A Bewitching Lord of Her Own: A Historical Regency Romance Book

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A Bewitching Lord of Her Own: A Historical Regency Romance Book Page 22

by Lucy Langton

  “You have already proved your point, and now you are here,” Flynt said, pulling away from her and ensuring there was plenty of distance between them. “I would start preparing for our trip from Town.”

  “But we need to be seen together so that we can keep up appearances,” Miss Butler demanded. “And it’s only best that we are married again so that people can actually attend our wedding this time.”

  Flynt turned his back to her, fighting off his anger and the smirk that wanted to crawl onto his face in a cruel way. It was only a few days until he would be heading towards the solution to all his problems. But he wasn’t going to make things worse by appearing in public with the madwoman.

  “Weddings are best in the spring,” Flynt said, turning back around to face her. “And it would give us plenty of time to make plans.”

  Miss Butler clapped her hands together happily, seeming to really like the idea. “I knew that I married a clever man,” she said. She closed the distance between them and tried to kiss him, but he recoiled from her, making his way to the door.

  “You might have swindled me, Miss Butler, but don’t think I will be quick to show affection,” Flynt stuttered.

  “Oh, don’t worry, my dear. Pretty soon you won’t be able to resist me,” she said with a wink. “Now, I wish to speak with my new mother and aunt.”

  “Dowager Statham and White are currently already on their way to Vayle Manor. It will just be you and I for the next few days. Then, we shall travel together to the country seat,” Flynt said before he left the sitting room. He heard her curse softly, and he couldn’t help smirking as he made his way down the hallway and towards his study. Once inside, he locked the door so he wouldn’t be disturbed.

  The goal was to get Miss Butler far away from Town so she couldn’t do any more damage when it came to society’s opinion of him. Yet, he needed to wait a few days for others to finish their travelling arrangements. His mother and aunt hadn’t been too happy about leaving Town, but when they read for themselves what had happened in the papers, they both agreed it would be best to leave Town for a little bit till things cooled down.

  Of course, they had been both very upset with Flynt. They couldn’t understand why he would agree to marry a woman and then completely forget he’d done such a life-changing thing. Flynt had tried to console his family members, but both women had been beside themselves with anger and grief.

  “Now I completely understand why Ada left,” Dowager Statham has declared in the drawing room as they had completed reading all the articles. “I would have done the same if I had fallen in love with you, only to discover you were already married to another woman.”

  “Please, Mother. Try to find forgiveness in your heart,” Flynt said. “If anything, at least for Ada.”

  “Of course, I forgive my daughter,” she barked back. “It’s you that I will have a hard time forgiving.”

  “I understand, Mother. I really do,” Flynt said, knowing that he couldn’t possibly say anything else that would appease his mother. He knew that eventually, the truth of the matter would be discovered by all, and this painful problem would finally be gone at last.

  In his study, Flynt focused on his letters of business. He knew that he would be taking a big hit financially because of his tarnished reputation. It did not surprise Flynt that he received letters that day of business partners that didn’t want to do business with him any longer because of the type of man he turned out to be. He didn’t blame any of them, of course. And he would write to them as soon as this problem was fixed.

  When he heard Miss Butler’s voice rising above the staff’s, Flynt knew that he couldn’t ignore the woman any longer. He quickly stood up and walked around his desk so he could unlock the study door to see what the matter was. He walked down the hallway and into the drawing room this time to see both the housekeeper and the butler facing Miss Butler with red faces.

  “These two won’t listen to a word I have to say,” Miss Butler was quick to say. “Surely they all know that I am the real Lady Statham.”

  “Miss Butler, you may have proven a point with the papers. But that doesn’t mean anyone in this household is going to respect you as such,” Flynt explained. “Now, what exactly is it that you want that you have to bother these two with?”

  “I thought it would be fitting to plan a dinner party so you can introduce me to all your friends as Lady Statham,” Miss Butler said as she placed her hands on her hips. “If you don’t want to be seen with me in public, then I’ll bring people to our house.”

  Flynt was getting to the point that he was considering having Miss Butler taken to her room and the door locked until they could travel to the country. But as her green eyes turned dark, Flynt knew that he would have to tame this storm if he was going to make it through the next few days without strangling the woman himself.

  “Miss Butler, we shall be travelling in a few days. I would suggest preparing for the trip and gathering whatever things you might need for this trip. Go and purchase a new riding cloak and boots. Or perhaps a new trunk or hat,” Flynt suggested. Miss Butler’s face brightened at the idea, and she lowered her hands at her sides.

  “I guess since I’m not a very wealthy woman that I should dress as such. Butler, have the carriage prepared, and my lady’s maid summoned. I wish to go out and shop,” Miss Butler said in an authoritative voice as she looked at the two staff members. The housekeeper and butler didn’t even dip their heads towards the woman. They simply turned away from the scene and hurried out of the room.

  “If you don’t treat others with kindness, they’ll never do the same for you, Miss Butler. I hope you will remember that the next time you take it upon yourself to speak to the staff,” Flynt said as he placed his hands on his hips. “I don’t know what you were expecting by tricking me into signing that marriage license, but a life with me I promise you isn’t anything like you would have expected.”

  “And why not?” she asked as she sauntered towards him. “I saw how much you adored Ada and showered her with affection and praise. You should treat me the same.” As she came to stand in front of him, she raised her hand and placed it upon his cheek. And as he felt her touch, he also felt his stomach roll around with gaseousness.

  “That is because I love Ada very much,” Flynt explained as he stepped away from her. “And you can be assured that I will never treat a person like you the same as I do my wife.”

  Flynt turned and walked away from her as she called after him, “I’ll make you pay for the rest of your life, Lord Statham. Mark my words!”

  The sound of her voice sent chills all over his body. He wasn’t sure what else Miss Butler was capable of. All that he knew for sure was that when this was all said and done, he’d never have to worry again about anyone coming between him and Ada. As Flynt focused on his love for his wife, he was able to tune out the nagging Miss Butler as she called after him.

  Chapter 28

  Ada had a thrill of excitement pass through her as the carriage turned down the lane and started up the drive towards Vayle Manor. After hearing all about it from Lord Peterson during their travels north towards the country estate, she couldn’t wait to finally arrive. She leaned forward on the carriage bench and looked out the window at the countless fruit trees lining the drive.

  On the front lawn lay a large pond that reflected the sunshine from the cloudless day. It had finally stopped raining just long enough for the two of them to travel the four-day journey to the estate. Now, everything looked refreshed as the grasses and trees glistened with drops of rainwater and dew that shone in the morning sun.

  “I always found this area to be quite lovely,” Lord Peterson spoke up as the carriage circled around the large courtyard.

  “I’m surprised that Flynt didn’t want to return here after we were married. It seems to go on forever,” Ada observed. “He certainly would have been able to avoid me on such a large estate.”

  Lord Peterson laughed openly as the carriage came to
a halt. As the door was pulled open for them, Lord Peterson stepped down first and then turned to help Ada down. He’d been the perfect travel companion and a complete gentleman during their time together.

  Ada found Flynt’s best friend to both be insightful, yet humorous at times to break the tension. Ada was still feeling guilty for leaving Flynt and hoped that come their reunion, they could sort things out.

  Ada was taken by the estate, the large Roman columns that framed the front of the house, giving Ada a small peek at the inside through the many windows on both the bottom and top floors. Large marble steps led to the double front door. It was pushed open, the doors creaking as they were forced open for what seemed the first time in a very long while.

  The entryway seemed more like a grand hall as Ada’s eyes reached up to the ceiling. It was plastered in all sorts of intricate designs that it looked like a morning glory vine had made its way all over the top of the house. As Ada’s eyes travelled back down, she saw all sorts of paintings on the papered walls. Some of them were of people that looked to be family members. While others were landscapes of various types. Ada was so fascinated by it all that at first, she was too distracted to hear what Lord Peterson had said to her.

  “I’m sorry. What did you say?” Ada asked, giving him her full attention.

  “Lady Statham, I asked if you needed to rest? I’m sure your room has been made up for you at this point. The house has been vacant for some time, but it has been well maintained,” Lord Peterson said with a chuckle.

  “I’m fine, thank you. I wouldn’t mind a tour of the great house, though,” she suggested.

  “Are you sure, Lady Statham? We have been travelling for many days. And if you are indeed correct about your current condition, then I would suggest you rest a bit before we start walking all over the house,” Lord Peterson said.

  “Alright, I’ll take a small rest,” Ada said with a sigh.

  “Very good. Mrs Dencher will see you up to your room,” Lord Peterson said as he introduced the housekeeper and the other staff members that had been dispatched to the estate a week in advance to prepare for their arrival. Ada greeted the woman kindly and enjoyed every part of the house as she was shown upstairs to her room.

  “It’s so good to finally meet you, Lady Statham,” Mrs Dencher said as they walked together. “As soon as the Master sent all of us countryfolk letters explaining the family’s arrival, we’ve all been looking forward to your arrival with much joy in our hearts.”

  “Thank you, Mrs Dencher. I truly appreciate your warm welcome. I’m finding this home quite lovely,” Ada exclaimed.

  “The Vayle Manor is truly something to behold,” Mrs Dencher agreed. “My family has been serving this great family for many generations. I was so pleased to hear the Statham family was taking it up again so I could serve your family as well.”

  “That is quite a story to tell. You must be very proud,” Ada remarked.

  “I certainly am. You simply let me know whatever you might need. Miss Nancy will be your lady’s maid. Tea will be served in the drawing room when you feel rested. Cook is already planning a wonderful dinner. And the Dowagers Statham and White are expected to arrive sometime tomorrow,” Mrs Dencher explained.

  “Really? They are not travelling with Lord Statham?” Ada asked.

  “No, they came before the master to be settled before his arrival and the rest of the guests,” Mrs Dencher explained. Ada nodded, familiar with whom the housekeeper spoke of. And if Flynt was travelling after his mother and aunt, that meant he would be travelling out to the country with Miss Butler. Ada certainly didn’t like that idea but would have to put trust in Flynt that he knew what he was doing.

  Ada was shown to a bedchamber at the end of a long hallway on the east wing of the estate house. They had passed through a large room that could be fit for a ballroom and very well could have been used for such functions because of its grandness.

  Mrs Dencher led her through a few more doors before they reached their destination. Ada wondered that if the house was this large to simply go to a bedchamber, then the rest of the house must be equally as large. She now understood why Lord Peterson had suggested she rested before a tour of the house.

  “Here we are, My Lady,” Mrs Dencher said as she pushed open a set of wooden doors to reveal beautiful sunlight coming in from large windowpanes that framed the entire side of the room. Large curtains were available to be pulled on a wire to cover them. But as Ada looked beyond the windows to a beautifully kept garden, she thought how lucky she was to be given such a wonderful room to enjoy.

  There was a seating area with a settee and two tables on either side. And a large four-poster bed with a canopy and curtains to shut out the sunlight. The cream-coloured carpet felt plush underneath her slippered feet as she stepped slowly into the room. The floral wallpaper was rather lovely, with streaks of gold running through it. The room was truly unlike anything she’d ever seen before.

  “Your trunks will be brought up momentarily. Till then, I can bring up a tea tray for you? Do you require a bath?” Mrs Denton asked.

  “That all sounds rather lovely, Mrs Denton. I will simply take a turn about the room to stretch my legs,” Ada replied as she momentarily turned her attention to the housekeeper before walking the room to inspect it.

  “I will shortly return, My Lady,” Mrs Denton said in a happy voice. Ada was so enthralled with the room that she didn’t even hear the woman leave. Her gloved hand drifted across the top of the dresser, the oak piece engraved with symbols of the sun and moon. She’d never seen anything quite like it and thought it was a stunning piece.

  Eventually, a tub was brought to the room with plenty of hot water so she could properly bath. She hadn’t done so since the day she left Town and felt rather relaxed after being able to enjoy the hot water on her skin. It was refreshing to have her hair and body washed by her lady’s maid and the other maids that flitted about to put away her things and prepare the room.

  After bathing, Ada picked one of her favourite dinner gowns to wear, a lilac silk gown that she loved to wear when she wanted to be pretty but still remain comfortable throughout the evening. The lace trim was truly what made the gown delightful. And as her lady’s maid curled and pinned her hair for her, Ada thought she was finally feeling like herself.

  However, as she followed her lady’s maid back through the grand house to make her way to the drawing room, she thought how much she wished she could be heading downstairs to meet Flynt to receive a tour of the house by him, and not by his best friend. Though Ada was forever grateful for everything that Lord Peterson had done for her, she was anxious to see Flynt again and to apologize to him.

  Ada still had a hard time taking in all the splendour of the house as she went down the large wooden stairs to the marble floor below. As she looked down, she thought she could make out her reflection in the recently polished floor. Several vases had been positioned around the entryway and the hallway leading to the drawing room, filling the area with a lovely floral scent.

  “Ah, good afternoon, Lady Statham,” Lord Peterson said as he stood from where he was sitting in the drawing room, a book in his hand. “You look well-rested.”

  “It’s a wonder what a hot bath can do for the body,” Ada said with a chuckle. “It seems you have also been enjoying a relaxing afternoon.” She gestured towards the book he was holding in his hand.

  “Ah, this old thing,” Lord Peterson said. “I tend to drift to the same book every time I come to this home. Paradise Lost by John Milton.”

  “That’s quite an epic poem. And certainly not one for the faint of heart,” Ada said as she took to the settee across from him. All the furniture in the room had been created from very light birch wood that was then contrasted by fabrics of lavender. Ada found the room to be very relaxing and easy to spend a good bit of time in.

  “I find it refreshing to think in detail about the beginning of humankind. And how a perfect world could be so quickly lost,” Lor
d Peterson explained as he took a seat once more.

  “It reminds me quite a bit about what I’ve lost,” Ada remarked. “I felt as though my life with Flynt was perfect. We had fallen in love with one another and had started to plan on having a family together. I truly thought nothing could tarnish what we had accomplished. Now, I’m left feeling sillier than ever.”


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