lady’s companion she often was at the townhouse. Flynt had started to like the more outgoing Miss Ada, which the concert had seemed to bring out in her.

  The progress through the opera house was slow going. It was rather crowded as families tried to leave, only to be stopped by conversation. Thankfully, with Flynt having just returned to England, he didn’t have many acquaintances. Therefore, they weren’t forced into making conversation or commentary on the concert itself.

  Flynt took a deep breath of fresh air as they finally made it out of the opera house and down the stone stairs. It took some time to weave through all the carriages until he saw his family’s insignia on the back of his carriage. He walked Miss Ada in that direction, feeling a sense of relief that soon they would be home. But when they rounded the carriage to reach the door, Flynt’s heart dropped into his stomach as he saw Lord Locke leaning up against the door of the carriage.

  “Ah, good evening, Lord Statham. I thought I had spotted your carriage amongst the other concert patrons. It sounded like a worthy performance from the little I was able to hear out here,” Lord Locke said as he stepped forward. His black hair had been combed to the side, his face fully seen in the lamplight of the Town’s roads. Flynt watched as the man looked towards Miss Ada and smiled brightly.

  “What can I do for you, Lord Locke?” Flynt asked, his voice stern. Flynt pulled Miss Ada’s hand towards him, forcing the young lady to step closer to him. If he could do anything when it came to Lord Locke, he would at least protect Miss Ada from such a vile monster.

  “You can start by paying me back the small fortune you owe me,” Lord Locke said, shifting his eyes back to Flynt. “Or, I could send word to the constable of the debt so that you can pay me back by serving time in the debtor’s prison.”

  “I need more time, Lord Locke. I surely don’t have such a fortune on me at this present moment,” Flynt said, feeling nervous. The last thing he wanted for his life was to spend the rest of it in prison for one foolish mistake. After all, he didn’t really remember the night he had lost such a large amount at the card tables and began beating against the gentlemen’s club itself.

  “Perhaps your companion for the evening could pay for your debts. She is a very lovely young lady,” Lord Locke said, licking his lips.

  “That is out of the question,” Flynt said, steering Miss Ada till she was positioned completely behind him, his arm outstretched as though to shield her.

  “Then I expect you to sign these notes, saying you will pay me within a week’s time. Or else, I will have the constable send for you so you can serve your debt to me in prison,” Lord Locke said as he pulled several sheets of paper from his pocket. Producing a quill and pot of ink, he held them out to Flynt.

  Not knowing what else to do, Flynt took the small stake of papers, and with Lord Locke holding the inkpot, Flynt dipped the quill in the ink and hurriedly signed the documents. He handed everything back to Lord Lock and pushed past him so he could help Miss Ada up into the carriage. Once inside, he pulled the door closed and banged his fists on the coach.

  As it began to roll forward, Flynt focused on taming his temper. He didn’t want to frighten Miss Ada more than what she already felt. First, he had been accused by a woman and even assaulted. Now, the man he owed a lot of money to had tracked him down and embarrassed him thoroughly. Furthermore, he had to figure out how he was going to
pay the man back when his mother held tightly to the purse strings of the family.

  “Miss Ada, I am so sorry you had to witness all of that,” Flynt said, daring to look at the young lady. Her hands were balled in her lap, and her eyes were looking out the window. Her face was beet red from either the anger she was feeling or the complete embarrassment of the whole situation.


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