Blue Collar Lesbian Erotica

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Blue Collar Lesbian Erotica Page 9

by Karin Kallmaker

  She placed her other hand over mine, obviously slipping into counselor mode.

  "How are you, Chase?"

  I needed to change the mood. And fast.

  "Where are my manners? Please have a seat."

  I pulled the chair out for her and she gracefully accepted, allowing me a wonderful view down her light blue blouse in the process. Her full breasts were confined in a practical white cotton bra. At that moment, it was the sexiest bra I'd ever seen. I felt like an adolescent schoolgirl again, lusting after those strict nuns. I wasn't thinking of Sister Brigid as hard and strict, though. Soft and pliant was more like it.

  "Can I get you something to drink?"

  "No, thanks. I need to get back to the convent. I just wanted to say hi. It's funny. I was just thinking about you."

  "Really? So this encounter was rather serendipitous, wasn't it?"

  She laughed then tilted her head, and still smiling said, "I love that word. It sounds so magical."

  "It's one of my favorites, too." A proud grin crept across my face.

  "Did you go to Mission Prep, Chase?"

  "I did indeed. Why?"

  "I bet you were quite a handful for the nuns."

  "I went to confession every Saturday." I shrugged. "So I was always forgiven."

  I realized that sounded sacrilegious, so I tried to play it down. "That sounded horrible."

  But she was laughing. "Really. It's fine." She covered my hand with hers. "I like your logic."

  "Seriously, Sister. I meant no disrespect."

  "Please, call me Brigid. And I meant what I said. I appreciate your thought process."

  "So why the hurry to get back to the convent? You sure you don't want a beer? Pepsi? Lemonade?"

  "I'd love it, but I really need to get these things home."

  "What's in the bags?"

  "Just some caulking and cleaning supplies. The community shower needs some serious attention."

  Community shower? Visions of ribbons of steam rising in a crowded shower, dancing between and around dozens of naked nuns lathering one another up flashed through my head. In my mind's eye, I saw slick bodies pressed against each other, hands reaching everywhere, making sure all parts were clean.

  "Chase? Hello?"

  I cleared my throat and tried to lose the vision. But the woman sitting with me was still stark naked. I stared out into the street until I thought I could face her.


  "Are you okay?"

  "Fine. Sorry. So how are you getting home?"

  She laughed. "I'm walking. It's just a couple of blocks to the Mission."

  I looked around, getting my bearings. I felt stupid.

  "Oh, yeah. I guess it is. Still, I'd be happy to give you a lift if you'd like."

  "I'd hate to inconvenience you."

  "Please. It wouldn't be an inconvenience." I grinned. "Besides, I've always been curious about what the inside of the convent looks like."

  "It's pretty sparse."

  "A lot of crosses and rosaries," I offered.

  "And cots."

  "And a community shower." Shit! Was that out loud?

  She sighed. "Yes. The shower. I really need to get going."

  "Do you ever get to the beach, Sister?"

  "Please, call me Brigid. And no, I don't get to the beach very often."

  "Okay, Brigid, I have an idea. How about I give you a ride home and help you in the shower?" Shit again! "I mean..."

  She was smiling at me, staring into my eyes. I could feel myself blushing under her scrutiny and cursed my Irish heritage. She seemed to be enjoying my discomfort.

  "You meant?"

  "That I could help fix up the shower and then we could go down to Avila. What do you say?"

  "I couldn't impose on you."

  "Impose nothin'. I'm offering here. Come on." I stood, grabbed the bags in one hand, and held my other out to her. "Let's get the work done and go play."

  She placed her hand in my hand but remained seated, her eyes boring into mine.

  "Why are you doing this? Surely you have better things to do on a Saturday afternoon. Besides, you must be on vacation, right?"

  "Yes, I'm on vacation. And what better way to spend an afternoon than fulfilling a fantasy?" When would I learn to shut up?

  A natural, non-plucked eyebrow shot up. She didn't need to say a word. When a nun looks at you like that, you know you've got two seconds to explain. I made myself laugh.

  "I'm talking about seeing the inside of a convent, Brigid. Now come on!"

  She stood and held my hand a moment longer than necessary. Despite the heat, my hand felt cool and empty without hers. I led the way to my '66 convertible Mustang and held the door for my guest.

  "Wow, Chase. This car is nice."

  A woman who appreciated a good ride? Who was also a nun? Could my day have gone any better? I was thinking how hot it would be to take her for a different kind of ride when I realized she was still standing next to me.

  "Thanks. I've had her since high school. She's my baby."

  As she got in, she asked, "Why are cars always female?"

  "Because they're like real ladies. You care for them, pamper them, treat them right, and they're more than happy to perform for you."

  Brigid turned to face me, resting her elbow on the top of her seat.

  "So you like the ladies to perform for you, do you?"

  When backed into a corner, I've always believed that honesty is sometimes not a bad policy. "Look, Brigid. I guess I should come clean here."

  "Please, Chase. Do you think I don't know you're a lesbian?"

  When I didn't respond, she laughed. "Have you seen you? Besides, do you think you'll be the first lesbian ever in a convent?"

  My mind went back to the convent. I pictured two nuns lying on the bed, habits around their waists, each of them with her face buried between the other's legs. I visualized another room, another cot. On the cot lay two nuns wearing only their wimples, mouths opened against each other's. One's legs spread wide while the other slid her fingers in and out of her. I could hear them moaning into each other's mouths.


  "Huh? Uh, no. I mean, I don't know. I guess I've never really thought about it."

  "You haven't, huh? Lucky for you, there's confession this evening." She turned back in her seat, and with a shaky hand, I started up the only female I'd been faithful to since high school.

  Brigid had said the convent was sparse. Barren was more like it. We entered through thick oak doors that had been fashioned over two hundred years before. The floor was the same polished red clay I remembered from the hallways at Mission Prep. Our footsteps echoed loudly as we walked down the hallway. We passed a large dining room with three long tables lined with high-backed wood chairs. Comfort was obviously not the goal. A picture of Saint Luis, the Bishop of Toloso and the town's namesake, hung on the far wall.

  We continued down the hall, passing smaller wooden doors, spaced about eight feet apart. "Are these your rooms?"

  "Yes, ma'am, they are."

  "So do I get to see inside one of these rooms?"

  "There's really not much to see, but if it's that important to you, I'll show you mine when we get there." My mouth went dry as her blue eyes gleamed at me. "Your mind doesn't stop, does it?"

  Busted. Before I could think of a comeback, we'd stopped in front of one of the nondescript doors.

  "Here we are," she announced. "Are you ready for the further fulfillment of your fantasy?"

  She knew what she was doing to me. She knew and yet she continued. It would serve her right if I backed her into the door and kissed her right then. My hands itched to slip under her shirt and run over her plain cotton bra to cup the full breasts underneath. I told myself to be cool. Even if I wasn't still a practicing Catholic, I had to believe that molesting a nun wouldn't bode well for my next life. I decided it was best to simply play along.

  "So let's do it, Brigid."

  The smile she gave me
was a cross between condescending and teasing.

  "I'm always happy to fulfill fantasies," she tossed over her shoulder. "Just one more service we provide here."

  When she turned her back to me, I slid my hands in the pockets of my cargo shorts to keep them from caressing the sweet sister's backside.

  I followed her into a tiny room that affected me in the most unexpected way. The room was a six-foot square. A metal cot that looked like World War II Army issue was against one wall, a kneeler--basically a red rubber-covered two by four--was under a crucifix on the wall directly across from the door. A small, four-drawer bureau lined the third wall, and the wall by the door was bare. At first I was filled with pity, then with respect. To think that someone was dedicated enough to something, even something I didn't believe in, to live like this. What an amazing strength Brigid must possess.

  "Do you like what I've done with the place?"

  Relax. "Yeah. I'll have to get the name of your designer."

  "The Diocese of Monterey."

  "Of course, I'll contact them at once. I'm sure they could do wonders with my apartment."

  "Okay, funny girl. You need to leave now so I can change."

  I knelt quickly and bowed my head. "You won't even know I'm here."

  She walked behind me and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Oh, but, Chase, I don't think there's a woman alive who wouldn't know you were in the same room. Nice try, though. Go ahead and take those supplies down the hall. There's a set of double doors on the right. That's the bathroom. In the back area is the shower."

  I had been dismissed, but I'd liked it. My shoulder burned where her hand had rested. I stood and looked down into her eyes. I hadn't realized the height difference until that moment. I was only five-nine, and she had to be about five-five, based on the angle at which I would have to bend my neck to kiss those full lips of hers. They called to me, slightly parted, begging for my mouth.

  "Okay." I backed away. "I'll see you when you get there."

  THE CONVENT BATHROOM reminded me of the bathrooms in my college dorm. The wall-length mirror and sink to my right, the ten metal stalls in front of me. The white tiled floor was in remarkably good shape for the amount of traffic it must see. I wondered if Brigid had to keep that area clean, too. Following her instructions, I walked around past the toilets to find the shower area. It was a large circular space with twenty showerheads set four or five feet apart. Metal panels separated each individual shower, but they couldn't afford the nuns much privacy. Sure, the nun next to you could see only your lower legs and shoulders. But with no panel behind them, any nun using a shower across the room would be treated to quite a show.

  I imagined Brigid turning in the shower to rinse her hair and catching sight of another nun lathering her small, perky breasts. I imagined Brigid rubbing her own large breasts while she watched, pressing them together, teasing her nipples until they stood at attention. I could see one hand sliding slowly down her body, fingers extending, moving between her legs.

  "I see you found the shower."

  I jumped at the sound of her voice. Clearing my throat, I responded, "Yeah. It's just where you said it would be." Taking a deep breath, I turned to see Brigid looking even less like a nun than she had in her skirt. She was wearing navy blue Mission Prep gym shorts, complete with a gold set of praying hands on the leg. A white tank top loosely covered her breasts. I noticed that the bra had disappeared. She had traded in her Birkenstocks for white tennis shoes. I felt it was safest to let my focus rest on her feet.

  "Is everything okay?"

  "Sure," I lied. "Everything's fine."

  "So you see how bad the tile is in here, huh?"

  "Yeah," I lied again. "I was just trying to figure out where we should start."

  "I'm sure you were."

  She took the bags from my hand and set them down.

  "You know, Chase, you really don't have to do this. I'll give you one last chance to back out."

  "I wouldn't dream of it." I was starting to feel more in control again. "By the way, nice outfit."

  "You like this, huh?"

  "Well, I gotta say. I've always wondered what nuns wear in the privacy of the convent."

  Brigid laughed at me again. "Surely you don't think we wear our habits all the time."

  "Well, I'd considered that. But you weren't wearing one earlier, so that mystery was solved. But I didn't know if you had dress codes. You know," I offered as my gaze roamed casually over every inch of her, "I wondered if a certain amount of skin had to be covered or something."

  "Ah. And now you know the answer to that, too. So do you want to caulk or clean?"

  Did she say cock? I wondered how she'd feel if I'd been packing. I pictured Brigid on her knees, sucking me, getting my cock nice and wet before I slid it into her waiting pussy.


  I could hear her calling my name while I drilled her.


  Shit! She really is calling my name. Focus, Chase.

  "Huh? I'm sorry. What did you say?"

  "I asked if you wanted to caulk or clean first."

  "Why don't we go ahead and clean this side? Then, while it dries, we can clean over there. Then we'll caulk."

  "Or maybe then we'll head for the beach."

  I laughed. "Yeah, maybe by then we'll need the beach."

  We filled our buckets with soapy water and knelt in adjacent showers. I looked over as she scrubbed and watched her large breasts straining against their flimsy cotton confines. Her whole shirt moved side to side as she scrubbed, and I longed to lie under her and hold her still, taking first one nipple, then the other in my mouth.

  I turned all my attention back to the chore at hand and scrubbed the floor as hard as I could, hoping to scrub away my frustrations in the process. Three stalls later, I continued to scrub, ignoring the pain in my lower back and the pressure on my knees. I was gonna make that shower floor sparkle.

  "Wow. You're doing a great job, Chase."

  I don't know if it was the praise from the attractive woman or the knowledge that she was standing behind me, looking at my ass while I was on all fours, but I felt the heat flow over every inch of me. I immediately sat down and faced her, leaning my back against the wall.

  "What's the point of doin' a job half-assed? Excuse my language," I added.

  She sat next to me. "No need to apologize. And I truly am impressed. This has to be more than you bargained for."

  I wiped the sweat from my forehead and grinned. "I'm not one to complain if something turns out to be a little more than I expect."

  "You've still got some suds there."

  "Huh? Where?" I dried my hands on my shorts and wiped my forehead again.

  "No." She leaned toward me. "Right here." She brushed some suds out of my hair.

  I fought the urge to pull away. And I fought the urge to pull her close. I sat as still as I could, willing myself to form words.

  "So where is everyone? What do nuns do on Saturday afternoons?" It was lame, I knew, but it's all I could come up with.

  She was still on her hands and knees looking at me.

  "Some are out working in the garden. Some are visiting nursing homes. Others are at the school working on lesson plans. Why do you ask?"

  Her eyes flicked back and forth, looking into mine. She was making me crazy. Did she know what she was doing?

  My voice cracked when I answered, "I just wondered. It's awfully quiet here."

  "It's always quiet here, Chase. It's a convent," she whispered.

  I looked away from her eyes and ended up staring down her shirt. Her breasts hanging free and swaying a hair's breadth away tested the very last of my self-control. I tore my gaze away, and it landed once again on her full lips. I knew I needed to get out of there or I was gonna do something really stupid.

  "I'm thinking that maybe we should head for the beach. What do you think?"

  She closed the distance between us and knelt before me. She brushed the back of her
hand over my forehead and down my cheek.

  "Is that really what you want?"

  She traced the outline of my lips. I could feel the lips between my legs responding.

  "I think it's what we need to do."

  "But what if I want to do something else?" she asked, sitting back on her haunches and pulling her shirt off.

  "Oh, God, Brigid, I'm not this strong."

  She took my hands and placed them on her while she leaned into me and kissed me. The kiss was soft and tender, as was the touch of my hands on her firm breasts. As our lips explored each other, my hands moved slowly, exploring the soft mounds that filled them. I knew I was being tentative, but I still couldn't believe I was kissing and fondling Sister Brigid. Her lips parted and my tongue slid into her mouth as my thumbs ran over the tips of her rock hard nipples.

  Brigid's hands went to my shoulders. She eased me onto my back while she lay on top of me. The feel of her body against mine pushed the thought that she was a nun out of my mind. My hands let go of her breasts and went around to her back, moving all over her, pressing her body into me. Her skin was so soft and smooth. And hot. She was on fire with desire, and I was sure I could make her burn hotter still.

  Cupping her shapely ass, I forced our crotches together. I arched my hips and ground into her. She moved against mine in circular motions, little at first, then larger and more forceful. I separated her cheeks and moved my hands down, nearing her opening, but not touching. I wanted to tease her like she'd been teasing me, drive her crazy wondering what was coming next.

  Brigid shifted slightly and lowered herself against my leg, which bent to accommodate her. Her hands framed my face, her tongue plunging deep into my mouth as she moved on me. I could feel her pussy under the flimsy shorts pressing into me and wondered how long I'd be able to hold out.

  That question was answered when she rolled off me, stood up, and slipped her shorts down. I thought I would explode just watching her. Instead of simply stepping out of them, Brigid hooked them over one foot and kicked them onto my face. I was overwhelmed with the scent of her. I grabbed the shorts and held them against my nose.


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