A Bewitching Lord of Her Own: A Historical Regency Romance Book

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A Bewitching Lord of Her Own: A Historical Regency Romance Book Page 14

by Lucy Langton

  “I don’t know if I’m ready,” Flynt said as he climbed on top of her, lowering his head to kiss her neck.

  “I know you are ready,” Ada said, pressing on his shoulder to get him to look into her eyes. “No matter what comes of it, I know we will be in this together. And that is how I know you are ready.”

  Flynt looked down at her for several moments before appearing to have made his decision. He leaned back on his knees and placed his hands on her thighs. With their eyes locked upon one another, Flynt took the shaft of his manhood into his hands and guided its head towards her opening.

  Ada’s lips parted as a wave of excitement washed over her. She had yearned for this moment for a very long time and couldn’t wait to finally feel Flynt deep inside of her.

  Ada started to breathe heavily as Flynt pressed the head of his member into her wet opening. She kept telling herself to relax as he pressed forward, spreading the tightness of her core. She was feeling such sudden sensations washing over her body that it was a mixture of both pain and pleasure. But more than anything, she didn’t want Flynt to stop.

  “This is the part that might hurt a bit,” Flynt said in a husky voice. He leaned down towards her, resting his arms on either side of her body. She whimpered with need, lifting her hips slightly to urge him forward. He pressed his lips to hers, sending her into a place she never wanted to leave. And then, as Flynt connected his hips to hers, she felt the pinch of pain erupt in her core as she tightened her legs around his waist as though to rid herself of the sudden pain.

  Yet, as soon as it came, it stopped. As Flynt began to thrust in and out of her core slowly, she felt a sensation unlike the other times they had been intimate. This was completely different as though her very soul was being coaxed into responding. She panted as her body warmed to new heights, and her body yearned for something stronger than she had experienced before.

  “This feels amazing,” Ada panted as she raised her hands and laced her fingers in Flynt’s long hair. She rocked her hips with the same motion as his, wanting to feel every inch of him.

  “You have no idea how satisfying it is to experience this with you, Ada,” Flynt said as he raised himself up on his elbows. Ada watched as his eyes gazed over her body. “You are absolutely magnificent. My own regret is not experiencing this sooner with you.”

  Ada knew that her life would never be the same as she felt every part of her being come alive in anticipation. She clung onto Flynt as his pace quickened, his member slipping in and out of her core because it had become ever so wet as though an ocean had bloomed inside of her.

  Ada began to moan as she felt her core tighten as though it was preparing for something grander than she could ever imagine. And when her body came to the edge of something she couldn’t describe, she began to beg Flynt not to stop, never to stop.

  “Oh, Ada!” Flynt moaned loudly, sending her over her mountain and crashing deep into the abyss below. She moaned with him, stars seeming to erupt before her eyesight. Her body convulsed in a most delicious way, making her wish the feeling would never end.

  Flashes of wonderful sensations flitted over her body like a breeze or flashes of lightning as Flynt settled beside her. Their chests rose and fell with the effort to regain normal breathing. Ada looked up at the ceiling as all the sensations washed over her, feeling more alive than she had ever been before.

  When Flynt reached out his hand and laced his fingers with her outstretched hand, Ada turned her head slowly towards him. He was looking at her, smiling as his blue eyes twinkled with delight in the candlelight. Ada was pleased to see him so happy, to see him smiling after the many days of seeing him so terrified and worried about Dowager Statham. Ada knew she would never regret this moment and would only look forward to more just like it.

  “Are you feeling alright?” Flynt asked, drawing Ada to him as the candles burned out on their own. Ada pulled the covers over them both, content to sleep how she was snuggled up against Flynt’s warm, bare body.

  “I am fine. You don’t have to worry about me,” Ada teased.

  “I find myself much interested in the welfare of your being. Therefore, you may have to either excuse me or learn to live with the fact that from time to time, I will worry,” Flynt said, leaning over to plant a kiss to her forehead when he had finished speaking.

  “I suppose I can be content with the idea,” Ada said as she rested her head on his chest and wound her arms around his torso. “As long you don’t worry yourself sick. It has concerned me the way you have worried over your mother these last few days.” Flynt fell silent then, and Ada listened to the sound of his heartbeat as she waited for him to say something.

  “I know my mother is nearing the part of her life when she will more than likely pass on. But it has been just her and I for so long that it pains me to think about her no longer being here,” Flynt confessed after a time.

  “I don’t blame you for feeling such a way,” Ada admitted. “We have just begun to get along, and though I could never be a replacement for the love you have for your mother, I at least want you to feel reassured that I will be here with you, through all of this.”

  Flynt hugged her close, seeming to be pleased by her statement. Ada wasn’t sure how long they lay like that, tangled together and seeming to stare into the darkness of the room. But eventually, sleep claimed them just as they were.

  Chapter 18

  “Ada dear, you and Flynt must come to the Tristens this evening,” Dowager Statham said as she walked slowly about the drawing room with her cane, determined to do a bit of exercise before the dinner party that evening. After being bedridden for almost two weeks, she felt the need to move and get out.

  “Mother, are you sure you should even be going this evening?” Flynt asked as he sat with Ada on the settee, the two of them going over letters of business that Flynt had received. As promised, he was reviewing every letter with his wife in hopes of making the best decisions for his family.

  “Flynt, my boy, I love that you are concerned about me. I really am,” Dowager Statham said as she went around the corner of the room and began her trek back towards them. “But you must understand that I am a social creature by nature. It does me well to visit others as often as I can.”

  “You gave us quite a scare, Dowager Statham,” Miss Butler spoke up. “I agree with your son that perhaps you should consider a few more days of rest before venturing out once more.”

  “Come now, children. I will not be fussed over or told what to do,” Dowager Statham said with her chin raised high. “I’ve been a strong, independent woman for as long as I’ve been without my Lord Statham. A small cold will not outdo me.”

  Flynt looked over at Ada as she lightly chuckled. He knew that she couldn’t be laughing over the letter she held in her hand, and therefore he tried his best to contain his own laughter as not to insult his mother. He knew that his mother had always been a stubborn woman, and it seemed that a week of illness wasn’t going to stop her now.

  “We’d be happy to join you, Mother, for the dinner party this evening with the Tristens. I’m sure it will do us all good to enjoy an outing and good company,” Flynt spoke up, wanting to assure his mother that they still supported her decisions.

  “Very good,” Dowager Statham said with a nod as she settled down into a chair next to her sister.

  “My Lady,” the butler said as he stepped into the room then and bowed. “The instructor is here.”

  Flynt’s face lit up as he quickly collected all the papers of business and set them aside, even pulling the ones from Ada’s hands. She looked at him, puzzled as Dowager Statham instructed the butler to show the man in. Flynt stood to his feet and led Ada over to the pianoforte.

  “I know how much you adore playing the piano and singing. So, I hired an instructor to help you perhaps learn a new tune or two, or give you advice on how to improve your wonderful singing voice,” Flynt explained. He couldn’t contain his smile as Ada looked at him with wide eyes. Then she thre
w her arms around him, embracing him as she pressed her lips to his. Flynt was so shocked by this sudden display of public affection that it took him a second longer to react. But eventually, he returned the kiss and held her close to him till a chuckling sound could be heard.

  The two quickly broke their passionate kiss as they looked to see Dowager Statham and Dowager White both laughing behind their hands. The instructor had just stepped into the room after being led by the butler, and the man’s cheeks had become to blush at the sight of them.

  “Forgive me,” Ada said with her head bowed. “Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.”

  “No need to ask for forgiveness,” Flynt said with a chuckle. “It is worth it to see you so happy.”

  Flynt settled down into his favourite chair to watch Ada play the pianoforte for the instructor as he tried to determine her level of skill. He gave her many compliments and offered suggestions as well to help improve her posture and how her fingers pressed on the keys. Even with the detailed instruction for Ada to improve, she continued to smile through all of it, seeming excited to learn something new.

  “You’ve really developed into a fine man,” Dowager White said as she came to sit next to him.

  “Thank you, Aunt Bertie,” Flynt said with a smile. “I feel like she has done so much for me that I wanted to do something in return for her.”

  “You’re starting to think about the well-being of others,” Dowager White pointed out. “These are the skills needed to be a good husband and a dutiful father.”

  “I’m not sure I’m ready to be raising any children,” Flynt said honestly.

  “Don’t worry, my boy. It takes time for children to start appearing. But my word, do they grow fast,” she said with a chuckle. “I still remember when you were little and the way you would tease all the servants. You have always been a troublemaker.”

  “Well, I like to think that I’ve grown into a better man,” Flynt reasoned.

  “Yes, I do believe your troublemaking days are surely over. Now you may be free to choose how the rest of your life will fare based on your sound judgement,” Dowager White said, patting his hand before rising once more and joining her sister. Miss Butler had leaned close to his mother as they talked with their eyes on Ada, no doubt commenting on her impressive ability to play the piano.

  What brought Flynt pleasure was the surprised look on the instructor’s face as Ada demonstrated her singing ability. The older man’s eyes widened with shock as he listened to Ada sing an entire melody before he made any comments.

  “Lady Statham, I have rarely heard such a wonderful singing voice amongst all my pupils. I dare say that I may not have many suggestions for improvement when you possess such a natural ability,” he praised. “I only hope that you will find the opportunities to practice singing as often as you can never to lose such an ability.”

  “Thank you, Mr Cairns,” Ada replied, a blush on her cheeks as they continued their lesson. Flynt happily watched the two of them discussing music and new pieces for Ada to learn to play on the pianoforte. All the while, Flynt schemed of more ways to encourage Ada to perform for others.

  Perhaps it was true what his aunt had suggested. He was finally thinking of someone’s happiness beside his own. As he looked at Ada, her long brown hair flowing down her shoulders over an elegant day gown of blue, he wondered if his heart was starting to feel for her on a much deeper level.


  As Ada readied for the evening and the dinner party they were to attend, she couldn’t help speaking frequently about her pleasure of experiencing the musical lesson that afternoon.

  “There was so much that Mr Cairns taught me in such a short time that all I want to do is be at the pianoforte to practice what I have learned,” Ada said as her lady’s maid helped her into a lavender gown made of satin and white lace. She made sure to wear the pearl necklace Flynt had gifted her, as well as wear her hair with the same pearl pins she’d worn the day they had been married.

  “I am truly pleased to hear that you enjoyed the lesson,” Flynt said as his valet helped him tidy his cravat for it was a task that Flynt was not very good at. He could certainly remove it, but its placement was left to his valet.

  Now that they had become intimate with one another and were no longer shy to see one another bare, they were comfortable dressing in the same room as one another, making Ada smile to catch glimpses of her husband being prepared for the evening. She thought Dowager Statham was right in saying that if it wasn’t for Flynt’s valet, he would never look like a real gentleman.

  “You look lovely as ever,” Flynt said as they finished readying and had dismissed the servants. Ada looked down at her gown, thinking it was one of the finer ones she owned. She had wanted to look extra special for Flynt that evening as a way to thank him for all that he’d done for her.

  “Just a small token of my appreciation for you,” Ada replied, her hands folded in front of her. She liked the way Flynt’s growing hair had been combed back, highlighting his face and high cheekbones. Ada knew she was lucky to be married to such an attractive man. And that line of thinking made her want to stay in that night more than go out so she could continue her lessons of pleasure that she enjoyed receiving from her husband.

  “Let us be off then,” Flynt said as he offered her his arm. “Don’t want to keep mother waiting.”

  “Yes, I suppose so,” Ada agreed as they left the bedchamber together and walked towards the stairs to reach the entryway.

  “Ah, there you two are,” Dowager Statham remarked as they descended the stairs. “I thought for a moment that I would have to send a messenger.”

  “Forgive me, Dowager Statham,” Ada spoke up. “I became carried away with my remarks for the music lesson and perhaps took longer than needed to ready.”

  “Oh, Ada. You’re such a great musician,” Dowager Statham said happily. “I wonder if the Tristens could be bothered to hear you perform.”

  “Surely Lady Statham is exhausted from all the playing and singing she has already done this day,” Miss Butler remarked, her eyes only on her employer. Ada thought she wouldn’t dare say such a thing to one of Dowager Statham’s friends.

  “Not at all, Miss Butler,” Ada said. “It would be an honour to perform for the close friends of Dowager Statham.” Miss Butler’s green eyes turned to Ada for a moment, a smirk on her lips before she lowered her eyes to the ground. It was the proper thing to do in her position within the group. Ada knew this, but she wondered even more so now how the woman had convinced Dowager Statham to be her lady’s companion.

  They all left the house then, riding in two carriages to the Tristen townhouse in the next neighbourhood over. Ada rode with her husband while the widowed sisters rode with their companion behind them. Ada was lost in thought till Flynt reached over and squeezed her hand.

  “What has captured your thoughts so suddenly?” he asked.

  “I was thinking about Miss Butler. I’ll confess that I often compare us because I know how I would have acted in her position. She seems rather bold to be a lady’s companion and not as submissive as she should,” Ada said. “It makes me wonder why Dowager Statham picked her to be her lady’s companion.”

  “Perhaps my mother needed something a little more bold in her life to keep her on her toes?” Flynt suggested.

  “But Miss Butler seems always to want to keep Dowager Statham at home or resting. She doesn’t seem bold unless she is speaking to a member of the family,” Ada reasoned. “I would have never gone against your mother’s wishes when it came to outings.”

  “That is because you are the kindest woman in the world. You were willing to do whatever my mother suggested because it made her happy. Perhaps Miss Butler is more worried about her health and therefore simply wants to help her rest more than do,” Flynt said. Ada nodded, knowing that Flynt was only trying to help her see reason. However, Ada couldn’t rid herself of the strange feeling in her stomach as though things weren’t quite right.


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