Blue Collar Lesbian Erotica

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Blue Collar Lesbian Erotica Page 1

by Karin Kallmaker

  Blue Collar Lesbian Erotica Anthology

  Copyright © 2008 Pat Cronin and Verda Foster, Eds


  A Good Idea by Kate Sweeney

  Barfly by Trish Shields

  Edenfield Roady by Victoria Oldham

  Fluid by Sammo

  It's That Simple by Karin Kallmaker

  Mankato Tree Service; Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed and Free Estimates Available by Ali Vali

  Night Cap by Cheri Crystal

  Off the Meter by Radclyffe

  Out of Habit by MJ Williamz

  The Pole by Pat Cronin

  Redneck Lesbos by Pat Cronin

  The Relief Pitcher by Nann Dunne

  Research by Kate Sweeney

  Service Call by MJ Williamz

  Smolder by Georgia Beers

  Taxi Tang by Vada Foster

  Unwinding by Anne J. Kingsley

  Worth the Wait by Gerogie Beers

  Author Biographies

  Another Anthology by Cronin and Foster

  Visit Us On Line

  Blue Collar Lesbian Erotica Anthology

  Edited by

  Pat Cronin and Verda Foster

  Copyright © 2008 by Pat Cronin and Verda Foster, Eds

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, or events is entirely coincidental. The publisher takes no responsibility and will not be held liable for the views and opinions expressed herein. Copyrights for individual stories remain with the authors.

  ISBN 978-1-61929-045-7 (eBook)

  eBook Conversion August 2012

  Cover design by Donna Pawlowski

  Published by:

  Regal Crest Enterprises, LLC

  3520 Avenue H

  Port Arthur, Texas 77627

  Find us on the World Wide Web at

  Published in the United States of America


  We would like acknowledge all the wonderful women who have contributed to our first anthology. We could not have done it without you! It's been an enjoyable ride.

  Special thanks to Cathy LeNoir of RCE for taking us on.

  From Pat:

  I want to thank Lori Lake for her encouragement in going forth with this project. Thanks to Verda for being crazy enough to do this with me and special thanks to Sandra for putting up with me. Lurve ya, baby.

  Blue Collar Lesbian Erotica Antholgy

  Edited by

  Pat Cronin and Verda Foster

  A Good Idea

  by Kate Sweeney

  "NO," MY GIRL said simply. I groaned like a kid who'd just been told she couldn't have dessert. Well, this was almost the same thing.

  "C'mon, please," I whined and begged.

  Sara hesitated and looked at the ceiling in contemplation.

  I have no idea why I wanted her to do this. Our sex life is phenomenal, actually. We both love to experiment on occasion. Respecting, loving and trusting--this being a very important part as you will see--each other completely. We've been together now for nearly ten years and God love her, Sara is such a good sport. She almost never says no to my idiotic ideas and it rarely ends up badly. Well...

  "Honey, I don't think this is a good idea. Something will go wrong. I can feel it."

  "Sara, you will look sooo sexy in it," I said honestly. I had seen it in a magazine that a friend of ours reads.

  "Jo really, some of the ideas you've had in the past have been great, but recently you've lost your touch, kiddo. Remember the last thing?"

  I just knew she was gonna bring that up.

  "Sara, that was a manufacturer's defect," I said firmly. She snorted sarcastically, which I chose to ignore. "Who knew that pump would pull off so easily?"

  The vision of my poor partner lying there with the, well, see I had this idea. Once again, I found it in that fricking magazine. It was an inflatable dildo. See, and it seemed like such an erotic idea at the time, you insert it and you have a hand held little bulb pump that inflates it. Looking back on it, it was ridiculous, but that's my imagination for you. Thank God for Sara. God, I love this woman.

  "Yes, but who had to go the hospital and have it surgically removed?" she asked seriously. "Who?"

  "You honey," I answered obediently and hung my head.

  It was true. I had to rush the poor woman to the hospital after my inept attempts to dislodge the bugger. It was embarrassing for her and I held her hand the entire time, as if she was giving birth. We both had a laugh afterwards comparing the two.

  "I don't know why I let you talk me into these things, Joanna. I must be sick or something."

  "You're not sick! We like to experiment that's all. The little butterfly stimulator didn't turn out so badly. We still use that," I offered trying to reassure her.

  She nodded in agreement. "That's true. I do like that little thing. Especially when you're kissing me and touching my breasts--" she stopped immediately and shook her head. "God, how do you do that to me?"

  We both laughed as we continued making dinner. I chopped the broccoli as I glanced at Sara. I could tell by the way she was absently staring off, she was thinking about doing this, but I didn't want to push it.

  As we ate dinner, Sara sipped her wine and gave me a curious look. "You are sure nothing can happen?"

  I grinned wildly and nodded. "Positive."

  "Why don't you do this?"

  I rolled my eyes. "Honey, look at me and look at you. Which one of us would look hot in a chastity belt?" I asked honestly.

  It's not that I'm grossly out of shape, but being nearly fifty, life and gravity have taken their toll. Sara on the other hand, is younger than I am by a good ten years. She has one hot body. The woman works out three times a week. I, well I go with her and...I usually end up watching her ass, pure and simple. Sorry, I can be just as base as a guy. At least I'm only looking at my girl's ass and no one else's.

  Sara is about five-eight and about one hundred and thirty pounds of toned, fit lesbian. I'm the same height, definitely not the same weight, but I am lesbian. So, me in a chastity belt? I'm thinking no.

  I watched her for a moment as she ate. She looked up and I grinned. She laughed then and shook her head. "Tell me again where you got this lamebrain idea?"

  I scrambled to the coffee table, nearly taking the tablecloth with me and rushed back with the magazine. I flipped to the page and presented it to her.

  She wiped her mouth on her napkin and gave me an indulgent grin. She looked at it and read the advertisement. "I have to get measured?"

  "Sure, they're custom made. It is sooo hot," I said with enthusiasm.

  Sara bit at her lip and chuckled. "It is a bit erotic. What are those things attached, they look like dil--"

  "They are, anal and vaginal. Also, a clitoral stimulator controlled with a wireless remote," I said calmly.

  She smirked and grunted. "Which you control," she said.

  I smiled sheepishly and nodded. "Which you will enjoy," I added with a devilish eyebrow wriggle.

  My wonderful lover actually blushed. "Oh, why do I think this will end up with me in the emergency room," she moaned and handed me the magazine. "Get the measuring tape."

  "Yippee! God, I love you," I said and kissed her deeply.

  THE DAY ARRIVED. It came! I felt like a kid on Christmas morning, as I placed the b
ox on the coffee table. We both sat on the couch staring at it waiting for it to do something.

  Sara broke the silence. "Do you think it's weird that we like to experiment like this? I mean is this normal sex?" she asked and I heard a note of seriousness in her voice.

  "For us, yes. We do have normal sex, whatever that is. What are you talking about, honey? Just because we like a little variety doesn't make us weird. Look, I love you, Sara, like I've never loved anyone in my life. I also respect you and trust you, and you know I don't throw that around easily. You're my partner in this life, Sara. What you and I do is very private and it is always done with love; deep soulful love. Don't you agree?"

  "Of course I do, Jo. I love you just as much. I never thought you'd look twice at me and here we are ten years later. I still get goose bumps when you touch me," she said and kissed me tenderly.

  I sighed happily. "If we never do anything else but kiss, I'd be totally happy," I whispered against her lips.

  Sara pulled back and gently cupped my face. "You're absolutely adorable when you lie to please me," she said and patted my cheek. "You'd never be satisfied with just kissing and neither would I. Now, let's get this monstrosity assembled."

  I rubbed my hands together and tore open the box. After checking out the instructions, Sara picked up the crotch part of the belt. "Honey, this feels like steel," she said in a worried voice.

  "It is, but there's neoprene or whatever type of cushioning all around it so the metal isn't against your skin," I explained as I read. I glanced at Sara who was still holding the crotch piece.

  The anal and vaginal plugs caught my eye. I saw her shiver and I laughed quietly as I concentrated on my reading.

  I held up the clitoral stimulator and the wireless remote. "Glad I didn't forget batteries."

  "Hmm..." she said absently. "Am I going to be able to get out of this thing? What if I have to go to the bathroom?"

  "Honey, you won't keep it on that long. This is just for fun. Now, let me read," I begged quietly.

  After a few minutes, I was confident I had it all figured out. That was my first of many mistakes.

  "Okay," I said and rubbed my hands together, then wriggled my fingers as though I was getting ready to play a piano virtuoso. I looked at Sara's lovely body and realized I was about to do just that.

  It struck me then, how much I really love this woman. Not because she indulges in my fantasies, but because she doesn't think they're stupid. Childish perhaps, lame brained most definitely, but not stupid. I always feel loved and nurtured by this younger woman. Sara stole my heart and soul ten years ago and she has given her word that she will never give them back.

  Sara stood and removed her sweats and panties, breaking me from my reverie in a most seductive manner. "Wait, I have to go to the bathroom and shower," she said and dashed into the bathroom. So much for seduction. I laughed heartily and waited in the bedroom.

  In a relatively short time, she reappeared completely naked. I gazed at the beautiful body wondering why the gods above favored me in such a way. Sara Jenkins is a beautiful woman. Her long dark hair is always shining. Her soulful doe eyes are always sparkling. Her full lips are always inviting, and I have never met a more secure and thoughtful person in my life. Sainthood, I'm thinkin'.

  "Jo?" I heard her snap her fingers, shaking me from my musings.

  "Oh right. Okay, here goes nothing," I said.

  Following the instructions, we snapped all metal nubs into their appointed slots and fit the belt around her waist. Sara moaned a bit as the small plugs fit in both orifices. That's all I will say about that, use your own imagination. She blinked and grinned as she moved her hips slightly.

  "Feel okay?" I asked nervously.

  "Feels very okay," she answered emphatically.

  I picked up the little lock and the only key the manufacturer sent and wiggled it. "Ready to be locked up?" I asked.

  Sara let out a nervous laugh. "Ready as I'll ever be. You lose that key, Jo..." she warned.

  I slipped the lock in place and closed it, giving it a professional tug. I looked up and smiled as I kissed her taut abdomen right above the steel waist belt. "You're mine now, Miss Jenkins," I purred against her stomach.

  Sara quivered and ran her fingers through my short hair. "What are you going to do about it?" she asked in a challenging tone.

  I let out an evil laugh. "Lay back. I have to attach this clitoral stimulator."

  "No drooling, Jo. I know this is your favorite part," she said as she stretched out on our bed and opened her legs. "This actually doesn't feel too bad. I mean, I'm getting kinda..." she said with a wicked grin and winked.

  "Don't you dare go any further. Hold on," I said with a laugh as I attached the stimulator and fit the metal shield over it, hiding it from view.

  I sat back then and picked up the remote. "Here goes. Ready?" I asked and she nodded quickly. I hit the lowest setting and watched her carefully.

  "Nothing," she said seriously. "Are you sure it's working?"

  I hit the remote with the heel of my hand and tried again. I gave her a hopeful smile. "Nothing?"

  "No. Try another setting," Sara said.

  I looked at her and she took my breath away. Lying there, legs open, firm breasts rising and falling with her nervous breathing. Her lustful eyes alert as she licked her lips; I nearly had an orgasm.

  "Jo, honey, you're near drooling. Now you got me into this contraption. I have plugs up both..." She stopped and chuckled. "Get busy, Miss Windham."

  I laughed and tried the next setting. Sara jumped.

  "Ahha. We have liftoff." I said, and slid my body next to her on the bed. She was purring and gently moving her hips as I kissed her deeply.

  "God, Jo, this feels so good."

  "Tell me, sweetie. Tell me what it feels like," I whispered in her ear.

  "I feel so full, Jo. So full," she whispered sensually, which sent me throbbing uncontrollably. "My clit is tingling," she purred against my neck.

  I believe my right foot started twitching. I felt like Thumper. I reached down and slipped my fingers up and down her abdomen. "So beautiful. So hot," I whispered and kissed her once more. She moaned and slipped her tongue deep into my mouth. Both of us were groaning and moaning softly. Time to kick it up a notch. I glanced down at the remote and hit the next level.

  "Oh God!" Sara cried out against my lips. "Geezus!" Her body quivered and shook. "Gonna come, Jo!" she cried out.

  "This is so hot, Sara. You're coming without me even touching you," I said softly.

  And boy did she come. She writhed, quivered, trembled and shook as the orgasm ripped through her. I held her, kissed her, ran my fingers all over her quivering body and felt her having another orgasm.

  "God, Sara, again?"

  She nodded and screamed once more. What a great idea I had! I've never seen her have so many orgasms. She was sweating and clawing at my back as I feasted on her firm luscious breasts.

  Finally, the poor woman couldn't take anymore. "Jo, stop it. Turn it off honey. I-I can't come anymore!" she panted.

  I grinned just a bit. "Not even one more?" I cooed in her ear.

  She tried to laugh but her body was still trembling with the aftershock. "I don't think. I can't take it," she panted.

  I reached for the remote and as I tried the last setting, Sara reached for the remote. "NO! Please!"

  I couldn't do it. She's never begged me to stop like this. Relenting, I gradually lowered the setting. Immediately, she took a deep lungful of air. Panting through the tremors, I held onto her. "I'll bring you down slowly, baby," I whispered and she whimpered slightly, but nodded as she clung to me. I turned it to the next lowest setting.

  "Jo, I can still feel it, sweetie. Turn it off," she sighed.

  "Party poop!" I chuckled as I kissed her dry trembling lips. I turned it off and set it on the nightstand. A few passionate kisses later, she pulled back.

  "No fucking around, Jo. Turn the damn thing off," she said breathless

  "I turned it off," I argued quietly as we kissed. "It's just the aftershock."

  She laughed quietly. "It is not the aftershock. That thing is making me throb again, Jo. I'm gonna pass out."

  I reached for the remote and sat up. "See, it's off."

  "It's not off. I can still feel it. Dammit, give me that!"

  She took the remote, pointed it at her crotch, and hit the button. I oddly thought she looked like a Samurai about to commit hara-kiri with a remote.

  "God, Jo. It won't go off."

  "Oh, of course it will." Won't it?

  I took it from her and stupidly stood up, thinking I needed some distance. I am not very good with electronic or battery operated equipment. I ridiculously remembered last week when I put a knife into the toaster to retrieve the wayward burnt bread. I shorted out the entire house.

  Anyway, back to the present dilemma. I pointed it and pushed. Nothing. Dammit. I banged it against the heel of my hand again.

  Now, poor Sara was moaning again and quivering. "JO! Turn the damn thing either up or off. This is killing me. I can't come!"


  I felt the sweat forming on my brow. I had that anxious, uh-oh feeling deep in my gut. I continuously pointed and pressed, pointed and pressed; stabbing in the direction of her crotch. "It's not working, Honey!"

  "Then dammit take this belt off! Unlock it before I go insane," she threatened.

  Good idea! I whirled around and looked for the key. Finding it, I fumbled trying to get the small lock. "Stop moving hon; I can't get the lock steadied," I said desperately trying to remain calm.

  "Shit! I can't stop moving. God, why did I let you talk..." she stopped and groaned deeply.

  I looked down at her as her eyes rolled back in her head. I knew that groan.


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