A Bewitching Lord of Her Own: A Historical Regency Romance Book

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A Bewitching Lord of Her Own: A Historical Regency Romance Book Page 24

by Lucy Langton

  She covered her mouth with one gloved hand and turned from the room, hurrying out. Lord Locke dipped his head to the room and followed Miss Butler, no doubt looking forward to capitalizing on the poor woman’s grief.

  “So that is it then,” Lord Peterson spoke up. “It all comes down to a misunderstanding.”

  Flynt sighed deeply, tightening his grip on Ada’s hand to remind him of what he indeed had in life. It was hard to think that one woman’s confusion could have hurt them so. And now that they had all experienced it, he would make sure it never happened again.

  Without saying another word, Flynt led Ada out of the open door of the drawing room that led to the gardens outside. It was a beautiful, sunny day. A day Flynt knew he would never forget. But for now, he wanted time alone with Ada.

  “I’m so sorry, Flynt,” Ada stuttered, pulling her hand free from his until he turned around and faced her. “I should have believed what you were trying to say. I shouldn’t have doubted you at all.”

  “Ada, my dear. I don’t blame you one bit for how you reacted. You must understand that it was all designed to happen in this way. What matters is that now you and I are together,” Flynt said with a soft smile. He saw how distraught she looked and aimed to put her fears to rest.

  “I realized that I had done a foolish thing, as well. I ran away from the problem and isolated myself in the cottage at Brighton. It was so lonely, and I realized that I had lost everyone that I had ever loved,” she said, tears coming to her beautiful brown eyes.

  Flynt closed the distance between them as they stood by a large oak tree. A warm breeze swept through the gardens, bringing the last goodbyes of summer for the cooler weather was soon to follow. Flynt placed his hands on her hips, over her baby blue gown, and looked down into her eyes as he spoke.

  “You have not lost me, Ada. Nor my mother or aunt. We were all shocked at what Miss Butler did, and though we might not be showing our faces in Town anytime soon, I couldn’t think of a better place to spend the winter months with you knowing it shall mostly be just the two of us,” Flynt said, making sure to speak softly and slowly so Ada understood his words completely.

  “But … do you think you could ever forgive me for leaving you as I did?” she asked as a tear slipped from her eye.

  Flynt smiled at her, raised his hand, and wiped the tear away. Then, with his hand on her cheek, he slowly lowered his lips to hers, a much gentler kiss than the one he’d stolen from her the moment he’d entered the drawing room.

  This kiss that they shared at that moment was unlike anything they’d ever experienced before. It was slow and gentle, neither needy nor wanting. It symbolized everything they felt for each other and wanted from the other. A deeper love. An everlasting love. A love that would stand the test of time.

  Flynt felt his manhood stirring to life at the softness of her lips and the electrifying taste of her tongue. He deepened the kiss, lacing his fingers in her braided brown hair and cupping the back of her head so he could lean her back to kiss her more fully. As a light moan escaped her lips and brushed against his, he thought to lay her down upon the grass and have his way with her right then and there.

  Chapter 30

  Ada couldn’t believe it all. Flynt had returned to her, swept her up into his arms, and shown her how much he still loved her through his attentive kisses. As they stood out in the garden together, exchanging tender words and delicate kisses, she felt as though her heart was finally free to love again. Miss Butler was dealt with and gone, and surely by next Season their reputation in Town would be restored.

  “Ada, come with me to our bedchamber. I cannot wait any longer to be reunited with you as husband and wife,” Flynt said in a husky voice, trailing kisses down her neck towards her large bosom.

  “Come further with me into the garden instead,” Ada suggested. “It is such a lovely day, and I have wanted to be with you in nature since the ball at the botanical gardens.” Such a confession brought a deep blush to her cheeks, but it only caused Flynt to moan with desire.

  “Then come with me, my love. And let me show you something truly magical,” Flynt said as he lifted his head from where he was trailing kisses on her neck, and then taking her by the hand began to lead her further into the gardens.

  “When I was a young boy, I would spend hours in these gardens, imagining all sorts of adventures,” Flynt said as he led Ada through the maze of tall hedges and recently cut rose bushes for the winter months. The sound of running water filled her ears, and as they rounded a corner, she saw that a small brook ran through the gardens with plenty of tall oak trees on either side of the bank.

  “I could see myself spending hours just walking through these thoroughly kept up gardens just to discover what was around the next corner,” Ada admitted. “This whole is estate is rather grand.”

  “It’s a large place for such a small boy to grow up. I preferred Town because the townhouse was much smaller in comparison. I felt closer to people in Town,” Flynt explained.

  “I would agree that it would be a lonely place by yourself. I hope you don’t mind the idea of having many children then,” Ada teased.

  “No, I don’t mind at all. We shall fill these empty rooms with a large family that we can be proud of,” Flynt said as they came to a small clearing next to the water. There, Flynt eased her down onto the grass. Ada didn’t care if her gown was to be soiled or stained from the grass. All she cared about was being with Flynt.

  “I must confess that I do think I’m already with child,” Ada said as Flynt leaned in towards her, intent on kissing her once more. His eyes settled on hers, and slowly his lips parted and fell open in surprise. When his lips then turned up into a bright smile, Ada couldn’t help smiling in return as she felt great relief.

  “That is such fantastic news,” he exclaimed, placing his hand on her stomach. “How is it that you can tell? You still are so lithe.”

  “Call it my intuition,” Ada said. “I’ve had this sense of change in my body, and that come this time next year, we shall be raising a child together.”

  “Oh, Ada. I am so excited to be a parent with you. The very idea of children once terrified me, but as long as we are together, I feel as though I can do anything,” Flynt admitted.

  “I am glad to hear that you are excited. I was so worried about what you might think once I told you the news … I just don’t want ever to fear as I did before. I couldn’t stand having my heart broken again,” Ada confessed, speaking her worst fears out loud.

  “Do you trust me?” Flynt asked in a soft voice, resting his forehead on hers.

  “Yes, Flynt. I trust you now more than ever and wish I would have trusted you more in the past,” Ada said.

  “Then you have nothing to fear as long as we continue to love and trust one another,” Flynt said.

  Wrapping an arm around her waist, Flynt eased Ada down onto the soft grass. Ada felt as though she was being hugged by the ground because the grass was tall and thick, creating the perfect cushion for her to lay upon. Settling between her spread legs, Flynt eased up her gown so he could lay comfortable over top of her and kiss her with a sense of wanting and need.

  Ada bent her legs up, framing Flynt’s hips as she felt a sense of anticipation rolling over her in waves. She was excited to be with Flynt and to experience this joining together in such a beautiful setting. Ada looked up as Flynt planted kisses on her neck, his hands on her sides. She could see fluffy white clouds passing through in the sky, and it felt as though she was in heaven.

  Beautiful bird song mixed with the soft mews that escaped Ada’s mouth as she moaned softly, enjoying the warmth that formed in her core from having Flynt so near. She ran her hands up and down his back, wishing this moment of anticipation would never end. It filled her with such joy and excitement that she never wanted it to end.

  “I love you so much,” Flynt said as he lifted his head and used his hands to free her breasts from her bodice.

  “I love you, too,” Ada
hissed through her teeth as Flynt took one of her nipples into his mouth, rolling his tongue over the sensitive fresh as he massaged them both with his hands. Ada raised her hips slightly, wanting to feel Flynt deep inside of her core as he teased her towards her release point. He was so familiar with the most sensitive parts of her body that it was as though they had never parted at all.

  Ada ran her fingers through Flynt’s dishevelled hair, thinking it was growing rather long. She tightened her grip on it, causing him to growl as he raised his head and looked at her with a smirk on his lips.

  “You know just how to drive me wild,” he said with a chuckle.

  “We are outside in nature,” Ada quipped. “I suppose it’s suiting to be a bit wild.”

  “In that case, I think it’s time I get you on your knees,” he said as he leaned back on his heels. He helped Ada roll over and rock back on her knees till she was on all fours. Then, Flynt pushed up her gown till her bottom was completely exposed and her large breasts hung freely from her bodice.

  Flynt’s hands began to rub her bottom in soft circles, making her essence drip from her core in anticipation. She couldn’t wait to feel him in her once more, and the waiting was driving her completely mad with need.

  “Please, Flynt. Don’t make me wait any longer,” she begged.

  “But I want to take my sweet time with you, Ada. I do love enjoying your lithe body,” Flynt said in a husky voice. One of his hands slid between her thighs, his fingers coming to rub her most sensitive nub. Ada arched her back in response, and her moans grew louder. The only other thing Ada could hear in her ears was the sound of the water running downhill close by.

  “Oh, Ada. You’re so wet,” Flynt said as his fingers pressed into her opening, splitting her lower lips and preparing her for his large member.

  “That’s because I really want you,” Ada said, rocking her hips back so that his fingers slid into her deeper. She moaned, loving the feeling of being entered from behind.

  “Then I suppose I should give my wife what she wants,” Flynt said with a chuckle as he began to thrust his fingers in and out of her wet core.

  “Oh yes,” Ada moaned. She closed her eyes and pointed her head towards the sky as her senses seemed to explode. It was as though she was feeling everything she could hear around her in nature.

  When Ada felt as though she was about to peak, Flynt removed his fingers from her core and quickly undid the buttons of his trousers. As they lowered from his waist, his large member sprung forth, eager to satisfy. As Flynt pressed the head of his member into her wet opening, Ada smiled happily as she rocked her hips back, excited to be filled by her husband.

  “Oh, Ada. I don’t know how much longer I can last,” Flynt hissed as he sunk his full length into her.

  “The feeling is mutual,” Ada replied as she gasped with delight. “Don’t hold back.”

  The sound of flesh thudding together soon filled the clearing as Flynt thrust with a quickness in and out of her wet channel. Ada’s moans only grew louder with the fast pace of Flynt’s thrusting. She could see all manner of colours swimming through her mind as her eyes remained closed. Ada gripped onto the grass with her fists, using it to keep her still while Flynt thrust hard into her.

  “Oh yes!” Ada cried out as she peaked, finding her release. Flynt grunted loudly, signalling to Ada that he was also releasing deep inside of her. His hands were tight on her waist, holding her still as he pressed himself fully into her wet core as it spasmed all over him.

  Ada wasn’t sure how long they lasted like that, their bodies convulsing together, but eventually, the feeling left them, and Flynt removed himself from deep within her. Already the need for more came to Ada’s mind, but for now, she opened her eyes and rolled onto her back to let her body rest for a moment.

  Flynt fixed his clothing and settled onto the grass next to her, taking her hand and holding it in his. They looked at one another, smiles on their lips, and as Flynt leaned in and kissed her once more, she felt the fires of desire spring forth again.

  “If we don’t return inside, I will not want to for many hours,” Ada said with a giggle.

  “As much as I love the idea of pleasuring you out in the open, I don’t want us to be discovered in such a manner. We should return inside and clean up after our little activity,” Flynt reasoned. “And, I’m sure Mother would love to hear that you think you are expecting.”

  “Yes, it would be a nice thing to share with everyone,” Ada agreed.

  “Ada, I hope you know how much I love you … that I would do anything for you,” Flynt said as he rested his hand on the side of her cheek.

  “I know, Flynt. Now more than ever, I do know,” Ada said as she smiled at her husband, wishing they would never have another grief-stricken day in their lives once more.

  Chapter 31

  After a good night’s rest with Ada by his side, Flynt felt he could finally relax. There had been no sign of Lord Locke and Miss Butler the rest of the day, and Flynt was confident that the Earl would not allow the woman to make a mess of things any longer.

  Therefore, when Flynt surprisingly woke before Ada that morning, he quickly slipped from bed and dressed so he could make sure their first morning back together would be perfect.

  Heading downstairs towards the kitchens, which was a small trek considering how large the estate house was, Flynt started to think of all the things that Ada would like for breakfast. He knew how much she loved strawberries and wondered if strawberry jam tarts could be made for the morning meal.

  He made his request to Cook personally, and she reassured him that she could make something very special and splendid with strawberries because he’d done such a good job at letting her know so early in the morning.

  Flynt was so excited for the day that he could hardly contain himself. He spoke to Mrs Dencher about having any fresh flowers brought into the dining room. And if not, that pinecones sprinkled with rose water would have the same effect. She reassured him that no matter what, there would be a lovely display for the morning meal that would fill the room with pleasant aromas.

  As Flynt was moving about the house, wanting everything to be perfect, he was surprised when he found Lord Peterson in the drawing room, sitting on the settee as he read a book. For such an early hour, Flynt was sure he had been the only one awake.

  “Lord Peterson,” Flynt called as he stepped into the room. “Are you alright?”

  Lord Peterson shut the book he was reading and looked up at Flynt, a small smile on his face. He nodded as he set the book aside and then stood, stretching his arms over his head.

  “Sometimes when I cannot sleep, I tend to roam around. When the sun started to come up, I thought I’d try a bit of reading,” Lord Peterson explained.

  “You could not sleep last night?” Flynt asked, wanting to confirm what the man had said.

  “Yes. Unfortunately, it happens to me sometimes,” Lord Peterson admitted. As Flynt looked into the man’s eyes, he saw how tired he appeared from the dark circles underneath his eyes.

  “Is there anything I can do for you?” Flynt asked. “A tea perhaps to help you sleep?”

  “No, no. Don’t fuss yourself over me,” Lord Peterson said with a chuckle.

  “It’s no fussing at all. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be in this position right now, back with the woman I love. If there is anything you need or want, I would gladly give it to you,” Flynt expressed.

  “You are too kind, Flynt,” Lord Peterson said. “But I think a turn of the gardens will do me some good for some fresh air. I shall be alright by the time breakfast is prepared.”

  “Very well,” Flynt said as he dipped his head. He watched as Lord Peterson left through the door leading to the gardens from the drawing room. He thought for a moment, wondering what he could do for his friend. But his thoughts were interrupted by a soft laugh from behind him. He turned to see Ada standing in the doorway, dressed in a light pink gown that flowed around her.


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